• Title/Summary/Keyword: Sea weather condition

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The Variation of Aerosol Number Concentrations in Relation with 3D Wind Components in the Ieodo Ocean Research Station (이어도 해양종합과학기지에서의 3차원 바람성분에 따른 에어로솔 수 농도 변동 특성)

  • Park, Sung-Hwa;Jang, Sang-Min;Lee, Dong-In;Jung, Woon-Seon;Jeong, Jong-Hoon;Jung, Sung-A;Jung, Chang Hoon;Kim, Kyungsik;Kim, Kyung-Eak
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.97-107
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    • 2012
  • To investigate variation of aerosol number concentration at each different size with three-dimensional (3D) wind components in ocean area, aerosol particles and 3D wind components were measured in the Ieodo Ocean Research Station, which is located to 419 km southwest from Marado, the southernmost island of Korea, from 25 June to 8 July 2010. The Laser Particle Counter (LPC) and ultrasonic anemometer were used to measure the size of aerosol particles and 3D wind components (zonal (u), meridional (v), and vertical (w) wind) respectively. Surface weather chart, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data and sounding data were used to analyze the synoptic condition. The distribution of aerosol number concentration had a large variation from bigger particles more than 1.0 ${\mu}m$ in diameter by wind direction during precipitation. In the number concentration of aerosol particles with respect to the weather conditions, particles larger than 1.0 ${\mu}m$ in size were decreased and sustained to the similar concentration at smaller particles during precipitation. The increase in aerosol number concentration was due to the sea-salt particles which was suspended by southwesterly and upward winds. In addition, the aerosol number concentration with vertical wind flow could be related with the occurrence and increasing mechanism of aerosol in marine boundary layer.

Analysis of the Relationship of Water Vapor with Precipitation for the Winter ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) Period (겨울철 ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) 기간 동안 수증기량과 강수량의 연관성 분석)

  • Ko, A-Reum;Kim, Byung-Gon;Eun, Seung-Hee;Park, Young-San;Choi, Byoung-Choel
    • Atmosphere
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.19-33
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    • 2016
  • Water vapor in the atmosphere is an important element that generates various meteorological phenomena and modifies a hydrological cycle. In general, the Yeongdong region has a lot of snow compared to the other regions in winter due to the complex topography and an adjacent East Sea. However, the phase change from water vapor to ice cloud and further snowfall has little been examined in detail. Therefore, in this study, we investigated phase change of liquid water in terms of a quantitative budget as well as time lag of water vapor conversion to snowfall in the ESSAY (Experiment on Snow Storms At Yeongdong) campaign that had been carried out from 2012 to 2015. First, we classified 3 distinctive synoptic patterns such as Low Crossing, Low Passing, and Stagnation. In general, the amount of water vapor of Low Crossing is highest, and Low Passing, Stagnation in order. The snowfall intensity of Stagnation is highest, whereas that of Low Crossing is the lowest, when a sharp increase in water vapor and accordingly a following increase in precipitation are shown with the remarkable time lag. Interestingly, the conversion rate of water vapor to snowfall seems to be higher (about 10%) in case of the Stagnation type in comparison with the other types at Bukgangneung, which appears to be attributable to significant cooling caused by cold surge in the lower atmosphere. Although the snowfall is generally preceded by an increase in water vapor, its amount converted into the snowfall is also controlled by the atmosphere condition such as temperature, super-saturation, etc. These results would be a fundamental resource for an improvement of snowfall forecast in the Yeongdong region and the successful experiment of weather modification in the near future.

Speed-Power Performance Analysis of an Existing 8,600 TEU Container Ship using SPA(Ship Performance Analysis) Program and Discussion on Wind-Resistance Coefficients

  • Shin, Myung-Soo;Ki, Min Suk;Park, Beom Jin;Lee, Gyeong Joong;Lee, Yeong Yeon;Kim, Yeongseon;Lee, Sang Bong
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.294-303
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    • 2020
  • This study discusses data collection, calculation of wind and wave-induced resistance, and speed-power analysis of an 8,600 TEU container ship. Data acquisition system of the ship operator was improved to obtain the data necessary for the analysis, which was accomplished using SPA (Ship Performance Analysis, Park et al., 2019) in conformation with ISO15016:2015. From a previous operation profile of the container, the standard operating conditions of mean draft were 12.5 m and 13.6 m, which were defined with the mean stowage configuration of each condition. Model tests, including the load-variation test, were conducted to validate new ship performance and for the speed-power analysis. The major part of the added resistance of container ship is due to the wind. To check the reliability of wind-resistance calculation results, the resistance coefficients, added resistance, and speed-power analysis results using the Fujiwara regression formula (ISO15016:2015) and Computational fluid dynamics (Ryu et al., 2016; Jeon et al., 2017) analysis were compared. Wind speed and direction measured using an anemometer were used for wind-resistance calculation and the wave resistance was calculated using the wave-height and direction-data from weather information. Also, measured water temperature was used to calculate the increase in resistance owing to the deviation in water density. As a result, the SPA analysis using measured data and weather information was proved to be valid and able to identify the ship's resistance propulsion performance. Even with little difference in the air-resistance coefficient value, both methods provide sufficient accuracy for speed-power analysis. The differences were unnoticeable when the speed-power analysis results using each method were compared. Also, speed-power analysis results of the 8,600 TEU container ship in two draft conditions show acceptable trends when compared with the model test results and are also able to show power increase owing to hull fouling and aging. Thus, results of speed-power analysis of the existing 8,600 TEU container ship using the SPA program appropriately exhibit the characteristics of speed-power performance in deal conditions.


  • KO Kwan Soh;KIM Yong Hae
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.201-207
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    • 1979
  • The stow net now used in the Yellow Sea, are traditional bag net with the opening held by a lighter upper and a weighted lower beams standing against the current. Such bag net anchored at the bottom are known in many countries, particularly in the estuaries of large rivers, but more rarely in sea fisheries, because they are too much affected by the weather, moreover a permanent strong current is necessary. Some scientists intended to improve this fishing gear, using the shearing devices instead of a lighter upper and a weighted lower beams in order to widen mouth of the stow net however they are unsuccessful. One-fortieth scale model net of the stow net was tested in a circular water tank with an effective volume of $5.67m\times1.76m\times1.00m$ of observing the configuration and tension of the net. Experiments were carried out under the various combination including water velocity, spherical floats and elevating floats with the shearing hoods instead of the upper beam. We found those devices offered a very low resistance per net area to current compared with the spherical floats or upper beam, and had a fairly good shearing power at any velocity and direction of the current. The total resistance (R) of the model net to which shearing hoods and floats are attached can be induced by the following formula under the condition of 0.25m/sec to 0.5m/sec, $$R(kg)=3.11V^{1.54}$$ The height (h) of the improved model net (m-B) is higher than traditional model net(m-A) with upper and lower beams, m-A: h(cm)=89.22-2.42(V-15). $V\geqq15,\;cm/sec$ m-B: h(cm)=89.20-0.78V (V:cm/sec) The catch efficiency of improved model net is 1.5 times traditional model net.

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A Development of Active Monitoring and Approach Alarm System for Marine Buoy Protection and Ship Accident Prevention based on Trail Cameras and AIS (해상 부이 보호 및 선박 사고 예방을 위한 트레일 카메라-AIS 연계형 능동감시 및 접근경보 시스템 개발)

  • Hwang, Hun-Gyu;Kim, Bae-Sung;Kim, Hyen-Woo;Gang, Yong-Soo;Kim, Dae-Han
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.1021-1029
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    • 2018
  • The marine buoys are operated in various domains, which are navigation route and danger maker, weather and environment monitoring, military strategical element, etc. If the marine buoy is damaged, there consumes many cost and time for recovery or replacement, because of severe environmental condition, and causes a risk possibility of secondary accident. In this paper, we developed an active monitoring and approach alarm providing system using trail cameras and AIS for protection for the marine buoys. To do this, we analyzed existing researches and similar systems, extracted requirements for enhancement, and designed the system architecture that applied the enhanced elements. The main considerations of system enhancement are: integration of AIS and trail cameras, adopting of phased alarm technique by approaching ships, applying of selective communication module, conducting the image processing of ships for providing alarm, and applying thermal cameras. After that, we developed the system using designed architecture and verified effectiveness of the system based on laboratory or field-level tests.

Analysis of Site Condition in Domestic Trade Port for Operation of Mobile Harbor (모바일하버 운영을 위한 국내 무역항 후보지 분석)

  • Lee, Joong-Woo;Gug, Seung-Gi;Jung, Dae-Deug;Yang, Sang-Young;Kim, Tae-Hyung
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.10
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    • pp.781-786
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    • 2010
  • In this study, a new concept of ocean transport system, called the mobile harbor serving for a short distance transport of containers with cargo handling cranes between mother containerships and coastal ports, is introduced. Instead of direct berthing a very large containership at the coastal port, Mobile Harbor is moving to the offshore mooring basin with enough water depth condition. Therefore, investigation of the coastal environment, technical condition and limitation of the domestic trade ports for the application of Mobile Harbor, is essential process. To figure out the accessibility of mobile harbor, the environmental conditions, the cargo handling capacity and marine traffic volume and flow pattern has been analyzed with the tools for marine traffic simulation and virtual navigation aids system. The most proper Mobile Harbor mooring areas among trade ports of the south and east coast are selected by analyzing the obtained information and evaluating its application: (1) Under natural environmental conditions such as air and sea weather, three candidate areas are selected such as Masan port, Ulsan port, and Busan(New port) port. (2) Under marine traffic and appropriateness of water facilities, three candidate areas are selected as Mokpo port, Busan(New port) port, and Donghae & Mookho port (3) For a region-based analysis considering handling capacity and the local managed trade ports in vicinity, three candidate areas are selected as Busan region, Yosu & KwangYang region, and Mokpo region. Through this study, the basic guideline for selection of optimum trade port and offshore mooring basin for mothership and Mobile Harbor is recommended. In order to apply the Mobile Harbor to the real water, navigaton aids as the virtual route identification with AIS must be introduced for maritime safety in the vicinity of Mobile Harbor area which berthing and cargo handling is being conducted.

Accuracy Evaluation of Daily-gridded ASCAT Satellite Data Around the Korean Peninsula (한반도 주변 해역에서의 ASCAT 해상풍 격자 자료의 정확성 평가)

  • Park, Jinku;Kim, Dae-Won;Jo, Young-Heon;Kim, Deoksu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.2_1
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    • pp.213-225
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    • 2018
  • In order to access the accuracy of the gridded daily Advanced Scatterometer (hereafter DASCAT) ocean surface wind data in the surrounding of Korea, the DASCAT was compared with the wind data from buoys. In addition, the reanalysis data for wind at 10 m provided by European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF, hereafter ECMWF), National Centers for Environmental Prediction and National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP/NCAR, hereafter NCEP), Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications-2 (MERRA-2, hereafter MERRA) were compared and analyzed. As a result, the RMSE of DASCAT for the actual wind speed is about 3 m/s. The zonal components of wind of buoys and the DASCAT have strong correlation more than 0.8 and the meridional components of wind them have lower correlation than that of zonal wind and are the lowest in the Yellow Sea (r=0.7). When the actual wind speed is below 10 m/s, the EMCWF has the highest accuracy, followed by DASCAT, MERRA, and NCEP. However, under the wind speed more than 10 m/s, DASCAT shows the highest accuracy. In the nature of error according to the wind direction, when the zonal wind is strong, all dataset has the error of more than $70^{\circ}$ on the average. On the other hand, the RMSE of wind direction was recorded $50^{\circ}$ under the strong meridional winds. ECMWF shows the highest accuracy in these results. The RMSE of the wind speed according to the wind direction varied depending on the actual wind direction. Especially, MERRA has the highest RMSE under the westerly and southerly wind condition, while the NCEP has the highest RMSE under the easterly and northerly wind condition.

Evaluation of Shanghai New Port Development Plan (중국 상해 신항만 개발계획 평가)

  • Nam, Ki-Chan;Song, Yong-Seok;Yeon, Jeong-Hum
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.7-15
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    • 2003
  • China is expected to experience rapid increase in container traffic due to the joining to WTO and the fast economic growth. However, logistics-related infrastructure such as sea port is very poor and the capacity is lagging far behind the demand, resulting in transferring around 70% of import and export cargo volume at ports in adjoining countries such as Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan. Recently, China announced a huge project of developing an offshore port consisting of 52 berths, 30km away from Shanghai with a connecting bridge. As such plan seems to have a significant impact on the port of Pusan which tries to be a Hub port in Far East Asia, we need to scrutinize the plan. This paper, therefore, tries to examine Shanghai New Port Plan, to evaluate the feasibility and potential competitiveness, and to analyze the impact on Pusan port. For this, we review the situation of major container ports in China and the flow pattern of container traffic to and from Pusan port. We then examine the feasibility of the proposed offshore port with respect to demand and supply for container terminal, weather condition, hinterland connection and resource of investment.

Energy Efficiency Evaluation of IT based Ship Energy Saving System-(1) : Ship Handling Simulator Test Results (IT 기반의 선박에너지절감시스템 성능평가 방법-(1) : 육상시험 수행 결과)

  • Yoo, Yun-Ja
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.39 no.6
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    • pp.465-472
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    • 2015
  • SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan) guidelines for a ship's GHG reduction include a machinery modification of hull, an installation of energy efficiency enhanced attachment in hardware methods. It is also possible to bring a ship energy efficiency improvement by fuel-efficient operations or in other software methods. Hardware modification or installation on ship can bring financial burdens to a ship company compared to its improvement expectation. On the other hand, Software based energy-saving technology can be applicable on various ship types, and it is also expected high efficiency of ship energy use compared to hardware based technology in perspective of the investment costs and efficiency. In this paper, it is described that the ship handling simulator based evaluation was carried out using representative ship model of bulk, container and VLCC. Simulation environments were separated into 6 conditions according to the sea-state and weather condition, and the operation results were compared with those before and after energy saving system applied The container ship showed the largest FOC save rate after energy saving system applied although the others also showed energy save rate after using the system.

Estimating Worst Case Flood and Inundation Damages under Climate Change

  • Kim, Sunmin;Tachikawa, Yasuto;Nakakita, Eiichi
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2016.05a
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    • pp.189-189
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    • 2016
  • To generate information that contributes to climate change risk management, it is important to perform a precise assessment on the impact in diverse aspects. Considering this academic necessity, Japanese government launched continuous research project for the climate change impact assessment, and one of the representative project is Program for Risk Information on Climate Change (Sousei Program), Theme D; Precise Impact Assessment on Climate Change (FY2012 ~ FY2016). In this research program, quantitative impact assessments have been doing from a variety of perspectives including natural hazards, water resources, and ecosystems and biodiversity. Especially for the natural hazards aspect, a comprehensive impact assessment has been carried out with the worst-case scenario of typhoons, which cause the most serious weather-related damage in Japan, concerning the frequency and scale of the typhoons as well as accompanying disasters by heavy rainfall, strong winds, high tides, high waves, and landslides. In this presentation, a framework of comprehensive impact assessment with the worst-case scenario under the climate change condition is introduced based on a case study of Theme D in Sousei program There are approx. 25 typhoons annually and around 10 of those approach or make landfall in Japan. The number of typhoons may not change increase in the future, but it is known that a small alteration in the path of a typhoon can have an extremely large impact on the amount of rain and wind Japan receives, and as a result, cause immense damage. Specifically, it is important to assess the impact of a complex disaster including precipitation, strong winds, river overflows, and high tide inundation, simulating how different the damage of Isewan Typhoon (T5915) in 1959 would have been if the typhoon had taken a different path, or how powerful or how much damage it would cause if Isewan Typhoon occurs again in the future when the sea surface water temperature has risen due to climate changes (Pseudo global warming experiment). The research group also predict and assess how the frequency of "100-years return period" disasters and worst-case damage will change in the coming century. As a final goal in this research activity, the natural disaster impact assessment will extend not only Japan but also major rivers in Southeast Asia, with a special focus on floods and inundations.

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