• Title/Summary/Keyword: SPOT HRV Data

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An Evaluation of the Use of the Texture in Land Cover Classification Accuracy from SPOT HRV Image of Pusan Metropolitan Area (SPOT HRV 영상을 이용한 부산 지역 토지피복분류에 있어서의 질감의 기여에 관한 평가)

  • Jung, In-Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.32-44
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    • 1999
  • Texture features can be incorporated in classification procedure to resolve class confusions. However, there have been few application-oriented studies made to evaluate the relative powers of texture analysis methods in a particular environment. This study evaluates the increases in the land-cover classification accuracy of the SPOT HRV multispectral data of Pusan Metropolitan area from texture processing. Twenty-four texture measures were derived from the SPOT HRV band 3 image. Each of these features were used in combination with the three spectral images in the classification of 10 land-cover classes. Supervised training and a Gaussian maximum likelihood classifier were used in the classification. It was found that while entropy produces the best empirical results in terms of the overall classification, other texture features can also largely improve the classification accuracies obtained by the use of the spectral images only. With the inclusion of texture, the classification for each category improves. Specially, urban built-up areas had much increase in accuracy. The results indicate that texture size 5 by 5 and 7 by 7 may be suitable at land cover classification of Pusan Metropolitan area.

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An Analysis of Mixed Pixel in the Remote Sensing Image Data (위성탐사 이미지에서 혼합화소의 해석에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jin-Il;Park, Min-Ho;Kim, Sung-Chun
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.3 no.2 s.6
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    • pp.91-100
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    • 1995
  • The aim of this study is to classify mixed information in a pixel of a remote sensing image data (in the case of SPOT HRV's band $1{\sim}3,\;20m{\times}20m$). First, the loss of information and the uncertainty of mixed pixel are examined. To solve the problems, methods by fuzzy sigmoid function and back-propagation neural network are suggested. Then. the study simulates and comparatively analyzes the two methods.

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Evaluation of Digital Elevation Model Created form SPOT 5/HRG Stereo Images (SPOT 5/HRG 입체영상으로부터 추출된 DEM의 평가)

  • Kim Yeon-Jun;Yu Young-Geol;Yang In-Tae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.153-158
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    • 2006
  • A new High Resolution Geometry or HRG imaging instrument is developed by CNES to be carried on-board SPOT 5. The HRG instrument offers a higher ground resolution than that of the HRV/HRVIR on SPOT 1 - 4 satellites. The field width of HRG is 60 km, same as SPOT constellation. With two HRG instruments, a maximum swath of 120 km at 5 m resolution can be achieved. The generation of Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from satellite stereo images scores over conventional methods of DEM generation using topographic maps and aerial photographs. This global availability of satellite images allows for quicker data processing for an equivalent area. In this study, a HRG stereo images of SPOT 5 over JECHEON has been used with Leica Photogrammetry Suite OrthoBASE Pro tool for the creation of a digital elevation model (DEM). The extracted DEM was compared to the reference DEM obtained from the contours of digital topographic map.

SPOT Camera Modeling Using Ephemeris Data (궤도자료를 이용한 SPOT 카메라 모델링)

  • 김만조;차승훈;고보연
    • Proceedings of the Korean Association of Geographic Inforamtion Studies Conference
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    • 2003.04a
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    • pp.531-536
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    • 2003
  • In this paper, a camera modeling method that utilizes ephemeris data and imaging geometry is presented. The proposed method constructs a mathematical model only with parameters that are contained in the leader file and does not require any ground control points for model construction. Control points are only needed to eliminate geolocation error of the model that is originated from errors in the parameters that are used in model construction. With few (one or two) of control points, RMS error of less than pixel size can be obtained and control points are not necessarily uniformly distributed over the entire scene. This advantage is crucial in large project and will enable to reduce project cost dramatically.

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    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.306-309
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    • 2004
  • The susceptibility of landslides and the effect of landslide-related factors at Penang in Malaysia using the Geographic Information System (GIS) and remote sensing data have been evaluated. Landslide locations were identified in the study area from interpretation of aerial photographs and from field surveys. Topographical and geological data and satellite images were collected, processed, and constructed into a spatial database using GIS and image processing. The factors chosen that influence landslide occurrence were: topographic slope, topographic aspect, topographic curvature and distance from drainage, all from the topographic database; lithology and distance from lineament, taken from the geologic database; land use from Landsat TM (Thermatic Mapper) satellite images; and the vegetation index value from SPOT HRV (High Resolution Visible) satellite images. Landslide hazardous areas were analysed and mapped using the landslide-occurrence factors employing the probability-frequency ratio method. To assess the effect of these factors, each factor was excluded from the analysis, and its effect verified using the landslide location data. As a result, land 'cover had relatively positive effects, and lithology had relatively negative effects on the landslide susceptibility maps in the study area. In addition, the landslide susceptibility maps using the all factors showed the relatively good results.

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Development of Suspended Sediment Algorithm for Landsat TM/ETM+ in Coastal Sea Waters - A Case Study in Saemangeum Area - (Landsat TM/ETM+ 연안 부유퇴적물 알고리즘 개발 - 새만금 주변 해역을 중심으로 -)

  • Min Jee-Eun;Ahn Yu-Hwan;Lee Kyu-Sung;Ryu Joo-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.87-99
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    • 2006
  • The Median Resolution Sensors (MRSs) for land observation such as Landsat-ETM+ and SPOT-HRV are more effective than Ocean Color Sensors (OCSs) for studying of detailed ecological and biogeochemical components of the coastal waters. In this study, we developed suspended sediment algorithm for Landsat TM/ETM+ by considering the spectral response curve of each band. To estimate suspended sediment concentration (SS) from satellite image data, there are two difference types of algorithms, that are derived for enhancing the accuracy of SS from Landsat imagery. Both empirical and remote sensing reflectance model (hereafter referred to as $R_{rs}$ model) are used here. This study tried to compare two algorithm, and verified using in situ SS data. It was found that the empirical SS algorithm using band 2 produced the best result. $R_{rs}$ model-based SS algorithm estimated higher values than empirical SS algorithm. In this study we used $R_{rs}$ model developed by Ahn (2000) focused on the Mediterranean coastal area. That's owing to the difference of oceanic characteristics between Mediterranean and Korean coastal area. In the future we will improve that $R_{rs}$ model for the Korean coastal area, then the result will be advanced.

Mega Project Technique Support : A Case Study of Urban Development and Urban Expand

  • Pricharchon, Ekkarat;Polngam, Supapis
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.1000-1001
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    • 2003
  • Like other major cities in the world, Bangkok and some other cities in Thailand are expanding rapidly. The Office of Transports and Traffic Policy and Planning had selected three cities for a study of urban change; namely, Bangkok Metropolis and vicinity ( including Nontha buri, Samut Prakan , Prathum Thani, Samut Sakhon and Nakhon Pathom), Chiang Mai and Nakhon Nayok. The main objective of the study is to monitor urban development and urban extension as well as the change of landuse from farm land to urban area during two periods by using available satellite data. LANDSAT-5 TM and SPOT-HRV panchromatic were used for the first period and LANDSAT-7 ETM+ and IRS-lD panchromatic were used for the second period with a lapsed time of 14 years. I was found that during this period Bangkok Metropolis and vicinity extended 1,222 square kilometer; Chiang Mai 68.3 square kilometer, Nakhon Nayok 5.97 square kilometer. Most landuse categories which had been changed to urban were rice paddy and mixed orchard. Some suggestion for sound urban development based on satellite data was also included.

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