• 제목/요약/키워드: Seismic performance objective

검색결과 208건 처리시간 0.024초

한정연성 철근콘크리트 교각의 유사동적 실험에 의한 내진 성능 평가 (Seismic Performance Evaluation of RC Bridge Piers with Limited Ductility by the Pseudo-Dynamic Test)

  • 정영수;박창규;박진영
    • 콘크리트학회논문집
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    • 제15권5호
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    • pp.705-714
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    • 2003
  • 우리나라는 선진 외국에 비하여 늦은 1992년에 도로교 표준시방에 내진설계편이 도입되었다. 따라서, 1992년 이전에 설계된 교각들은 내진 설계가 되어있지 않음은 물론 시공편의상 소성힌지 구간에 주철근이 겹침이음 시공되어 현재에도 사용되고 있다. 또한, 현행 내진규정도 강진지역의 설계규정을 도입함으로써 중 약진 지역에 속하는 우리의 현실에 맞지 않아 현장에서 복잡한 철근배근을 요구함으로 시공성 및 경제성이 많이 떨어지고 있는 실정이다. 본 연구에서는 1992년 이전에 비내진 설계/시공되어 공용중인 원형 교각을 조사하여, 주철근이 겹침이음된 기준실험체(주철근비 1.01%, 심부구속철근비 0.13%) 1개를 실물크기와 유사하도록 직경 1.2m, 높이 4.8m로 제작하였으며, 또한 중 약진 지역에 속하는 우리나라의 실정을 감안하여 심부구속철근비를 비내진 규정의의 2.3배 현행 내진 설계규정의 0.32배에 해당하는 0.30%의 한정연성실험체 3개를 제작하여 유사동적 실험을 통하여 내진 연성도 평가를 하였다. 실험결과 비내진 실험체는 요구변위연성도 5를 만족시키지 못하였고, 한정연성 실험체의 경우는 현행 내진규정의 요구 변위연성도 5를 만족하는 것으로 나타났다.

성능기반설계에서의 요구성능의 개념 정의 및 필요성 (Introduction and Necessity of concept of Demand for Performance-Based Design)

  • 이병국;박대효;이상열
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2008년도 춘계 학술발표회 제20권1호
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    • pp.125-128
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    • 2008
  • 오늘날 많은 연구기관에서 구조물 설계에 관한 연구가 수행되고 있는 가운데 내진분야에서 처음으로 구조물에 대한 성능기반설계에 대한 기본개념이 제시되었다. 이후 여러 연구기관에서 성능기반설계를 수행하기 위해 사용자와 설계자 간의 의사소통을 원활히 이루어지게 하기 위해 요구성능에 대한 기준을 정립를 하였다. 성능기반설계는 구조물이 위치하게 될 지역적 특성이나 구조물의 특성에 따라 구조물에 발생될 수 있는 위험에 대한 정확한 분석과 구조물에 대한 사회적 경제적 환경적 영향에 대한 분석을 통하여 구조물에 요구되는 요구성능에 맞추어 구조물을 설계하여 공용기간동안 구조물에 대한 안전을 보장하는 설계방법이다. 구조물에 대한 정확한 요구성능을 파악하기 위해 성능수준 및 성능목표에 대한 정의가 필요하여 본 연구에서 성능기반설계를 수행하기 위해 ATC-40(2002), FEMA-273(1997), Eurocode(1998)에서의 요구성능기준에 관한 기초자료를 조사하였다.

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Performance assessment of buildings isolated with S-FBI system under near-fault earthquakes

  • Ozbulut, Osman E.;Silwal, Baikuntha
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.709-724
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates the optimum design parameters of a superelastic friction base isolator (S-FBI) system through a multi-objective genetic algorithm to improve the performance of isolated buildings against near-fault earthquakes. The S-FBI system consists of a flat steel-PTFE sliding bearing and superelastic NiTi shape memory alloy (SMA) cables. Sliding bearing limits the transfer of shear across the isolation interface and provides damping from sliding friction. SMA cables provide restoring force capability to the isolation system together with additional damping characteristics. A three-story building is modeled with S-FBI isolation system. Multiple-objective numerical optimization that simultaneously minimizes isolation-level displacements and superstructure response is carried out with a genetic algorithm in order to optimize S-FBI system. Nonlinear time history analyses of the building with optimal S-FBI system are performed. A set of 20 near-fault ground motion records are used in numerical simulations. Results show that S-FBI system successfully control response of the buildings against near-fault earthquakes without sacrificing in isolation efficacy and producing large isolation-level deformations.

다중 MR 감쇠기의 효과적인 동시제어를 위한 제어알고리즘 개발 (Development of Control Algorithm for Effective Simultaneous Control of Multiple MR Dampers)

  • 김현수;강주원
    • 한국공간구조학회논문집
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.91-98
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    • 2013
  • A multi-input single-output (MISO) semi-active control systems were studied by many researchers. For more improved vibration control performance, a structure requires more than one control device. In this paper, multi-input multi-output (MIMO) semi-active fuzzy controller has been proposed for vibration control of seismically excited small-scale buildings. The MIMO fuzzy controller was optimized by multi-objective genetic algorithm. For numerical simulation, five-story example building structure is used and two MR dampers are employed. For comparison purpose, a clipped-optimal control strategy based on acceleration feedback is employed for controlling MR dampers to reduce structural responses due to seismic loads. Numerical simulation results show that the MIMO fuzzy control algorithm can provide superior control performance to the clipped-optimal control algorithm.

교량구조물의 내진성능평가를 위한 역량스펙트럼 방법의 연성도 감소계수 산정식에 관한 연구 (A Study of Ductility Reduction Factors Formula of Capacity Spectrum Method for Evaluating Seismic Performance of Bridge Structures)

  • 송종걸;김학수
    • 한국지진공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지진공학회 2006년도 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.316-323
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    • 2006
  • The main objective of this study was to derive a formula of ductility reduction factor, expressed as $R{\mu}$. To attain this objective, a study comprised reduction factors computed for stiffness degrading systems undergoing different levels of ductility and to investigate an accuracy of the formula. Based on this study, the main conclusions can be summarized :(1) The ductility reduction factor is primarily affected by the period of the system and the displacement ductility ratio. (2) The proposed formula is simpler and the inelastic deformations of bridge structures are better than those by the others formulas we used before.

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해저터널 내진성능 향상을 위한 Flexible segment 효용성 연구 (Study on flexible segment efficiency for seismic performance improvement of subsea tunnel)

  • 장동인;김종일;곽창원;박인준
    • 한국터널지하공간학회 논문집
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.503-515
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    • 2017
  • 최근 대형화되고 있는 지하구조물은 평상시는 물론 지진시에도 안정성을 확보하여야 한다. 특히 지하구조물 중에서도 해저터널은 지진시 안정성 유지가 매우 중요하다고 할 수 있다. 본 논문의 목표는 해저터널의 지진시 안정성 유지에 획기적인 시설물 중의 하나인 Flexible segment에 대해서 진동대 시험을 이용한 효용성 검증이다. 검증된 결과를 토대로 3차원 동해석을 통해 Flexible segment의 최적위치를 제안하는 것이 또 다른 하나의 논문 목표이다. 본 연구 수행을 위해 선정한 가상해저터널 단면에 상사율(1:100)을 고려한 1g 진동대 시험(1g Shaking Table Test)을 경주지진파, 인공지진파, 종방향, 횡방향, Flexible segment유무 등을 고려해서 모두 8회 이상 수행하였다. 진동대 시험 수행결과 전 시험 모두에서 Flexible Segment가 해저터널 내진성능향상에 효과가 있음을 확인하였다. 또한 시험적으로 내진성능 향상에 효과가 검증된 Flexible segment의 최적 위치를 선정하기 위하여, 3차원 동적 수치해석을 수행하였다. 그 결과 분기구간에서 Flexible segment를 인접해 설치할 경우 지진가속도가 감쇠하는 것을 확인할 수 있었다.

조적조 비내력벽을 가진 기존 학교 구조물의 내진 성능평가 (Evaluation of Performance of Korean Existing School Buildings with Masonry Infilled Walls Against Earthquakes)

  • 문기훈;전용률;이창석;한상환
    • 한국지진공학회논문집
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    • 제16권6호
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2012
  • In Korea, most existing school buildings have been constructed with moment frames with un-reinforced infill walls designed only considering gravity loads. Thus, the buildings may not perform satisfactorily during earthquakes expected in Korea. In exterior frames of the building, un-reinforced masonry infill walls with window openings are commonly placed, which may alter the structural behavior of adjacent columns due to the interaction between the wall and column. The objective of this study is to evaluate the seismic performance of existing school buildings according to the procedure specified in ATC 63. Analytical models are proposed to simulate the structural behavior of columns, infill walls and their interaction. The accuracy of the proposed model is verified by comparing the analytical results with the experimental test results for one bay frames with and without infill walls with openings. For seismic performance evaluation, three story buildings are considered as model frames located at sites having different soil conditions ($S_A$, $S_B$, $S_C$, $S_D$, $S_E$) in Korea. It is observed that columns behaves as a short columns governed by shear due to infill masonry walls with openings. The collapse probabilities of the frames under maximum considered earthquake ranges from 62.9 to 99.5 %, which far exceed the allowable value specified in ATC 63.

Seismic response and damage development analyses of an RC structural wall building using macro-element

  • Hemsas, Miloud;Elachachi, Sidi-Mohammed;Breysse, Denys
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제51권3호
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    • pp.447-470
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    • 2014
  • Numerical simulation of the non-linear behavior of (RC) structural walls subjected to severe earthquake ground motions requires a reliable modeling approach that includes important material characteristics and behavioral response features. The objective of this paper is to optimize a simplified method for the assessment of the seismic response and damage development analyses of an RC structural wall building using macro-element model. The first stage of this study investigates effectiveness and ability of the macro-element model in predicting the flexural nonlinear response of the specimen based on previous experimental test results conducted in UCLA. The sensitivity of the predicted wall responses to changes in model parameters is also assessed. The macro-element model is next used to examine the dynamic behavior of the structural wall building-all the way from elastic behavior to global instability, by applying an approximate Incremental Dynamic Analysis (IDA), based on Uncoupled Modal Response History Analysis (UMRHA), setting up nonlinear single degree of freedom systems. Finally, the identification of the global stiffness decrease as a function of a damage variable is carried out by means of this simplified methodology. Responses are compared at various locations on the structural wall by conducting static and dynamic pushover analyses for accurate estimation of seismic performance of the structure using macro-element model. Results obtained with the numerical model for rectangular wall cross sections compare favorably with experimental responses for flexural capacity, stiffness, and deformability. Overall, the model is qualified for safety assessment and design of earthquake resistant structures with structural walls.

Passive control system for seismic protection of a multi-tower cable-stayed bridge

  • Geng, Fangfang;Ding, Youliang;Song, Jianyong;Li, Wanheng;Li, Aiqun
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제6권5호
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    • pp.495-514
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    • 2014
  • The performance of passive control system for the seismic protection of a multi-tower cable-stayed bridge with the application of partially longitudinal constraint system is investigated. The seismic responses of the Jiashao Bridge, a six-tower cable-stayed bridge using the partially longitudinal constraint system are studied under real earthquake ground motions. The effects of the passive control devices including the viscous fluid dampers and elastic cables on the seismic responses of the bridge are examined by taking different values of parameters of the devices. Further, the optimization design principle of passive control system using viscous fluid dampers is presented to determine the optimized parameters of the viscous fluid dampers. The results of the investigations show that the control objective of the multi-tower cable-stayed bridge with the partially longitudinal constraint system is to reduce the base shears and moments of bridge towers longitudinally restricted with the bridge deck. The viscous fluid dampers are found to be more effective than elastic cables in controlling the seismic responses. The optimized parameters for the viscous fluid dampers are determined following the principle that the peak displacement at the end of bridge deck reaches to the maximum value, which can yield maximum reductions in the base shears and moments of bridge towers longitudinally restricted with the bridge deck, with slight increases in the base shears and moments of bridge towers longitudinally unrestricted with the bridge deck.

유리섬유 보강 원형 철근콘크리트 교각의 내진성능에 관한 준정적 실험연구 (Quasi-Static Test for Seismic Performance of Circular R.C. Bridge Piers Before and After Retrofitting)

  • 정영수;이강균;한기훈;이대형
    • 콘크리트학회논문집
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.107-118
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    • 1999
  • 10 RC bridge piers have been made on a 1/3.4 scale model, and six piers of them were retrofitted with glassfiber. The have been tested in the quasi-static cyclic load so as to investigate their seismic enhancement before and after retrofitting with glassfibers. The objective of this experimental study is to investigate how to strength the ductility of reinforced concrete bridge piers which have been nonseismically designed and constructed in Korea before 1992. Important test parameters are axial load, load pattern, retrofit type. Glassfiber sheets were used for retrofitting in the plastic hinge region of concrete piers. The nonlinear behavior of bridge columns have been evaluated through their yield and ultimate strength, energy dissipation, displacement ductility and load-deflection characteristics under quasi-static cyclic loads. It can be concluded from the test that concrete piers strengthened with glassfibers have been enhanced for their ductile behavior by approximate 50%.