• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sensor Interface System

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Design of a Compact GPS/MEMS IMU Integrated Navigation Receiver Module for High Dynamic Environment (고기동 환경에 적용 가능한 소형 GPS/MEMS IMU 통합항법 수신모듈 설계)

  • Jeong, Koo-yong;Park, Dae-young;Kim, Seong-min;Lee, Jong-hyuk
    • Journal of Advanced Navigation Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.68-77
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, a GPS/MEMS IMU integrated navigation receiver module capable of operating in a high dynamic environment is designed and fabricated, and the results is confirmed. The designed module is composed of RF receiver unit, inertial measurement unit, signal processing unit, correlator, and navigation S/W. The RF receiver performs the functions of low noise amplification, frequency conversion, filtering, and automatic gain control. The inertial measurement unit collects measurement data from a MEMS class IMU applied with a 3-axis gyroscope, accelerometer, and geomagnetic sensor. In addition, it provides an interface to transmit to the navigation S/W. The signal processing unit and the correlator is implemented with FPGA logic to perform filtering and corrrelation value calculation. Navigation S/W is implemented using the internal CPU of the FPGA. The size of the manufactured module is 95.0×85.0×.12.5mm, the weight is 110g, and the navigation accuracy performance within the specification is confirmed in an environment of 1200m/s and acceleration of 10g.

Microcomputer Based Vacuum Drying System and its Application to the Vacuum Drying of Green Red Pepper (마이크로컴퓨터 감압건조(減壓乾燥)시스템의 제작운영(製作運營)과 풋고추의 감압건조특성(減壓乾燥特性))

  • Chun, Jae-Kun;Kang, Jun-Soo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 1987
  • In Girder to measure the pressure and weight decrease of drying sample during the vacuum drying process of food, sensing devices were designed and constructed with strain gauge. Microcomputer based vacuum drying system was made up of these devices interfaced to apple II microcomputer. The electrical output signal from vacuum sensor which constituted with Bourdon tube whereon strain gauge attached were digitalized and input to microcomputer through the MC 6821 interface I.C. chip. The relationship between read-out digital value (D) from microcomputer and readings of vacuum gauge (P, mmHg) was P=-146.136+3.620D'(r=0.9994) The pressure control of vacuum dryer was successfully conducted in the range of $400{\sim}600\;mmHg$ accuracy. The digitalized load cell output (D) could be correlated with the real weight (W, g) as W=-14,000+0.585D (r=0.9998) Drying curves of green red pepper under $64^{\circ}C$, $400{\sim}600\;mmHg$ was similar to those of red pepper and differently affected by the degree of vacuum pressure but was varied according to their shape (cut or whole). Moisture movement of green red pepper during the vacuum drying process was fitted to Page model. The empirical equations obtained were $M-M_e/M_o-M_e={\exp}\;(-0.0673{\theta}^{1.177})$ and $M-M_e/M_o-M_e={\exp}\;(-0.0655\;{\theta}^{1.477})$ for whole and cut green red pepper, respectively.

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Impact Monitoring of Composite Structures using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors (광섬유 브래그 격자 센서를 이용한 복합재 구조물의 충격 모니터링 기법 연구)

  • Jang, Byeong-Wook;Park, Sang-Oh;Lee, Yeon-Gwan;Kim, Chun-Gon;Park, Chan-Yik;Lee, Bong-Wan
    • Composites Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 2011
  • Low-velocity impact can cause various damages which are mostly hidden inside the laminates or occur in the opposite side. Thus, these damages cannot be easily detected by visual inspection or conventional NDT systems. And if they occurred between the scheduled NDT periods, the possibilities of extensive damages or structural failure can be higher. Due to these reasons, the built-in NDT systems such as real-time impact monitoring system are required in the near future. In this paper, we studied the impact monitoring system consist of impact location detection and damage assessment techniques for composite flat and stiffened panel. In order to acquire the impact-induced acoustic signals, four multiplexed FBG sensors and high-speed FBG interrogator were used. And for development of the impact and damage occurrence detections, the neural networks and wavelet transforms were adopted. Finally, these algorithms were embodied using MATLAB and LabVIEW software for the user-friendly interface.

Balancing Water Supply Reliability, Flood Hazard Mitigation and Environmental Resilience in Large River Systems

  • Goodwin, Peter
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.1-1
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    • 2016
  • Many of the world's large ecosystems are severely stressed due to population growth, water quality and quantity problems, vulnerability to flood and drought, and the loss of native species and cultural resources. Consequences of climate change further increase uncertainties about the future. These major societal challenges must be addressed through innovations in governance, policy, and ways of implementing management strategies. Science and engineering play a critical role in helping define possible alternative futures that could be achieved and the possible consequences to economic development, quality of life, and sustainability of ecosystem services. Science has advanced rapidly during the past decade with the emergence of science communities coalescing around 'Grand Challenges' and the maturation of how these communities function has resulted in large interdisciplinary research networks. An example is the River Experiment Center of KICT that engages researchers from throughout Korea and the world. This trend has been complemented by major advances in sensor technologies and data synthesis to accelerate knowledge discovery. These factors combine to allow scientific debate to occur in a more open and transparent manner. The availability of information and improved communication of scientific and engineering issues is raising the level of dialogue at the science-policy interface. However, severe challenges persist since scientific discovery does not occur on the same timeframe as management actions, policy decisions or at the pace sometimes expected by elected officials. Common challenges include the need to make decisions in the face of considerable uncertainty, ensuring research results are actionable and preventing science being used by special interests to delay or obsfucate decisions. These challenges are explored in the context of examples from the United States, including the California Bay-Delta system. California transfers water from the wetter northern part of the state to the drier southern part of the state through the Central Valley Project since 1940 and this was supplemented by the State Water Project in 1973. The scale of these activities is remarkable: approximately two thirds of the population of Californians rely on water from the Delta, these waters also irrigate up to 45% of the fruits & vegetables produced in the US, and about 80% of California's commercial fishery species live in or migrate through the Bay-Delta. This Delta region is a global hotspot for biodiversity that provides habitat for over 700 species, but is also a hotspot for the loss of biodiversity with more than 25 species currently listed by the Endangered Species Act. Understanding the decline of the fragile ecosystem of the Bay-Delta system and the potential consequences to economic growth if water transfers are reduced for the environment, the California State Legislature passed landmark legislation in 2009 (CA Water Code SS 85054) that established "Coequal goals of providing a more reliable water supply for California and protecting, restoring, and enhancing the Delta ecosystem". The legislation also stated that "The coequal goals shall be achieved in a manner that protects and enhances the unique cultural, recreational, natural resource, and agricultural values of the Delta as an evolving place." The challenges of integrating policy, management and scientific research will be described through this and other international examples.

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Multiple SL-AVS(Small size & Low power Around View System) Synchronization Maintenance Method (다중 SL-AVS 동기화 유지기법)

  • Park, Hyun-Moon;Park, Soo-Huyn;Seo, Hae-Moon;Park, Woo-Chool
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.73-82
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    • 2009
  • Due to the many advantages including low price, low power consumption, and miniaturization, the CMOS camera has been utilized in many applications, including mobile phones, the automotive industry, medical sciences and sensoring, robotic controls, and research in the security field. In particular, the 360 degree omni-directional camera when utilized in multi-camera applications has displayed issues of software nature, interface communication management, delays, and a complicated image display control. Other issues include energy management problems, and miniaturization of a multi-camera in the hardware field. Traditional CMOS camera systems are comprised of an embedded system that consists of a high-performance MCU enabling a camera to send and receive images and a multi-layer system similar to an individual control system that consists of the camera's high performance Micro Controller Unit. We proposed the SL-AVS (Small Size/Low power Around-View System) to be able to control a camera while collecting image data using a high speed synchronization technique on the foundation of a single layer low performance MCU. It is an initial model of the omni-directional camera that takes images from a 360 view drawing from several CMOS camera utilizing a 110 degree view. We then connected a single MCU with four low-power CMOS cameras and implemented controls that include synchronization, controlling, and transmit/receive functions of individual camera compared with the traditional system. The synchronization of the respective cameras were controlled and then memorized by handling each interrupt through the MCU. We were able to improve the efficiency of data transmission that minimizes re-synchronization amongst a target, the CMOS camera, and the MCU. Further, depending on the choice of users, respective or groups of images divided into 4 domains were then provided with a target. We finally analyzed and compared the performance of the developed camera system including the synchronization and time of data transfer and image data loss, etc.

A 2D / 3D Map Modeling of Indoor Environment (실내환경에서의 2 차원/ 3 차원 Map Modeling 제작기법)

  • Jo, Sang-Woo;Park, Jin-Woo;Kwon, Yong-Moo;Ahn, Sang-Chul
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2006.02a
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    • pp.355-361
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    • 2006
  • In large scale environments like airport, museum, large warehouse and department store, autonomous mobile robots will play an important role in security and surveillance tasks. Robotic security guards will give the surveyed information of large scale environments and communicate with human operator with that kind of data such as if there is an object or not and a window is open. Both for visualization of information and as human machine interface for remote control, a 3D model can give much more useful information than the typical 2D maps used in many robotic applications today. It is easier to understandable and makes user feel like being in a location of robot so that user could interact with robot more naturally in a remote circumstance and see structures such as windows and doors that cannot be seen in a 2D model. In this paper we present our simple and easy to use method to obtain a 3D textured model. For expression of reality, we need to integrate the 3D models and real scenes. Most of other cases of 3D modeling method consist of two data acquisition devices. One for getting a 3D model and another for obtaining realistic textures. In this case, the former device would be 2D laser range-finder and the latter device would be common camera. Our algorithm consists of building a measurement-based 2D metric map which is acquired by laser range-finder, texture acquisition/stitching and texture-mapping to corresponding 3D model. The algorithm is implemented with laser sensor for obtaining 2D/3D metric map and two cameras for gathering texture. Our geometric 3D model consists of planes that model the floor and walls. The geometry of the planes is extracted from the 2D metric map data. Textures for the floor and walls are generated from the images captured by two 1394 cameras which have wide Field of View angle. Image stitching and image cutting process is used to generate textured images for corresponding with a 3D model. The algorithm is applied to 2 cases which are corridor and space that has the four wall like room of building. The generated 3D map model of indoor environment is shown with VRML format and can be viewed in a web browser with a VRML plug-in. The proposed algorithm can be applied to 3D model-based remote surveillance system through WWW.

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Development of Information Technology Infrastructures through Construction of Big Data Platform for Road Driving Environment Analysis (도로 주행환경 분석을 위한 빅데이터 플랫폼 구축 정보기술 인프라 개발)

  • Jung, In-taek;Chong, Kyu-soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.669-678
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    • 2018
  • This study developed information technology infrastructures for building a driving environment analysis platform using various big data, such as vehicle sensing data, public data, etc. First, a small platform server with a parallel structure for big data distribution processing was developed with H/W technology. Next, programs for big data collection/storage, processing/analysis, and information visualization were developed with S/W technology. The collection S/W was developed as a collection interface using Kafka, Flume, and Sqoop. The storage S/W was developed to be divided into a Hadoop distributed file system and Cassandra DB according to the utilization of data. Processing S/W was developed for spatial unit matching and time interval interpolation/aggregation of the collected data by applying the grid index method. An analysis S/W was developed as an analytical tool based on the Zeppelin notebook for the application and evaluation of a development algorithm. Finally, Information Visualization S/W was developed as a Web GIS engine program for providing various driving environment information and visualization. As a result of the performance evaluation, the number of executors, the optimal memory capacity, and number of cores for the development server were derived, and the computation performance was superior to that of the other cloud computing.

Sea Surface pCO2 and Its Variability in the Ulleung Basin, East Sea Constrained by a Neural Network Model (신경망 모델로 구성한 동해 울릉분지 표층 이산화탄소 분압과 변동성)

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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2016
  • Currently available surface seawater partial pressure carbon dioxide ($pCO_2$) data sets in the East Sea are not enough to quantify statistically the carbon dioxide flux through the air-sea interface. To complement the scarcity of the $pCO_2$ measurements, we construct a neural network (NN) model based on satellite data to map $pCO_2$ for the areas, which were not observed. The NN model is constructed for the Ulleung Basin, where $pCO_2$ data are best available, to map and estimate the variability of $pCO_2$ based on in situ $pCO_2$ for the years from 2003 to 2012, and the sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll data from the MODIS (Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) sensor of the Aqua satellite along with geographic information. The NN model was trained to achieve higher than 95% of a correlation between in situ and predicted $pCO_2$ values. The RMSE (root mean square error) of the NN model output was $19.2{\mu}atm$ and much less than the variability of in situ $pCO_2$. The variability of $pCO_2$ with respect to SST and chlorophyll shows a strong negative correlation with SST than chlorophyll. As SST decreases the variability of $pCO_2$ increases. When SST is lower than $15^{\circ}C$, $pCO_2$ variability is clearly affected by both SST and chlorophyll. In contrast when SST is higher than $15^{\circ}C$, the variability of $pCO_2$ is less sensitive to changes in SST and chlorophyll. The mean rate of the annual $pCO_2$ increase estimated by the NN model output in the Ulleung Basin is $0.8{\mu}atm\;yr^{-1}$ from 2003 to 2014. As NN model can successfully map $pCO_2$ data for the whole study area with a higher resolution and less RMSE compared to the previous studies, the NN model can be a potentially useful tool for the understanding of the carbon cycle in the East Sea, where accessibility is limited by the international affairs.

Requirement Analysis for Agricultural Meteorology Information Service Systems based on the Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies (4차 산업혁명 기술에 기반한 농업 기상 정보 시스템의 요구도 분석)

  • Kim, Kwang Soo;Yoo, Byoung Hyun;Hyun, Shinwoo;Kang, DaeGyoon
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.175-186
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    • 2019
  • Efforts have been made to introduce the climate smart agriculture (CSA) for adaptation to future climate conditions, which would require collection and management of site specific meteorological data. The objectives of this study were to identify requirements for construction of agricultural meteorology information service system (AMISS) using technologies that lead to the fourth industrial revolution, e.g., internet of things (IoT), artificial intelligence, and cloud computing. The IoT sensors that require low cost and low operating current would be useful to organize wireless sensor network (WSN) for collection and analysis of weather measurement data, which would help assessment of productivity for an agricultural ecosystem. It would be recommended to extend the spatial extent of the WSN to a rural community, which would benefit a greater number of farms. It is preferred to create the big data for agricultural meteorology in order to produce and evaluate the site specific data in rural areas. The digital climate map can be improved using artificial intelligence such as deep neural networks. Furthermore, cloud computing and fog computing would help reduce costs and enhance the user experience of the AMISS. In addition, it would be advantageous to combine environmental data and farm management data, e.g., price data for the produce of interest. It would also be needed to develop a mobile application whose user interface could meet the needs of stakeholders. These fourth industrial revolution technologies would facilitate the development of the AMISS and wide application of the CSA.