• Title/Summary/Keyword: SAR Satellite

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Analysis of Ship Classification Performances Using OpenSARShip DB (OpenSARShip DB를 이용한 선박식별 성능 분석)

  • Lee, Seung-Jae;Chae, Tae-Byeong;Kim, Kyung-Tae
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.801-810
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    • 2018
  • Ship monitoring using satellite synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images consists of ship detection, ship discrimination, and ship classification. A large number of methods have been proposed to improve the detection and discrimination capabilities, while only a few studies exist for ship classification. Thus, many studies for the ship classification are needed to construct ship monitoring system having high performance. Note that constructing database (DB), which contains both SAR images and labels of various ships, is important for research on the ship classification. In the airborne SAR classification, many methods have been developed using moving and stationary target acquisition and recognition (MSTAR) DB. However, there has been no publicly available DB for research on the ship classification using satellite SAR images. Recently, Shanghai Key Laboratory has constructed OpenSARShip DB using both SAR images of various ships generated from Sentinel-1 satellite of European Space Agency (ESA) and automatic identification system (AIS) information. Thus, the applicability of OpenSARShip DB for ship classification should be investigated by using the concepts of airborne SAR classification which have shown high performances. In this study, ship classification using satellite SAR images are conducted by applying the concepts of airborne SAR classification to OpenSARShip DB, and then the applicability of OpenSARShip DB is investigated by analyzing the classification performances.

A Study on Geometric Correction Method for RADARSAT-1 SAR Satellite Images Acquired by Same Satellite Orbit (동일궤도 다중 RADARSAT-1 SAR 위성영상의 기하보정방법에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Yeong-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.605-612
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    • 2010
  • Numberous satellites have monitored the Earth in order to detect changes in a large area. These satellites provide orbit information such as ephemeris data, RPC coefficients and etc. besides image data. If we can use such orbit data afforded by satellite, we can reduce the number of control point for geo-referencing. This paper shows the efficient geometric correction method of strip-satellite RADARSAT-l SAR images acquired by same orbit using ephemeris data, single control point and virtual control points. For accuracy analysis of proposed method, this paper compared the image geometrically corrected by the proposed method to the image corrected by ERDAS Imagine.

A Study on Evaluation of Jamming Performance on SAR Satellite (SAR 위성에 대한 재밍 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Young-Joong;Kim, In-Seon;Park, Joo-Rae;Kwak, Hyun-Kyu;Shin, Wook-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Military Science and Technology
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.252-257
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    • 2010
  • SAR has pulse compression gain through the process including range and azimuth. Efficient jammers against the SAR with simulated elements are evaluated in the view of power and SAR image. In this paper, J/S is analysed for SAR with RF propagation equation firstly. Several jamming signals on SAR signal are made into SAR image through pulse compression process. Objective jamming performance is evaluated using euclidean distance.

The high accurate monitoring technique of land deformation by using satellite image - PSInSAR -

  • Mizuno Toshimi;Kuzuoka Shigeki
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.305-312
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    • 2003
  • Remote sensing can provide invisible information in addition to acquire wide-view image data from space. Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) transmits microwave to the earth from a satellite and collects the reflected echo from the surface. Interferometric processing of SAR data can detect the subtle land deformation. The information of the surface movement by SAR is useful to monitor the volcanic activity, extended subsidence of urbanized area and the prediction of the earthquake caused by crustal deformation, and it complements the conventional levelling and GPS technique. PSInSAR (Permanent Scatterers Interferometric SAR) is one of interferometric techniques to be applied to practical projects in Japan. In this paper, the projects of land deformation monitoring are shown after the explanations of the PSInSAR principle. Tokai earthquake risk assessment is the first example. PSInSAR detects the subduction of crustal deformation of the adjacent area of new assumed epicenter region of the Tokai Earthquake. The extended subsidence of the urbanized area was implemented by using Japanese satellite data i.e. JERS that has so much data the surrounding of Japan as the archive. We examine the relationship between the geological structure and settlement at Nohbi basin including Nagoya city.

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Structural Design of Planar Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Antenna for Microsatellites

  • Dong-Guk Kim;Sung-Woo Park;Jong-Pil Kim;Hwa-Young Jung;Yu-Ri Lee;Eung-Noh You;Hee Keun Cho;Jin Hyo An;Goo-Hwan Shin
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.225-235
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    • 2023
  • This paper presents the structural design of a planar synthetic aperture radar (SAR) antenna applied to a microsatellite. For micro-satellite applications, the SAR antenna structure must be lightweight, flat, and designed to withstand the launch environment. To satisfy these conditions, our novel antenna structure was designed using aluminium (AL) alloy. Structural analysis was performed for quasi-static load, random vibration, and shock load to verify its robustness in the launch environment, and the results are presented here.

ERS SAR observations of the Korean coastal waters (ERS SAR자료를 이용한 한국 동해 연안수의 특성 조사)

  • Yoon, Hong-Joo;Cho, Han-Keun;Kang, Heung-Soon
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2007.03a
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    • pp.257-261
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    • 2007
  • 한국 동해 연안의 위성 SAR 영상으로부터 몇가지 흥미로운 현상을 분석하였다. SAR 영상은 위치와 크기에 맞고 해상풍 상태가 $10-12ms^{-1}$ 이하로 원만할 때 와동류,전선,내부파 등의 다른 해양 현상들을 분석할 수 있다. 추후의 연구는 이를 정량적으로 분석하는 것이다. 실측 자료와 맞물리는 SAR 영상은 가시, 적외 복사계 혹은 고도계와 같은 다른 원격탐사 센서의 운용에 지장을 주는 구름이 연구해역에 나타날 때,혹은 육지 오염이 있을 때 등에도 해양, 기상학적 현상에 대한 새롭고 가치있는 정보를 제공할 수 있다.

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Wind Retrieval from X-band SAR Image Using Numerical Ocean Scattering Model

  • Kim, Duk-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.243-253
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    • 2009
  • For the last 14 years, space-borne satellite SAR system such as RADARSAT-1, ERS-2, and ENVISAT ASAR have provided a continuous observation over the ocean. However, the data acquired from those systems were limited to C-band frequency until the advent of the first spacebome German X-band SAR system TerraSAR-X in 2007. Korea is also planning to launch the nation's first X-band SAR satellite (KOMPSAT-5) in 2010. It is timely and necessary to develop X-band models for estimating geophysical parameters from these X-band SAR systems. In this study, X-band wind retrieval model was investigated and developed based on numerical ocean scattering model (radar backscattering model and hydrodynamic interaction model). Although these models have not yet been tested and validated for broad ranges of wind conditions, the estimated wind speeds from TerraSAR-X data show generally good agreement with in-situ measurements.

Analysis of the Radiation Patterns of Satellite SAR System with Active-Transponder (능동전파반사기를 이용한 위성 SAR 시스템 방사 패턴 분석)

  • Hwang, Ji-Hwan;Kweon, Soon-Koo;Oh, Yisok
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.23 no.10
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    • pp.1204-1211
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    • 2012
  • Measurement and analysis results of the extracted radiation-patterns from the field-experiments which were conducted to acquire the generic technology for calibration and validation of the satellite SAR system(Synthetic Aperture Radar) are presented in this study. Prototype of active transponder is adjustable within maximum 63.1 dBsm of RCS (Radar Cross Section) and includes the receiving-function with external receiver. To increase an accuracy of these field experiments, we repetitively measured satellite SAR systems of the same operating mode(i.e., COSMO-SkyMed No. 2 & 3, hh-pol., strip-map himage mode, 3 m resolution). Then, the reliability of experimental results was cross-checked through analysis of the RCS of active transponder on SAR image. The property of azimuth radiation patterns of satellite SAR system extracted from them has $0.352^{\circ}$ of HPBW(half-power beamwidth), $0.691^{\circ}$ of FNBW(first-null beamwidth), and 11.17 dB of PSLR(peak to side lobe ratio), respectively.

Applicability of Satellite SAR Imagery for Estimating Reservoir Storage (저수지 저수량 추정을 위한 위성 SAR 자료의 활용성)

  • Jang, Min-Won;Lee, Hyeon-Jeong;Kim, Yi-Hyun;Hong, Suk-Young
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.53 no.6
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    • pp.7-16
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    • 2011
  • This study discussed the applicability of satellite SAR (Synthetic Aperture Radar) imagery with regard to reservoir monitoring, and tried the extraction of reservoir storage from multi-temporal C-band RADARSAT-1 SAR backscattering images of Yedang and Goongpyeong agricultural reservoirs, acquired from May to October 2005. SAR technology has been advanced as a complementary and alternative approach to optical remote sensing and in-situ measurement. Water bodies in SAR imagery represent low brightness induced by low backscattering, and reservoir storage can be derived from the backscatter contrast with the level-area-volume relationship of each reservoir. The threshold segmentation over the routine preprocessing of SAR images such as speckle reduction and low-pass filtering concluded a significant correlation between the SAR-derived reservoir storage and the observation record in spite of the considerable disagreement. The result showed up critical limitations for adopting SAR data to reservoir monitoring as follows: the inappropriate specifications of SAR data, the unreliable rating curve of reservoir, the lack of climatic information such as wind and precipitation, the interruption of inside and neighboring land cover, and so on. Furthermore, better accuracy of SAR-based reservoir monitoring could be expected through different alternatives such as multi-sensor image fusion, water level measurement with altimeters or interferometry, etc.


  • Kim, Young-Soo;Lee, Sang-Ryool
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2002
  • Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) has been used for mapping the surface geomorphology of cloudy planets like Venus as well as the Earth. The cloud-free Mars is also going to be scanned by SAR in order to detect buried water channels and other features under the very shallow subsurface af the ground. According to the 'Mid and Long-term National Space Development Plan' of Korea, SAR satellites, in addition to the EO (Electro-Optical) satellites, are supposed to be developed in the frame of the KOMPSAT (Korean Multi-Purpose Satellite) program. Feasibility of utilizing a SAR payload on KOMPSAT platform has been studied by KARI in collaboration with Astrium U.K. The purpose of the ShR program is Scientific and Civil applications on the Earth. The study showed that KOMPSAT-2 platform can accommodate a small SAR like Astrium’s MicroSAR. In this paper, system aspects of the satellite design are presented, such as mission scenario, operation concept, and capabilities. The spacecraft design is also discussed and conclusion is followed.