• Title/Summary/Keyword: SOCIAL INTERACTION

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Analysis of Research Trends on Robot Education of Young Children and Elementary Students for the Development of Hands-on Robot Program for Young Children (유아 교구로봇 프로그램 개발을 위한 유아와 초등학생 로봇교육의 연구동향 분석)

  • Kim, Sang-Hee;Kim, Sang-Un
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.859-868
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the research trend of robot education for young children and elementary students as a basic study for the development of hands-on robot program for young children. Trends by year, research contents, and effectiveness of 155 dissertations and journal papers from 2006 to May 2016 related to robot education for young children and elementary students were analyzed. The results were as follows. In the research subject, research was conducted in the order of integrated education, attitudes and awareness research, and response research for young children and programming education, design development research, and integrated education for elementary students. In the research method, observational research and development research were the most common in young children and elementary students, respectively. In the effectiveness validation, research on social and emotional interaction and research on creativity were the most common in young children and elementary students, respectively. Based on the results of this study, the analysis provided basic data for the development of programs for young children's hands-on robot activities and suggested the direction and implications of robot education in connection with SW education of young children and elementary students.

Study on the Relationship between Family Support and Functional Recovery in Cerebrovascular Accident Patients with Rehabilitation Treatment of Oriental Medicine (한방재활치료를 받은 뇌졸중 환자가 지각한 가족지지와 기능회복에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kwang-Joo;Lee, Hyang-Yeon
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.22-36
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    • 1997
  • Functional recovery of cerebrovascular accident (CVA) patients were studied by examining functional independence measure (FIM) to evaluate the functional state of the patients at admission to and at discharge from the hospital and its relationship with the family support. Study subjects consisted of 129 CVA patients, who were admitted and received rehabilitation treatment at K Medical Center of Oriental Medicine from August 3 to December 18, 1997. The results were as follows: 1) Total FIM score was $72.37{\pm}25.16$ at admission and $101.67{\pm}22.13$ at discharge. The difference of average score was 29.30, which was statistically significant by paired t-test. 2) The largest difference between FIM scores at admission and at clischarge was observed in items of walking and wheel-chair riding, and the smallest clifference in items of social interaction. 3) The recovery was faster with motor function than with cognitive function, because the difference of FIM scores at admission and at discharge was much larger with motor function. 4) Recovery was better in groups under age 49 than in groups above age 70. Functional recorvery was prominent especially in groups with normal sensory state and speech functions, and groups without urinary incontinence. Recovery was less significantly in patients with paraplegic patients hospitalized longer than 2 months, patients with family all the time, and patients with CVA over 11 days. 5) We could not find any relationship between functional recovery and family support. FIM scores were lower in groups of old age(r=-0.325), long stayed in hospital (r=-0.426), and long period of time after the onset of disease(r= -0.339) with a reciprocal correlation between FIM scores and these parameters. 6) Stepwise multiple regression analysis was done to evaluate factors to affect the recovery from CVA. FIM score at admission could explain 51.2 % of the functional recovery. Important factors were periods of hospitalization, state of sensory function, age, and education (listed in decreasing order of importance). In total, they could explain 64.89% of the functional recovery. These results indicate that functional recovery of CVA patients, who were admitted to oriental medicine hospital for rehabilitation treatment, could be estimated by measuring FIM scores. Recovery was significantly better at discharge from the hospital than at admission and motor function recovery rate was much faster than that of cognitive function. 2. Recommendation Based on these results, we recommend following further studies. 1) Comparative study of recovery of motor function and of sensory function would be necessary by measuring FIM scores once a week to evaluate the recovery of CVA patients. 2) It would be interesting to see whether there is any difference of functional recovery between patients treated with either western medicine or oriental medicine. 3) Psychological factors affecting the recovery of CVA patients need to be studied.

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An Ethnographic Research Study on Childbearing Process of Mother with Children in Korea (자녀를 둔 어머니의 출산과정 경험)

  • Kim, Young-Hee
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.271-283
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    • 2001
  • The childbearing process is a sociocultural phenomenon of a woman who gives birth to a child as well as a biological phenomenon. The purpose of this ethnographic research study was to explore the experience of childbearing process of mothers with children from pregnancy to the 3 months postpartum in Korea and to understand deeply the perspectives of childbearing women reflected on Korean sociocultural values. A convenient sample of 10 childbearing women were observed from January to October 2000 through field work in Seoul, Korea. Data analysis was accomplished under ongoing process. The results of this study were as follows : The mothers with children experienced self-reflection, family relation, and physical adaptation during pregnancy. In self-reflection, all mothers experienced universality and diversity in their self-discovering process. The universal experiences were maturation, life with family and priority on maternal value between being a mother and a woman. The diverse experiences were taking a dual role of working mother, emotional drift of a resigned mother, and disheartened life of a mother who has two daughters. In family relation, the foundation of the new marital relationship were attained during childbearing process and sexual life were changed for the benefit of a healthy mother and a healthy baby. All mothers established friendly relations with their mothers, but established friendly or conflicting or constraining relations with their mother-in-laws due to husband based family culture. In physical adaptation, the informants endured well the physical discomfort and recognized general appearance change. Also maternal-fetal interaction occurred and mothers realistically felt motherhood and accepted themselves as mother-to-be. The mothers prepared for the best delivery, look for a safe childbirth center, newborn goods, endorsed family coping during hospitalization and responded labor pain to make it more endurable, less painful, fast passed owing to labor recognition of the natural process to be a mother. After childbirth, they felt emancipation, satisfaction, accomplishment, more easiness, actually feeling as mother-to-be, emptiness, and showed response to the sex of newborn. Their Sanhujori practice was different according to the Sanhujori environment including provider, place, time in postpartum and reflected on Sanhubyung. The mothers felt actually mother-to-be and happiness during lactation regardless of feeding pattern. These mothers had a different maternal image about rearing subjecthood through their child-rearing experience. But all mothers felt need for family support and social support. The universal rearing response were actual feeling of mother-to-be, a strenuous experience, a pride on child-rearing, confusion, reflecting marital relationship, and wondering rivalry among children. In conclusion, mother of all with children went through self-discovery, self-reflection and made connections with the family as a mother and as a woman simultaneously during the childbearing process. Therefore it is suggested when harmony and balance between a mother and a woman is accomplished, the woman will lead a healthy and high quality of life. Also, this study sought to confirm the sociocultural factors affecting the childbearing process from the perspectives of the women with children. Therefore health care providers must understand deeply the childbearing women with children based on this finding of and try a integrative approach with new ideology of maternity with biocultural perspectives in a clinical setting.

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A Study on Relationship Between Fear During Pregnancy and Person and Environmental Variables in Pregnant Women (임부의 공포와 개인 및 환경변인의 상오관계에 관한 연구)

  • 정송자
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.131-143
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    • 1974
  • Antenatal care is zoomed toward3 assisting the Individual to achieve safe and wholesome state of health during pregnancy. Nature of fear is assumed to be rooted to complex interaction between past experiences, human relationship and present state of health, however. specific relationship between fear and the variables have not yet been ascertained. This study is designed to investigate the nature of fear of pregnancy, and the correlation between fear and the personal and environmental variables such as personal characteristics past experiences. and psycho-social factors. During the period from October 23 to November 5, 215 pregnant and 104 non-pregnant women of similar chronological are group residing in Seoul were interviewed according to check-list by random General anxiety test, general personality test and test for fear of pregnancy, family according to specific variables such as past experiences of Pregnancy and childbirth, structure of family, family relationship and month of pregnancy was done to the group of pregnant women. To non-pregnant group, general anxiety test was performed to compare with pregnant group. Results of the study are as follows; 1. Hypothesis 1; Degree of general anxiety will be higher e pregnant women compared to that of non-pregnant women. There is no significant difference between the general anxiety of pregnant women and that of non-pregnant women. Therefore, hypothesis I is rejected. 2. Hypothesis 2: Fear of pregnancy and general anxiety will be correlated with personality factors. Through test for fear of pregnancy and general anxiety, a meager contra-correlation between fear and only two personal factors (R and E factor) is revealed but there is no significant correlation between fear and other personal factors (A.S. and T factor). Degree of fear of pregnancy tends to b: higher in the group with low personality factors; responsibility and emotional stability expect the correlation between ascendancy, sociability, and confidence-inferiority. non-significant. Through general anxiety test, level of general anxiety tends to be higher in the group. with low personality factors; responsibility. emotional stability, and confidence except ascendency and sociability, non-significant. Hypothesis 2 is partially supported. 3. Hypothesis 3; General anxiety and fear of pregnancy will be correlated with the past experience-ol pregnancy, and child-birth experience. Though general anxiety test and test for fear of pregnancy, non-significant difference is revealed by P〉.05 level Hypothesis 3 is rejected. 4. Hypothesis 4: General anxiety and fear of pregnancy will be correlated with the month at pregnancy will be correlated with the month of pregnancy. Through tests of general anxiety and fear, significant correlation is revealed degree of fear by-P〈.05 level (CR=1.98) and level of general anxiety by P〈.005 level (CR=3. 11) is higher in the earlier stage of pregnancy. Hypothesis 4 is supported. 5. Hypothesis 5, 6, 7; General anxiety and fear of pregnancy will be correlated with socio-economic status, family structure, and family relationship. Through general anxiety test and tear of pregnancy test, non-significant is revealed by P〉.05 level. Hypothesis 3.6.7 are rejected. Conclusion and recommendation Level of general: anxiety and degree of fear of pregnancy is shown not to be correlated with variables of past experiencers of pregnancy and child-birth. and family factors except the month of - pregnancy. Personal characteristics are shown to be partially contra-correlated meagerly with genera anxiety and fear of pregnancy. This study revealed contrasted results, in regard to presence of correlation between general anxiety and fear of pregnancy to other thesis. In this context. further studies under controlled environment is recommended.

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Fragile X Syndrome and it's Association with Autism (약체X염색체 증후군과 자폐증과의 연관)

  • Yang, Moon-Bong
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.147-157
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    • 1992
  • The fragile X syndrome, which is considered to be synonymous with the Martin-Bell syndrome, is a relatively common form of X-linked mental retardation. The syndrome seems to occure in many different ethnic groups and its prevalence among mentally retarded males has been estimated to be in the order of 2 to 6%. The karyotypic hallmark of the syndrome is made up with a pronounced constriction near each tip of the long arm of the X chromosome(fragile site), shown in vitro only under conditions in which thymidylate production is blocked(lowered folate levels). Special culture media are needed to demonstrate this constriction site. Major clinical features associated with the syndrome include macroorchidism, large or prominent ears, significant emotional and behavioral dysfunctions such as hyperactivity, self-injury, lack of eye contact and social interaction, schizophrenia, autism, etc., and speech and language dysfunctions ranging from nonverbal to verbal speech with moderate to severe expressive language delays. Some have minor clinical features in common such as an increase in birth weight high forehead, prognathism, increased head circumference in infancy and childhood which did not persist into adult life. The recent research findings have shown that the fragile X syndrome is associated with infantile autism. Many patients with the fragile X syndrome fulfill the diagnostic criteria for infantile autism. Therefore it is recommendable that any patient with developmental delays and autism or autistic manifestations should have a chromosomal analysis, including fragile X examination. In the present review, historical aspects, incidence, and clinical features are presented. Recent anecdotal reports of the association with autism and the clinical improvement following high dose folic acid treatment will be discussed.

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An Analysis of Teaching Strategies of Science Teacher's Teaching in Science Museum (과학관 학습 실행에서 나타난 과학 교사의 교수 전략 분석)

  • Han, Moonjung;Yang, Chanho;Noh, Taehee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.559-569
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    • 2014
  • In this case study, we investigated teaching strategies of science teacher's teaching in science museum. Two secondary science teachers who completed a teacher training course on teaching in science museums participated in this study. We conducted interviews about their perceptions on teaching in science museum and their teaching plans before teaching. Then, we observed and recorded their teaching practices in the science museum throughout one semester, and collected all of the teaching materials. The interviews were also conducted after every lessons and at the end of the semester. For the analysis of teaching strategies, we used a framework that was revised from the framework for museum practice (FMP). The analysis of results revealed that the teachers understood the significance of planning the activities in a series of pre-visit, during-visit, and post-visit, so that they structured their teaching as continuous activities, not as an one-time event. However, they showed differences in the extent of connecting the activities with the national science curriculum according to their teaching objectives. In addition, there were differences in strategies such as promoting social interaction, evoking students' curiosity and interest, providing students with choices and control, and inducing engagement and challenge depending on each teacher's perceptions and experiences on teaching in science museum. These results suggest that science teacher education for the professional development of teaching in science museum should systematically provide knowledge and experiences on teaching strategies based on appropriate perceptions on teaching in science museum.

Cases of Discrepancy in High School Students' Achievement in Science Education Assessment: Focusing on Testing Tool in Affective Area (과학 교육 평가에서 나타나는 고등학생들의 성취 불일치 사례 - 정의적 영역 검사 도구를 중심으로 -)

  • Chung, Sue-Im;Shin, Dong-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.891-909
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    • 2017
  • This study analyzed some of the discrepancies in quantitative and qualitative data focusing on cognitive and affective achievement in science education. Academic and affective achievement score of 308 high school students were collected as quantitative data, and 33 students were interviewed for qualitative data. We examined the causes and types of discrepancies in terms of testing tools. As a result from quantitative data, there were a large number of students with a big difference between subjects in cognitive achievement, and constructs in affective achievement. More than 20% of the students did not match tendency between achievements in two areas. Through interviews, some examples such as intentional control of science learning for future study and careers, different responses by differences in perception between school science and science, appeared. A comparison of quantitative data by testing tool between qualitative ones and interviews showed conflicting result, where most students evaluated themselves differently from their own quantitative data. That is due to the students' interaction with the testing tools. Two types of discrepancy related to testing tool are found. One is 'the concept difference between the item developer and students,' the other is 'the difference between students' exposed response and their real mindset.' These are related to the ambiguity of the terms used in the tool and response bias due to various causes. Based on this study, an effort is required to elaborate the testing item that matches students' actual perception and to apply students' science learning experience to testing items.

The Effect of Yoga Exercise on the Relieve of Chronic Low Back Pain (요가운동이 만성요통 완화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Kyung-Hye;Kang, Hyun-Sook
    • Journal of muscle and joint health
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.177-193
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    • 1996
  • The purpose of this study was to test whether Yoga exercise, one of muscle relaxation, helps to relieve chronic low back paln. Sample were selected from nurses who were worked at K medical center in the period from March 18 to April 23, 1996. The sample size was fifteen. The research design was one-group pretest-posttest design. To test the major research question, this study had the following procedure. The pretest included measuring individuals' degree of pain and discomfort depending on the scope and types of an range of motion, and their pain by their activity of daily living(ADL). The treatment was conducted twice every other week. The reason why this study had twice observations was to control history effect and maturation which treat internal validity in the research design of this study. In this research design, a treatment was to expose Yoga exercise to samples. The exercise was taken in 30 minutes per day for four days in a week (Two consecutive days and twice every other day). The posttest included re-measuring the individuals' the degree of pain and discomfort, and their pain by their ADL. Several hypotheses concerning effect of Yoga exercise was analyzed by the paired t-test, comparing the difference scores between pre and post tests. The results of this study was as follows. The first hypothesis that the post-treatment group taking the Yoga exercise had the pain score lower than the pre-treatment group was supported(t=3.31, p=.005). The second hypothesis that the discomfort score of the post-treatment group had lower than does that of the pre-treatment group was supported(t=2.75, p=.016). The third hypothesis that the post-treatment group had the pain score by ADL lower than does the pre-treatment group was supported(t=5.52, p=.000). In summary, this study examined the effect of a yoga exercise, one of muscle relaxation, on those who were suffered from chronic low back pain. The effect measured by the degree of pain and discomfort with a visual analog scale was statistically significant. The degree of pain according to postures in ADL also showed statistical significance. These findings showed that a yoga exercise was effective to alleviation of chronic low back pain. A pretest-posttest control group design, however, needs to get more accurate results since the design satisfies Internal validity. Consequently, yoga as an exercise cure improves an interaction between muscles and articulations, and performance of ADL for those suffered from chronic low back pain. Furthermore, this positive impact may be an effective method as nursing intervention for their physical, mental, emotional, social, and psychological recovery.

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Spatial Characters of Workplace and Everyday Life of Immigrant Workers in S. Korea (한국 이주노동자의 일터와 일상생활의 공간적 특성)

  • Choi, Byung-Doo
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.319-343
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    • 2009
  • This paper considers some kinds of socio-spatial constraints and strategies for overcoming them which immigrant workers in Korea have experienced in their work-place and life-space, with an analysis of questionnaire data and of direct interview materials on them. Though they appear somewhat satisfactory or positive with their work-place, this can be seen as a hypocritical or false attitude rather than a real one: they are forced to work with long hours (more than 70 hours per week) and rigid controls in the other' territory. Their daily life-spaces also are severe: they can be hardly embedded in an existing community with a sense of place due to serious institutional and interaction constraints, even though they seem to have a basic mobility to survive in life-spaces. In order to escape or alleviate such local constraints, they try to constitute multi-scalar (local, trans-regional, and transnational) networks, and to find informations and means to resolve or cope with them. However, this kind of endeavors of immigrant workers to make a trans-national network and social space has a limitation for them to be free entirely from constraints, which might be strengthened with a lack of geographical knowledge of them. Then immigrant workers in Korea live ineluctably with not only hybrid national identity but also with disturbed local identity in an aliened workplace and life-spaces.

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Exploring Requirements of the Smart Textiles for Bio-Signal Measurement Based on Smart Watch User Sensibility (스마트워치 사용자감성에 기반한 생체신호측정용 스마트 텍스타일의 요구조건 탐색)

  • Jang, Eunji;Kim, Inhwan;Lee, Eu-Gene;Cho, Gilsoo
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2017
  • Since smart devices are able to efficiently provide information without barriers of time and location, they are widely utilized with advent of the hyper-connected society. Especially, the smart devices have been developed in the form of wearable devices for mutual interaction between human and objects. Smart clothing, which embeds smart devices within clothes, measures and obtains a variety of bio-signals as it is in close contact with the human bodies. Conventional smart clothing generated wearers' discomfort because they were developed by simple attachment of electronic devices to clothes. Therefore, it is highly recommended to develop novel smart clothing based on smart textiles which integrate electronic devices as parts of textiles. As smart watches are currently the most available wearable devices in the market, smart watch users were selected in this study, for the purpose of investigating core needs of wearable smart device users based on the user experience and user's sensibility. Qualitative research was performed through semi-structured interview in order to obtain detailed answers about user sensibility based on smart watch user experience. After the in-depth interview, the user's sensibility was categorized into four aspects; functional, aesthetic, social, and empirical. Sensibility adjectives and key words were assigned to each aspect and their frequency was analyzed. It was the functional aspect of sensibility that the wearable device users require the most. The results of this study will be utilized as a fundamental data to develop the smart textiles required for the next generation of smart clothing which is attracting as a future wearable device.