• Title/Summary/Keyword: Security Issues

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Computational Analytics of Client Awareness for Mobile Application Offloading with Cloud Migration

  • Nandhini, Uma;TamilSelvan, Latha
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.3916-3936
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    • 2014
  • Smartphone applications like games, image processing, e-commerce and social networking are gaining exponential growth, with the ubiquity of cellular services. This demands increased computational power and storage from mobile devices with a sufficiently high bandwidth for mobile internet service. But mobile nodes are highly constrained in the processing and storage, along with the battery power, which further restrains their dependability. Adopting the unlimited storage and computing power offered by cloud servers, it is possible to overcome and turn these issues into a favorable opportunity for the growth of mobile cloud computing. As the mobile internet data traffic is predicted to grow at the rate of around 65 percent yearly, even advanced services like 3G and 4G for mobile communication will fail to accommodate such exponential growth of data. On the other hand, developers extend popular applications with high end graphics leading to smart phones, manufactured with multicore processors and graphics processing units making them unaffordable. Therefore, to address the need of resource constrained mobile nodes and bandwidth constrained cellular networks, the computations can be migrated to resourceful servers connected to cloud. The server now acts as a bridge that should enable the participating mobile nodes to offload their computations through Wi-Fi directly to the virtualized server. Our proposed model enables an on-demand service offloading with a decision support system that identifies the capabilities of the client's hardware and software resources in judging the requirements for offloading. Further, the node's location, context and security capabilities are estimated to facilitate adaptive migration.

Deep Learning-Based User Emergency Event Detection Algorithms Fusing Vision, Audio, Activity and Dust Sensors (영상, 음성, 활동, 먼지 센서를 융합한 딥러닝 기반 사용자 이상 징후 탐지 알고리즘)

  • Jung, Ju-ho;Lee, Do-hyun;Kim, Seong-su;Ahn, Jun-ho
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.109-118
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    • 2020
  • Recently, people are spending a lot of time inside their homes because of various diseases. It is difficult to ask others for help in the case of a single-person household that is injured in the house or infected with a disease and needs help from others. In this study, an algorithm is proposed to detect emergency event, which are situations in which single-person households need help from others, such as injuries or disease infections, in their homes. It proposes vision pattern detection algorithms using home CCTVs, audio pattern detection algorithms using artificial intelligence speakers, activity pattern detection algorithms using acceleration sensors in smartphones, and dust pattern detection algorithms using air purifiers. However, if it is difficult to use due to security issues of home CCTVs, it proposes a fusion method combining audio, activity and dust pattern sensors. Each algorithm collected data through YouTube and experiments to measure accuracy.

Enhanced Secure Sensor Association and Key Management in Wireless Body Area Networks

  • Shen, Jian;Tan, Haowen;Moh, Sangman;Chung, Ilyong;Liu, Qi;Sun, Xingming
    • Journal of Communications and Networks
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.453-462
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    • 2015
  • Body area networks (BANs) have emerged as an enabling technique for e-healthcare systems, which can be used to continuously and remotely monitor patients' health. In BANs, the data of a patient's vital body functions and movements can be collected by small wearable or implantable sensors and sent using shortrange wireless communication techniques. Due to the shared wireless medium between the sensors in BANs, it may be possible to have malicious attacks on e-healthcare systems. The security and privacy issues of BANs are becoming more and more important. To provide secure and correct association of a group of sensors with a patient and satisfy the requirements of data confidentiality and integrity in BANs, we propose a novel enhanced secure sensor association and key management protocol based on elliptic curve cryptography and hash chains. The authentication procedure and group key generation are very simple and efficient. Therefore, our protocol can be easily implemented in the power and resource constrained sensor nodes in BANs. From a comparison of results, furthermore, we can conclude that the proposed protocol dramatically reduces the computation and communication cost for the authentication and key derivation compared with previous protocols. We believe that our protocol is attractive in the application of BANs.

A Study on the Continuity Essential Function of Critical Infrastructure Protection System for Public Safety (공공안전을 위한 국가기반체계 보호제도의 핵심기능연속성에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Heau-Jo
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.795-802
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    • 2017
  • If the function of the national infrastructure is suspended due to natural disasters and social disasters, the damage of the national infrastructure can be a serious threat to the national security as well as the life, body and property damage of the people. In this paper, we examine the domestic and overseas trends of the national system protection system and examine the domestic and overseas trends of the national system protection system. The detailed function of the essential function continuity, essential function, succession order, authority delegation, continuity facility, continuity communication, We examined the specific issues related to testing, education and training, transferring control and directing authority, analyzing the system related to the national infrastructure protection plan, and examined the specific problems and suggested an effective improvement plan for the critical infrastructure protection system.

An Effective Query Rewriting Method in Secure XML Access Control (안전한 XML 접근제어에서 효율적인 질의 재작성 기법)

  • An, Dong-Chan;Byun, Chang-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.11 no.5 s.43
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    • pp.127-137
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    • 2006
  • We propose two phase filtering scheme to develop an efficient mechanism for XML databases to control query-based access. An access control environment for XML documents and some techniques to deal with fine-grained authorization priorities and conflict resolution issues are proposed. Despite this, relatively little work has been done to enforce access controls particularly for XML databases in the case of query-based access. The basic idea utilized is that a user query interaction with only necessary access control rules is modified to an alternative form through a query optimization technique, which is guaranteed to have no access violations using tree-aware metadata of XML schemas. The scheme can be applied to any XML database management system and has several advantages such as small execution time overhead, fine-grained controls, and safe and correct query modification. The experimental results clearly demonstrate the efficiency of the approach.

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A Study on Logistics Distribution Industry's IoT Situation and Development Direction (국내외 물류산업의 사물인터넷(IoT) 현황과 발전방향에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Young-Tae
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.141-160
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    • 2015
  • IoT(Internet of Things) has become a major issue as new type of convergence technology, expending existing of USNs(Ubiquitous Sensor Networks), NFC(Near Field Communication), and M2M(Machine to Machine). The IoT technology defines as a networking for things, which can establish intelligent links collaboratively for sensing networking and processing between each other without human intervention. The purpose of this study is to investigate to forecast the future distribution changes and orientation of contribution of distribution industry on IoT and to provide the implication of distribution changes. To become a global market leader, IoT requires much more development of core technology of IoT for distribution industry, new service creation and try to use a market-based demand side strategy to create markets. So, to become a global leader in distribution industry, this study results show that first of all establishment of standardization of IoT, privacy safeguards, security issues, stability and value were more important than others. The research findings suggest that the development goals of IoT should strive to boost the creation of a global leader in distribution industry and convenience to consider consumers' demands as the most important thing.

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A Comparison Study between Korean Cloud Service Certification Systems and U.S. FedRAMP (한국의 클라우드 서비스 인증제도와 미국의 FedRAMP의 비교 연구)

  • Seo, Kwang-Kyu
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.11
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2012
  • The evolution of cloud computing service over the recent years is potentially one of the major advances in information and communication technology. However, if cloud computing service is to achieve its potential, there needs to be a clear understanding of the various issues such as service security, performance and availability and so on, both from the perspectives of the providers and the consumers of the cloud service. As more and more information on individuals, companies and public sectors are placed in the cloud service, concerns are beginning to grow about just how safe and reliable an environment it is. In order to overcome these situations, the Korea cloud service certification system and U.S. FedRAMP were performed in each country. This paper aims at comparing and analyzing between Korean cloud service certification systems and U.S. FedRAMP and describing the difference between them. Eventually, we propose the improvement strategy of Korea cloud service certification systems based on the comparison results between them.

A Study on the Work and Life Conditions of Single, Young Parents : The Effect of Vocational Education and Public nanny service Support on Full-time Employment (청소년 한부모의 일과 삶의 실태와 현실 : 정규직 취업에 미치는 직업교육 경험과 아이돌봄 서비스 지원의 효과)

  • Lee, Yoon Jung
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.89-107
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    • 2019
  • This study aimed to examine the impact of academic background on full-time employment and on other important issues concerning job security and care faced by single-parent youths. The study alse aimed to verify the effect of related support on full-time employment. The analysis targeted 262 single parents under 24 years of age who were raising their children, and the main results were as follows: First, the ratio of adulthood was high for those who were employed, and the academic achievement of full-time workers was also significantly high. However, the rate of discontinuities in school was also high among those who were employed, especially those seeking full-time employment, whose desire to stay in school was higher than that of other difficulties of single, teenage parents. Second, the vocational education experience of single, teenage parents was 32 percent overall, and the rate of those seeking full-time employment was also relatively high, reaching 44 percent. However, the results of this study did not verify the direct effect of vocational education experience on full-time employment nor the interaction effect of the academic background. Therefore, a thorough review of the effectiveness of a vocational education program for young, single parents wishing to gain employment is necessary. Third, the overall rate of those who received a public nanny service was 31 percent, while the rate of full-time workers who experienced this service was significantly higher reaching 59 percent. In the research model verification, single parents who received a public nanny service were 3.8 times more likely to get a full-time job than those who did not, and receiving a public nanny service showed a regulatory effect between academic studies and full-time employment. The higher the academic level of the parents, the higher their possibility of full-time employment.

A Study on Removal Request of Exposed Personal Information (노출된 개인정보의 삭제 요청에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Bo-Reum;Jang, Byeong-Wook;Kim, In-Seok
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.15 no.6
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    • pp.37-42
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    • 2015
  • Although online search engine service provide a convenient means to search for information on the World Wide Web, it also poses a risk of disclosing privacy. Regardless of such risk, most of users are neither aware of their personal information being exposed on search results nor how to redress the issue by requesting removal of information. According to the 2015 parliamentary inspection of government offices, many government agencies were criticized for mishandling of personal information and its leakage on online search engine such as Google. Considering the fact that the personal information leakage via online search engine has drawn the attention at the government level, the online search engine and privacy issue needs to be rectified. This paper, by examining current online search engines, studies the degree of personal information exposure on online search results and its underlying issues. Lastly, based on research result, the paper provides a sound policy and direction to the removal of exposed personal information with respect to search engine service provider and user respectively.

Privacy Vulnerability Analysis on Shuai et al.'s Anonymous Authentication Scheme for Smart Home Environment (Shuai등의 스마트 홈 환경을 위한 익명성 인증 기법에 대한 프라이버시 취약점 분석)

  • Choi, Hae-Won;Kim, Sangjin;Jung, Young-Seok;Ryoo, Myungchun
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.57-62
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    • 2020
  • Smart home based on Internet of things (IoT) is rapidly emerging as an exciting research and industry field. However, security and privacy have been critical issues due to the open feature of wireless communication channel. As a step towards this direction, Shuai et al. proposed an anonymous authentication scheme for smart home environment using Elliptic curve cryptosystem. They provided formal proof and heuristic analysis and argued that their scheme is secure against various attacks including de-synchronization attack, mobile device loss attack and so on, and provides user anonymity and untraceability. However, this paper shows that Shuai et al.'s scheme does not provide user anonymity nor untraceability, which are very important features for the contemporary IoT network environment.