• 제목/요약/키워드: Sea weather condition

검색결과 93건 처리시간 0.02초

유체 역학 기반 도시 기류장 예측을 위한 입력 경계 바람장 특성 연구 (A Study of the Characteristics of Input Boundary Conditions for the Prediction of Urban Air Flow based on Fluid Dynamics)

  • 이태진;이순환;이화운
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제25권7호
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    • pp.1017-1028
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    • 2016
  • Wind information is one of the major inputs for the prediction of urban air flow using computational fluid dynamic (CFD) models. Therefore, the numerical characteristics of the wind data formed at their mother domains should be clarified to predict the urban air flow more precisely. In this study, the formation characteristics of the wind data in the Seoul region were used as the inlet wind information for a CFD based simulation and were analyzed using numerical weather prediction models for weather research and forecasting (WRF). Because air flow over the central part of the Korean peninsula is often controlled not only by synoptic scale westerly winds but also by the westerly sea breeze induced from the Yellow Sea, the westerly wind often dominates the entire Seoul region. Although simulations of wind speed and air temperature gave results that were slightly high and low, respectively, their temporal variation patterns agreed well with the observations. In the analysis of the vertical cross section, the variation of wind speed along the western boundary of Seoul is simpler in a large domain with the highest horizontal resolution as compared to a small domain with the same resolution. A strong convergence of the sea breeze due to precise topography leads to the simplification of the wind pattern. The same tendency was shown in the average vertical profiles of the wind speed. The difference in the simulated wind pattern of two different domains is greater during the night than in the daytime because of atmospheric stability and topographically induced mesoscale forcing.

북태평양에서의 동계항해안전에 관한 연구 (A Study on about Securing Safe Sailing on the Sea Route of the North Pacific Ocean in Winter Season)

  • 윤점동;권종호;주재훈;허용범;최명식
    • 한국항해학회지
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    • 제11권2호
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 1987
  • Nowadays, the transportation of almost all cargoes depends on sea routes in international trade. In the transaction of trade, cargo transportation must be completed on the base of two contrary objectives, one of which is to protect the vessel, cargoes and crew aborad her safely through every step of the transportation and the other is to pursue profits from the transaction of the trade. In spite of the great development of the modern techniques in shipbuilding today, many sea disaters of big merchant vessels have been occurring successively in winter seasons every year on the sea routes of the North Pacific Ocean. Whenever the accident of losing a vessel in rough sea occurred , many experts of the country to which the vessel belonged had tried to take out the reason of the missing without manifesting the exact cause of the unhappy occurrence. In this paper, we calculated ocean wave status along the route of the North Pacific Ocean theoretically concluded by us as optimum on the basis of weather and sea conditions. In the calculation, we used ITTC wave spectrum formula and meteorological data of "Winds '||'&'||' Waves of the north Pacific Ocean" edited by Ship Research Institute of Japan on the basic data assembled by World Meterological Organization through past 10 years. We selected three sample vessels of most common size in the North Pacific Ocean Routes, a container, a log carrier and a bulk carrier and applied tree sample vessels to the calculated sea conditions for getting the rolling angles of the vessels and stress exerting on the hulls. Examining the calculated results, we concluded as follows; 1. Under the condition of these status7 by beaufort scale, "heave to" maneuvering is the best and safest way to steer every vessel. 2. The most dangerous part of sea area along the west bound optimum route of the North Pacific Ocean in winter season, is the southern sea area of the Kamchatka peninsula.a peninsula.

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전지구 예보모델의 대기-해양 약한 결합자료동화 활용성에 대한 연구 (Application of Weakly Coupled Data Assimilation in Global NWP System)

  • 윤현진;박혜선;김범수;박정현;임정옥;부경온;강현석
    • 대기
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    • 제29권2호
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    • pp.219-226
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    • 2019
  • Generally, the weather forecast system has been run using prescribed ocean condition. As it is widely known that coupling between atmosphere and ocean process produces consistent initial condition at all-time scales to improve forecast skill, there are many trials on the application of data assimilation of coupled model. In this study, we implemented a weakly coupled data assimilation (short for WCDA) system in global NWP model with low horizontal resolution for coupled forecast with uncoupled initialization, following WCDA system at the Met Office. The experiment is carried out for a typhoon evolution forecast in 2017. Air-sea exchange process provides SST cooling and gives a substantial impact on tendency of central pressure changes in the decaying phase of the typhoon, except the underestimated central pressure. Coupled data assimilation is a challenging new area, requiring further work, but it would offer the potential for improving air-sea feedback process on NWP timescales and finally contributing forecast accuracy.

활멸치의 집약적 생산수단에 관한 연구 -III (Study on the Intensive Catching Method of Anchovy for Live Bait-III Relation Between Variation of Sea Condition and Catch of Anchovy in the Southern Coast of Korea)

  • 한영호
    • 수산해양기술연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 1979
  • 한국 연안에서는 연간 5~8만m/t정도의 멸치가 어획되고 있으나 주 어장은 경남 일원을 중심으로 남해안이다. 따라서 남해안의 어황변동을 예보할 수 있으면서 어업경영의 합리화에 크게 이바지 할 수 있을 것이고, 그에 따라 황멸치의 수급 계획 수립에도 크게 도움이 될 것이다. 여기서 먼저 1971~77년 7년간의 수온, 부유생물, 강수량과 열수지를 조사, 계산하고 그 해 봄철의 강수량을 조사하면 그 해의해황이 예측될 수 있고 그에 따라 멸치의 어황도 예보할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다

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침식기준목을 이용한 파도리 해식애 사면의 침식·후퇴율 산정 (Estimating on the Erosion and Retreat Rates of Sea-cliff Slope Using the Datum-point in Pado-ri, the Western Coast of Korea)

  • 장동호;박지훈
    • 한국지형학회지
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    • 제19권3호
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    • pp.71-82
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    • 2012
  • 이 연구는 태안 파도리 해식애 사면을 대상으로 침식기준목을 이용하여 연간 침식 후퇴율을 산정하고, 계절적 변화의 특성과 원인을 파악하고자 하였다. 연구결과, 해식애는 봄철에서 여름철까지 침식 후퇴율이 증가하였고, 다시 8~10월 사이에 급격히 증가하였는데, 이는 집중호우 및 태풍 등과 같은 극한기후사상의 영향으로 판단된다. 그 후 해식애의 침식 후퇴율은 점차 감소하다가 겨울철에 다시 증가하는데, 이것은 겨울철 폭풍해일과 기반암이 동결 해빙작용을 반복하면서 기계적 풍화가 활발히 진행된 결과이다. 해식애의 침식 후퇴율에 영향을 미치는 요소는 선행강수일수 및 일최대파고이다. 특히, 태풍 및 폭풍해일시 강한 파랑에너지에 의해 침식이 가속화되는 것으로 나타났다. 연구지역의 지난 2년간(2010년 5월~2012년 5월) 연간 침식 후퇴율은 각 지점마다 지형 지질학적 특성이 다르지만, 대략 44~60cm/yr 정도이다. 이러한 침식 후퇴율은 기존 연구결과보다 증가하였는데, 그 원인은 극한기후사상에 의한 해안 침식력이 강화되었기 때문으로 판단된다. 연구지역의 해식애 침식 후퇴과정의 특징은 해성작용(파랑에너지) 이외에도 육상의 삭박작용이 함께 작용하여 침식이 진행되고 있다.

선저고정형 소나의 탐지성능 향상을 위한 빔 안정화 빔형성 기법 (Beam Stabilization Beamforming Technique for Hull-Mounted Sonar Performance Enhancement)

  • 류영우
    • 한국군사과학기술학회지
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    • 제11권3호
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    • pp.129-137
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    • 2008
  • Hull-Mounted Sonar(HMS) has been the main equipment to detect and track underwater threats like torpedoes and enemy submarines. The HMS has short warming-up time and is employable independently with sea-state and weather condition. But these bad environmental condition and ship maneuvering make ship's roll and pitch. Ship's roll and pitch make unstability of sensor position, then cause degradation of the HMS performance. In this paper, we will show how the unstability influences the HMS performance, propose the 'Beam Stabilization Beamforming Technique' to overcome these phenomenon. And present the effectiveness of proposed technique by comparing with conventional beamforming result.

안전공간 설계에 의한 선박 내박성능의 평가 시스템 개발에 관한 연구 (On the Development of Seakeeping Performance Evaluation System with Establishing a Safety Space)

  • 김순갑;공길영
    • 한국항해항만학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국항해항만학회 1992년도 춘계학술발표회 한국항해학회
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    • pp.21-43
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    • 1992
  • The recently-developed automated vessels require a system which evaluates the operating condition of the ship at present position form weather information as well as sensors; forecasts the operation condition the sea state to come in foreseeable future ; and suggests the optimum course and speed for ship's sa-fety. According to a study deck wetness propeller racing slamming rolling vertical acceleration lateral acce-leartion vertical bending moment at midship etc. were chosen as the factors for evaluating seakeeping per-formance. As a mater of fact there is no developing the hardware of a system which could consider all the factors onseakeeping performance. This study introduces a theoretical method which makes it possible to evaluate the seakeeping perfor-mance byapplying a theory from reliability engineering and thereby establishing a safety space. lation of stochastic processes with the factors presently adopted for evaluating sekakeeping performance. and develops the overall eseakeeping performance evaluation system in consideration of the safety of human being cargoes and the ship This method of evaluation shall be of much use in developing the practical system of seakeeping perfor-mance of a ship in waves.

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A Study on the Influence of Navigational Environment on Mariner's Behavior for Collision Avoidance

  • Park, Jung-Sun;Yea, Byeong-Deok
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.127-132
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    • 2008
  • The safety degree of navigation for collision avoidance is closely related with the combination between mariner's behavior and navigational environment. The condition of navigational environment is mainly decided by navigable waters, ship traffic, rule of road, sea state, weather and so on. Especially, the condition of navigable waters and ship traffic in navigational environment are ones of the important factors to attain safe navigation when mariners are underway and crossing, head on or overtaking situation. Thus this paper is to analyze the characteristics of mariner's behavior for collision avoidance caused by ship traffic and navigable waters by analyzing the contents of questionnaire and the results of international collaborative research. As a result, it can be concluded that the density of ship traffic and the area of navigable waters affect mariner's ship handling for collision avoidance.

Wavelet과 Morphology Median 필터를 이용한 선박용 Radar 탐지 효율 향상을 위한 연구 (A Study on Enhancing Ship`s Radar Detecting Efficiency by Wavelet and Morphology Median Filter)

  • 정기룡
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제26권1호
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    • pp.28-34
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    • 2002
  • 해면에 난반사되어 돌아오는 신호는 잡음이 되는데, 이를 클러터(Clutter)라 한다. 클러터는 레이더 화면에 백색 가우시안 잡음과 같은 형태로 나타나게 되며, 이들은 선박용 레이더의 탐지 효율을 저하 시킨다 따라서 클러터 제거를 위한 연후는 안테나의 개선 또는 여러 종류의 필터 등을 통해 환발하게 진행되고 있다. 본논문에서는 선박 레이더와 탐지 효율을 향상을 위하여, 웨이브렛(Wavelet)과 수리형태학(Morphology)의 $3{\times}3$SQ(Square) 형태소를 적용한 메디언 필터를 사용하여 조난 또는 구조 선박의 수색을 용이하게 할수 있는 알고리듬을 제안한다.

열대 해수면 온도 분포와 북서태평양 태풍의 계절적 활동 시작일 변동 사이의 관련성 (Relationship between the Tropical Sea Surface Temperature Distribution and Initiation Timing of the Typhoon Season in the Northwestern Pacific)

  • 김동희;김형석
    • 한국기후변화학회지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.11-19
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    • 2017
  • This study examined the relationship between the initiation timing typhoon season in the Northwestern Pacific and the tropical sea surface temperature (SST) using a numerical simulation. The initiation timing of the typhoon season is closely associated with SSTs over the Indian Ocean (IO) and the eastern Pacific (EP) in the preceding winter and early-spring. The experiment based on the Weather and Research Forecast (WRF) model showed that the start date of the typhoon season is delayed for about one month when the SSTs over the IO and the EP increase in the preceding winter. The forced tropical SST pattern induces anticyclonic anomalies in the Northwestern Pacific, which is an unfavorable condition for typhoon development, and hence it could delay the initiation of the typhoon season.