• 제목/요약/키워드: Sensitivity evaluation

검색결과 1,783건 처리시간 0.029초

레일용접부의 건전성평가를 위한 고정밀 초음파 거리진폭특성곡선의 구축 (Construction of High-Precision Ultrasonics Distance Amplitude Characteristics Curve for Integrity Evaluation of Rail Weld Zone)

  • 윤인식
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제18권1호
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    • pp.8-13
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    • 2003
  • This study proposes integrity evaluation method of weld zone in rails using high precision distance amplitude characteristics curve(DACC) and ultrasonic signals. For these purposes, the ultrasonic signals for defects(porosity and crack) of weld zone in rails are acquired in the type of time series data and echo strength. 6 lines in the DACC indicated damage evaluation standard of weld zone in rails. The aquired ultrasonic signals agree fairly well with the mesured results of reference block and sensitivity block(defect location, beam propagation distance, echo strength, etc). The proposed high precision DACC in this study can be used for integrity evaluation of weld zone in rails.

A Probabilistic Method Based Protectability Evaluation of Distance Relay in Transmission Networks

  • Zhang, Wen-Hao;Choi, Myeon-Song;Lee, Seung-Jae;Lim, Il-Hyung;Rim, Seong-Jeong
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • 제3권3호
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    • pp.346-353
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    • 2008
  • This paper defines the concept of “protectability” for the performance evaluation of distance relay considering its sensitivity and selectivity. The paper starts from the probabilistic modeling of the errors, and based on this model, a detailed explanation of protectability calculation for each zone of the distance relay is presented. An effect of the Weighting Rate and the Measurement Deviation on the protectability evaluation is also given. By considering this effect, the optimization of relay setting can be realized. The proposed method is applied to a typical model system to show its effectiveness

티타늄 용접부의 용접결함평가를 위한 초음파거리진폭특성곡선에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Ultrnsonic Distance Amplitude Characteristics Curve for Weld Defects Evaluation of Titanium Weld Zone)

  • 이원;박희동;윤인식
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제23권4호
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2008
  • This study proposes integrity evaluation method of weld zone in titanium using titanium distance amplitude characteristics curve(TDACC) and ultrasonic signals. For these purposes, the ultrasonic signals for porosity defects of weld zone in titanium are acquired in the type of time series data and echo strength. 4 lines in the DACC indicated damage evaluation standard of weld zone in titanium. The acquired ultrasonic signals agree fairly well with the measured results of reference block and sensitivity block(defect location, bean1 propagation distance, echo strength, etc). The proposed TDACC in this study agree fairy well with the measured results of weld zone in titanium(weld defects as porosity). The proposed TDACC in this study can be used for integrity evaluation of weld zone in titanium.

TRELSS를 이용한 전력계통의 확률론적 신뢰도 평가 II - IEEE RTS 사례연구를 중심으로 - (Probabilistic Reliability Evaluation of Power System using TRELSS II - Focused on Case Studies of IEEE RTS -)

  • 트란트룽틴;강성록;최재석;전동훈;추진부
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 2003년도 추계학술대회 논문집 전력기술부문
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    • pp.67-70
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    • 2003
  • In recent, the importance and necessity of some studies on reliability evaluation of grid come from the recent black-out accidents occurred in the world. The quantity evaluation of transmission system reliability is very important under competitive electricity environment. The reason is that the successful operation of electric power under the deregulated electricity market depends on transmission system reliability management. The various results of many case studies for the IEEE 25buses system using the Transmission Reliability Evaluation for Large-Scale Systems(TRELSS) Version 5_1, a program made in EPRI are introduced in this paper. Some sensitivity analysis has been included. This paper suggests that the some important input parameters of the TRELSS can be determined optimally from this sensitivity analysis for high reliability level operation of a system.

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에너지 기반 근사해석을 이용한 철골모멘트골조의 연쇄붕괴 민감도 평가방법 (Evaluation Concept of Progressive Collapse Sensitivity of Steel Moment Frame using Energy-based Approximate Analysis)

  • 노삼영;박기환;이상윤
    • 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집
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    • 제21권5호
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    • pp.108-116
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 연쇄붕괴 저항성능 평가 시 기둥의 순간적인 제거에 따른 동적효과가 반영된 에너지 기반 근사해석의 적용성을 확인하기 위해 내진 설계된 철골모멘트골조의 예제구조물을 대상으로 분석하였으며, 이를 통해 구조 강건성을 산정하여 연쇄붕괴에 대한 민감도를 평가할 수 있는 방법을 제시하였다. 예제구조물에 대한 적용을 통해 비선형 정적해석 결과를 이용한 에너지 기반 근사해석과 직접동적해석에 대한 결과가 잘 일치하는 것을 검증하였으며, 다른 구조시스템을 가지는 건물의 연쇄붕괴에 대한 구조적 내력성능을 비교하기 위한 수단으로 구조물의 민감도를 평가하였다. 이는 비정상하중에 대하여 구조물이 연쇄붕괴에 저항할 수 있는 최대보유 잔류내력 성능인 구조 강건성을 이용하였고, 본 연구에서 제시한 방법을 통해 연쇄붕괴 해석 및 설계에 편리하게 활용될 수 있음을 확인하였다.

모듈 선체형 삼동 폰툰 보트의 구조설계 민감도 평가와 근사 최적화 해석 (Sensitivity Evaluation and Approximate Optimization Analysis for Structure Design of Module Hull Type Trimaran Pontoon Boat)

  • 최보엽;손창련;손준식;박민호;송창용
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제26권6_3호
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    • pp.1279-1288
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    • 2023
  • Recently, domestic leisure boats have been actively researching eco-friendly product development to enter the global market. Since the hulls of existing leisure boats are mainly made of fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) or aluminum, design techniques for securing structural safety by applying related materials have been mainly studied. In this study, an initial structural design safety assessment of a trimaran pontoon leisure boat with a modular hull structure and eco-friendly high-density polyethylene (HDPE) material was conducted, and sensitivity evaluation and optimization analysis for lightweight design were performed. The initial structural design safety assessment was carried out by creating a finite element analysis model and applying the loading conditions specified in the ship classification regulation to check whether the specified allowable stresses are satisfied. For the sensitivity evaluation, the influence of stress and weight of each hull structural member was evaluated using the orthogonal array design of experiments method, and an approximate model based on the response surface method was generated using the results of the design of experiments. The optimization analysis set the thickness of the hull structural members as the design variable and considered the optimal design formulation to minimize the weight while satisfying the allowable stress. The algorithm of the optimization analysis applied the Gradient-population Based Optimizer (GBO) to improve the accuracy of the optimal solution convergence while reducing the numerical cost. Through this study, the optimal design of a newly developed eco-friendly trimaran pontoon leisure boat with a weight reduction of 10% was presented.

누수성 프락탈 대수층내의 일정 또는 다단계 양수시험의 민감성 분석에 의한 수리상수 결정 (Hydraulic Parameter Evaluation by Sensitivity Analysis of Constant and Variable Rate Pump Test in Leaky Fractal Aquifer)

  • 함세영
    • 지질공학
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    • 제4권3호
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    • pp.311-319
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    • 1994
  • 본 논문은 누수를 포함하는 프락탈 대수층의 수리상수의 최적값을 구하기 위한 민감성 분석에 대한 것이다. 민감성 분석은 최소자승법을 이용한다. 민감성 분석에 의하여 수리상수(일반화 투수량계수와 일반화 저유계수)는 여러가지 흐름의 차원과 여러 값의 누수계수에 대해서 쉽게 결정될 수 있다. 아울러, 민감성, 분석은 다수의 양수정의 다단계 양수에도 적용되었다. 민감성 분석을 이용한 프락탈 대수층의 수리상수 산출을 위하여 컴퓨터 프로그램이 개발되었다.

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체강삼출액의 진단에 있어서 유세포분석에 의한 DNA 함량 측정의 유용성 (Diagnostic Value of Flow Cytometric DNA Analysis in the Evaluation of Effusions)

  • 이지신;정상우
    • 대한세포병리학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.20-26
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    • 1997
  • The specificity of cytologic examination in effusions is high but the sensitivity is low. Therefore, various ancillary methods for the detection of malignant cells in effusions have been proposed. The presence of an aneuploid cell population is generally considered diagnostic of malignancy. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the routine use of flow cytometry adds to standard cytologic evaluation in effusions. We did flow cytometric DNA analysis in 76 effusions(28 malignant and 48 benign fluids). All the 48 benign effusions were diploid. There were 12(42.9%) aneuploid and 16(67.1%) diploid malignant effusions. Based on these results flow cytometric DNA analysis had a sensitivity of 42.9% and a specificity of 100%. These results suggest that flow cytometric DNA analysis may be a useful adjunct to conventional cytology, but its principal limitation is us relatively low sensitivity.

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선로용량 계산 모델의 통합과 통합 민감도 분석 체계에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Integrated System and Sensitivity Analysis for Line Capacity Calculation Model)

  • 김무룡;김한신;이창호;김봉선;김동희;홍순흠
    • 대한안전경영과학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한안전경영과학회 2005년도 추계학술대회
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    • pp.30-39
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    • 2005
  • Line capacity calculation has been used to determine optimum efficiency and safe train service for train scheduling plan and investment priority order throughout detecting bottleneck section. Because of some problems of Yamagisi and UIC methods for line capacity calculation, developing of the method of line capacity calculation and evaluation for the Korea circumstance is important. This paper deals with the integrated system of TPS(Train Performance Simulator), PES(Parameter Evaluation Simulator), LCS (Line Capacity Simulator) and sensitivity analysis for line capacity calculation model.

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실내 라돈오염 해석을 위한 2구역 모델의 민감도 및 불확실성 분석 (Sensitivity and Uncertainty Analysis of Two-Compartment Model for the Indoor Radon Pollution)

  • 유동한;이한수;김상준;양지원
    • 한국대기환경학회지
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    • 제18권4호
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    • pp.327-334
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    • 2002
  • The work presents sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of 2-compartment model for the evaluation of indoor radon pollution in a house. Effort on the development of such model is directed towards the prediction of the generation and transfer of radon in indoor air released from groundwater. The model is used to estimate a quantitative daily human exposure through inhalation of such radon based on exposure scenarios. However, prediction from the model has uncertainty propagated from uncertainties in model parameters. In order to assess how model predictions are affected by the uncertainties of model inputs, the study performs a quantitative uncertainty analysis in conjunction with the developed model. An importance analysis is performed to rank input parameters with respect to their contribution to model prediction based on the uncertainty analysis. The results obtained from this study would be used to the evaluation of human risk by inhalation associated with the indoor pollution by radon released from groundwater.