• Title/Summary/Keyword: Security Threats

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Analysis of Technology and Security Threats on Blockchain (블록체인 기술 및 보안 위협 분석)

  • Jun, Euna;Lee, Cheulhee
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.47-56
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    • 2018
  • We analyzed security threats and suggested countermeasures about the block chain technologies which has emerged as a core technology of the fourth industrial revolution. We know that increasing the security leads to slow down program processing rate in the block chain systems. The block chain system which is currently an early stage of technological development, to become an economic and social infrastructure, development of technology and active policy implementation will be necessary. We studied on the security threats and countermeasures of the Bit Coin based on block chain. Further research should be undertaken on the possibility that future studies could have a real adverse effect on the integrity of the data.

DDoS Prediction Modeling Using Data Mining (데이터마이닝을 이용한 DDoS 예측 모델링)

  • Kim, Jong-Min;Jung, Byung-soo
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.63-70
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    • 2016
  • With the development of information and communication technologies like internet, the environment where people are able to access internet at any time and at any place has been established. As a result, cyber threats have been tried through various routes. Of cyber threats, DDoS is on the constant rise. For DDoS prediction modeling, this study drew a DDoS security index prediction formula on the basis of event data by using a statistical technique, and quantified the drawn security index. It is expected that by using the proposed security index and coming up with a countermeasure against DDoS threats, it is possible to minimize damage and thereby the prediction model will become objective and efficient.

Security Threats and Countermeasures according to the Environmental Changes of Smart Work (스마트워크 환경 변화에 따른 보안위협과 대응방안)

  • Lee, Kyung-Bok;Park, Tae-Hyoung;Lim, Jong-In
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.29-40
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    • 2011
  • This research suggests the effective countermeasures for the security threats on 'Smart Work 2.0'. It is important to discuss the Smart Work 2.0 security issues and threats at the point of evolving form Smart Work 1.0 into 2.0. In this research, first, the security issues, threats and countermeasures of telecommunication working, mobile office and smart work center are discussed. Second, we explore the security issues derived from co-working or creativity as major concepts of Smart Work 2.0.

A Study of Security Threats and Security Requirements of Software Defined Networking Technology (소프트웨어 정의 네트워킹 기술의 보안 위협 및 보안 요구사항에 대한 연구)

  • Kang, Yong-Hyeog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2017.10a
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    • pp.561-562
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    • 2017
  • Software defined networking technology allows centralized and powerful network control by separating packet processing and network control. However, powerfulness of software-defined networking technology threats the network itself. Most security researches of software-defined networking focus on discovering and defending network vulnerabilities. But, there is not much security for this technology itself. In this paper, the security vulnerabilities that can occur in this networking technology are analyzed and the security requirements of it are proposed. The biggest threats are the threats to the controller, the reliability problem between the controller and the switch must be solved, and a technique to detect attacks that malfunction by manipulating configuration information are needed.

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A Threats Statement Generation Method for Security Environment of Protection Profile (PP의 보안환경을 위한 위협문장 생성방법)

  • 고정호;이강수
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.69-86
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    • 2003
  • A Protection Profile(PP) is a common security and assurance requirements for a specific class of Information Technology security products such as firewall and smart card. A PP should be included "TOE(Target of Evaluation) Security Environment", which is consisted of subsections: assumptions, treat, organizational security policies. This paper presents a new threats statement generation method for developing TOE security environment section of PP. Our survey guides the statement of threats in CC(Common Criteria) scheme through collected and analysed hundred of threat statements from certified and published real PPs and CC Tool Box/PKB that is included a class of pre-defined threat and attack statements. From the result of the survey, we present a new asset classification method and propose a threats statement generation model. The former is a new asset classification method, and the later is a production rule for a well formed statement of threats.

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Design and Implementation of File protection system based on Windows 2000 system (Windows 2000기반의 파일 보호 시스템 설계 및 구현)

  • Lee, Nam-Hun;Yu, Sin-Geun;Sim, Yeong-Cheol
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartC
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    • v.8C no.6
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    • pp.741-756
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    • 2001
  • With the development of computer systems, there has been a sharp increase in the threats on these systems including attacks by malicious programs such as virus, vandal, etc. Currently virus vaccines are widely used to thwart these threats, but they have many weaknesses. They cannot guard against unknown threats and sometimes, they also cannot detect the existence of malicious programs before these malicious programs make any destructive results. For lack of an efficient security model, the existing security programs have the problem that they raise many false-positive alarms in spite of normal action. So it becomes very important to develop the improved security program that can make up for the weakness of the existing computer security program and can detect many threats of malicious programs as early as possible. In this paper we describe the design of an improved security model and the implementation of a security program that can filter and handle the threats on computer systems at the kernel level in real time.

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A Study on the Analysis of Validity and Importance of Event Log for the Detection of Insider Threats to Control System (제어시스템의 내부자 위협 탐지를 위한 Event Log 타당성 및 중요도 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jongmin;Kim, DongMin;Lee, DongHwi
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2018
  • With the convergence of communications network between control system and public network, such threats like information leakage/falsification could be fully shown in control system through diverse routes. Due to the recent diversification of security issues and violation cases of new attack techniques, the security system based on the information database that simply blocks and identifies, is not good enough to cope with the new types of threat. The current control system operates its security system focusing on the outside threats to the inside, and it is insufficient to detect the security threats by insiders with the authority of security access. Thus, this study conducted the importance analysis based on the main event log list of "Spotting the Adversary with Windows Event Log Monitoring" announced by NSA. In the results, the matter of importance of event log for the detection of insider threats to control system was understood, and the results of this study could be contributing to researches in this area.

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A Study on the Strengthening of Smart Factory Security in OT (Operational Technology) Environment (OT(Operational Technology) 환경에서 스마트팩토리 보안 강화 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Young Ho Kim;Kwang-Kyu Seo
    • Journal of the Semiconductor & Display Technology
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2024
  • Major countries are trying to expand the construction of smart factories by introducing ICT such as the Internet of Things, cloud, and big data into the manufacturing sector to secure national-level manufacturing competitiveness in the era of the 4th industrial revolution. In addition, Germany is pushing for Industry 4.0 to build a fully automatic production system through the Internet of Things, and China is pushing for the expansion of smart factories to enhance the country's industrial competitiveness through Made in China 2025, Japan's intelligent manufacturing system, and the Korean government's manufacturing innovation 3.0. In this study, considering the increasing security connectivity of smart factories, we would like to identify security threats in the external connection part of smart factories and suggest security enhancement measures based on domestic and international standard security models to respond to the identified security threats. Eventually the proposed method can be applied by accurately identifying the smart factory security status, diagnosing vulnerabilities, establishing appropriate improvement plans, and expanding security strategies to respond to security threats.

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Cyber threats: taxonomy, impact, policies, and way forward

  • Malik, Annas W.;Abid, Adnan;Farooq, Shoaib;Abid, Irfan;Nawaz, Naeem A.;Ishaq, Kashif
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.7
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    • pp.2425-2458
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    • 2022
  • The continuous evolution and proliferation of computer technology and our increasing dependence on computer technology have created a new class of threats: "cyber threats." These threats can be defined as activities that can undermine a society's ability to maintain internal or external order while using information technology. Cyber threats can be mainly divided into two categories, namely cyber-terrorism and cyber-warfare. A variety of malware programs are often used as a primary weapon in these cyber threats. A significant amount of research work has been published covering different aspects of cyber threats, their countermeasures, and the policy-making for cyber laws. This article aims to review the research conducted in various important aspects of cyber threats and provides synthesized information regarding the fundamentals of cyber threats; discusses the countermeasures for such threats; provides relevant details of high-profile cyber-attacks; discusses the developments in global policy-making for cyber laws, and lastly presents promising future directions in this area.


  • Mohammed, Asma;Al khathami, Jamilah;Alhakami, Wajdi
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.184-191
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    • 2021
  • The amount of information and data in the digital era is increasing tremendously. Continuous online connectivity is generating a massive amount of data that needs to store in computers and be made available as and when required. Cloud computing technology plays a pivotal role in this league. Cloud computing is a term that refers to computer systems, resources and online services that aim to protect and manage data in an effective, more efficient and easy way. Cloud computing is an important standard for maintaining the integrity and security of sensitive data and information for organizations and individuals. Cloud security is one of the most important challenges that the security of the entire cloud system depends on. Thus, the present study reviews the security challenges that exist in cloud computing, including attacks that negatively affect cloud resources. The study also addresses the most serious threats that affect cloud security. We also reviewed several studies, specifically those from 2017-20, that cited effective mechanisms to protect authentication, availability and connection security in the cloud. The present analysis aims to provide solutions to the problems and causes of cloud computing security system violations, which can be used now and developed in the future.