• 제목/요약/키워드: Safety accident rate

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건설현장 안전사고 빅 데이터 기반 작업자별 프로파일 분석 (Profiling of Workers based on Safety Accident Big Data in Construction Site)

  • 강성원;이기석;유위성;신윤석
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2021년도 봄 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.247-248
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    • 2021
  • Recently, the government is pursuing to reduce the serious accidents in most industries, including the construction industry, by enacting laws on punishment. The accident rate tends to be depended on the size and type of construction sites, and the accidents occur frequently due to inadequate implementation of safety management system and management standards, especially, in small and medium-sized sites. This study has performed the profiling of 265,000 accident cases on construction sites by attribute analysis such as the ratio of days lost to work, and pattern of days lost to work compared to the size of the construction. It turned out that the proportion of accident cases was high mainly in small-scale construction sites, and long-term labor losses occurred. Shortly, it is necessary to establish an institutional standard for applying a realistic safety management cost calculation and management system centered on small-scale sites. Therefore, this study is expected to be used as fundamental data or guideline for developing a customized safety management and accident prevention system for a worker reflecting the conditions of a construction site in the future.

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임업 안전사고 심층분석을 통한 재해 저감 방안에 관한 연구 (Study on risk reduction method in forestry using in-depth analysis)

  • 남기훈;조구현;김광일
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.95-103
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    • 2019
  • Safety and welfare of forestry is very poor because of poor working environment, decreasing workforce and budget, and aging. These have brought many accidents and casualties. The accident rate in the field of forestry were about 2.83 times higher than average of an entire industry and mortality rate were 1.84 times higher than it. The most reason among the mortality accident was caught in, under or between objects and struck by objects. In analysis of 60 serious accident cases, the number of occurrence s of caught in, under or between objects and struck by objects were the highest. We suggest education, engineering, environment, and enforcement methods which is first aid education and emergency response system, equipment of combined IoT technologies and sensors, and certification and career program on the basis of the results.

승강기작업자 안전사고예방을 위한 안전관리 개선 방안 (Safety Management Improvement Plan for Elevator Worker Safety Accident Prevention)

  • 김범상;박범
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제22권2호
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2020
  • Korea's elevator industry is one of the world's eighth-largest industrial sectors and the third largest in the world by new installations. This year, the number of elevators has exceeded 700,000, and the number of new installations is 30,000-40,000 every year. However, the news of elevator-related accidents is reported continuously through the media and the accident rate is not decreasing. In particular, among the recent accidents related to elevators, accidents related to elevator workers are increasing, causing social problems. This year, the National Assembly's Environmental Labor Relations Commission's National Auditors lost five lives a year and 12 elevator workers were killed in fall and stenosis accidents during the installation, maintenance and replacement of the elevators for about two years since 2018. It took place to adopt the representatives of four domestic elevator companies as witnesses. An elevator worker is a collective term for workers involved in the design, manufacturing, installation, replacement, maintenance, inspection, management, and supervision related to the elevator industry, and the related accidents are called elevator worker accidents. Analysis of elevator-related accidents in the past has shown that the fault of the user accounted for 70% of the total, and the fault of the worker accounted for about 2.5%, and the accident occurred to the user or the user due to carelessness of the worker during the lift-related work. Currently, elevator-related accidents are reported by the Korea Elevator Safety Agency under Article 48 of the Elevator Safety Management Act under the Ministry of Interior and Safety. If deemed necessary for the prevention and prevention of recurrence of an elevator accident, the cause and condition of the elevator accident may be investigated. However, the current draft law is limited only to elevators after installation inspection, and is separated from the Ministry of Employment and Labor's data on accidents occurring in the manufacturing and installation stages related to the elevator industry. This study analyzes the recent safety accidents of elevator workers and prepares safety measures to prevent them through the risk analysis, and also draws out the problems and improvements of the current elevator worker accident investigation to find the elevator worker accident rate that is on the increase trend.

국내 연구실 사고 발생 기관의 특성 분석 : 법이행 사항과 기관규모를 중심으로 (Characteristic Analysis of Laboratory Accidents in Korea : Focusing on the Implementation of the Law and the Size of the Institution)

  • 조한진;이황원;정승필;김민형;노영희
    • 한국안전학회지
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    • 제37권5호
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    • pp.89-99
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    • 2022
  • This study was conducted to provide basic data for establishing safety management measures, which facilitate accident prevention, in the institutions that were subject to the regulations that pertain to the maintenance of a safe laboratory environment. The data was collected between 2018 and 2020, and it was analyzed to establish the effectiveness of the laboratory safety management measures that focus on universities, research institutes, and business-affiliated research institutes. Consequently, the level of compliance with the regulations and the size of the institution influenced the accident rate. More specifically, the accident rate increased when an institution was subject to risk factors, or when the institution failed to conduct routine and regular inspections. Furthermore, it was observed that institutions where accidents occurred exhibited a lower level of completion in regard to safety education for laboratory directors and research workers than those in which no accidents occurred. Finally, it was observed that the number of researchers, laboratories, in-depth safety inspection laboratories, and the level of safety management expenses were higher in the institutions where accidents occurred than in the institutions in which no accidents occurred.

교통시설개선을 위한 위험도 도출에 관한 연구 (The Study of Danger Rate for Improvement of Traffic Facilities)

  • 손진현
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.285-291
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    • 2006
  • A traffic accident is occurred by unbalance of reciprocal action of driver, vehicle and road conditions. To prevent the traffic accident, rapid and perfect road improvement is needed. But most of road improvement plans have insufficient budget. So decision maker has to determine the priority to invest. A model in this study, analyzing the effect of road conditions to the traffic accident, helps to decide the priority in road improvement. This study considered five danger indices ; 1) traffic volume, 2) speed variance, 3) vehicle mixing rate, 4) curved line radius, and 5) difference between design speed and running speed. Danger rate composed by five indices can be a scale of priority of improvement. The model in this study didn't consider all of factors about traffic accident. But this study can propose the methodology for traffic safety policy. For deriving the model, this study used data from highways in Korea and United States. Therefore the model has to apply the highways only.

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자동차사고 발생시 보험처리 의사결정에 관한 연구 -사고에 대한 조건부확율의 이용- (A Study on Decision Making for Applying Insurance in Car Accident -Using the Conditional Probability on Car Accident-)

  • 이공섭
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제22권51호
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    • pp.199-210
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    • 1999
  • The number of car accident is Recently on the increase in Korea because of the explosive increase of cars, the poor road condition, the lack of safety facility, and others. The insurant with a accident has to decide whether receiving a insurance or not. In this paper, we represent a reasonable decision support material by calculating the approximate insurance fee based on the discount rate and premium additive rate, which is changed by the accident type and the accident expenditure. Practically, there is difference in the standard insurance rate and premium additive rate according to the accident type and the accident expenditure in Korea. The premium additive rate is assessed considering the number of accident, the pattern of accident, and the reason of accident for 3 years. In this paper, we represent a decision making method considering not only the first-time car accident but also the future car accident. For considering the repeated accident, we analyzed the real data accumulated until the year of 1996 from S Insurance Company, and estimated the probability density function between the first and the second-time accident, and executed the goodness of fit test using ARENA and STATISTICA software. Using this conditional PDF, we can calculate the insurance fee next 3 years and compare the insurance fee with the equivalent present value of cash flows. The program performing this analysis is represented, and written in VISUAL BASIC Language. We tried to suggest an accurate guideline for the insurant to decide the insurance coverage rationally, and tried to correct a wrong idea of dependence on the car insurance only by the amount of the accident expenditure. And we expect this study can generally be applied to many different accident types under the uncertain circumstances in our daily life.

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일반재해 발생시 산재처리 방안연구 -건설현장 사고사례를 중심으로- (General Disaster Scattered Action Research -Focusing On the Construction Site Accident Cases-)

  • 유용태;강경식
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제17권4호
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    • pp.23-33
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    • 2015
  • Recently, the Ministry of Employment and Labor Management is a trend to strengthen all men death rate than the accident rate. Points reduction in the accident rate change orders related to credit rating score to +2 points in his plans as part of +1 point. In addition, according to the fancy linger RISK treatment in the event of a disaster site and fiction treatment to achieve accident-free during processing the scene interspersed with equity issues have been raised. In general disaster for the problem in the first two cases occurs when abnormal process according to the disaster site manager positions dismissal policy, each division headquarters itself, interspersed disasters performance compared to processing in accordance with the refrain, processing expenses in accordance with the composition of untreated industrial accident, costs and burdens partners FTC, there is a possibility that the issues raised, such as the Ministry of Employment and Labor. In response to domestic social practices focused on the construction site practices and prevention measures should be evaluated with respect to what.

한국 건설현장의 인명사고 리스크 정량화 모델 개발기초 연구 (A Basic Study for Quantification Model Development of Human Accidents on Construction Site in South Korea)

  • 오준석;이주형;김태희;손기영;손승현
    • 한국건축시공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국건축시공학회 2019년도 춘계 학술논문 발표대회
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    • pp.45-46
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    • 2019
  • Accident rate in domestic construction industry has been increased rapidly in every year. In particular, the rate of death has been shown very high compared with other industries. It means that safety activities performed by government is not effective in reducing the rate of accident. To solve these problems, the risk factors should be predicted in advance, controlled, monitored and managed from start of project to end of project. However, most studies have been conducted by using frequency of occurrence of accident and only listed the importance of risk. Therefore, the objective of this study is to provide basic material to develop risk quantifying model for human accidents on construction site in South Korea. In the future, it is expected to be used as a reference of study on developing safety mangement checklist in construction industry and model for forecasting accident.

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모 금속 제조 업체에서 5년간 발생한 안전사고에 관한 조사 (A Study on Safety Accidents Occurred for 5 Years at a Welding Material Manufacturing Factory)

  • 임현술
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • 제28권3호
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    • pp.551-562
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    • 1995
  • To assess the status of safety accidents, authors reviewed and analysed the records of safety accidents of a welding material manufacturing factory at Pohang city from January 1989 to December 1993. The results are; 1. The total incidence of safety accidents was 295 spells for five years. 2. Average age of workers with accident was 35.7 years. Average duration of employment was 6.2 years and the duration of employment increased as the year increased. 3. There was no statistical significance on season, month, weekday and time by year in the incidence of safety accidents. The most frequent part of body injured was upper extremities and the most frequent type of injury was abrasion. 4. Mean admission rate of safety accidents was 12.6% and the ratio of treated spells as occupational injury was 7.8%. 5. The most frequent cause of injury was worker's mistake and the most frequent action for the prevention of further accidents was safety education. 6. The incidence rate of safety accidents on 1993 was 116.2 spells per 1,000 persons. Above results suggest that to prevent safety accidents, safety education should be done continuously, the environmental and human factors were controlled and more exact reporting system of safety accidents was needed.

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운전자 특성에 따른 안전 의식 수준과 재해예방 대책에 대한 연구 (A Study on Level of Safety Awareness and Disaster Prevention Measures According to Driver's Characteristic)

  • 이만수
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제15권4호
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    • pp.131-136
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    • 2013
  • Automobile was first introduced in 1903 in South Korea, the masses of the car was carried out rapidly compared to other countries. However, many people were killed in a traffic accidents and economic loss was occurred due to the spread of the automobile. In South Korea, 2012, traffic accident occurred 223,656 times, 5,392 fatality, 344,565 injured people. In the last five years, about 224,000 accidents per year were occurring. In other words, 610 traffic accidents occur and about 15 people pass away in one day. In addition, the proportion of traffic accidents is first place in the OECD countries and it is very high in the world. Understand occurrence tendency of traffic accident, accident frequency rate of the driver who drives more than 10 years was higher than the novice driver. In addition, as a result of examining the cause of the traffic accident, breach of safe driving obligation appears highest case (125,391 times), and followed by signal violation, break safety distance. Therefore, the majority of traffic accidents occurred by the lack of safety awareness of the driver. In this study, prevent the loss of human life and property in traffic disaster, by establish disaster prevention measures that investigated by questionnaire survey and statistical data of the state of consciousness and driving posture in response to the driving history of the driver.