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Effects of Boostin-250 Supplementation on Milk Production and Health of Dairy Cows (재조합 Bovine Somatotropin 250 mg 제제의 투여가 젖소의 산유량 및 건강에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Yo-Han;Kim, Doo
    • Journal of Veterinary Clinics
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    • v.29 no.3
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2012
  • The recombinant bovine somatotropin (rbST) has been used for increasing milk production of dairy cows without adverse health effects. This study was conducted to compare effects of supplementation with $Boostin^{(R)}$-250 containing 250 mg of rbST on milk production with those of $Posilac^{(R)}$ and $Boostin^{(R)}$-S. And safety of rbST supplementation on target animals was also observed. Each twenty-five lactating dairy cows were assigned randomly to one of four groups. $Boostin^{(R)}$-250 and vehicle (control) were administered weekly. $Boostin^{(R)}$-S and $Posilac^{(R)}$ were administered two week intervals. Milk yield, milk components, milk somatic cell count, health status, and body condition score of cows were examined. Supplementation with $Posilac^{(R)}$, $Boostin^{(R)}$-S, and $Boostin^{(R)}$-250 induced more milk yield than control group by 2.9 kg/day (12.3%), 4.2 kg/day (17.9%), and 4.1 kg/day (17.4%), respectively. There was a significant difference in milk yield among three rbST treatment groups and control group (${\alpha}$ = 0.05). The rbST supplementation did not increase the incidence of clinical mastitis and milk somatic cell counts. Supplementation with rbST did not significantly affect milk components (milk fat, protein, and solid not fat). The rbST supplementation of the dairy cows after peak milk yield did not cause negative effect on BCS. However, some cows less than 100 days in milking had decreased BCSs after rbST supplementation. In conclusion, milk production in 250 mg of rbST administered cows every week was similar to that of 500 mg of rbST administered cows every 2 weeks. And supplementation of 250 mg of rbST every week could reduce metabolic stress in cows.

Similarities of Scaritoxin to Ciguatoxin on the Chromatographic Behaviours (Scaritoxin과 Ciguatoxin의 크로마토그라피상에서의 몇가지 유사성)

  • Joh, Yong-Goe;Scheuer, Paul J.
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 1985
  • In studying the structural work on ciguatoxin, parrot fish collected were identified as Scarus sordidus, S. frenatus, S. scaber and S. pectarlis, in which only S. sordidus contained toxic materials. Crude toxins obtained by silicic acid column chromatography, could be separated on a DEAE-cellulose column into two fractions, ST-1(less polar) and ST-2(polar) eluted with chloroform and chloroform-methanol(1:1). Furthermore ST-1 could be changed into ST-2 by repeated chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. Rf values of ST-1 and ST-2 were 0.60-0.75 and 0.30-0.54 on TLC coated with silica gel 60F-254 developed by chloroform-methanol-water-acetic acid (90:9.5:0.2:0.3) mixture. The peaks of ST-1 and ST-2 were not observed on each HPLC chromatogram at low sensitivity(2X), but by bioassay they were detected in the fraction of 24-27ml(less polar toxin, 120ng) and 22-27 ml (polar toxin, 150 ng). Less polar ciguatoxin from morey eel viscera also showed its peak in the same elution volume(25ml). Being subjected to chromatography on basic aluminum oxide (activity grade I) or to alkaline treatment, followed by basic aluminum oxide (activity grade I) chromatography ST-1 toxin was remarkably converted into the polar toxic component supposed to be polar ciguatoxin in both cases. In the latter case, approximately 74% of the residual toxicity was changed into the polar component, accompanied by about 50% loss of the initial toxicity. More than 26% of ST-2 toxicity was transformed into the less polar toxic component supposed to be less polar ciguatoxin on a deactivated aluminum oxide (activity grade V) column.

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Nutritional components and physiological activities of kombucha containing ginseng sprouts (새싹인삼 함유 콤부차의 영양성분 및 생리활성)

  • Hee Yul Lee;Ga Young Lee;Kye Man Cho;Ok Soo Joo
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.645-659
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    • 2024
  • In this study, the physicochemical properties, nutritional components, and antioxidant activities of kombucha containing ginseng sprouts (control kombucha, CT; strawberry kombucha, ST ; strawberry kombucha with 2% ginseng sprout, ST+GS) were analyzed for comparison of quality characteristics. The total content of free amino acids in ST+GS (273.38 mg/100 mL) was 3.2-14.5 times higher than in CT (18.9 mg/100 mL) and ST (84.9 mg/100 mL). The total mineral content in ST+GS (63.99 mg/100 mL) was 3.3-4.1 times higher than those of CT and ST (15.45 and 19.28 mg/100 mL). The contents of soluble phenolic and soluble flavonoid were 1.2 mg GAE/mL and 0.14 mg RE/mL in ST+GS. Several ginsenosides were detected only in ST+GS; ginsenoside Rg2 (2.4 mg/100 mL), Rh1 (4.5 mg/100 mL), F2 (9.0 mg/100 mL), Rg3 (4.6 mg/100 mL), and compound K (7.8 mg/100 mL) were detected. The content of phenolic acids was 1.2-1.5 times higher in ST+GS than in CT and ST. The amount of flavonol of ST+GS was not significantly different from CT but was 1.4 times higher than in ST. In terms of antioxidant activities, the values of ST+GS were significantly higher in comparison to other kombucha samples. These results confirmed that incorporating ginseng sprouts amplifies the advantages of kombucha.

Identification of Antagonistic Streptomyces Species on Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica and Fusarium oxysporum sporum f. sg. vasinfectum Causing Sesame Wilt and Blight (참깨 역병(Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica) 및 시들음병(Fusarium oxysporum f. sg. vasinfectum)에 길항적인 Streptomyces spp.의 분류 동정)

  • Chung, Bong-Koo;Ser, Sang-Oh
    • The Korean Journal of Mycology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.65-71
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    • 1992
  • The two isolates of Streptomyces antagonistic to Phytophthora nicotianae var. parasitica and Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum were identified as based on the morphological, cultural and physiological characteristics on various culture media. Spore chains of St-11 isolate was rectus-flexibilis(RF), whereas the other isolate, St-20, was shown rectinaculum-apertum(RA). Spore surface of St-11 isolate was smooth, while St-20 was spiny. Aerial mycelia of the two isolates were all gray color and growing conditions on media were good as a whole. Any soluble pigment was not shown in cultivation of the two isolates. Stoll isolate showed negative response on starch hydrolysis and gelation liquefaction, whereas St-20 isolate was positive on starch hydrolysis and a negative on gelatin reaction. Stoll isolate was identified as Streptomyces bikiniensis and St-20 Streptomyces echinoruber, respectively.

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Quality Characteristics of Sausage Prepared with Black Garlic Extract and Dried Powder of Specialized Crops Cultivated in Namhae (흑마늘과 남해특용작물을 혼합 첨가하여 제조한 소시지의 품질특성)

  • Yoon, Hwan-Sik;Shin, Jung-Hye;Kang, Min-Jung
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.444-453
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    • 2014
  • In this paper, we made sausages which included 1% black garlic extracts at $15^{\circ}Bx$ mixed with 0.3% dried powders of Curcuma longa L. (ST1), Opuntia ficus-indica var. saboten (ST2), Asparagus ocinals L. (ST3) and Aloe vera (ST4), respectively, and evaluated the quality of the sausage by instrumental analysis and sensory evaluation. The sausages were stored at $8^{\circ}C$ for 4 weeks. In terms of color intensity, ST2 provided the highest lightness (L) and redness (a), while the yellowness (b) was the highest in ST3. In the initial duration, the control group of sausage showed the highest texture measurement. ST4 had the lowest pH level (highest acidity). These outcomes decreased as the storage time became longer. In the initial storage duration, the ST4 had the highest total sugar content ($17.64{\pm}0.92mg/100g$), and this increased with longer storage duration. Since the contents of TBARS for the proposed sausages had been incremented, the initial contents were generally lower than those of the control sausages. The ABTS radical scavenging activity was performed as $89.11{\pm}0.66{\sim}99.22{\pm}0.09%$ at the $1000{\mu}g/mL$ level during the initial day of storage. To conclude, the sausages supplemented the black garlic with the proposed dried powders have a high chance of being a suitable commercial product for both customs and marketing eld.

Effects of Acupuncture at Right Nae-jong$(ST_{44})$ on the Temperature and Humidity Changes of Sa-baek$(ST_2)$ Area (우측 내정(內庭) 자침이 사백(四白) 부위의 온도와 습도변화에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Sung-Jong;Lee, Sang-Ryong
    • Korean Journal of Acupuncture
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 2005
  • Objectives : This study was performed to observe the effects of acupuncture at right Nae-jong$(ST_{44})$ on the temperature and humidity changes of Sa-baek$(ST_2)$ area according to the meridian and Keo-ja(巨刺) of oriental medicine's theory. Methods : A clinical study was done on 13 females who didn't have my disease. We used LT-8B to observe the effects of acupuncture at right Nae-jong$(ST_{44})$ on the temperature and humidity changes of Sa-baek$(ST_2)$ area. Skin temperature and humidity on right and left Sa-baek$(ST_2)$ were measured by LT-8B at 1 minute before acupuncture stimulation, 1 minute and 2 minutes after acupuncture stimulation of right Nae-jong$(ST_{44})$. Results : 1. After inserting the needle at the right Nae-jong$(ST_{44})$ point, the temperature at the left Sa-baek$(ST_2)$ area rised from $31.60{\pm}1.13^{\circ}C$ 1 minute before to $32.24{\pm}1.19^{\circ}C$ 1 minute after the insertion and to $32.34{\pm}1.23^{\circ}C$ 2 minutes after insertion, what means an elevation by (P<0.05) between the temperature before and 2 minutes after the insertion and still an elevation by (P<0.01) between 1 minute and 2 minutes after insertion. The humidity at the same area decreased by (P<0.01) between 1 minute and 2 minutes after insertion. 2.After stimulating the right Nae-jong$(ST_{44})$ point the temperature change at the right Sa-baek$(ST_2)$ area between before and after the insertion was unremarkable, however the temperature rised by (P<0.05) between 1 minute and 2 minutes after insertion and the humidity decreased by (P<0.05) between 1 minute and 2 minutes after stimulation. 3. Comparing the temperature change between 1 minute and 2 minutes after stimulating the right Nae-jong$(ST_{44})$ point, we could find a significant difference by (P<0.05) at both Sa-baek$(ST_2)$ areas. Concerning the humidity change, there were some average differences but too small for statistic significance.

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Monitoring the Growth of Juvenile Chum Salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) Released to Taehwa River of Korea (태화강 내 연어(Oncorhynchus keta) 치어의 방류에 따른 성장 모니터링)

  • Hur, Jun Wook;Yoon, Ji Woo;Lim, Han Kyu
    • Journal of Marine Life Science
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.106-116
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    • 2021
  • To secure basic data by monitoring the growth of salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) released to the Taehwa River. After discharge, the characteristics of the young salmon distribution and migration rate habitat were investigated for two years. A total of 4 points [Sunbawi bridge (St.1), Guyeong bridge (St.2), Samho bridge (St.3), and Myeongchon bridge (St.4)] were investigated. The survey of 2017 indicating an increase of 10 mm in average length and 0.8 g in average weight, and the survey of 2018 indicating an increase of 10 mm in average length and 0.5 g in average weight. Among 39 species, 10 insectivorous and 12 omnivorous, are believed to compete with young salmon for food. 6, 5, 6 and 8 predatory fish species has emerged at each site, respectively. According to this study, it is believed that St.1 and St.2 points are more proper as discharge location of young salmon because these two points have less varied in depth, flow rate, salt concentration etc. In addition, it is thought that the night or dawn time in early January is the best discharge time of young salmon fish because predatory fish such as Korean piscivorous chub and bass etc. does not eat food actively at that time.

A case of mycoplasma pneumonia which progressed to ARDS (흉부 X-선상 속립성 결핵과 유사한 양상을 보인 Mycoplasma 폐렴에서 ARDS로 진행된 1예)

  • Kim, Eui Sook;Lee, Won Seok;Lee, Kang Ryung;Lee, Jeong Aa;Baek, Young Joo;Lee, Gwang Seob;Sunwoo, Incheol;Kim, Dae Ha;Jang, Jie Jeong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.645-650
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    • 1996
  • Mycoplasma Pneumonia is a main cause of primary atypical pneumonia and may present in a variety of ways. One auther has stated that the infiltrate is of a lobar segmental type, while others have found the infiltrates to be mainly reticular or interstitial. We experienced a case of mycoplasama pneumonia, which progressed to ARDS pattern rapidly an6 recovered completely after ventilator care.

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Effect of Recombinant Bovine Somatotropin Administration on Bovine Somatotropin Levels in Cow Milk (유전자재조합 Bovine Somatotropin 투여가 우유중의 Bovine Somatotropin 농도에 미치는 영향)

  • 최정은;최명자;진재호;김주호;박종세
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.61-64
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    • 1995
  • The present study was conducted to examine the effect of recombinant bovine somatotrpin(${\gamma}$BST), which was administered to cow to promote milk production, on bST levels in milk. Fourteen cows were divided cows were divided into two groups: 1) control cows received neither ${\gamma}$bST nor vehicle, 2) treated cows were administered twice at two-week interval with 500 mg ${\gamma}$bST each cow byj after lst injection. Milk samples were taken on day 0 (prior to injection), day 7 (7 days after lst injection), day 21 (7 days after 2nd injection) and day 35 (21 days after 2nd injection). Milk bST concentration was measured by the radioimmunoassay method. There was no statistical difference(p<0.05) in milk bST levels between two groups showing bST levels in the range of 1.8 ng/m/ to 3.1 ng/m/. That is, ${\gamma}$bST administration did not increase bST levels in milk.

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Requests for Parents and Homeroom Teachers of First Graders: Important of Emotional Support

  • Lee, Jae-Hee;Kim, Dae-Wook
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.206-210
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to find out the specific needs of 1st graders for parents and homeroom teachers. The research questions of this study are as follows. Research question 1. What does 1st grader want from parents? Research question 2. What does the 1st grader want for the homeroom teacher? There were 31 participants. Data collection was conducted by focus group interview. Requests for parents are summarized as 'what 1st graders want from parents', and requests for teachers are summarized as 'what 1st graders want from homeroom teacher'. As the detailed topics of 'What 1st graders want from parents' are 'I have too much work to do, so I want to reduce it', 'Don't just scold me' 'Like in kindergarten, play with me' and 'I'm so hard. Take care of me'. As the detailed topics of 'what 1st graders want from homeroom teacher.' are 'At first it was exciting', 'Scary teacher, I hate it', 'Friendly teacher, good', 'Teacher, please praise me' and 'Teacher, please teach me fun'. We revealed that the emotional support of parents and homeroom teachers is important for 1st graders to successfully adapt to elementary school.