• Title/Summary/Keyword: SID

검색결과 332건 처리시간 0.021초

AE-MDB 측면 충돌 시험 시 WorldSID 50%ile dummy 상해치에 대한 제어인자 연구 (The Study on control factor of WorldSID 50%ile dummy injury through AE-MDB side crash test)

  • 선홍열;한표경;김재수;김기석;윤일성
    • 자동차안전학회지
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    • 제6권1호
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    • pp.5-9
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    • 2014
  • Over the past ten years, since the introduction of the side crash test regulation in Europe, much research work has been performed internationally to develop new and modified test procedures to improve the level of occupant protection offered by vehicles in side crash test. This research has been co-ordinated and finally contributed to development of an AE-MDB(Advanced European Moving Deformable Barrier) and WorldSID (Worldwide Side Impact Dummy). EuroNCAP(European New Car Assessment Program) has the plan to conduct AE-MDB side crash test using WorldSID from 2015 by replacing Progressive MDB and EuroSID II. Automobile manufacturers need to respond to these changes closely. This paper is to find dominant control factor and analyze it of WorldSID 50%ile dummy injury through AE-MDB side crash test by predicting best and worst condition. And control factors will be validated within EuroNCAP regulations. This paper is analyzed by DFSS(Design for six sigma) which contains 5 control factors and is evaluated by ANOVA with the data as a result of LS-DYNA analysis correlated with crash pulse from 50 kph AE-MDB side crash test using WorldSID 50%ile dummy.

Digestibility of amino acids in fish meal and blood-derived protein sources fed to pigs

  • Park, Chan Sol;Adeola, Olayiwola
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제35권9호
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    • pp.1418-1425
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    • 2022
  • Objective: An experiment was conducted to determine the standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) in fish meal (FM) and blood-derived protein sources including spray-dried porcine plasma (SDPP), porcine red blood cells (PRBC), and blood meal (BM) fed to growing pigs. Methods: Ten barrows (mean initial body weight of 22.1±1.54 kg) surgically fitted with T-cannulas at the distal ileum were allotted to a duplicated 5×4 incomplete Latin square design with 5 experimental diets and 4 periods. Four experimental diets were prepared to contain FM, SDPP, PRBC, or BM as the sole source of nitrogen. A nitrogen-free diet was prepared and included to estimate the basal ileal endogenous losses of AA. For the 7-day experimental period, pigs were fed for 5 days as adaptation, and ileal digesta samples were collected for 9 hours on days 6 and 7. Results: The SID of crude protein in BM (48.0%) was less (p<0.05) than in FM, SDPP, and PRBC (83.4%, 83.9%, and 87.3%, respectively). Pigs fed the diet containing BM had less (p<0.05) SID of AA, except isoleucine and proline, than those fed the diet containing FM, SDPP, or PRBC. Among FM, SDPP, and PRBC, there was no difference in the SID of crude protein and all AA, except isoleucine. The SID of isoleucine in PRBC and BM (62.7% and 48.3%, respectively) was less (p<0.05) than in FM and SDPP (88.0% and 84.9%, respectively). The SID of lysine in FM, SDPP, PRBC, and BM was 85.4%, 84.9%, 89.7%, and 51.9%, respectively. Conclusion: The SID of most AA was not different among FM, SDPP, and PRBC, but BM had lower SID of most AA than FM, SDPP, and PRBC.

기둥측면충돌시험법에서 WorldSID와 ES-2re 더미 안전성에 대한 해석적 연구 (Simulation Analysis for Comparison of WorldSID and ES-2re Dummy in Pole Side Impact Test Methods)

  • 윤영한;한완희;최문영;이은덕;김대업
    • 자동차안전학회지
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    • 제4권2호
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    • pp.27-31
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    • 2012
  • In Korea, side impact type accidents are one of the main cause of fatality. MLTM and KATRI established sie impact regulation as well as NCAP type assessments to protect occupants. Recently, WP29 formed a informal group to study a possible harmonization of pole side impact test methods with WorldSID as a GTR. In this paper, two different dummies, ES-2 and WorldSID were evaluated with three different types of pole side impact test methods.

WorldSID를 이용한 기둥측면 충돌 슬레드 시험 개발 방법 연구 (A study on development of the pole side impact sled test using WorldSID)

  • 오형준;김승기;임경호
    • 자동차안전학회지
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    • 제5권2호
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    • pp.5-10
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    • 2013
  • The pole side crash caused fatal injury by comparison with other crash impact mode such as frontal and rear crash. EuroNCAP proposed the pole side crash test using WorldSID(World Side Impact Dummy). The objective of this study is to develop the pole side impact sled test using dummy rib deflection between crash and sled test. In the pursuit of this purpose, we fabricated new pole side sled buck and test preliminary pole sled using ES-2re. Through this, we found the sled acceleration pulse scale. Hardness and thickness of the EPP affects the rib deflection. We conducted the pole sled test using WorldSID based on the preliminary results. As a result, rib deflection was shown to correlate well between crash test and pole side sled test.

박테리오파아지 P4 ash8 sid71 입자 내 DNA 형태 분석 (Analysis of DNA Conformation in the Particles of Bacteriophage P4 Mutant, P4 ash8)

  • 송재호;김경진
    • 미생물학회지
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.62-66
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    • 2006
  • 바이러스 조립 과정 기작 연구를 위한 좋은 재료인 박테리오파아지 P2-P4 시스템의 packaging 기작 연구를 위해, 머리 크기 조절 유전자 변이체인 P4 ash8 sid7l의 파아지 입자가 함유하고 있는DNA의 형태를 분식하였다. 파아지 stock을 준비하고 이것의 CsCl부양균등 밀도 편차실험을 수행하여, 밀도가 다른 두개의 입자들로 분리하였다. 각 입자의 DNA를 분리한 후, 전기영동을 통해 함유된 DNA의 형태를 확인하였다. 예상과 달리, 각 입자들은 dimer, trimer 뿐 아니라 monomer도 함유하고 있다는 새로운 사실을 발견하였다.

새로운 기둥측면충돌 시험방법에 관한 실험적 연구 (Experimental Study on a New Test Method for Pole Side Impact)

  • 김대업;우창기
    • 한국생산제조학회지
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.613-618
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    • 2015
  • In recent years, WorldSID has been continuously developed and investigated to be the representative biofidelic anthropomorphic test device (ATD) as well as the device for replacement of the current EuroSID-2. In Korea, the side impact accident is one of the major severe accidents in terms of the number of accidents and fatality. Since 2003, the side crash test with a speed of 50 kph in the perpendicular direction has been initiated as a safety standard with EuroSID-1 at the first stage. Simultaneously, a 55 kph impact test has been conducted as a part of Korean New Car Assessment (KNCAP). Currently, only EuroSIDE-2 is accepted as a regulatory tool for vehicle certification and KNCAP. The tests with WorldSID are conducted experimentally in order to use WorldSID of the KNCAP in near future.

X선촬영에서 보호앞치마를 투과한 1차 선량의 SID별 변화 (A Study of Changes in the Primary Dose Penetrating the Protective Apron on SID in X-ray Radiography)

  • 최성관
    • 대한방사선기술학회지:방사선기술과학
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    • 제39권4호
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    • pp.501-507
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    • 2016
  • 본 연구는 손, 머리, 허리측방향 등에 대한 X선 촬영조건(kVp, mAs)으로 SID 50cm, 1m, 2m에서 발생되는 1차 X선이 보호앞치마를 어느 정도 투과하는지를 알아보았고, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 손 X선 촬영조건의 1차X선은 0.3mmPb 보호앞치마로 차폐할 경우 선량을 약 270배 줄일 수 있으나 SID 50cm, 1m, 2m에서 보호앞치마를 각각 0.120, 0.043, 0.012mR 수준으로 투과한다. 둘째, 머리 X선 촬영조건의 1차X선은 0.3mmPb 보호앞치마로 차폐할 경우 선량을 약 22배 줄일 수 있으나 SID 50cm, 1m, 2m에서 보호앞치마를 각각 13.191, 4.821, 1.388mR 수준으로 투과한다. 셋째, 허리측방향 X선 촬영조건의 1차X선은 0.3mmPb 보호앞치마로 차폐할 경우 선량을 약 13배 줄일 수 있으나 SID 50cm, 1m, 2m에서 보호앞치마를 각각 77.844, 27.406, 8.606mR 수준으로 투과한다. 따라서 X선 검사 시 촬영실 내에 있는 관계자들은 1차X선이 도달하는 모든 공간에서 보호앞치마만을 착용한 채 머물러 있어서는 안 되며, 부득이하게 촬영실 안에 머물러 있어야 할 경우 보호앞치마 착용과 함께 두꺼운 납이 내장된 차폐칸막이 뒤에 안전하게 피해야 한다.

SID 모니터링을 통한 전리층의 변화 관측 연구 (A Study on the Variation of the Ionosphere Through SID Monitoring)

  • 강용희;이오균;곽영실;이재진
    • 과학교육연구지
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    • 제34권2호
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    • pp.432-439
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    • 2010
  • 이 연구의 목적은 전파가 전리층에서 반사되는 원리를 이해하고, 우주환경 변화가 전파 통신에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것이다. 연구를 위하여 SID모니터를 설치하고, 안테나를 제작하였다. SID 모니터로 일본 Evino에서 송신하는 22.2kHz 전파를 수신하였다. 수신된 전파의 세기를 이용하여 전리층 D층의 상태를 분석하였다. 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 저주파 통신은 규칙적인 일변화를 가지고 상태가 변하게 된다. D층의 생성, 소멸과 관련하여 저주파 통신은 일몰과 일출 직후 전파의 세기가 약해지는 현상이 나타난다. 태양의 남중고도에 따라 낮 시간 전파의 세기가 변하는 것을 관찰했다. 밤에는 D층이 사라져 매우 불규칙한 변화를 보인다. 전리층은 계절적인 변화를 비롯하여, 여러 요인에 의해 변하는 것으로 생각되며 보다 자세한 변화 과정을 이해하기 위해서는 긴 시간 동안의 전파 관측이 필요하다.

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Evaluation of standardized ileal digestibility of amino acids in fermented soybean meal for nursery pigs using direct and difference procedures

  • Ki Beom, Jang;Sung Woo, Kim
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • 제36권2호
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    • pp.275-283
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    • 2023
  • Objective: This study was to evaluate standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) in fermented soybean meal (FSBM) for nursery pigs using both direct procedure and difference procedure when FSBM was added at 20% in diets. Methods: Forty-eight pigs at 9.2±0.9 kg body weight (BW) were individually housed and allotted to 4 treatments. Treatments included NFD (a semi-purified N free diet), FSD (a diet with 20% FSBM), CBD (corn basal diet), and CFD (corn basal diet:FSBM at 80:20). The FSD was used to measure AA digestibility in FSBM using the direct procedure, whereas CBD and CFD were used in the difference procedure. Pigs were fed for 10 days (0.09×BW0.75 kg per day) and euthanized to collect ileal digesta for TiO2 and AA. Results: Total endogenous AA loss was 12.1 g/kg of dry matter intake. The apparent ileal digestibility (AID) Thr was greater (p<0.05) and AID His (p = 0.073) and Leu (p = 0.052) tended to be greater using the direct procedure compared with the difference procedure. The SID Thr were greater (p<0.05) in FSBM for nursery pigs calculated using a direct procedure compared with a difference procedure. In addition, SID Lys in FSBM was about 83% to 88% for nursery pigs higher than SID Lys described in National Research Council (2012). Conclusion: The SID of AA in FSBM when included at practical levels using the direct procedure were similar to those from the difference procedure. Considering the SID of AA obtained using both direct and difference procedures, FSBM is an effective protein supplement providing highly digestible AA to nursery pigs. The SID of AA from this study was considerably higher than those previous reported. This study also indicates the importance of including the test feedstuffs at practical levels when evaluating digestibility.

Influence of age and type of feed ingredients on apparent and standardized ileal amino acid digestibility in broiler chickens

  • Su Hyun, An;Changsu, Kong
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제64권4호
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    • pp.740-751
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    • 2022
  • Two experiments were conducted to determine the effects of bird age on apparent ileal digestibility (AID) and standardized ileal digestibility (SID) of amino acids (AA) for 10-d-old Experiment (Exp. 1) and 22-d-old (Exp. 2) male broilers. This study investigated the effects of different broiler ages and feed ingredients on AID and SID of AA in corn and soybean meal (SBM). Four hundred and eighty (age = 7 d; initial body weight [BW] = 173.4 ± 12.65 g) and 192 (age = 18 d; initial BW = 772.2 ± 62.13 g) birds were allocated to three dietary treatments in a randomized complete block design with eight replicate cages per treatment. Two diets were formulated based on corn or SBM as the sole source of AA in the diet. A nitrogen-free diet was also formulated to measure basal endogenous losses of AA. Experimental diets were given for 3 and 4 days in Exps. 1 and 2, respectively. An interaction was observed (p < 0.05) between the age of birds and the type of ingredient for the AID of most AA, except for methionine, valine, cysteine (Cys), and tyrosine; however, the effects of age and type of ingredients were diminished in the SID of AA, except for histidine, isoleucine, leucine (Leu), phenylalanine, alanine (Ala), and glutamic acid (Glu). The AID of AA, except for Leu and Cys and the SID of AA, except for Leu, Ala, Glu, and Pro in SBM were greater (p < 0.05) than in corn. As the age of birds increased from 10 to 22 d, digestibility of all AA increased (p < 0.05), regardless of the expression of AA digestibility (i.e., AID and SID). In conclusion, the AID and SID of AA in both corn and SBM increased with increasing age, and the AID and SID of AA in SBM were greater than in corn.