• Title/Summary/Keyword: Science Inquiry Activity

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An Analysis of Open Inquiry Activities Elementary School Students Want to Conduct (초등학생들이 선정한 자유탐구활동 주제 분석)

  • Park, Jong-Sun;Song, Young-Wook;Kim, Beom-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.143-152
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the contents of open inquiry activities of the newly revised 2007 National curriculum for each grade level and to teach open inquiry activities and selection of rational inquiry activities. For this study, 470 elementary students in Seoul, ranging from 3rd to 6th grades were surveyed. The experiment plans written by students were analyzed based on the analysis criteria. These criteria consisted of the reason for the selection, type, and suitability of open inquiry activities. The reason for selecting open inquiry activities were analyzed according to the reason why they want to conduct the activity, degree of getting help and the object of getting help. The types of the open inquiry activities were analyzed according to the field of inquiry, the inquiry method and the period of inquiry. Suitability of the open inquiry activities were analyzed according to the reason of suitability or unsuitability.

Analysis of Inquiry Activities in High School Chemistry II Textbooks based on the 2009 Revised Science Curriculum: Focus on 8 Science Practices (2009 개정 교육과정에 따른 화학II교과서에 포함된 탐구 활동 분석: 8가지 과학 실천을 중심으로)

  • Jeon, Young;Choi, Aeran
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2016
  • The cultivation of scientific literacy in recent science education can be improved by experiencing and understanding scientific inquiry by which scientific knowledge is formed. The National Research Council(NRC) released the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) including 8 practices of science that help students experience scientists' inquiry and subdividing achievement standards to perform 8 practices of science into by grade clusters. This study was intended to examine science inquiry activities included in 4 high school chemistry II textbooks developed by the 2009 revised curriculum using the 8 scientific practices and their achievement standards for 9th-12th grade. The science inquiry activities and the science practices included in the 4 textbooks were 173 and 678. The science practices included in the inquiry activities of 4 textbooks included the most ‘analyzing and interpreting data.’ The ‘engaging in argument from evidence’, ‘Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information’ were less than other practices. The ‘asking questions and defining problem’ and ‘developing and using models’ were not nearly included in the 4 high school chemistry II textbooks.

The Effects of the Science Activities using Drawing on Young Children's Scientific inquiry competences and attitudes (그리기를 활용한 과학 활동이 유아의 과학적 태도와 과학적 탐구능력에 미치는 효과)

  • Chae, Young-Ran;Shin, Soo-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.601-608
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of science activities using drawing on young children's scientific inquiry competences and scientific attitudes. The subjects of this research were a total of 40 young children at age 5 from two classes in G and C child care center which located in G city. The subjects were randomly assigned to two groups. The collected data were analyzed by t-test using SPSS program. The results of this study were as follow: First, experimental group which conducted the science activities using drawing showed significantly higher improvement in sub-factors of scientific inquiry competences, 'perseverance', 'creative', 'critical', and 'volunteering'. Second, experimental group which conducted the science activities using drawing showed significantly higher improvement in sub-factors of scientific attitudes, 'observing', 'measuring', and 'discussion'. Therefor, it might be concluded that science activities using drawing contributed to the development of scientific inquiry competences and scientific attitudes of young children.

Development and Application of a Science Camp Program for Gifted Elementary School Students (초등과학 영재 캠프 프로그램의 개발 및 적용)

  • Kwon, Chi-Soon;Kim, Jae-Young;Kim, Nam-Il;Lim, Chae-Seong;Jhun, Young-Seok
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.25 no.spc5
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    • pp.522-531
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    • 2007
  • A Science Camp Program was developed and applied as an intensified course for gifted students. The implications for the development and implementation of out-of-school science activities were also deduced through the analysis of the preliminary application results. The key point of the science camp program is to boost students' science inquiry skills through self-directed activities. Several positive effects in terms of interest and participation in the program were observed and some implications were derived as follows; (1) The program should provide the students with more opportunities for discussion and debate in group activities. (2) The tasks need be divided into two parts; basic tasks and optional tasks in order to ensure that the students engage in fewer tasks more intensively. (3) Each activity needs sufficient orientation taking consideration of the possibility that not all students may be ready for the inquiry. (4) The use of real examples of scientific research processes can help the students develop open inquiry skills and problem posing skills.

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An Analysis of the Uses of Visual Representations of Particles in the Middle School Science Textbooks in Matter Units (중학교 과학 교과서 물질 단원에 제시된 시각적 입자 표상의 활용 방식 분석)

  • Yousun Jeon;Sunghoon Kim;Taehee Noh;Sukjin Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.67 no.5
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    • pp.353-361
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    • 2023
  • This study analyzed the uses of visual representations of particles in the matter units of the middle school science textbooks developed under the 2015 Revised National Curriculum. The material units in four textbooks were divided into explanation, inquiry, and evaluation sections, and visual representations of particles presented in the science textbooks were analyzed by the use type, the activity type, and the level of activity. In the explanation section, the visual representations of particles were mainly presented in the auxiliary use type, and in the inquiry and evaluation section, they were mainly presented in a direct use type. In terms of the activity types of the direct use of visual representations of particles, the interpreting activity was mainly presented in the explanation and evaluation sections, while the generating activity and completing activity were presented in relatively higher proportion in the inquiry section than the other two sections. In terms of activity level, identifying was the most common activity level in the explanation section, and inferring was the most common activity level in the inquiry and evaluation sections. Based on these results, the implications for the presentation and uses of visual representations of particles in science textbooks are discussed.

Analysis of Preservice Elementary Teachers' Critiques of Peers' Inquiry-Based Instruction (예비 초등교사들의 동료 탐구 수업 비평 분석)

  • Lee, Shinyoung
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.389-403
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    • 2019
  • This study aims to analyze criteria and characteristics for preservice elementary teachers' critiques of their peers' inquiry-based instruction. This study reviews critiques written by 31 preservice elementary teachers enrolled in an elementary school science inquiry methods course wherein the teachers designed and implemented inquiry-based instruction. These preservice teachers participated in inquiry-based instruction as if they were elementary students and then evaluated their peers' instruction. Analysis of the critiques reveals that preservice teachers evaluated their peers' instruction on the following criteria: instruction context, science content, teaching strategies, students, instructional goals, non-verbal attitude, and assessment. Their beliefs about teaching science inquiry were reflected in the critiques. Additionally, it was found that four orientation for teaching inquiry-didactic, academic rigor, activity-driven, inquiry orientation-reflected in critiques; some of critiques held more than one of these orientations. And they did not merely criticize but suggested alternatives to general teaching strategies; furthermore, of inquiry-instruction specific teaching strategies. They showed higher epistemic understanding of inquiry-based instruction after mid-term demonstrations. The evidence demonstrated that the proportion of critiques specifically about inquiry-based instruction increased after the mid-term demonstrations. Moreover, the post mid-term critiques emphasized interaction between students as well as understanding of the nature of science. These findings could provide implication for teaching inquiry and criticizing others' instruction as part of elementary school science courses in preservice elementary teacher education.

An Analysis of Concepts and Inquiry Activities related to the 'Earth Science' Area in the South Korean Elementary School Textbooks to the Current & A Study on the Improvement of Future Textbook (우리나라 역대 초등학교 교과서에서 다루어진 '지구과학' 영역의 중심개념과 탐구활동 분석 및 차기 교과서 개선 방안 모색)

  • Lim, Sung-man
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.34 no.3
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    • pp.288-296
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to analysis of concepts and inquiry activities related to the 'Earth Science' area in the South Korean elementary school textbooks to the current and to seek the improvement of future textbook. For the study, we were collected South Korean elementary school textbooks to the current. After the collection had been made, we were analyzed related to the 'Earth' area in the South Korean elementary school textbooks and were extracted central concepts and inquiry activities. The result of this study: First, there were 'A change in the land', 'Strata and Fossil', 'Volcanoes and Earthquakes', 'Earth and Moon', 'The weather', 'The Solar system and the Star', and 'Seasonal Change' in the central concepts related to the 'Earth' area in the South Korean elementary school textbooks to the current. Second, central concepts were almost the same but the curriculum was changed. Third, inquiry activities also were confirmed to be maintained with little change. This result was believed that it can provide a variety of suggestions at this point in changing the curriculum.

Analysis of inquiry activities in the life science chapters of middle school 'science' textbooks: Focusing on Science Process Skills and 8 Scientific Practices (중학교 과학교과서 생명과학 단원의 탐구 활동 분석: 과학탐구 기능과 8가지 과학 실천을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Mijung;Hong, Juneuy;Kim, Sung-Ha;Lim, Chae-Seong
    • Journal of Science Education
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.318-333
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    • 2017
  • In this study, we analyzed activities in life science chapters of middle school 'science' textbooks for the 2009 revised Korea national curriculum and examined the difference between the analysis based on scientific practices and the analysis based on inquiry skills. As a results, there was a lot of inquiry skills in the order of 'reasoning', 'observing', 'classification' in the all of grade. In scientific practices, 'data analysis and interpretation' and 'constructing explanations and devising problem solving' were biased. This shows that life science inquiry activities in middle school 'science' textbooks are lacking in diversity in scientific practice elements as well as inquiry skills, and that the goals of the activities are limited. In addition, through the interrelationships between scientific inquiry skills and scientific practice elements, we examined contents relevance in the transition from inquiry function center to scientific practice, and compared with the results of inquiry activities in textbook, The results of this study were matched monotonously due to the tendency to basic inquiry-data interpretation / basic inquiry-explanation. This comes from results of the lack of diversity in activities presented in middle school 'science' textbooks. In this study, it is suggested that efforts should be made to include diverse scientific practice elements in the process of realizing 2015 revised Korea national curriculum from the simple and diversity-less inquiry activity through analyzing the textbooks of the 2009 revised Korea national curriculum.

An Analysis of the Content Elements and Inquiry Activities in the Revised "Wise Life" Curriculum 2007 (2007년 개정 슬기로운 생활 교육 과정의 내용 요소 및 탐구 활동 분석)

  • Park, Jae-Keun;Baik, Hyun-Jung
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study is to assist understanding the integrated subjects and to obtain implications required on the actual operation of curriculum by analyzing content elements and basic inquiry activities in the revised "wise lift" curriculum 2007. The result of this study is as follows. First, the formation of elements in contents of "wise life" deals with the passage of time based on changing seasons, myself and family in the 1st grade and the concept of space based on home and a village in the 2nd grade. Six main subjects and twelve activity subjects are presented per each grade. Second, number of activity subjects and content elements are reduced as compared with 7th curriculum so that the responsibility of operating classes based on activities is reduced and the purpose of rationalizing contents is somewhat fulfilled. Third, eliminating a relevant domains decisively when presenting the activity subjects assures the identification and purpose as the integrated subject focused on inquiry activities. Fourth, the result of analyzing the course-relevance on content elements shows that the allotment per each domain and course is less considered but the relevance of social studies is higher regardless of non-course characteristics as the integrated subject. Fifth, according to the component ratio of basic inquiry activities, 'Observing' and 'Debating' were presented as the most essential activities, and 'Measuring' and 'Making' were relatively low. By considering characteristics of course requiring balanced and various experiences of inquiry activities, additional discussions are required on appropriateness of the component ratio. Sixth, 'Observing' was increased and 'Debating' and 'Making' were decreased on the main activities in this revised curriculum as compared with 7th curriculum.

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The Analysis of Inquisitive Tendency of 'Information Science and Information Ethics' Section in 2009 Revised Middle School Informatics Textbooks (2009 개정 중학교 '정보' 교과서에서 '정보과학과 정보윤리' 영역의 탐구적 경향 분석)

  • Kang, Oh-Han
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we study inquiry tendency in informatics textbooks for middle school students. These textbooks were written in accordance with 2009 revised national curriculum, and were adopted in schools starting from 2013. Romey analysis was implemented to analyze inquiry tendency in six textbooks using four different criteria-text, data, activity, evaluation. The results showed that some textbooks displayed a low level of inquiry tendency, lacking participation from students and employing an authoritative tone. Among four factors, the 'activity' displayed the highest degree of inquiry tendency while the 'text' retained the lowest level of inquiry tendency. The Romey measures in some sections were zero, thereby indicating room for improvement.

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