• Title/Summary/Keyword: Self-directed class

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TRIZ Analysis for Implementing Flipped Learning and a Case Study on Engineering Class (플립드 러닝 적용을 위한 트리즈 분석과 공학수업에서 적용사례 연구)

  • Song, Chang Yong
    • Knowledge Management Research
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.207-225
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    • 2016
  • Recently, flipped learning is being highlighted especially at the college of engineering because of its self-directed learning which direction matches that of the engineering education system. Although many engineering professors have tended to apply the flipped learning to their classes, they experienced a number of significant problems and challenges in practical implementing. By using TRIZ method as a tool for creative problem solving, that have been developed and applied in many fields ranging from engineering as well as management, this study aims to solve the education dilemma between learning efficiency and learning effectiveness, create a new concept of the flipped learning based on the solutions, and then explore its educational feasibility for successfully adopting it to engineering courses. This study suggests an instructional design for implementing the flipped learning according to the characteristics of engineering classes and then designs a new model of the flipped learning according to that procedure. Also, based on the empirical results in applying a new flipped learning model to the applied mathematics, this paper proposes several guidelines for the successful application of flipped learning in the future.

Factors Influencing the Learning Effectiveness and Transfer of e-Learning in Business Organlizations (기업의 e-Learning에 대한 학습효과 및 전이에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Jung Kyung-Soo;Kim Kyung-Jun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2006
  • The recent development of IT, consolidation of communication and multimedia technology have brought enormous changes in many organizations. Theses changes are enabling the new educational opportunities such as distance teaming and virtual class room. Recently, e-Learning has grown rapidly in business training field, In the context of companies, e-Learning has merits in terms of access convenience, costs reduction self-directed learning, reciprocity, and flexibility. In this regard, the primary purpose of this study is to investigate which factors of e-Learning influence the effectiveness of education and transfer of loaming in business organizations. Based on the prior studies of the education and business training field, research model and research hypotheses were developed. Factors studied in this paper were as follows: 1) learners' characteristics, 2) organizational support and 3) system environments. The results of our study are as follows. (1) Motivation perceived usefulness in Learner factors had an significant influence on both learning effectiveness and transfer of teaming, whereas Ability, expectation had an influence on transfer of teaming. (2) Support from peer, support from supervisor in Organization factors had an significant influence on both Loaming effectiveness and transfer of teaming, whereas support from organization had influence on learning effectiveness. (3) Appropriate contents in system circumstance had an significant influence on both teaming effectiveness and transfer of teaming, whereas interface design had an influence on learning effectiveness.

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Teaching-Learning Method and Evaluating Method on Free Inquiry (자유탐구에서 교수.학습 방법 및 평가 방안)

  • Kim, Yong-Gwon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.163-174
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to device the teaching-learning method and the evaluating method on 'free inquiry' which is newly introduced in 2007 revised curriculum. The teaching-learning models which apply 'free inquiry' are 'group investigation', 'PBL', 'project investigation' and 'IIM'. And the unit which apply 'free inquiry' on the fourth grade and the second semester in the elementary science. The results of this study are as follows: First, The person leading the lesson is not a teacher but learners. The focus of teaching-learning is not a unit but topic, problem or project on the science textbook. A teacher's role is not the deliverer of knowledge but the guide of learning. Second, the outcome of applying group investigation, PBL project investigation and IIM to 'free inquiry' is improvements of the problem-solving ability and the self-directed learning ability as well as building scientific attitude and social skills as educational effect in commonly. Third, to apply 'free inquiry' efficiently, teachers should understand each subject very well, teach a class with a thorough and concrete plan, and try to evaluate objectively.

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On the Relationship between College Students' Attitude toward the Internet and their Self-directed English Learning Ability

  • Park, Kab-Yong;Sung, Tae-Soo;Joo, Chi-Woon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.117-123
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    • 2018
  • This article is to investigate the possibility that project-based classes introducing mobile phones can replace the monotony of traditional classes led by teachers as well as they can encourage students to take active part in the classes to some extent. The students in groups choose a genre for their own video projects (e.g., movie, drama, news, documentary, and commercial) and produce the video contents using a mobile phone for presentation made at the end of a semester. In the sense that the students are allowed to do video-based mobile phone projects, they can work independently outside of class, where time and space are more flexible and students are free from the anxiety of speaking or acting in front of an audience. A mobile phone project consists of around five stages done both in and outside of the classroom. All of these stages can be graded independently, including genre selection, drafting of scripts, peer review and revision, rehearsals, and presentation of the video. Feedback is given to students. After the presentation, students filled out a survey questionnaire sheet devised to analyze students' responses toward preferences and level of difficulty of the project activity. Finally, proposals are made for introduction of a better mobile phone-based project classes.

Exploring the Success Factors of the e-Learning Systems (e-Learning 시스템의 성공요인에 대한 탐색적 연구)

  • Lee, Moon-Bong;Kim, Jong-Weon
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.171-188
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    • 2006
  • Information technology and the Internet have had a dramatic effect on education method and individual life. Universities and companies we making large investments in e-Learning applications but are hard to pressed to evaluate the success of their e-Learning systems. e-Learning can be seen as not only one of Internet based information systems which can provide education services but also one of teaching-teaming methods which can implement self-directed teaming. This paper tests the updated model of information system success proposed by Delone and McLean using a field study of a e-Learning. The five dimensions - information quality, system quality, service quality, user satisfaction, net benefit - of the updated model are parsimonious framework for organizing the e-learning success metrics identified in the literature. Questionaires are collected from 107 students who are enrolling a e-learning class using online survey. The model is tested using SPSS and LISREL. The results show that information quality and service quality are significant predictors of user satisfaction with the e-Learning system but system quality is not. Also user satisfaction is found to be a strong predictor of the learning performance. This strong association between user satisfaction and teaming performance suggests that user satisfaction may serve as a valid surrogate for teaming performance. Empirical testing of the updated DeLone & McLean model should therefore be extended to cover a wider variety of systems.

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Latent Profile Analysis According to the Subject Selection Criteria of General High School Students

  • Kim, Eun-Mi
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.226-236
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the type of latent profile for general high school students' subject selection criteria and to identify the characteristics of the latent class. The survey data of 1072 general high school students (male; 648, female; 424) in G city, Jeollabuk-do and the scale composed of 8 sub-factors: 'SAT orientation', 'academic achievement', 'ability orientation', 'pursuit of interest', 'teacher orientation', 'career development', 'others' recommendation', and 'subject availability' were used for latent profile analysis and cross-analysis between potential layers. As a result of the analysis, high school students' perceptions of subject selection were classified into four latent profiles. The four groups were named 'High Perception Type', 'Low Perception Type', 'Self-Directed Type', and 'Stability-Oriented Type' according to their types. It was found that there was a difference between the latent classes in the importance and performance level of the subject selection criteria. These results can help identify the subject selection tendencies of latent groups in the operation of the 2015 revised curriculum and the 2025 high school credit system that emphasizes the student-centered course selection curriculum and they can also provide customized course selection guidance considering individual differences.

Development of Problem-Based Learning Instructional Model in Simultaneous Non-face-to-face Classes (실시간 비대면 수업에서 문제기반학습 수업모형개발)

  • Byon, Kil-Hee;Cho, Woo-Hong;Jang, Young-Eun;Yun, Kyoung-Mi
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Computer Information Conference
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    • 2022.01a
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    • pp.185-186
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    • 2022
  • 본 연구는 대학의 실시간 비대면 수업에서의 문제중심학습 수업모형 개발과 그 적용가능성 탐색을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 선행연구 및 문헌분석을 통해 문제중심학습의 특징 및 수업운영 전략 등에 대하여 고찰하고, 문제중심학습 수업운영 경험자 3인의 인터뷰를 통해 실시간 비대면 수업 상황에서 적용 가능한 수업모형을 개발할 것이다. 이를 문제중심학습 수업 운영 경험이 풍부한 5인의 전문가를 대상으로 수업모형의 적절성과 적용가능성에 대한 평가를 실시하여 실시간 비대면 수업에서 적용 가능한 문제중심학습 수업모형을 개발하고자 한다. 본 연구를 통해 학습자가 실시간 비대면 수업상황에서 주어진 문제 해결을 위해 협력하고 창의적 사고를 하며 주도적으로 학습에 임하게 함으로써 미래사회에 필요한 역량을 개발하는 데 기여할 수 있을 것이라고 기대한다.

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A Case Study on the Promotion of Instructional Design Competencies Among Preservice Home Economics Teachers in Class Using the Metaverse (예비 가정과교사의 메타버스를 활용한 교수설계 역량 증진을 위한 수업 사례연구)

  • Seong Youn Choi
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.62 no.1
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    • pp.81-100
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    • 2024
  • This paper presents a case study in which a lesson was designed and applied to enhance preservice home economics teachers' instructional design competence using the metaverse. For 15 weeks from March 6 to June 14, 14 students enrolled on the course 'Multimedia Home Economics Education' for preservice home economics teachers used the metaverse to engage in problem-based learning to solve instructional design problems in home economics classes. In accordance with the ADDIE design model, in the analysis stage, we assessed preservice home economics teachers' level of knowledge of lessons using the metaverse, and their perceptions of the possibility, necessity, and usefulness of using the metaverse in home economics lessons. In the design and development stage, lesson plans, questions for problem-based learning, assessment tools, and teaching and learning materials were developed. The implementation was conducted in parallel with training on understanding multimedia and the metaverse, and instructional design competence was evaluated through pre- and post-testing and reflection journals. The results revealed that the preservice home economics teachers acquired a good understanding of lessons using the metaverse, learned how to design lessons for self-directed learning by applying the metaverse to their home and classroom, and gained confidence in applying it to their teaching practice or in-service work. It is expected that the results of this study will be used as support materials for prospective and current home economics teachers to design home economics lessons using the metaverse, thereby expanding the horizons of home economics education.

Development and Application of a WOE-based Smart Learning System for Improving Written Problem Ability of Students with Learning Disabilities (학습장애학생의 문장제 문제 해결 능력향상을 위한 WOE기반 스마트러닝 시스템의 개발 및 적용)

  • Choi, Yu-Jin;Jun, Woo-Chun
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2012
  • Students with learning disabilities need special education programs. In the traditional class, those students may not be satisfied with their studies. Thus, it is important to provide individualized class for those students. Classes using smart devices may give one of the solutions for individualized class. Unlike the typical mathematical problems, written problems require students to use various cognitive strategies, mathematical reasoning, inference ability, and so on. In this sense, written problems are good tools to develop the logical minds for students with learning disabilities. In this paper, a WOE-based smart learning system is proposed to help those students develop learning abilities. The proposed system has the following characteristics. First, students can learn naturally problem-solving abilities by following the work-out examples given from experts. Second, the proposed system can invoke motivation and interests of students using attractive icons and guidance rules provided with smart phone. Third, the proposed system can provide self-directed study for those students. The proposed system is applied for some students with learning disabilities. The following results are obtained. First, the individualized study can be possible since the system can provide continuous feedbacks and level-differentiated classes. Second, students can increase written problem solving abilities with natural understanding of study contents from smart phone. Finally, satisfaction, study motivation, and self-concept of students are increased through their successful experience during study processes.

Case Study for the Application of PBL in Engineering-School : Focused on an Element Design Class (공과대학에서 문제중심학습 적용 사례 연구 : 요소설계를 중심으로)

  • Lee, KeunSoo;Kim, SamKeun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.671-676
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    • 2015
  • The aim of this thesis was to develop PBL(Problem-Based-Learning) problems to supply the problems to classes and to confirm the effectiveness of PBL for PBL applications to element design in engineering schools. Modern industrial society needs competent people with abilities in cooperative learning, self-controlling learning, united knowledge application, and creative problem-solving. Universities need to offer opportunities for improving the problem-solving ability and cooperative learning to learners to train competent people that society demands. PBL activity is a proper learning method for the execution of the above offer. The study subjects were 32 sophomore students in H University who took 'Engineering design 1', which is Element design. Five PBL problems were applied to the class for 15 weeks. They wrote and submitted a reflective journal when they finished the every given PBL activity. In addition, they wrote a class evaluation form after the $5^{th}$ PBL problem's activity ended. The study showed that the students experienced the effectiveness of PBL in many fields, such as the comprehension of the studied contents(71.87%), the comprehension of cooperative learning (87.5%), authentic experience, problem-solving skills (90.63%), presentation skills (96.87%), communication ability, self-directed study ability, and confidence (96.87%). The students realized that PBL learning activities are important because students could develop into future intelligent engineers that modern industrial society demands through PBL learning activities.