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A Study on the Work and Life Conditions of Single, Young Parents : The Effect of Vocational Education and Public nanny service Support on Full-time Employment  

Lee, Yoon Jung (Dept. of Social Welfare, Hoseo Univ.)
Publication Information
Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review / v.23, no.3, 2019 , pp. 89-107 More about this Journal
This study aimed to examine the impact of academic background on full-time employment and on other important issues concerning job security and care faced by single-parent youths. The study alse aimed to verify the effect of related support on full-time employment. The analysis targeted 262 single parents under 24 years of age who were raising their children, and the main results were as follows: First, the ratio of adulthood was high for those who were employed, and the academic achievement of full-time workers was also significantly high. However, the rate of discontinuities in school was also high among those who were employed, especially those seeking full-time employment, whose desire to stay in school was higher than that of other difficulties of single, teenage parents. Second, the vocational education experience of single, teenage parents was 32 percent overall, and the rate of those seeking full-time employment was also relatively high, reaching 44 percent. However, the results of this study did not verify the direct effect of vocational education experience on full-time employment nor the interaction effect of the academic background. Therefore, a thorough review of the effectiveness of a vocational education program for young, single parents wishing to gain employment is necessary. Third, the overall rate of those who received a public nanny service was 31 percent, while the rate of full-time workers who experienced this service was significantly higher reaching 59 percent. In the research model verification, single parents who received a public nanny service were 3.8 times more likely to get a full-time job than those who did not, and receiving a public nanny service showed a regulatory effect between academic studies and full-time employment. The higher the academic level of the parents, the higher their possibility of full-time employment.
adolescent single-parent; employment; schoolwork; vocational education; public nanny service;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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