• 제목/요약/키워드: SHAPE

검색결과 33,149건 처리시간 0.045초


  • 권혁춘
    • 대한치과의사협회지
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    • 제22권5호통권180호
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    • pp.423-427
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    • 1984
  • A total of 114 extracted human mandibular first molars were used to study the configuration of the floor of the chamber. The specimens were ground and the pulp chamber was examined with a magnifier and explored with sharp explorer. The study showed the shape of the pulp chamber, number of root canals, and the type of canal orifice. The results were as follows; 1. In so far as observing the shape of the pulp chamber of the teeth, 58.8% of the teeth were square, 34.2% were triangle and 7.0% were ovoid shape. 2. 58.8% of the specimens have 4 root canal orifices, 34.2% have 3 root canal orifices, 7.0% have 2 root canal orifices. 3. 41.2% of the specimens show 'H' shape, 17.6% show 'Square' shape, 31.6% show 'T' shape, 2.0% show 'reverse-T' shape and 7.0% show 'I' shape.

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요트세일의 형상계측 기법 연구 (A Study on Shape Measuring Technique of a Yacht Sail)

  • 김철희;최정규;김형태
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제49권1호
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2012
  • In this study, we introduced image processing technic to measure shape variations of general bodies and applied it to the flexible yacht sail. Shape measurements of simple bodies sails were carried out and results showed that technic can be a reliable method to measure shape variations of the flexible yacht sail. The sail shape variation of 30ft sloop type yacht sail is measured on different sailing conditions. As velocity and direction of wind are increased, trailing edges in the upper part of the sail become more open than the lower part of the sail which are not changed. So it is confirmed that the shape measurement of a sail shape depending on a sailing condition is possible to use image processing scheme.

케이블 돔 시스템의 형상 최적화 (Shape Optimization of the Cable Dome System)

  • 조남철;최승열;한상을
    • 한국전산구조공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국전산구조공학회 2004년도 봄 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.151-160
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    • 2004
  • Genetic algorithm is the theory of grafting the principle of survival of the fittest in genetics on to the computer algorithm and it is used to solve the optimization problems, especially the shape and size optimization of the structure in Architectural problems. In the size optimization problem discrete variables are used, but series variables have to be used in the shape optimization problem because of the incongruenty. The purpose of this study is to obtain the optimum shape of cable domes by using the real coding genetic algorithm. Generally, the structural performance of the cable domes is influenced very sensitively by pre-stress, geometry and length of the mast because of its flexible characteristic. So, it is very important to decide the optimum shape to get maximum stiffness of cable domes. We use the model to verify the usefulness of this algorithm for shape optimization and analyze the roof system of Seoul Olympic Gymnastic Arena as analytical model of a practical structures. It is confirmed lastly that the optimum shape domes have more stiffness than initial shape ones.

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A new damage detection indicator for beams based on mode shape data

  • Yazdanpanah, O.;Seyedpoor, S.M.;Bengar, H. Akbarzadeh
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.725-744
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, a new damage indicator based on mode shape data is introduced to identify damage in beam structures. In order to construct the indicator proposed, the mode shape, mode shape slope and mode shape curvature of a beam before and after damage are utilized. Mode shape data of the beam are first obtained here using a finite element modeling and then the slope and curvature of mode shape are evaluated via the central finite difference method. In order to assess the robustness of the proposed indicator, two test examples including a simply supported beam and a two-span beam are considered. Numerical results demonstrate that using the proposed indicator, the location of single and multiple damage cases having different characteristics can be accurately determined. Moreover, the indicator shows a better performance when compared with a well-known indicator found in the literature.

건축도면의 형상재현과 비교 (Shape Representation and Comparison of Architectural Drawings)

  • 박수훈
    • 한국CDE학회논문집
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    • 제9권4호
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    • pp.306-314
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    • 2004
  • This paper explains the qualitative shape representation scheme and general shape analysis procedure based on shape feature categories. It takes two different groups of architectural drawings as examples and comparer them so as to confirm that the procedure is capable of comparing one group with another. In order to verify the validity of qualitative shape representation scheme, we used statistical methods as well as symbolic representation and analysis techniques. This paper concludes that two different groups of architectural drawings of similar kind are analyzed to be distinguished and specifically characterized. 11 drawings of Kahn and 13 drawings of Aalto are taken into considerations. Linear regressions are used in characterizing the shape featural relationships.

삼차원 적층복합재 구멍의 형상 최적화 (Shape Optimization of Three-Dimensional Cutouts in Laminated Composite Plates)

  • 한석영;마영준
    • 한국공작기계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국공작기계학회 2004년도 춘계학술대회 논문집
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    • pp.275-280
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    • 2004
  • Shape optimization was performed to obtain the precise shape of cutouts including the internal shape of cutouts in laminated composite plates by three dimensional modeling using solid element. The volume control of the growth-strain method was implemented and the distributed parameter chosen as Tsai-Hill fracture index for shape optimization. The volume control of the growth-strain method makes Tsai-Hill failure index at each element uniform in laminated composites under the initial volume. Then shapes optimized by Tsai-Hill failure index were compared with those of the initial shapes for the various load conditions and cutouts. The following conclusions were obtained in this study. (1) It was found that growth-strain method was applied efficiently to shape optimization of three dimensional cutouts in a laminate composite, (2) The optimal shapes of the various load conditions and cutouts were obtained, (3) The maximum Tsal-Hill failure index was reduced up to 67% when shape optimization was peformed under the initial volume by volume control of growth-strain method.

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회전강성 최소화를 위한 절연요소의 형상 설계 (Shape design for viscoelastic vibration isolators to minimize rotational stiffness)

  • 오환엽;김광준
    • 한국소음진동공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국소음진동공학회 2008년도 추계학술대회논문집
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    • pp.343-347
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    • 2008
  • Design of shape for visco-elastic vibration isolation elements, which are very cost-effective and so popular in many applications is frequently based on experiences, intuitions, or trial and errors. Such traditions in shape design make it difficult for drastic changes or new concepts to come out. In this paper, both topological method and shape optimization method are combined together to find out a most desirable isolator shape efficiently by using two commercial engineering programs. ABAQUS and MATLAB. The procedure is divided into two steps. At the first step, a topology optimization method is employed to find an initial shape. where density of either 0 or 1 for finite elements is used for physical realizability. At the second step, based on the initial shape, finer tuning of the shape is done by boundary movement method. An illustration of the procedure will be presented for a mount of an air-conditioner compressor system and the effectiveness will be discussed.

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크로스 롤러가이드의 다단형상인발공정 패스 스케쥴에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Pass Schedule of Multi-Pas Shape Drawing Process for Cross Roller Guide)

  • 이태규;이찬주;이상곤;이선봉;김병민
    • 소성∙가공
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    • 제18권7호
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    • pp.550-555
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    • 2009
  • In the multi-pass shape drawing process, the pass schedule that includes the determination of reduction ratio and intermediate die shape is very important. This study used the equal reduction, equal load, and electric field analysis method for pass schedule of the multi-pass shape drawing. The reduction ratio was calculated by the equal reduction and equal load method. And the intermediate die shape was determined by the result of the electric field analysis and the calculated reduction ratio. The proposed pass schedule method was applied to a shape drawing for producing cross roller guide. Finally, FE-analysis and shape drawing experiment were performed to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method.

능동적 형태 모델과 가중치 벡터를 이용한 입술 인식 (Lip Recognition Using Active Shape Model and Shape-Based Weighted Vector)

  • 장경식
    • 지능정보연구
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2002
  • 이 논문은 입술의 형태와 입술 외곽선 부근의 화소값을 이용하여 입술을 효과적으로 인식하는 방법을 제안하였다. 입술의 형태는 학습 영상을 통계적으로 분석하는 능동적 형태 모델을 기반으로 구성하였다. 이 방법은 탐색시 초기 위치의 영향을 받기 때문에 이 논문에서는 입술의 형태에 기반한 가중치 벡터를 이용하여 두 입술 사이의 경계선을 찾고 탐색의 초기 위치로 사용하였다. 다양한 입술 영상들을 대상으로 실험하여 좋은 결과를 얻었다.

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영상처리를 이용한 홍삼의 외형선별 시스템 개발 (Development of a Korean Red-Ginseng’s Shape Sorting System Using Image Processing)

  • 장요한;장동일;방승훈
    • Journal of Biosystems Engineering
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.279-286
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study were to organize a sorting system, to develop an algorithm of image processing for the shape sorting, and to finally develop a scientific and objective shape sorting system of Korean Red-Ginseng for mechanization of the shape sorting. The results of this study are followed. 1. The shape sorting system of Korean Red-Ginseng consists of a control computer, a color CCD camera(WV-CP4110) for image processing, an image processing board(DT3153), and an image acquisition unit. 2. Many image processing skill, such as sliding, stretching, threshold, binary and D$\sub$t/ were used to analyze the shape sorting factors of Korean Red-ginseng. 3. The sorting accuracy of the shape sorting system for the Korean Red-Ginseng was 74.7%. It is 21.1% lower than that of human inspector. Although the system has low accuracy, using more cameras may improve its sorting accuracy.

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