• Title/Summary/Keyword: Shelf-stability stability

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Effects of Combined Treatment of Gamma Irradiation and Addition of Rosemary Extract Powder on Ready-to-Eat Hamburger Steaks: I. Microbiological Quality and Shelf-life (감마선 조사와 로즈마리 추출분말 병용처리가 즉석 햄버거 스테이크에 미치는 영향: I. 미생물학적 특성 및 저장성)

  • 오상희;김장호;이주운;이유석;박경숙;김종군;이효구;변명우
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.687-693
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    • 2004
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the combined treatment effect of gamma irradiation and rosemary extract powder on ready-to-eat hamburger steaks. After irradiation at 5, 10 and 20 k㏉, hamburger steaks manufactured with rosemary extract powder (200 and 500 ppm) were stored at 5$^{\circ}C$ for 4 months and at 3$0^{\circ}C$ for 3 weeks. Total aerobic bacteria count of the ready-to-eat hamburger steak was approximately 5 log CFU/g level. All doses of gamma irradiation were effective in reducing the population of total aerobic bacteria and coliform bacteria in hamburger steaks. In hamburger steaks irradiated at 20 k㏉, tile microbial growth was not observed during storage. The shelf-life of hamburger steaks were determined by microbiological counts of 10$^{6}$ ∼10$^{7}$ CFU/g and those of the steaks irradiated at 0, 5 and 10 k㏉ were ranged among 14, 28∼42 and 98∼112 days, respectively. The shelf-life of both irradiated hamburger steaks added with 500 ppm rosemary extract powder at 5 and 10 k㏉ was extended more 14 days than non-added sample. Results suggested that both gamma irradiation and rosemary extract powder may improve the shelf-stability of ready-to-eat ham-burger steak. However, when the storage temperature was abused (3$0^{\circ}C$), the rosemary extract powder had not sufficient effect on the shelf- stability of hamburger steaks.

The Effects of Natural Antioxidants on Protein Oxidation, Lipid Oxidation, Color, and Sensory Attributes of Beef Patties during Cold Storage at 4℃

  • Zahid, Md. Ashrafuzzaman;Seo, Jin-Kyu;Park, Jun-Young;Jeong, Jin-Yeon;Jin, Sang-Keun;Park, Tae-Seon;Yang, Han-Sul
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.1029-1042
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    • 2018
  • This study aimed to investigate the use of golden thread extract (GTE), clove extract (CE), and commercially available nitrite for retarding lipid and protein oxidation and for maintaining color stability and sensory attributes in beef patties stored at $4^{\circ}C$. GTE, CE, and nitrite treatment samples were found to be efficient in retarding lipid oxidation as all three treatments resulted in low thiobarbituric acid reactive substance (TBARS) content (p<0.05). By using GTE, CE, and nitrite into beef patties, protein oxidation was not developed. Incorporation of GTE and CE into beef patties maintained color stability by protecting against the decrease of $L^*$, $a^*$, $b^*$, chroma, and hue angle values and exhibited significant influence on sensory characteristics, including color and odor of beef patties (p<0.05). Compared to commercially available nitrite, GTE and CE were more effective as antioxidants for inhibiting lipid oxidation, and preserving color stability of fresh beef patties. The study indicated that GTE and CE could be utilized efficiently to extend the shelf life of beef patties.

A Comparative Study on the Herbal Prescription and the Herbal Substance of Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba by HPLC analysis (한약제제 백출(白朮)과 한약재 백출에 대한 HPLC 분석 비교연구)

  • Cho, Hyun Joo;Jeon, Yoon Jae;Kim, Nam-Gil;Choi, Hyug-Yong
    • Herbal Formula Science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.71-79
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : To verify the equivalence between Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba herbal prescription(HP-ARA) and Atractylodis Rhizoma Alba herbal sub stance(HS-ARA). Methods : Safety tests by microbial regulation and heavy metal analysis (total heavy metal, Pb, As) and a stability test by long term shelf test for HP-ARA according to notification of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety were carried out. Then, multi component profile of HP-ARA and HS -ARA were analyzed by HPLC. Results : The safety and stability of HP-ARA confirmed by several tests. Correlation coefficient of equivalence of HP-ARA and ARA-HS showed 0.992. Conclusion : Based on this result of equivalence between HP-ARA and HS-ARA, HP-ARA can substitute HS-ARA used to make herbal medicines (herbal decoction, pills and powder).

Storage Stability of Seasoned-Dried Pacific Saury (Imported Product) Treated with Liquid Smoke

  • Cha, Yong-Jun;Park, Sung-Young;Cho, Woo-Jin;Lee, Young-Mi;Kim, Hyounjin;Kim, Jin-Soo
    • Preventive Nutrition and Food Science
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.235-239
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    • 2001
  • In order to enhance suitable processing methods of imported Pacific saury, Cololabis saira, storage stability of seasoned-dried Pacific saury (imported product) treated with liquid smoke (T2 product) was compared with a control (C, seasoning only) and T1 (treatment of 0.05% BHT instead of liquid smoke). The histamine contents of 3 seasoned-dried products were within a stable range (9.08 ~ 12.08 mg/100 g) during storage. The water activities of all products were in the 0.698 ~ 0.755 range. The viable cell count of T2 was lower than those of C and T1 during storage. The change in color values of C, T1 and T2 were not significant with increasing storage period. The results of the sensory evaluation during storage showed that the shelf-life of T2 was extended to 60 days, while those of C and T1 were limited to up to 45 days.

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Supercooling Pretreatment Improves the Shelf-Life of Freeze-Dried Leuconostoc mesenteroides WiKim32

  • Seul-Gi Jeong;In Seong Choi;Ho Myeong Kim;Ji Yoon Chang;Hae Woong Park
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.32 no.12
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    • pp.1599-1604
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    • 2022
  • Storage stability of freeze-dried lactic acid bacteria is a critical factor for their cost-effectiveness. Long-term storage of lactic acid bacteria enables microbial industry to reduce distribution costs. Herein, we investigated the effect of cold adaptation under supercooling conditions at -5℃ on the viability of Leuconostoc mesenteroides WiKim32 during the freeze-drying process and subsequent storage. Cold adaptation increased the thickness of exopolysaccharides (EPS) and improved the viability of freeze-dried Leu. mesenteroides WiKim32. Compared to non-adapted cells, cold-adapted cells showed a 35.4% increase in EPS thickness under supercooling conditions. The viability of EPS-hydrolyzed cells was lower than that of untreated cells, implying that EPS plays a role in protection during the freeze-drying process. Cold adaptation increased the storage stability of freeze-dried Leu. mesenteroides WiKim32. Fifty-six days after storage, the highest viability (71.3%) was achieved with cold adaptation at -5℃. When EPS-containing broth was added prior to the freeze-drying process, the viability further increased to 82.7%. These results imply that cold adaptation by supercooling pretreatment would be a good strategy for the long-term storage of Leu. mesenteroides WiKim32.

Survivability of Encapsulated Bifidobacterium breve BS2-PB3 during Storage and in Simulated Gastric Juice and Bile Salt

  • Patricia Celine;Marcelia Sugata;Tjie Jan Tan
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.52 no.3
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    • pp.264-274
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    • 2024
  • Bifidobacterium breve is commonly administered as probiotics in fermented foods or supplements. Accordingly, a sufficient number of live cells must be consumed to experience the benefits of probiotics. Microencapsulation is a technique used to increase the viability and stability of probiotics when exposed to industrial processes, low/high temperature, storage periods, and gastrointestinal conditions. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of microencapsulation with alginate-chitosan and pectin-chitosan matrices on the viability and stability of B. breve BS2-PB3. Microencapsulation was performed using alginate-chitosan (2%, 0.75%) and pectin-chitosan (3%, 0.75%), followed by freeze drying. The encapsulation efficiency of both matrices was 94%, and the survival rate after freeze drying was 96%. After 8 weeks of storage, B. breve BS2-PB3 showed a stable viability, with more than 96% and 83% survival rates at 4℃ and room temperature, respectively. Both encapsulation matrices maintained bacterial viability up to 55% in simulated gastric juice (pH 2) and up to 66% in 0.3% bile salt solution. The administration of microcapsules to mice lowered the fecal pH and increased the defecation frequency. This study demonstrated that microencapsulation using alginate-chitosan and pectin-chitosan could maintain probiotic viability and stability.

Stability of Red Ginseng Saponin in Aqueous Solution (홍삼사포닌의 수용액에서의 안정성)

  • Lee, Seung-Jin;Kim, Shin-Il;Kim, Kil-Soo
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.227-231
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    • 1994
  • The stability of red ginseng saponin in aqueous solution was studied with the acceleration test method. The degradation rate constant of ginsenoside Rb1, an index component of red ginseng saponin, was $2.371{\times}10^{-4}\;day^{-1}$ at $20^{\circ}C$, and the shelf-life was about 570 days. The pH-rate profile demonstrated that the most stable range was pH 6-8. Mannitol and benzyl alcohol, common excipients for injection, exerted no influence on the degradation reaction of ginsenoside Rb1.

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Recent Progress in Cathode Materials for Thermal Batteries

  • Ko, Jaehwan;Kang, Seung Ho;Cheong, Hae-Won;Yoon, Young Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.233-255
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    • 2019
  • Thermal batteries are reserve batteries with molten salts as an electrolyte, which activates at high temperature. Due to their excellent reliability, long shelf life, and mechanical robustness, thermal batteries are used in military applications. A high-performance cathode for thermal batteries should be considered in terms of its high capacity, high voltage, and high thermal stability. Research progress on cathode materials from the recent decade is reviewed in this article. The major directions of research were surface modification, compounding of existing materials, fabrication of thin film cathode, and development of new materials. In order to develop a high-performance cathode, a proper combination of these research directions is required while considering mass production and cost.

Effect of Aging and Freezing Conditions on Meat Quality and Storage Stability of 1++ Grade Hanwoo Steer Beef: Implications for Shelf Life

  • Cho, Soohyun;Kang, Sun Moon;Seong, Pilnam;Kang, Geunho;Kim, Youngchoon;Kim, Jinhyung;Chang, Sunsik;Park, Beomyoung
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.440-448
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to establish the shelf life of $1^{++}$ grade Hanwoo beef by evaluating the changes in meat quality and storage stability under distribution conditions similar to those during export to Hong Kong and China. Four muscles of the loin, striploin, tenderloin, and top round muscles were obtained from 10 animals of $1^{++}$ grade Hanwoo steers. The distribution conditions were 0, 7, or 14 d of aging at $2^{\circ}C$ and continuous storage at $-18^{\circ}C$ for 0, 3, 6, or 9 mon. The lightness (CIE $L^*$) values decreased as the duration of freezer storage increased (p<0.05). The water-holding capacity of 4 muscles increased as the aging time increased when they were frozen for 3 mon (p<0.05). The cooking loss values of the four muscles were significantly increased as the duration of freezer storage increased (p<0.05). The Warner-Bratzler shear force values were significantly decreased in the loin, striploin, and top round muscles as the aging time increased (p<0.05). The changes in volatile basic nitrogen (16.67-18.49 mg%) and thiobarbituric reactive substance values (0.75-0.82 mg MA/kg meat) were significantly increased when the meat was frozen for 9 mon after 14 d of aging. On the basis of these observations, the shelf life of $1^{++}$ grade Hanwoo beef during distribution should be limited to less than 9 mon of freezer storage at $-18^{\circ}C$ after 14 d of aging at $2^{\circ}C$.

Application of Nanotechnology in Food Packaging

  • Rhim, Jong-Whan
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2007
  • Nanocomposite has been considered as an emerging technology in developing a novel food packaging materials. Polymer nanocomposites exhibit markedly improved packaging properties due to their nanometer size dispersion. These improvements include increased barrier properties pertaining to gases such as oxygen, carbon dioxide, and water vapor, as well as to UV rays, and increased mechanical properties such as strength, stiffness, dimensional stability, and heat resistance. Additionally, biologically active ingredients can be added to impart the desired functional properties to the resulting packaging materials. New packaging materials created with this technology demonstrate an increased shelf life with maintaining high quality of the product. Nanotechnology offers big benefits for packaging. Nanocomposite technology paves the way for packaging innovation in the flexible and rigid packaging applications, offering enhanced properties such as greater barrier protection, increased shelf life and lighter-weight materials.

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