• 제목/요약/키워드: School-related characteristics

검색결과 3,387건 처리시간 0.029초

An Exploration of the Factors Related with Preference for and Participation in Science-related Activities of Elementary School Student (과학 관련 활동에 대한 초등학생의 선호 및 참여와 관련된 요인 탐색)

  • Yang, Chanho;Jo, Junmo;Kim, Chan-Jong;Choe, Seung-Urn;Kim, Heui-Baik;Yoo, Junehee;Yi, Kyung-Woo;Kye, Young Hee;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • 제33권3호
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    • pp.427-438
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we explored the factors related with preference for and participation in science-related activities of elementary school students. We developed a questionnaire to measure the characteristics of students such as motivation toward science learning, science aspiration, family science orientation, parental educational level and occupation, and the degrees of preference and participation of science-related activities. The questionnaire was administered to about 400 fourth graders in Seoul. The results revealed that the students with higher motivation toward science learning and/or science aspiration preferred and participated more in most activities. It was also found that parental educational level and occupation did not make an appreciable difference in preference and participation. The students who perceived their parents to be science-oriented, however, preferred and participated more in most activities. These results may offer practical implications for effective uses of both school and out-of-school science activities in elementary science education.

A Comparison of the Characteristics of Analogies Generated by Middle School Students Depending on Their Scientific Creativity, Field Independence/dependence, and Learning Approach (과학적 창의성, 장독립성·장의존성, 학습접근양식에 따른 중학생이 생성한 비유의 특징 비교)

  • Kim, Minhwan;Lee, Donghwi;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • 제62권1호
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    • pp.36-42
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    • 2018
  • In this study, we investigated the characteristics of analogies generated by middle school students in the perspectives of the number of analogies, the mapping understanding, and the diversity and originality of analogs. We also compared the results by students' scientific creativity, field independence/dependence, and learning approach. Participants in this study were 250 9th graders in Seoul. The analyses of the results revealed that the students of higher scientific creativity generated more analogies, had a higher level of mapping understanding, and used more diverse and original sources. Field independent students had a higher level of mapping understanding. However, the other characteristics of analogies were not related to field independence/dependence. Meaningful understanding approach was related to all the characteristics of analogies, while rote learning approach was not related to any characteristics of analogies. Educational implications of these findings are discussed.

An analysis of types and functions of questions presented in data and chance area of elementary school mathematics textbooks (초등수학 교과서의 자료와 가능성 영역에 제시된 발문의 유형과 기능 분석)

  • Do, Joowon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • 제60권3호
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    • pp.265-279
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    • 2021
  • In this study, by analyzing of types and functions of questions presented in Data and Chance area of the mathematics textbooks for grades 1-6 of the 2015 revised curriculum, the characteristics of the questions presented in the textbook were identified, and implications for teaching and learning related to the questions in this textbook were obtained. Types and functions of the presented questions showed different proportions of appearance according to the grade clusters, and this seems to be related to the learning contents for each grade clusters and the characteristics of grade clusters. In addition, it can be seen that the functions of questions are related to the types of questions. Teachers should have pedagogical content knowledge about Data and Chance area as well as developmental characteristics for each grade clusters. In addition, the teacher should present an suitable question for the level of grade clusters and the nature of the content to be taught so that effective learning can be achieved based on the understanding of the characteristics and functional characteristics of each type of questions. The results of this study can contribute to statistical teaching in a progressive direction by providing a foundation for textbook writing and teaching/learning.

Periodontal disease-related recognition and oral health-related behavior in orthodontic patients with fixed appliance (고정성 교정장치 장착환자의 치주질환관련 지식 및 구강건강관련 행태)

  • Choi, Kyung-Sun;Moon, Sang-Eun;Kim, Yun-Jeong;Kim, Seon-Yeong;Cho, Hye-Eun;Kang, Hyun-Joo
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.747-755
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of study is to investigate periodontal disease-related recognition and oral health-related behavior in orthodontic patients with fixed appliance. Methods: A self-reported questionnaire was completed by 286 orthodontic patients with fixed appliance in Gwangju, Jeonnam from September 1 to September 27, 2016. The questionnaire consisted of general characteristics (3 items), orthodontic related characteristics (3 items), knowledge of periodontal disease (3 items), and oral health-related behavior (4 items). The data were analyzed by frequency analysis, percentage and chi-square analysis using SPSS 21.0 program. Results: 62.8% had experiences of dental treatment and 67.5% had intention of involvement on incremental care program in orthodontic treatment periods. Accuracy rate of cause about periodontal disease was high in female and case of acquiring information experiences on periodontal disease (p<0.05). 67.2% performed correct toothbrushing for the management of periodontal disease in the experiences of acquiring information on periodontal disease in orthodontic treatment periods (p<0.05). The proportions of using interdental toothbrush and mouth rinsing solutions were high among those over 20 years old and students in the subjects (p<0.05). Conclusions:The accuracy rate were high in the answers about cause and management of periodontal disease in case of acquiring information experiences on periodontal disease in orthodontic treatment periods. Therefore, there is a need to further development and implementation of dental hygiene intervention program for periodontal disease care with fixed orthodontic appliances in that regard.

A study of the effect of health education about AIDS related knowledge and attitude in industrial workers (일부지역 근로자의 AIDS에 대한 보건교육을 통한 지식 및 태도의 변화)

  • Ahn, Tae-Sung
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.114-124
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    • 1995
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the education effect about AIDS related knowledge & attitude in industrial workers. This study examined the workers' knowledge and attitude at two times. (before education, 3days after education) This study 298 admitted workers on 3 work place who participated in health education by video material. Data were gathered from 1994. 12. 12 to 1994. 12. 22. The results were as follow: 1. The level of knowledge about AIDS; The correct answer mean score of knowledge before education was 13.7 out of 28. The correct answer mean score of knowledge after education was 17.6 out of 28. 2. The education effect about AIDS related knowledge according to 28 questions; Almost of questions were significantly increased correct answer rate about AIDS related knowledge except 2 questions. 3. The education effect about AIDS related knowledge according to workers' general characteristics: The significant general characteristics of health education effect that impact on the knowledge score were women, the teenth, the twentieth, unmarrige state, lower senior high school graduated, sexual experience had or not, over five occupational career, education time, health education experience had or not. 4. The education effect of AIDS related attitude: Significant change of attitude related AIDS were found 7 out of 9 questions.

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Secondary School Students' Perceptions of School Spaces: What They Like and Dislike (중·고등학생의 호·불호 학교공간 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jong-Hyang;Shin, Na-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Educational Facilities
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.47-57
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    • 2015
  • This study aimed to identify secondary school students' perceptions of school spaces by researching their place preferences and the reasons for them. For the purpose, we analyzed students' written statements regarding places they like and dislike at school, which were collected from 836 middle and 1,100 high school students enrolled at 4 middle and 4 high schools, respectively. Data were transcribed, encoded, and analyzed so as to be clustered to themes revealing the students' senses of places at school. The results are as follows: (1) for middle school students, the most preferred places had to do with physical activities, including playground, auditorium, gymnasium etc., whereas high school students preferred indoor places such as classrooms; (2) the reasons for like-places were categorized into three themes: functions (physical, social, learning, and everyday activities), emotions (belonging, healing, and aesthetics), and physical characteristics; (3) both middle and high school students regarded restroom as the place that they disliked most; (4) the reasons for dislike-places included physical conditions, atmosphere, person-related, subject-related, and circumstances such as the happening of violence or punishment. These may provide educators, parents, school architects and administrators with practical considerations needed for making school a better place for students at secondary schools.

A Survey on Safety Behaviors among Korean Elementary School Children at a Local City (일 지역 초등학생의 안전행위 조사)

  • Ko, Meoung-Hee;Kim, Kyung-Sook;Lee, Kyoung-Sook;Kang, Hae-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • 제16권2호
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2003
  • Instroduction: The purpose of this study was to investigate safety education-related backgrounds and safety behaviors of elementary school children at a local area in Jeonbuk province. Methods: Study subjects were 308 5th and 6th graders from 6 schools located in J City and the data were collected from June 16-27, 2003. Research instrument to test safety behaviors was 4-points summated scale (Cronbach${\alpha}$= .94) composed of 54-items with three sub-categories school life safety (${\alpha}$= .88), traffic safety (${\alpha}$= .86), and daily life safety (${\alpha}$= .84), The data was analyzed by percentage, x2-test, t-test, ANOVA and Duncan test using SPSS/PC 10.0. Results: 1. Safety Education-related Characteristics: Safety education was mostly conducted during extracurricular hour as picnic (37%) and regular class (37.2%); and the instructors of safety education were school nurse (33.2%), classroom teacher (30.9%), and parents (23.4%) in order. About two third (71.0%) of the subjects have had many kinds of school event program such as essay writing, poster drawing, oratorical contest in the course of safety education According to gender, girl students was more favorable about school events as a effective safety education measure (x2=9.188, p= .010); and according to school location, nural school taught more at moming & closing session (x2=7.383, p= .025), by school nurse or classroom teacher (x2=36.574, p= .001), and had more frequent (x2=63.337, p= .001) safety education class. 2. Practice of safety behaviors: Mean scores of safety behaviors was $106.9{\pm}24.92$ out of 162 points. According gender, the scores of girl students (t=-3.296, p= .001) were significant higher than boy students. But there was not any significant difference according to school area According to safety education-related characteristics, the scores of safety behaviors was significantly higher in the group who thought that school event program was more effective on safety education (F=4.024, p= .019), and who were more interested in current safety education class (F= 10.203, p= .001) Conclusions: From the above findings, the authors concluded that school-based safety education was mainly conducted at extra-curricular and regular class, and by school nurse or classroom teacher in elementary school. Even though the mean scores of safety behaviors of elementary school children was in medium level, those. were significant higher in girl students and in rural school children. And extra-curricular activities and school event programs were suggested as more effective strategies for school-based safety education Based on the above findings, safety education class can be recommended in regular curricular basis; and various extracurricular activities and school event programs need to be developed for more effective school-based safety education. In addition, further study on gender-specific factors on safety behaviors and nationwide survey on school-based safety education should be needed.

Experience of Parent-related Negative Life Events, Mental Health, and Delinquent Behavior among Korean Adolescents (부모관련 부정적 생활사건의 경험과 청소년의 정신건강 및 비행행위)

  • Kim, Dong-Sik
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.218-226
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    • 2007
  • Objectives : This study examined the relationship of parent-related negative life events with mental health and delinquent behaviors among Korean adolescents. Methods : A total of 2,976 high school first-grade pupils (1,498 boys & 1,478 girls) taking part in the third wave of Korean Youth Panel Survey completed a self-administered questionnaire regarding parent-related life events, depressive feelings, suicidal ideation, delinquent behaviors, demographic characteristics, parental socioeconomic status, social support, and social capital. Data analyses were conducted using multivariate logistic regression. Results : After adjusting for all covariates, the more parent-related negative life events adolescents experienced throughout their whole life, the more likely adolescent were to have mental and behavioral problems. A significant dose-response relationship between them was more clearly observed in girls than in boys. The experience of parentrelated negative events during childhood was significantly associated with suicidal ideation and delinquent behaviors for boys, and with depressive feelings for girls during adolescence. Indeed, parental social support, social capital, and having a close friend with delinquent behaviors, especially for girls, partially mediated the relationship between parent-related negative life events and both outcomes. Conclusions : The study showed a clear dose-response relationship of frequency of parent-related negative life events with poor mental and behavioral health for both genders. The residual effect of being exposed to parent-related events during childhood on mental health and delinquent behaviors during adolescence still remained.

Factors affecting periodontal disease-related symptoms in the Korean adolescents (한국 청소년의 치주질환 관련 구강증상 경험에 영향 요인)

  • Hye-Jeong Youn;Sun-Sook Kim
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.521-529
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    • 2022
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting periodontal disease-related symptoms in adolescents using raw data from the 16th (2020) online survey on adolescent health. Methods: Data were collected from the survey entries, and analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0. A multi-sample chi-square test was performed to determine periodontal disease-related symptoms according to demographic characteristics, lifestyles, exercise habits, and psychological factors. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine factors affecting periodontal disease-related symptoms. Results: Periodontal disease-related symptoms were higher in female, high school-age adolescents, and those with lower economic status. Increased alcohol intake, having breakfast 3 days or less a week, ingesting sweet drinks and fast food three or more times a week, and zero water intake were found to have a greater effect on periodontal disease-related symptoms. Higher levels of stress, fewer hours of sleep, and feeling less healthy were also factors leading to increased periodontal disease-related symptoms. Conclusions: Adolescents have various factors that are associated with periodontal disease. A method to reduce rates of periodontal disease in adolescents should be developed, along with a school oral health education program.

Factors related to retention intention of new dental hygienists: focusing on working environment (신입 치과위생사의 재직의도 관련요인: 근무환경을 중심으로)

  • Da-Som Lee;Eun-Mi Choi;Gyeong-Soon Han
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • 제23권1호
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: This study aimed to identify the level of occupational and organizational retention intention and related factors among new dental hygienists. Methods: The participants were 195 dental hygienists employed for less than 24 months. A t-test and one-way analysis of variance were conducted to determine the level of intention to stay according to an individual's major-related characteristics and work environment awareness level. Pearson's correlation analysis was performed for each item, and stepwise multiple regression was performed for factors related to retention intention. Results: In the work environment, the organizational support network had the highest occupational retention intention (β=0.513). Organizational retention intention (β=0.351), working infrastructure (β=0.293), cooperation relationship (β=0.165), and management justice (β=0.151) were factors related to organizational retention intention (p<0.001). Employment at the practice hospital was related to occupational (β=0.167) and organizational retention intention (β=0.138), and satisfaction with clinical practice was related to occupational retention intention (β=0.327). Conclusions: New dental hygienists are expected to be actively utilized for long-term tenure in both occupations and organizations by actively reflecting on the results obtained through this study in the curriculum and working environment of dental hygienists.