• Title/Summary/Keyword: Service Design Process

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Performance Analysis of Sensor Network Real-Time Traffic for Factory Automation in Intranet Environment (인트라넷 환경에서의 공장자동화를 위한 센서 망 실시간 트래픽 성능 평가)

  • Song, Myoung-Gyu;Choo, Young-Yeol
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.11 no.7
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    • pp.1007-1015
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    • 2008
  • In order to provide real-time data from sensors and instruments at manufacturing processes on web, we proposed a communication service model based on XML(eXtensible Markup Language). HTML(Hyper Text Markup Language) is inadequate for describing real-time data from manufacturing plants while it is suitable for display of non-real-time multimedia data on web. For applying XML-based web service of process data in Intranet environment, real-time performance of communication services was evaluated to provide the system design criteria. XML schema for the data presentation was proposed and its communication performance was evaluated by simulation in terms of transmission delay due to increased message length and processing delay for transformation of raw data into defined format. For transformation of raw data into XML format, we proposed two structures: one is the scheme where transformation is done at an SCC(Supervisory Control Computer) after receiving real-time data from instruments. the other is the scheme where transformation is carried out at instruments before the data are transmitted to the SCC. Performances of two structures were evaluated on a testbed under various conditions such as six packet sizes and offered loads of 20%, 50% and 80%, respectively. Test results show that proposed schemes are applicable to the systems in Ethernet 100BaseT network if total message traffic is less than 7 Mbps.

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UX Design Proposal for Educational Software Service Middle-aged and Elderly (중·고령층 키오스크 교육용 소프트웨어 서비스를 위한 UX 디자인)

  • Yoon, Yea-Jin;Ha, Kwang-Soo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.227-239
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    • 2021
  • The transition into a digital society has been accelerated in many aspects of our everyday social activities, and thereby, the unmanned order and payment system via kiosk has already has been seen commonly throughout the social community. Yet, the majority of the mid-to-elderly population have been experiencing difficulties utilizing this newly emerged unmanned system, resulting in the emergence of digital alienation among those age groups. In regard to this phenomenon, this study is intended to explore ways to improve the digital divide concerning the issues related to the unmanned order payment kiosks. In this process, the study involved close examination of various research perspectives on improving the digital divide and proceeded with the focus on both empirical and literature research on providing education on kiosk utilization. In addition, the study identified the limitations to the current kiosk education and proposed improved kiosk-education software UX that may help curtail the limitations. Through this, one was able to identify areas in which the efficacy of the education applied in kiosk usage and derived new measures that could improve the system. One anticipates having the results of this study put to use as research materials on educational service development to expand the opportunities of kiosk education for those mid-to-elderly age groups who experience a day-to-day digital alienation.

Practical Study on Methods to Revitalize Traditional Market (전통시장 활성화 방법에 관한 실제적 연구)

  • Yoon, Seongwon
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.69-81
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    • 2024
  • The The purpose of this study is to have a positive impact on the evaluation of the traditional market revitalization project by discussing the business details and implementation process of the commercial district revitalization project in depth. The research method uses practical methods for traditional market revitalization projects. First, the activation method of the place was examined through the concepts of Oldenburg's 'Third Place' and Carr et al.'s 'Five Demands for Public Space' and the theories related to non-face-to-face transactions were examined. The first study case was the commercial district revitalization project of the Cheongju Global Market Development Project(Seongan-gil Street Shopping Mall and Yukgeori traditional Market), which discussed revitalization of open space, revitalization through reproduction, and revitalization through festivals. The revitalization project through representation is a project to install a symbolic sculpture at the estimated location of the 'Namseokgyo' buried in Yukgeori traditional Market. The revitalization through the festival is the Korea Sale Festa, which is a vibrant business due to increased sales at traditional markets and shopping malls and floating population in open spaces. The second study case was the Cultural Tourism Promotion Project(Hanmin traditional Market), which discussed revitalization through the development of local brands and SNS content. In the conclusion, the relationship between the six projects and commercial district revitalization methods was discussed, and policy recommendations were made, mentioning the importance of reflecting regional characteristics in design planning. We hope that this study will be used to positively evaluate the traditional market revitalization project, showing that stakeholders are working hard to produce positive results within institutional limitations.

Recovery Support Service for Neglected Children and Their Families of Origin: Status and Suggestions (방임 및 보호 아동·청소년 원가정 회복지원 시범사업의 현황과 과제)

  • Jeong, Jeeyoung;Anh, Jinkyung;Kim, Eunhye
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2021
  • Child abuse and neglect are recently increasing in Korea, and although the government has actively improved the child protection system, the number of abused children and the rate of cases judged as abuse have continuously risen. Given that 75% of child abusers are parents, child abuse and neglect are expected to recur. To prevent such a recurrence, various intervention programs for abused children and their parents are required. The purpose of this study were to design a recovery support service process and investigate the effectiveness of pilot program for families of origin, including neglected(protected) children, to improve the system by which these programs are operated, and formulate policy alternatives that reinforce "family preservation" principles. The pilot program was implemented from June to November 2020 in 4-local healthy family support center. The number of program participants and the frequency of participation in each other differed, because of the difference in number of confirmed coronavirus cases in each region and the requirement for social distancing. Through the program, a community-based service process was developed for neglected(protected) children and their parents, and cooperative networks between related facilities and institutions were established. The study formulated the following recommendations: First, a cooperation system among government departments mandated to provide different services to neglected(protected) children is needed. Second, wider and various channels through which abused children can avail of protective services should be developed within communities. Third, more stable environments for program operation should be cultivated, and cooperative partnerships should be sought for knowledge sharing among relevant government departments. Another necessary measure is for a center to develop its own business model, in which the duplication of services provided by involved organizations is avoided. Finally, clear guidelines, administrative standards, and specific plans for program operation should be arranged. Also regional characteristics are maintained, but services should be standardized.

An Intervention Study on Integration of Family Planning and Maternal/Infant Care Services in Rural Korea (가족계획과 모자보건 통합을 위한 조산원의 투입효과 분석 -서산지역의 개입연구 평가보고-)

  • Bang, Sook;Han, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Chung-Ja;Ahn, Moon-Young;Lee, In-Sook;Kim, Eun-Shil;Kim, Chong-Ho
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.20 no.1 s.21
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    • pp.165-203
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    • 1987
  • This project was a service-cum-research effort with a quasi-experimental study design to examine the health benefits of an integrated Family Planning (FP)/Maternal & Child health (MCH) Service approach that provides crucial factors missing in the present on-going programs. The specific objectives were: 1) To test the effectiveness of trained nurse/midwives (MW) assigned as change agents in the Health Sub-Center (HSC) to bring about the changes in the eight FP/MCH indicators, namely; (i)FP/MCH contacts between field workers and their clients (ii) the use of effective FP methods, (iii) the inter-birth interval and/or open interval, (iv) prenatal care by medically qualified personnel, (v) medically supervised deliveries, (vi) the rate of induced abortion, (vii) maternal and infant morbidity, and (viii) preinatal & infant mortality. 2) To measure the integrative linkage (contacts) between MW & HSC workers and between HSC and clients. 3) To examine the organizational or administrative factors influencing integrative linkage between health workers. Study design; The above objectives called for quasi-experimental design setting up a study and control area with and without a midwife. An active intervention program (FP/MCH minimum 'package' program) was conducted for a 2 year period from June 1982-July 1984 in Seosan County and 'before and after' surveys were conducted to measure the change. Service input; This study was undertaken by the Soonchunhyang University in collaboration with WHO. After a baseline survery in 1981, trained nurses/midwives were introduced into two health sub-centers in a rural setting (Seosan county) for a 2 year period from 1982 to 1984. A major service input was the establishment of midwifery services in the existing health delivery system with emphasis on nurse/midwife's role as the link between health workers (nurse aids) and village health workers, and the referral of risk patients to the private physician (OBGY specialist). An evaluation survey was made in August 1984 to assess the effectiveness of this alternative integrated approach in the study areas in comparison with the control area which had normal government services. Method of evaluation; a. In this study, the primary objective was first to examine to what extent the FP/MCH package program brought about changes in the pre-determined eight indicators (outcome and impact measures) and the following relationship was first analyzed; b. Nevertheless, this project did not automatically accept the assumption that if two or more activities were integrated, the results would automatically be better than a non-integrated or categorical program. There is a need to assess the 'integration process' itself within the package program. The process of integration was measured in terms of interactive linkages, or the quantity & quality of contacts between workers & clients and among workers. Intergrative linkages were hypothesized to be influenced by organizational factors at the HSC clinic level including HSC goals, sltrurture, authority, leadership style, resources, and personal characteristics of HSC staff. The extent or degree of integration, as measured by the intensity of integrative linkages, was in turn presumed to influence programme performance. Thus as indicated diagrammatically below, organizational factors constituted the independent variables, integration as the intervening variable and programme performance with respect to family planning and health services as the dependent variable: Concerning organizational factors, however, due to the limited number of HSCs (2 in the study area and 3 in the control area), they were studied by participatory observation of an anthropologist who was independent of the project. In this observation, we examined whether the assumed integration process actually occurred or not. If not, what were the constraints in producing an effective integration process. Summary of Findings; A) Program effects and impact 1. Effects on FP use: During this 2 year action period, FP acceptance increased from 58% in 1981 to 78% in 1984 in both the study and control areas. This increase in both areas was mainly due to the new family planning campaign driven by the Government for the same study period. Therefore, there was no increment of FP acceptance rate due to additional input of MW to the on-going FP program. But in the study area, quality aspects of FP were somewhat improved, having a better continuation rate of IUDs & pills and more use of effective Contraceptive methods in comparison with the control area. 2. Effects of use of MCH services: Between the study and control areas, however, there was a significant difference in maternal and child health care. For example, the coverage of prenatal care was increased from 53% for 1981 birth cohort to 75% for 1984 birth cohort in the study area. In the control area, the same increased from 41% (1981) to 65% (1984). It is noteworthy that almost two thirds of the recent birth cohort received prenatal care even in the control area, indicating that there is a growing demand of MCH care as the size of family norm becomes smaller 3. There has been a substantive increase in delivery care by medical professions in the study area, with an annual increase rate of 10% due to midwives input in the study areas. The project had about two times greater effect on postnatal care (68% vs. 33%) at delivery care(45.2% vs. 26.1%). 4. The study area had better reproductive efficiency (wanted pregancies with FP practice & healthy live births survived by one year old) than the control area, especially among women under 30 (14.1% vs. 9.6%). The proportion of women who preferred the 1st trimester for their first prenatal care rose significantly in the study area as compared to the control area (24% vs 13%). B) Effects on Interactive Linkage 1. This project made a contribution in making several useful steps in the direction of service integration, namely; i) The health workers have become familiar with procedures on how to work together with each other (especially with a midwife) in carrying out their work in FP/MCH and, ii) The health workers have gotten a feeling of the usefulness of family health records (statistical integration) in identifying targets in their own work and their usefulness in caring for family health. 2. On the other hand, because of a lack of required organizational factors, complete linkage was not obtained as the project intended. i) In regards to the government health worker's activities in terms of home visiting there was not much difference between the study & control areas though the MW did more home visiting than Government health workers. ii) In assessing the service performance of MW & health workers, the midwives balanced their workload between 40% FP, 40% MCH & 20% other activities (mainly immunization). However, $85{\sim}90%$ of the services provided by the health workers were other than FP/MCH, mainly for immunizations such as the encephalitis campaign. In the control area, a similar pattern was observed. Over 75% of their service was other than FP/MCH. Therefore, the pattern shows the health workers are a long way from becoming multipurpose workers even though the government is pushing in this direction. 3. Villagers were much more likely to visit the health sub-center clinic in the study area than in the control area (58% vs.31%) and for more combined care (45% vs.23%). C) Organization factors (admistrative integrative issues) 1. When MW (new workers with higher qualification) were introduced to HSC, it was noted that there were conflicts between the existing HSC workers (Nurse aids with less qualification than MW) and the MW for the beginning period of the project. The cause of the conflict was studied by an anthropologist and it was pointed out that these functional integration problems stemmed from the structural inadequacies of the health subcenter organization as indicated below; i) There is still no general consensus about the objectives and goals of the project between the project staff and the existing health workers. ii) There is no formal linkage between the responsibility of each member's job in the health sub-center. iii) There is still little chance for midwives to play a catalytic role or to establish communicative networks between workers in order to link various knowledge and skills to provide better FP/MCH services in the health sub-center. 2. Based on the above findings the project recommended to the County Chief (who has power to control the administrative staff and the technical staff in his county) the following ; i) In order to solve the conflicts between the individual roles and functions in performing health care activities, there must be goals agreed upon by both. ii) The health sub·center must function as an autonomous organization to undertake the integration health project. In order to do that, it is necessary to support administrative considerations, and to establish a communication system for supervision and to control of the health sub-centers. iii) The administrative organization, tentatively, must be organized to bind the health worker's midwive's and director's jobs by an organic relationship in order to achieve the integrative system under the leadership of health sub-center director. After submitting this observation report, there has been better understanding from frequent meetings & communication between HW/MW in FP/MCH work as the program developed. Lessons learned from the Seosan Project (on issues of FP/MCH integration in Korea); 1) A majority or about 80% of the couples are now practicing FP. As indicated by the study, there is a growing demand from clients for the health system to provide more MCH services than FP in order to maintain the achieved small size of family through FP practice. It is fortunate to see that the government is now formulating a MCH policy for the year 2,000 and revising MCH laws and regulations to emphasize more MCH care for achieving a small size family through family planning practice. 2) Goal consensus in FP/MCH shouBd be made among the health workers It administrators, especially to emphasize the need of care of 'wanted' child. But there is a long way to go to realize the 'real' integration of FP into MCH in Korea, unless there is a structural integration FP/MCH because a categorical FP is still first priority to reduce the rate of population growth for economic reasons but not yet for health/welfare reasons in practice. 3) There should be more financial allocation: (i) a midwife should be made available to help to promote the MCH program and coordinate services, (in) there should be a health sub·center director who can provide leadership training for managing the integrated program. There is a need for 'organizational support', if the decision of integration is made to obtain benefit from both FP & MCH. In other words, costs should be paid equally to both FP/MCH. The integration slogan itself, without the commitment of paying such costs, is powerless to advocate it. 4) Need of management training for middle level health personnel is more acute as the Government has already constructed 90 MCH centers attached to the County Health Center but without adequate manpower, facilities, and guidelines for integrating the work of both FP and MCH. 5) The local government still considers these MCH centers only as delivery centers to take care only of those visiting maternity cases. The MCH center should be a center for the managment of all pregnancies occurring in the community and the promotion of FP with a systematic and effective linkage of resources available in the county such as i.e. Village Health Worker, Community Health Practitioner, Health Sub-center Physicians & Health workers, Doctors and Midwives in MCH center, OBGY Specialists in clinics & hospitals as practiced by the Seosan project at primary health care level.

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Design of a XML-based Data Store Architecture for Run-time Process Monitor (실행시간 프로세스 모니터를 위한 XML 기반의 데이터 저장소의 설계)

  • Jeong, Yoon-Seok;Kim, Tae-Wan;Chang, Chun-Hyon
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartA
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    • v.10A no.6
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    • pp.715-722
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    • 2003
  • Monitoring is used to see if a real-time system provides a service on time. The target of monitoring is not only an interior system but also a remote system which is located in the remote network. Monitoring needs data store to monitor data from each system. But a data store should be designed on the considerations of time constraints and data accessibility. In this paper, we present an architecture of XML-based data store and network delivery. XML-based data store is based on XML which is a standardized data format. So any platform which supports TCP/IP and HTTP can access data in the data store without any conversion. The XML-based delivery architecture is designed to reduce the time of data access and delivery. In addition, some experiments were tested to provide the timing guideline to be kept by a real-time system which uses the architecture presented in this paper. The architecture of XML-based data store and delivery designed in this paper can be used in the domains of remote real-time monitoring and control.

Research Trends in Vocational Rehabilitation: Through Analysis of Studies in American Journal of Occupational Therapy (미국작업치료학회지(AJOT)에 나타난 직업재활에 관한 연구동향)

  • Noh, Dong-hee;Jo, Eun-Ju;Kam, Kyung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.436-444
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the research trends related to work rehabilitation in the field of occupational therapy based on studies published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT). Thirty five articles in the AJOT from January, 2000, to June, 2016, were reviewed. Descriptive statistics were used to classify the articles according to their study methodology, evidence level, study subjects, and so on. When they were categorized according to the study methodology, eight studies (22.9%) were published as review or meta-analyses and 7 studies (20%) as qualitative and naturalistic inquiries. Group comparison/correlational and experimental outcome methods were used in 4 studies (11.4%). 3 studies (8.6%) were conducted using a case study/single-subject design or survey. 14 studies (40.0%) were evidence level V ones and 7 studies (33.3%) dealt with mental illness. When they were classified according to the study subjects, 25 studies (71.4%) were related to the work-rehabilitation process and 10 studies (28.6%) were related to the meaning and value of work. Through this study, we were able to determine the main research trends, study methodology, study participants, and evidence level related to vocational rehabilitation in the field of occupational therapy. Additionally, it is necessary to examine studies in the field of vocational rehabilitation, which have a high level of evidence and include various kinds of participants, as well as the process of vocational rehabilitation.

Design of Real-time Vital-Sign Encryption Module for Wearable Personal Healthcare Device (착용형 개인 건강관리 장치를 위한 실시간 생체신호 암호화 모듈의 설계)

  • Kim, Jungchae;Yoo, Sun Kook
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.2
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    • pp.221-231
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    • 2013
  • Exchanging personal health information(PHI) is an essential process of healthcare services using information and communication technology. But the process have the inherent risk of information disclosure, so the PHI should be protected to ensure the reliability of healthcare services. In this paper, we designed encryption module for wearable personal health devices(PHD). A main goal is to guarantee that the real-time encoded and transmitted PHI cannot be allowed to be read, revised and utilized without user's permission. To achieve this, encryption algorithms as DES and 3DES were implemented in modules operating in Telos Rev B(16bit RISC, 8Mhz). And the experiments were performed in order to evaluate the performance of encryption and decryption using vital-sign measured by PHD. As experimental results, an block encryption was measured the followings: DES required 1.802 ms and 3DES required 6.683 ms. Also, we verified the interoperability among heterogeneous devices by testing that the encrypted data in Telos could be decoded in other machines without errors. In conclusion, the encryption module is the method that a PHD user is given the powerful right to decide for authority of accessing his PHI, so it is expected to contribute the trusted healthcare service distribution.

Development of Land Management Information System(LMIS) (토지관리정보체계 시스템구축방안 -시스템개발을 중심으로-)

  • 서창완;문은호;최병남;김대종
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2001
  • In the recent rapidly changing technology environment the computerization of administration business using GIS is driven or will be driven to give improved information services for the people by local government or central government with huge budget. Development of GIS for local governments is investigated with huge budge. Development of GIS for local governments is investigated to prevent local government from investing redundant money and to reuse the existing investment at this time. The purpose of this study is finding the development method of Land Management Information System (LMIS) to give service and share data in various computing environment of local governments. To do this, we have to develop LMIS as open system with interoperability and we explain it with a focus to framework of Open LMIS. According to recent trend of technology we developed Open LMIS for convenient maintenance with nationwide LMIS expansion at hand. This system was developed at the $\ulcorner$Land Management Information System Development$\lrcorner$project which was managed by Ministry of Construction and Transportation (MOCT). GIS application was based on OpenGIS CORBA specification for development of standard interface and RUP(Rational Unified Process) for development method and LML(Unified Modeling Language) for system design. Developed systems were land administration system for local government, spatial planning support system for regional government, and land policy support system for MOCT.

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A Design and Implementation of Mobile Logistics Information System (모바일 물류정보시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Won-Joo;Lee, Sang-Jun;Lim, Heon-Yong;Kim, Chang-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we implement an m-LIS(Mobile-Logistics Information System) for an effective logistics management in consideration of logistics process and work environment. The m-LIS could perform the entire business process every minute and promote the work efficiency by tying up with ERP and POS system. Moreover, this system could enhance the management level of service and supply chain. Due to the reason that the existing logistics business was not computerized and automated, most of operation was accomplished by means of workers experience and convention. This problem brought about both the ineffective management and logistics quality deterioration by weakening the control power of the logistics site. In order to solve this problem, we put focus on providing the real-time operation monitoring environment on the spot, the satisfaction of the efficiency on the spot, and the optimized system by building up the logistics information system. Furthermore, we attest that the new logistics system could properly cope with the increase of the quantity of goods transported owing to stable logistics information support and the market expansion and growth caused by the firm interface between the new ERP and its related system.