• Title/Summary/Keyword: Science Mapping

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A Space-Time Cluster of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Outbreaks in South Korea, 2010~2011 (구제역의 시.공간 군집 분석 - 2010~2011 한국에서 발생한 구제역을 사례로 -)

  • Pak, Son Il;Bae, Sun Hak
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.464-472
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    • 2012
  • To assess the space-time clustering of FMD(Foot-and-Mouth Disease) epidemic occurred in Korea between November 2010 to April 2011, geographical information system (GIS)-based spatial analysis technique was used. Farm address and geographic data obtained from a commercial portal site were integrated into GIS software, which we used to map out the color-shading geographic features of the outbreaks through a process called thematic mapping, and to produce a visual representation of the relationship between epidemic course and time throughout the country. FMD cases reported in northern area of Gyounggi province were clustered in space and time within small geographic areas due to the environmental characteristics which livestock population density is high enough to ease transmit FMD virus to the neighboring farm, whereas FMD cases were clustered in space but not in time for southern and eastern area of Gyounggi province. When analyzing the data for 7-day interval, the mean radius of the spatial-time clustering was 25km with minimum 5.4km and maximum 74km. In addition, the radius of clustering was relatively small in the early stage of FMD epidemic, but the size was geographically expanded over the epidemic course. Prior to implementing control measures during the outbreak period, assessment of geographic units potentially affected and identification of risky areas which are subsequently be targeted for specific intervention measures is recommended.

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3D-QSARs analyses for Tyrosinase Inhibitory Activity of 2-Phenyl-1,4-benzopyrone (Flavones) Analogues and Molecular Docking (2-Phenyl-1,4-benzopyrone 유도체 (Flavones)의 Tyrosinase 저해활성에 관한 3D-QSARs 분석과 분자도킹)

  • Park, Joon-Ho;Sung, Nack-Do
    • Journal of Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.225-231
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    • 2010
  • To understand the inhibitory activity with changing hydroxyl substituents ($R_l-R_9$) of polyhydroxy substituted 2-phenyl-l,4-benzopyrone analogues (1-25) against tyrosinase (PDB ID: oxy-form; 1WX2), molecular docking and the three dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships (3D-QSARs: Comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA) & Comparative molecular similarity indices analysis (CoMSIA)) were studied quantitatively. The statistically best models were CoMFA 1 and CoMSIA 1 model from the results. The optimized CoMSIA 1 model with the sensitivity of the perturbation and the prediction produced ($dq^2'/dr_{yy'}^2$=1.009 & $q^2$=0.51l) by a progressive scrambling analysis were not dependent on chance correlation. The inhibitory activities with optimized CoMSIA 1 model were dependent upon electrostatic factor (51.4%) of substrate molecules. Contour mapping the 3D-QSAR models to the active site of tyrosinase provides new insight into the interaction between tyrosinase as receptor and 2-phenyl-l,4-benzopyrone analogues as inhibitor. Therefore, the results will he able to apply to the optimization of a new potent tyrosinase inhibitors.

Color Path : A Location Based Drawing and Storytelling Project (위치기반의 드로잉과 스토리텔링 연구)

  • Woo, Suk-Young;Park, Seung-Ho
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.20 no.1 s.69
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2007
  • The mobile phone and wireless network, location based technology and other newly introduced technologies and communication media gave birth to the new terminology "ubiquitous" and are changing our daily life. Influence of such technologies and communication media is not an exception in the arts. New media art pieces using these technologies are increasing, and taking on the characteristics of public art within a wider scope of a city as a backdrop, beyond the traditional boundaries of art galleries. Of such art, locative media art using locative media has a closer relationship with city space than any other form of an, and makes various attempts to allow the spectator to reinterpret and experience city space and induce communication. These characteristics of locative media art can be considered as a method that can solve quality problems of the city space, especially the loss of the sense of place and the absence of communication. is one such locative media project with a purpose of solving quality problems of city space, especially the recovery of commercial sites and inducing communication. This project uses the paths of the city as its canvas, movement of people as its brush, the color of the roads as its pallet, and by allowing the partakers to draw paths of their own and to share their paths with others. People are encouraged to share stories about their paths. The project proceeds using barcodes that are frequently used commercially. When users wish to create their own place, they can enter their place and colors of their choice using input devices installed in the city space. Paths that are created through such a process will be displayed in public areas throughout the city, shared with others, and can create and share a stories about the city using on/off-line media.

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A Study on the Quantitative Process Facility Standards that Require H2S Toxic Gas Detectors and Location Selection for Emergency Safety (H2S 독성가스감지기가 필요한 정량적 공정설비 기준 및 비상시 안전을 위한 위치선정 방안에 대한 연구)

  • Choi, Jae-Young;Kwon, Jung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.90-96
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    • 2018
  • Design techniques for minimizing the damage caused by leakage of $H_2S$ gas, contained in natural gas and petroleum, have been widely studied abroad in chemical plants that purify and process natural gas and petroleum. However, there is no domestic engineering practice and regulation of $H_2S$. In accordance with the circumstances, this study proposes the quantitative criteria of process equipment to install $H_2S$ toxic gas detector as 500 ppm and explains the valid basis. The $H_2S$ gas dispersion radius up to IDLH 100 ppm is calculated by ALOHA under previous $H_2S$ gas leak accident scenario. The weather conditions of modeling include the conditions of Ulsan, Yeosu and Daesan, the three major petrochemical complexes in Korea. The long radius up to 100 ppm was derived in order of Ulsan, Daesan, Yeosu. For emergency safety the dispersion radius up to 100 ppm of the $H_2S$ gas obtained in this study should be extended to apply the additional $H_2S$ toxic gas detector, and local climate conditions should be considered.

Analysis of Effects of Yoga and Music Therapies on the Care of Alcohol dependents (알코올 의존자에 대한 요가 및 음악 치료의 효과 분석)

  • Cho, Hyun;Heo, Eun-Seung;Lee, Ji-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.11 no.6
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    • pp.2144-2151
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    • 2010
  • Yoga meditation and music therapy are considered to be appropriate for the spiritual and mental treatment for the patients and employed in many clinics and rehabilitation centers as an alternative medicine. This study aims at the analysis of the effects of yoga and music on the treatment of alcoholism. For this, yoga and music treatments were executed for the patients hospitalized in an alcohol clinic hospital in Gimhae district. Only the patients who were judged as alcohol dependents by a psychiatrist with a diagnostic criteria of DSM-IV participated in the study. During five weeks, from November 10, 2009 to December 29, yoga program was practiced two times per week, totaling 10 times, and music therapy was practiced one time per week, totaling 5 times. Among the patients participated in the programs, 44patients were selected finally. They are 16 patients who performed all the yoga programs, and 28 patients who fulfilled all the music therapies. A survey was conducted on them to estimate the effects of yoga and music treatments for the three cases of 'angry behavior', 'anger expression', and 'psychological state at interview'. The results show that yoga and music treatments have positive effects on the patients, although the statistical significance is not so great. However, the more reliable and significant results could be obtained in further studies by prolongation of the practice period, and by introducing the clinical information such as brain mapping to compensate the emotional bias of the patients.


  • Trippe, Sascha;Kim, Jae-Young;Lee, Bangwon;Choi, Changsu;Oh, Junghwan;Lee, Taeseok;Yoon, Sung-Chul;Im, Myungshin;Park, Yong-Sun
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.235-253
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    • 2014
  • Intensity interferometry, based on the Hanbury Brown-Twiss effect, is a simple and inexpensive method for optical interferometry at microarcsecond angular resolutions; its use in astronomy was abandoned in the 1970s because of low sensitivity. Motivated by recent technical developments, we argue that the sensitivity of large modern intensity interferometers can be improved by factors up to approximately 25 000, corresponding to 11 photometric magnitudes, compared to the pioneering Narrabri Stellar Interferometer. This is made possible by (i) using avalanche photodiodes (APD) as light detectors, (ii) distributing the light received from the source over multiple independent spectral channels, and (iii) use of arrays composed of multiple large light collectors. Our approach permits the construction of large (with baselines ranging from few kilometers to intercontinental distances) optical interferometers at the cost of (very) long-baseline radio interferometers. Realistic intensity interferometer designs are able to achieve limiting R-band magnitudes as good as $m_R{\approx}14$, sufficient for spatially resolved observations of main-sequence O-type stars in the Magellanic Clouds. Multi-channel intensity interferometers can address a wide variety of science cases: (i) linear radii, effective temperatures, and luminosities of stars, via direct measurements of stellar angular sizes; (ii) mass-radius relationships of compact stellar remnants, via direct measurements of the angular sizes of white dwarfs; (iii) stellar rotation, via observations of rotation flattening and surface gravity darkening; (iv) stellar convection and the interaction of stellar photospheres and magnetic fields, via observations of dark and bright starspots; (v) the structure and evolution of multiple stars, via mapping of the companion stars and of accretion flows in interacting binaries; (vi) direct measurements of interstellar distances, derived from angular diameters of stars or via the interferometric Baade-Wesselink method; (vii) the physics of gas accretion onto supermassive black holes, via resolved observations of the central engines of luminous active galactic nuclei; and (viii) calibration of amplitude interferometers by providing a sample of calibrator stars.

Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Using Ensemble FR and LR models at the Inje Area, Korea (FR과 LR 앙상블 모형을 이용한 산사태 취약성 지도 제작 및 검증)

  • Kim, Jin Soo;Park, So Young
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.19-27
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    • 2017
  • This research was aimed to analyze landslide susceptibility and compare the prediction accuracy using ensemble frequency ratio (FR) and logistic regression at the Inje area, Korea. The landslide locations were identified with the before and after aerial photographs of landslide occurrence that were randomly selected for training (70%) and validation (30%). The total twelve landslide-related factors were elevation, slope, aspect, distance to drainage, topographic wetness index, stream power index, soil texture, soil sickness, timber age, timber diameter, timber density, and timber type. The spatial relationship between landslide occurrence and landslide-related factors was analyzed using FR and ensemble model. The produced LSI maps were validated and compared using relative operating characteristics (ROC) curve. The prediction accuracy of produced ensemble LSI map was about 2% higher than FR LSI map. The LSI map produced in this research could be used to establish land use planning and mitigate the damages caused by disaster.

Measurement Accuracy for 3D Structure Shape Change using UAV Images Matching (UAV 영상정합을 통한 구조물 형상변화 측정 정확도 연구)

  • Kim, Min Chul;Yoon, Hyuk Jin;Chang, Hwi Jeong;Yoo, Jong Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2017
  • Recently, there are many studies related aerial mapping project and 3 dimensional shape and model reconstruction using UAV(unmanned aerial vehicle) system and images. In this study, we create 3D reconstruction point data using image matching technology of the UAV overlap images, detect shape change of structure and perform accuracy assessment of area($m^2$) and volume($m^3$) value. First, we build the test structure model data and capturing its images of shape change Before and After. Second, for post-processing the Before dataset is convert the form of raster format image to ensure the compare with all 3D point clouds of the After dataset. The result shows high accuracy in the shape change of more than 30 centimeters, but less is still it becomes difficult to apply because of image matching technology has its own limits. But proposed methodology seems very useful to detect illegal any structures and the quantitative analysis of the structure's a certain amount of damage and management.

Analysis of Association between Mood of Music and Folksonomy Tag (음악의 분위기와 폭소노미 태그의 관계 분석)

  • Moon, Chang Bae;Kim, HyunSoo;Jang, Young-Wan;Kim, Byeong Man
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.53-64
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    • 2013
  • Folksonomies have potential problems caused by synonyms, tagging level, neologisms and so forth when retrieving music by tags. These problems can be tackled by introducing the mood intensity (Arousal and Valence value) of music as its internal tag. That is, if moods of music pieces and their mood tags are all represented internally by numeric values, A (Arousal) value and V (Valence) value, and they are retrieved by these values, then music pieces having similar mood with the mood tag of a query can be retrieved based on the similarity of their AV values though their tags are not exactly matched with the query. As a prerequisite study, in this paper, we propose the mapping table defining the relation between AV values and folksonomy tags. For analysis of the association between AV values and tags, ANOVA tests are performed on the test data collected from the well known music retrieval site last.fm. The results show that the P values for A values and V values are 0.0, which means the null hypotheses could be rejected and the alternative hypotheses could be adopted. Consequently, it is verified that the distribution of AV values depends on folksonomy tags.

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Timestamps based sequential Localization for Linear Wireless Sensor Networks (선형 무선 센서 네트워크를 위한 시각소인 기반의 순차적 거리측정 기법)

  • Park, Sangjun;Kang, Jungho;Kim, Yongchul;Kim, Young-Joo
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.1840-1848
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    • 2017
  • Linear wireless sensor networks typically construct a network topology with a high reliability through sequential 1:1 mapping among sensor nodes, so that they are used in various surveillance applications of major national infrastructures. Most existing techniques for identifying sensor nodes in those networks are using GPS, AOA, and RSSI mechanisms. However, GPS or AOA based node identification techniques affect the size or production cost of the nodes so that it is not easy to construct practical sensor networks. RSSI based techniques may have a high deviation regrading location identification according to propagation environments and equipment quality so that complexity of error correction algorithm may increase. We propose a timestamps based sequential localization algorithm that uses transmit and receive timestamps in a message between sensor nodes without using GPS, AOA, and RSSI techniques. The algorithms for distance measurement between each node are expected to measure distance within up to 1 meter in case of an crystal oscillator of 300MHz or more.