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A study on the directions for the development of industrial design in Incheon -in Incheon international design competition- (인천산업디자인의 발전방향에 관한 연구 -인천국제디자인공모전의 필요성에 대하여-)

  • Kim, Young-Hee;Kim, Ji-Ho;Kim, Boo-Chi
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 2004
  • This study is to analyze the present situation of Incheon design and to research Incheon industrial design with the special character of the city. Next, the final purpose is to apply this study for the Incheon International Design Competition event that will be held first time sponsored by Incheon Metropolitan. Incheon is Metropolitan which has 2.6 million people and the entrance of seoul Metropolitan which is the center of export industry and one of the greatest industrial city. It is growing the hub of International trade city of the twenty-first centry due to the opening of Incheon International Airport and the new development of Song-do city. The industrial structure of Incheon is mostly consist of small industry centered which has a lack of design development capacity, and it has a little insufficient design-related institutes which can educate the design personnel. It has only two universities and six junior colleges. Especially, design-related academics and exhibitions are rare nearby Seoul area. I will contribute the study which makes the industrial character and the necessity of design that can be possible through the Incheon International Design Exhibition, and it will promote the backward design industry and economy of Incheon that compared to other regions of Korea. And, I am going to utilize as basic data bases for exercising advanced Incheon Industrial Design Competition. Furthermore, I would like to contribute the image improvement of new International Incheon Metropolitan through the training of excellent design experts and finding design-related personnels which can be accomplished the cooperation among local autonomy, industries and schools.

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Fast Median Filtering Algorithms for Real-Valued 2-dimensional Data (실수형 2차원 데이터를 위한 고속 미디언 필터링 알고리즘)

  • Cho, Tai-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.18 no.11
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    • pp.2715-2720
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    • 2014
  • Median filtering is very effective to remove impulse type noises, so it has been widely used in many signal processing applications. However, due to the time complexity of its non-linearity, median filtering is often used using a small filter window size. A lot of work has been done on devising fast median filtering algorithms, but most of them can be efficiently applied to input data with finite integer values like images. Little work has been carried out on fast 2-d median filtering algorithms that can deal with real-valued 2-d data. In this paper, a fast and simple median 2-d filter is presented, and its performance is compared with the Matlab's 2-d median filter and a heap-based 2-d median filter. The proposed algorithm is shown to be much faster than the Matlab's 2-d median filter and consistently faster than the heap-based algorithm that is much more complicated than the proposed one. Also, a more efficient median filtering scheme for 2-d real valued data with a finite range of values is presented that uses higher-bit integer 2-d median filtering with negligible quantization errors.

The Aspectual Theory of the Cybercharacter (사이버캐릭터의 위상론)

  • 이선교
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.182-190
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    • 1999
  • There has been the rapid change of paradigm with the overflow of terms related to computers such as information, digital, cyber, virtual world and the change of time concept on the ground that it is common to change the world into virtual time. This study is about cybercharacters working in air-broadcasting with rapidly-developing internet, The cybercharacters including 3D animation developed from 2D animation are know to be manufactured with use of electronic mediun and computers and to exist in electronics. Though the emergence of the cybercharacters has a lot of gflnetic roots according to their objectives, they have in common that they are made by 3D graphics and they work in the virtual space, The great traits of the cybercharaters lie in the extension of interfacial function and ecological growth. In the cyberspace the interface, the meeting point between a computer and its users is the most important, The cybercharacters as medium providing new ruman interface become effective with growing interest in virtual reality, The cybercharacters also keep the ecological traits, They can also bring about added value with infusion of image and development of the network, These cybercharacters can also play the important parts in the continually developing cyberspace, The successful birth of the cybercharacter are based on, the technological power. assistance of fund and the ctrltural background, The information-entertainment of the cybercharacters functions well with the accompinimene of these three things, The cybercharacters can make a subject which keeps single issue as a central point of the virtual realty, The cybercharacters can also be connected with equity of "Korean knowledge information society" in the cultural rule of the internet and sociocul tural identity, identity.

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A Strategy to Activate Design Industry for Provincial Development - Centering on the region of Daegu and Gyeongbuk - (지역발전을 위한 디자인산업 활성화 전략 -대구 경북지역을 중심으로-)

  • Yun, Young-Tae;Kim, Yun-Hee
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.3 s.61
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    • pp.55-62
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    • 2005
  • Recently, the opening of the world economy and regional ization of national demand endless endeavors and investments to upbring design-industry for regional economic development. Our domestic commodities, declined in price competitiveness against China and Southeast Asian nations, need construction of brand image of commodities and consumers' response through expanded concernments in marketing spheres. The design-industry is a important means to strengthen competitiveness of the domestic industry through discrimination of commodities and creativity of high added value. Design-industry has some problems in circumstances; commodity development and marketing are below the level in the sphere of manufacture industry yet and businessmen are unwilling to invest demanded for development of new design. Establishment of the personal foundation, useful for accumulating competent designers' experiences and technologies, can not pass limit. In addition, a system and a policy to protect design-industry have a problem in effectiveness. Concrete strategies to activate design industry which meets social and cultural circumstances of Daegu and Gyeongbuk region are to establish policy for construction of specialists' infra, systematization of study & development of design, common ownership of information on design, and expansion of design company. The business to upbring design in the region should be operated to develop competitive commodities which is helpful to the regional economy and to increase value of the regional enterprises' brand. In addition, foundation of design should be expanded personal, material, and informational infra through design-centered so that they are helpful to activate economy of Daegu and Gyeongbuk through making design reformational cluster.

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THE STUDY ON MODERN DESIGN REFLECTED NATIONAL DISPOSITION AND CULTURAL CHARACTER - Focused on the re-definition of Korean national disposition and cultural character for design Education - (민족적(民族的) 기질(氣質)과 문화적 성격이 반영되는 현대 디자인에 대한 고찰 - 디자인 교육을 위한 한국의 민족, 문화적 기질의 정의를 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Sung-Woon;Cho, Eun-Hwan
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.129-138
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    • 2006
  • Design securing a dominant position currently in the global market has shown inherent culture of each country, i.d. national disposition. For instancess, there are Scandinavia emphasizing humanism, America adopting pragmatism, Germany reflecting the rational principle, Spain reflecting the daily an, Italian design being rationalism and impressionism. The members of society shall be under the control of the already formed social-cultural value and character. So culture shall restrict the internal manner of social behaviour and apply pressure to the action of main body. Also culture shall be under the control of social environment and each culture shall be materialized as per the disposition of the members of society. Now korean design has been attracted lots of interests and attention from global market because it is excellent in the aspect of application capability for new technology and also suggests the image of design produced through them. Now Korean design shall run side by side the application for formative element to be recognized by technical design as well as korean identity. So dear definition for national and cultural disposition shall be required to korean design education and design development. These prescribed efforts shall be a shortcut for globalization of korean design.

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A Study about Development and Application of Evaluating Brand Logo Grade (로고 디자인 평가모델 개발 및 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Yi, Eun-Ice
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.151-162
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this thesis is to upgrade brand logo's equity by objective and professional evaluating tool. A brand logo is the main factor in making brand equity, but many times a brand logo is decided without objective judgment because making a logo is considered an intuitive process. To minimize the poor judgment by non-experts, a brand logo needs objective numerical grading tool. Thus, a brand logo is a factor in making a brand identity, not only brand image. That is why brand logo must be chosen by an expert's object judgment. The concrete method to obtain a objective, and at the same time professional grading tool which can De used for the developing and verifying process for a brand logo is as below-first, considering brand judgment from various angles through existing literature, I found various logo grading factors and then extracted them with professional identity designer's subjective consideration. second, applying extracted factors to actual logo grading, verify as a efficient design management tool

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The implementation of sign design simulation software (사인디자인 제작 체험 시뮬레이션 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Paik, Jin-Kyung;Lee, Kyung-Mi;Yeoun, Myeong-Heum
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.19 no.2 s.64
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2006
  • Sign is one of the important factors in city and national image formation, thus requires high level of quality. However, domestic sign emphasize only the sense of attention that leads to big sized signs, thus often results in a poor coordination with the surrounding space. This situation requires employees in sign business want to learn specialized knowledge about design field. Based on these circumstances, we propose sign design software to employees in sign business field as an aid tool that can help to develop good signs in terms of functionality as well as harmony of design. Thus, in this investigation, sign simulation software application case that can design sign and apply this sign to the actual application site is presented. In order to develop this software, literature survey and preliminary studies were performed to analyze the preparation process and environment, and designed sign design element and software elements, user interrace, and finally Java software were utilized. This developed software can be used as a textbook in sign design related departments in schools, and hopefully to enhance the social recognition of sign as well as academic interest.

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A Research for the pattern of the Instrument Panel Design of passenger cars (승용차 인스트루먼트 패널 디자인 유형의 연구)

  • Koo, Sang
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.99-108
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    • 1999
  • The interior space in a passenger car is consisted with many partial elements, and the instrument panel is the most important part from all of them, which is designate the total image of the interior design and the space variation, drivability and safety of the interior space. ] The instrument panel of a passenger car in the early age had the concept of a wall between the engine room and the passenger cabin on which the instrument for the driver were fitted. Therefore the central mounting of the instruments was the typical feature regardless of the position of a driver seat. As the automobiles became more functional with many equipments, driver oriented instrument panel with energy absorbing materials had been developed, and that was the beginning of the various instrument panel design of these days. The recent instrument panels of passenger car have the tendency of going back to the central instrument mounting as it was at the past on a few cars for the strict safety regulation, a new production technology and for the enhanced drivability. It can be summarized into a few results as these with the analysis of a few recent instrument panels. -minimizing the total volume for the better frontal visibility. -energy absorbing and passive structures for the strict impact regulations. -revival of central instrument mounting for the convenience and safety through minimizing the difference of the focal length of a driver.

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Analysis of the key Factors that Influence Emotional Web Design and its Effects on Brand Attitude - focus on Fastfood WebSites - (웹에서의 감성디자인이 브랜드태도에 미치는 효과와 영향요인 분석 - 패스트푸드 사이트를 중심으로 -)

  • 윤다연;이현주
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2004
  • This paper focused on the effect of Kansei design on the web in branding as well as its influence factors. As a key of this research, it classified web users' Kansei into five categories; 1) functional Kansei, 2) sensoryKansei, 3) psychological Kansei, 4) relational Kansei and 5) cultural Kansei, and organized relevant factors. Online surveys were conducted on seven websites of the fast food brands in Korea (Lotteria, Mcdonald, BurgerKing, Popeyes, KFC, Pizza Hut, Domino's) which are targeting 463 male and females in 20s. As a result, an average of 58% responded that they had a positive Kansei experience and could enhanceits brand preference. Of the sensory Kansei, visual design factors were the one that gave the greatest effect on brand preference enhancement. Regarding the functional Kansei satisfaction, such as user convenience and access speed were also one of the most crucial variables for the whole Kansei satisfaction. Moreover, the preference enhancement brought not only a positive effect on its reliability but also its brand image and consumers' purchasing desire. Based on the survey results, the additional FGI (Focus Group Interview) had been conducted and determined \circled1 what kind of major Kansei that users wanted to have satisfied, \circled2 what type of design can give strong Kansei appeal to its users, and \circled3what design factors gave an effect on sensory emotion. In the course of this research, Itried to renew the awareness of the web importance as a major channel in non-mass interactive marketing, and suggest the effect and its possibility of emotional branding through Kansei design in the web as well as design principles of strategic Kansei design.

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Precise Orbit Determination of LEO Satellite Using Dual-Frequency GPS Data (이중 주파수 GPS 데이터를 이용한 저궤도 위성의 정밀궤도결정)

  • Hwang, Yoo-La;Lee, Byoung-Sun;Kim, Jae-Hoon;Yoon, Jae-Cheol
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.229-236
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    • 2009
  • KOorea Multi-purpose SATellite(KOMPSAT)-5 will be launched at 550km altitude in 2010. Accurate satellite position(20 cm) and velocity(0.03 cm/s) are required to treat highly precise Synthetic Aperture Radar(SAR) image processing. Ionosphere delay was eliminated using dual frequency GPS data and double differenced GPS measurement removed common clock errors of both GPS satellites and receiver. SAC-C carrier phase data with 0.1 Hz sampling rate was used to achieve precise orbit determination(POD) with ETRI GNSS Precise Orbit Determination(EGPOD) software, which was developed by ETRI. Dynamic model approach was used and satellite's position, velocity, and the coefficients of solar radiation pressure and drag were adjusted once per arc using Batch Least Square Estimator(BLSE) filter. Empirical accelerations for sinusoidal radial, along-track, and cross track terms were also estimated once per revolution for unmodeled dynamics. Additionally piece-wise constant acceleration for cross-track direction was estimated once per arc. The performance of POD was validated by comparing with JPL's Precise Orbit Ephemeris(POE).