• Title/Summary/Keyword: School-life Adjustment

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The Relationship Among Parents' Rearing Attitude, Covert Narcissism, and School Adjustment of High School Students (고등학생이 지각한 부모양육태도, 내현적 자기애가 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jong-Un;Kim, Ji-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.1041-1054
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of the parents' rearing attitude perceived by high school students and students' covert narcissism on the adjustment of high school students. For that, research data are collected from 580 high school students in Busan. 524 students' data are analyzed through SPSS Ver. 21.0 to examine correlations and influences of parents rearing attitude, students' covert narcissism and adjustment ability to schools. The results obtained in this study are as follows: First, the finding shows that the adjustment of high school students has a significant static corelation with parents' rearing attitude which is perceived by students. Second, affective attitude of parents' rearing attitude, has the strongest influence on students compliance in school. In addition, goal-oriented and rational attitude of parents has an impact on students' scholastic aptitude and academic achievement. Third, students' goal-instability of life which is one element of students' covert narcissism has negative effect on overall students' school life. Thus, these results suggest that for a better adjustment of high school students, various parent education training and development of programs that can help students set up goals are needed. It also highlights the importance of counseling.

A Grounded Theory Approach to the Adjustment Experiences in Spouses of Elderly People with Dementia (치매노인 배우자의 적응경험에 관한 근거이론적 접근)

  • Son, Jung A;Park, Eunyoung;Hyun, Myungsun
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.184-196
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: This study explored the adjustment experiences of spouses of elderly people with dementia in Korea. Methods: A grounded theory method was used. The data were collected by individual in-depth interviews with 11 spouses of elderly people with dementia. Results: In the analysis, 17 categories were derived. A core category emerged: Adjusting to daily life of providing love-based care. Eight major strategies for dealing with the psychosocial problems faced by spouses of elderly people with dementia: Feeling one's own responsibility in caring; halting personal activities; adopting a spouse-oriented daily lifestyle; caring with love; efforts for maintaining one's own health; efforts for maintaining spouse's health; depending on religious belief; and trying to have time for oneself. The consequences that resulted from applying these strategies were identified as "feeling worthwhile for caring," "maintaining a peaceful life," and "being grateful of the present." Conclusions: This study presents a holistic view of the adjustment experiences of spouses of elderly people with dementia. This study can also provide directions for developing interventions for enhancing the quality of life of spouses of elderly people with dementia.

The Effects of Participation in Family Leisure Activity on School Adjustment of Middle School Students (가족스포츠여가활동 참여가 중학생들의 학교생활적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Jung-Joo;Ko, Wi-Sug;Han, Gun-Soo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.2690-2696
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this research was to investigate effects of participation in family leisure activity on school adjustment of middle school students. A total of six hundred questionnaires were distributed to the subjects, but only 587 questionnaires were collected. After excluding 12 questionnaires, 575 questionnaires were used for the analysis. An analysis of variance and independent t test were conducted using SPSS 18.0 for Windows and all comparisons were made at the p<.05 level of significance. The results showed that gender did not affect on school adjustment. There were significant differences in school adjustment by academic grades and family leisure activity participation(p<.05). It was concluded that participating in family leisure activity may be beneficial for middle school students to adapt their school life better.

The Impact of Parents' Marital Conflict and Parent-Adolescent Communication on College Students' Psycho-Social Adjustment (부모간 갈등과 부모자녀간 의사소통에 따른 후기 청소년의 심리${\cdot}$사회적 적응)

  • Lee Young-Mi;Min Ha-Yeoung;Lee Yoon-Joo
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.23 no.5 s.77
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2005
  • This study investigated the effect of parents' marital conflict and parent-adolescent communication on the psycho-social adjustment of college students. The subjects were 287 college students(107 boys and 180 girls) in Daegu and Kyoungbuk Province. Questionnaires were used to investigate the college students' depression, anxiety and school adjustment and parents' marital conflict and parent-adolescent communication perceived by college students. Data were analyzed by SPSS-WIN program, including median, mean, standard deviation, correlational analysis, and regression. Results were as follows. (1) The college students who perceived their parents' marital conflict as lower and parent-adolescent communication as positive were less depressive and less anxious and were good at school than those who perceived them as higher and negative. (2) The college students of the family with negative parent-adolescent communication and high parents' marital conflict were more negative in psycho-social adjustment than those of the family with positive parent-adolescent communication or low parents' marital conflict. (3) The regression analysis showed that college students' perception of positive parent-adolescent communication was more influential on college students' psycho-social adjustment than the parents' marital conflict perceived by college students.

Path Model for the Family and School Environment Affecting Adolescent Suicidal Ideation Mediated by Depression (우울증을 매개로 한 청소년의 자살구상에 관한 가족 및 학교환경의 경로분석 모델)

  • 전영주
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.151-167
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    • 2001
  • This study tests the path model which examines how the variables of past and present family dynamics, school adjustment, filed life events affect the adolescents'depression which in tum influencing their suicidal ideation. In the path model, the exogenous varialbes were negative parenting experience in childhood, maladjustment history of the family (e.g., alcohol, divorce), present parent-adolesecent communication, school adjustment, filed life events were used, whereas the adolescent depression was used as the mediated variable. The endogenous variable was the adolescent suicidal ideation. The respondents of the survey were 635 adolescent who were 1st and 2nd grade of high school located in Seoul and Busan. Using SPSS for Windows, the path analysis was done for male and female adolescents separately, since female adolescents were found to report significantly higher degree of depression and suicidal ideation then were male adolescents. The results of the path analysis were as followings. First, for both the male and female adolescents, depression was the strongest predictor of their suicidal ideation. Also, school adjustment strongly affected the adolescents'depression as well as their suicidal ideation. Meanwhile, filed life events indirectly influenced the suicidal ideation only through the depression. Second, for the male adolescents, negative parenting experience in childhood affected both the depression and suicidal ideation, while the parent-adolescent communication directly affected the suicidal ideation. Third, for the female adolescents, maladjustment family history and negative parenting experience did not affect their depression, but the suicidal ideation. Meanwhile, parent-adolescent communication was a significant predictor of female adolescents'suicidal ideation as well as their depression. In conclusion, discussion on different path of male and female adolescents'suicidal ideation was provided.

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A Study on Values and College Adjustment: the Case of C University (대학생들의 가치관과 대학생활 적응에 관한 연구: C 대학 사례를 중심으로)

  • Shin, Heeju;Shin, Hyunki
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.221-235
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this research is to examine the factors correlated with adjustment to collage life of students such as their academic achievement and college life satisfaction. This research focuses on the relationship between values and college life satisfaction based on perspectives that individual values have close affinity with life satisfaction. For analyses, we used 5-years of information of college admission and GPAs of all students, and survey data of 671 students of C university. The results are as follows; 1) academic achievement is the highest among those with comprehensive school report admission-within the enrollment quota, 2) college life satisfaction is pertaining to specific values such as belief in justice, cooperation, and trust, 3) college life satisfaction is related with the satisfaction of overall educational environment. The results emphasize the importance of education of public values to enhance adjustment to college life of students.

The Influence of Parenting Attitudes on Adolescents' School Adjustment : Mediating Effects of Ego Resilience and Care (부모양육태도가 청소년의 학교적응에 미치는 영향 : 자아탄력성과 배려심의 매개효과)

  • Noh, Miwha;Heo, MiJeong;Choi, Youn Shil
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.119-134
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of the study is to explore how parenting attitudes, ego resilience, and care affects adolescents' adjustment to school so as to provide a necessary basic guideline needed to seek various intervention methods. To achieve this end, the study referred to the 2014 Annual Report of the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey. By using both SPSS 19.0 and AMOS 19.0, the study yielded the following results. First, the study showed that parenting attitudes, ego resilience, care, and school adjustment all have a positive correlation. Second, by conducting path analysis in order to verify the mediating effect of ego resilience and care with regards to the relationship between parenting attitudes and school adjustment, the direct influence that parenting attitudes had on school adaptation was shown to be relevant. Third, adolescents' ego resilience and care have a partial mediating effect on the relationship between parenting attitudes and school adaptation. Therefore, together with intervention in actual school settings, assessing various factors that would aid the recovery of adolescents' characters and pursuing a positive reinforcement of character by finding protective factors would enable this study to be used as a basic guideline that would prevent adolescents' maladjustment to school and social deviance as well as aid the growth of their characters.

Influence on Adjustment of University Life among Nnursing Students (간호대학생의 대학생활 적응에 미치는 영향)

  • Cha, Hyun Su
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.8
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    • pp.381-391
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors having an influence on adjusting to the university life of freshmen and sophomore nursing students. The data was collected from questionnaires that were filled out by 150 nursing students in one school from November 1, 2018 to November 20, 2018. The data was analyzed by the SPSS 22.0 program (frequency, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation and multiple regression analysis). The mean score of university life adjustment was $75.85{\pm}9.43$ (range: 25~125). A negative correlation was found between adjustment to university life and stress, A positive correlation was found between adjusting to university life and self efficacy. Negative correlation was found between stress and self efficacy. The factors influencing the adjustment of freshmen and sophomore nursing students to university life were health promoting behavior (sleeping time, snacks, drinking, and leisure time or having a hobby), stress and self efficacy. In addition, health promoting behaviors, stress and self efficacy accounted for 13.9% of the variance in adjusting to university life. The results of this study suggest that health promoting behavior, stress and self efficacy are important to the adjustment to university life for freshmen and sophomore nursing students. Further research on improving health promoting behavior, reducing stress and improving self efficacy is warranted. An intervention program that includes these significant variables of such subjects should be developed to improve adjusting to the university life of nursing students.

A Study on The Relations between the perceived Social support and Adjustment of Children (아동의 사회적 지지지각 및 만족도와 적응능력간의 관계)

  • Choi, Jin-A;Lee, Sook
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study were i)to investigate children's perceived social support and satisfaction with level of social support and ii) to investigate the relations between children's social support and their adjustment. Subjects of this study were 412 children from the 5-6th grades of elementary school and the data were analyzed by GLM analysis canonical correlation analysis using SAS. The results were as follows: 1)Children's perceived social support levels differed across support providers and support types. 2) A canonical correlation analysis of the children's social support and the children's adjustment demonstrated that perceived maternal and peer support levels were most highly correlated to children's adjustment and satisfaction with the social support of providers in this study was highly correlated to children's adjustment.

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Effects of Class-based Group Art Therapy Program on Child's Emotional Regulation and School Adjustment Improvement (학급단위 집단미술치료프로그램이 아동의 정서조절과 학교생활적응력 향상에 미치는 효과)

  • Kim, Mi-Hee;Hong, Mi-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.613-623
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    • 2017
  • This study is aimed at verifying the effect of class-based group art therapy program on child's emotional regulation and school adjustment improvement. The target of this study consisted of the lowest-leveled 3rd graders among the students attending A Elementary School, located in 00, Daejeon City, who were tested for school adjustment. The class-based group art therapy program was implemented from October 15, 2014 to November 19, 2014, once a week, for 40 minutes for each session, a total of six rounds. For this study, the scale of emotional regulation and school adjustment was used by pre-post comparison. As an analysis method for verifying the effects of this study, ANCOVA was used in consideration of pre-test, in comparison of post-test results between groups, regarding the scale factors of emotional regulation and school adjustment. As a result of analysis, first, child's emotional regulation was significantly improved after the program performance. Second, child's school adjustment. was significantly improved after the program performance. In conclusion, class-based group art therapy program let children see through the process of emotional change, and properly regulate their emotions. At the same time, the program provided situations in which peers meet together casually, giving a positive change for school adjustment improvement based on the peer relationship. In addition, this study has a meaning to help enjoying school life, by constructing a proper program to be applied at school in a variety of ways.