• Title/Summary/Keyword: S-100 Standard

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Study of Registry Designing for the Hydrographic Data Standard Technology Operation (수로정보 표준기술 운용을 위한 등록소 설계 연구)

  • Kim, Ho-Yoon;Oh, Se-Woong;Shim, Woo-Sung;Suh, Sang-Hyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.06a
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    • pp.87-88
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    • 2012
  • The IHO developed the S-100 standard for Digital Hydrographic Data in order to assist the proper and efficient use of hydrographic data and information for the safety of navigation and the protection of marine environment. The former model, S-57, was considered outdated to be utilized as the basis for the next-generation Electronic Chart(ENC) product specification. The key feature of the S-100 standard is the use of Registry and its components, Registers. This online-based Registry provides a universal standard that can be implemented in the actual performance of the navigation system with convenience. In the current situation, the only registry is owned by the IHO and it is available to domain experts. However, since S-100 is an international standard operated by an international organization, the process of the changes and updates of the data requires time before immediate implementation when demanded. Therefore, regarding the safety of navigation of the domestic users and mariners, a separate domestic registry is necessary to develop a domestic Information Registry. This study specifically aims to build a Registry based on IHO published S-99 through designing an adequate website dedicated for its purpose to provide collection of definitions and hydrographic data.

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A Research of S-100 GI Registry (S-100 표준화 등록소 구축 및 활용방안 연구)

  • Choi, Hyun-Soo;Oh, Se-Woong;Kang, Dong-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2018.05a
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    • pp.87-88
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구에서는 국제수로기구(IHO)에서 제정한 S-100/10X 표준의 지속적 안정화를 위해 S-100 표준화 등록소(S-100 GI Registry)를 신규로 구축하였다. 이를 통하여 S-100 기반의 다양한 제품표준 사양에서 사용되는 피쳐 정보와 심볼을 체계적으로 관리하고 이용할 수 있을 것으로 예측된다.

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Development of a Prototype S-100 Data Model (프로토타입 해사데이터 모델 개발)

  • Kang, Namseon;Son, Gumjun;Jeong, Yujun;Kim, Hyejin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Marine Environment & Safety
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.527-536
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we developed a prototype model accident management SMART-Navigation project. In order to develop a prototype model, we analyzed the status of maritime data exchange standard and procedure. We developed accident management prototype application schema, feature catalog and portrayal catalog in accordance with S-100 standard data model development procedure by collecting requirements related services and referring to related standards. In order to verify accident management prototype model, we test data set based on Gwang-yang Port. The prototype model and test data verified verification software, and it was confirmed that the designated symbol was displayed at the correct position through the S-100 simple viewer.

Design and Implementation of Portrayal Engine for S-129 Under Keel Clearance Information Display (S-129 선저여유수심 정보 표출을 위한 국제표준기반 표출엔진 설계 및 구현)

  • Kim, Hyoseung;Mun, Changho;Lee, Seojeong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.1593-1601
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    • 2018
  • The International Hydrographic Organization has developed the S-100 standard as a geospatial standard to express various types of hydrographic information. Product specification describes information of data on ENC such as definition, structure, data model, etc. S-129 PS is for under keel clearance management information. In this paper, to help developers to implement S-129 PS using the technology of S-100, we analyze the process to portray the S-100 based data and then implement a case study. This paper introduces the XSLT processing of portrayal engine to reform the generated data set, and the generation of drawing instructions to display the data set on the electronic chart. A case study is experimented to display the portrayal output of under keel clearance management on an electronic chart.

A study of XML application to test S-100 web-service for casualty information (S-100 표준의 웹 서비스 실험을 위한 해양사고정보의 XML 응용 연구)

  • Lee, Seojeong;Kim, Hyo-Seung;Lee, Hee-Yong
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2013
  • IMO developed e-navigation implementation plan which is a new paradigm of vessel safety navigation using harmonized information technology. S-100 standard for electronic navigational chart is also adopted as one of e-navigation strategies. In S-100 framework, not only geographic features of electronic chart but every safety related objects can be expressed by UML so that can be provided by web services. This paper research to test S-100 web service for casualty information. It is processed by modeling with UML, converting XML document by XML schema. Finally, the XML data is represented by web-based application.

A Study on Development of Machine-readable Platform for S-100 ECDIS

  • CHOI, HyunSoo;KANG, DongWoo;OH, SeWoong;KIM, YunJee
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2021
  • Logistics movement using ships has been used for many centuries, but maritime accidents are still difficult to predict and they occur on a large scale. The International Maritime Organization (IMO) made it mandatory to install Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) for safe seas, but S-57 standards applied to equipment were not updated over 30 years. In addition, it is difficult to keep the equipment up-to-date and revise standards as ships move around the world. In consideration of the limitations of S-57, the IHO developed the new standard as S-100 rather than an update of the S-57. In this study, the previously developed S-100 tool and S/W were configured as one platform and applied to the S-100 ECDIS. The platform conducts as the S-100 cycle and ecosystem from the creation of standards to release and practical use in ships. The hydrographic information standard is machine-readable as defined in S-100, and it has been validated that the latest standard can be applied using the Plug and Play (PnP) function without software system updates. It is expected that international organization such as the International Hydrographic Office (IHO) and the International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities (IALA) shall develop and release standards and mariners can easily apply the latest standards to equipment through the machine-readable platform.

A Study on the Rating of the Insureds' Anthropometric Data III. A study on the Modified Broca's Index to Estimate Standard Body Weight of Korean Adults (피보험체계측치(被保險體計測値)의 평가(評價)에 관한 연구(硏究) 제3보(第3報) 한국성인(韓國成人)의 표준체중(標準休重) 산출(算出)을 위한 변형(變形)Broca지수(指數)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Im, Young-Hoon
    • The Journal of the Korean life insurance medical association
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.44-76
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    • 1987
  • Present study was undertaken to establish the modified Broca's indices to estimate standard body weight by using a total of 5,496 insured persons who were medically examined at the Honam Medical Room of Dong Bang Life Insurance Company Ltd. from January, 1983 to January, 1986. The results were as follows: 1. The linear regression equations of body weight to $height^3$ to estimate standard body weight were as follows: In male, for $18{\sim}19$ age group $y=7.272{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+23.560$ for $20{\sim}29$ age group $y=8.187{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+22.031$ for $30{\sim}39$ age group $y=8.627{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+23.169$ for $40{\sim}49$ age group $y=9.561{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+20.994$ for $50{\sim}59$ age group $y=8.604{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+23.081$ and for all ages group $y=7.778{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+25.929$ In female, for $18{\sim}19$ age group $y=8.252{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+18.920$ for $20{\sim}29$ age group $y=7.715{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+22.409$ for $30{\sim}39$ age group $y=8.808{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+21.440$ for $40{\sim}49$ age group $y=9.691{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+21.940$ for $50{\sim}59$ age group $y=12.550{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+11.031$ and for all ages group $y=7.300{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+26.601$ In both sexes, for all ages group $y=8.342{\times}10^{-6}{\times}x^3+22.998$ 2. The modified Broca's index is expressed by formula $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}K(kg)$. K is obtained from the following formula standard weight to average height estimated $\frac{by\;means\;of\;linear\;regression\;equation(kg)}{\{Average\;height(cm)-100\}{\times}K(kg)}$=1 Author's modified Broca's indices are as follows: In male, for $18{\sim}19$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.85(kg)$ for $20{\sim}29$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.90(kg)$ for $30{\sim}39$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.95(kg)$ for $40{\sim}49$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}1.00(kg)$ for $50{\sim}59$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.95(kg)$ and for all ages group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.95(kg)$ In female, for $18{\sim}19$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.90(kg)$ for $20{\sim}29$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.90(kg)$ for $30{\sim}39$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}1.00(kg)$ for $40{\sim}49$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}1.05(kg)$ for $50{\sim}59$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}1.05(kg)$ and for all ages group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}1.00(kg)$ In both sexes, for all age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.95(kg)$ 3. Several types of modified Broca's index recommended by author are as follows: I. In male, for $18{\sim}29$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.90(kg)$ and for $30{\sim}59$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.95(kg)$ In female, for $18{\sim}29$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.90(kg)$ and for $30{\sim}39$ age group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}1.00(kg)$ II. In male, for all ages group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.95(kg)$ In female, for all ages group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}1.00(kg)$ III. In both sexes, for all ages group $\{height(cm)-100\}{\times}0.95(kg)$ Note: The first type of modified Broca's index is the most precise one in estimating standard body weight among several types established by author. 4. Error of estimated standard body weight appearing by applying modified Broca's indices is generally greater in short build persons than in tall build persons and is more dominant especially in female group.

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Study on production and implementation of route information in a standardized form (표준 규격의 항로정보 생성 및 적용 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Sunphil;Oh, Sewoong;Shim, Woosung;Suh, Sanghyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2012.10a
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    • pp.119-120
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    • 2012
  • The International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) developed S-100 standards as a framework for a variety of data and service for hydrography and a standard research is in process, including a next-generation electronic chart standard, for products and services based on this.The need for standard storage and utilization of navigation routes generated by ECDIS and navigation system using navigation planning features has emerged and a standard research based on S-100 standard has been performed. Route information standard is needed for interoperability among route information generated by a variety of navigation system and requires an examination for the possibility of applicability. In this research, route generation tools and standard-based generation and result of route information using these tools in order to examine the application of route information standards have been executed.In details, first, as a module capable of generating route information, a module that can store values in memory based on route information standards of S-100, second, a module that can store route information in the memory in XML form, third, it includes loading module for route information stored as XML.In this research, we verified normal generation of route information, storage of generated route information and loading functions through developing three modules.

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On the Feasibilty of Milled Sanders as a New Extender for Plywood Glue (합판접착제용(合板接着劑用) 미세목분증량제(微細木粉增量劑)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究))

  • Ahn, Kee-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Wood Science and Technology
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    • v.1 no.2
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    • pp.3-10
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    • 1973
  • This study was carried out to examine the characeristics of waste sanders(S)from. plywood and pre-finishing plywood surface sanding and double saw finishing, as a new extander in urea-formaldehyde resin(UFR) in plywood adhesive, and to focus, adhesive strength using the glue extended with milled sanders(MS) as extender, leveling the optimum amount of MS to be added, and examining the physical properties of glue extended MS & S. Also economical good feasibility of substitution for wheat flour(WF) with MS as a new extender is analyzed and presented in details. Selecting three standard samples of 80, 100 and 180 mesh, sorking them in distilled water at $20^{\circ}C$, 24 hours, redrying at $105^{\circ}C$ and rescreening the sample with standard screen, again, the 3 samples of 80, 100, and 180 mesh are passed 23 percent through 80 mesh sander standard sample 27 percent through on 100 mesh and only 10.9 percent through 180 mesh, respectively. The particle size of retained parts are greater in size of redried form. It seems undoubtly that particles to be extended in glue are got swollen and become greater in size and coarser in shape. The shape of fresh S particles are irregular thin needle with small scale, as shown in Figure 5. PFS are so finer than plywood S that only 9.8 percent of the S retained on 100 mest screen, 24. 30 percent on 100-160 mesh, and 65.9% on 160-180 mesh. But particle size of the fresh S is large enough to make the viscosity of glue direct extended with S too high to apply it glue spreader. The glue extended with milled sanders(MS). 3 hours milled PFS or 6 hours milled plywood S, having particle sizes shown in Tables 7 and 8, as ratio of Reain/MS/WF/water: 100/8/8/10, indicate good viscosity of 16 to 24 ps, as shown in Figure 5, for applying direct to glue spreader, have high tensile-shear strength (adhesive strength), 102.4 kp/$cm^2$, and 94 percent wood failure.

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A Study on trends of S-100 and S-101 standards and effects (S-100/S-101 개발 동향 및 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Hyun-Joo;Oh, Se-Woong;Park, Jong-Min;Suh, Sang-Hyun;Jeon, Tae-Byung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Navigation and Port Research Conference
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    • 2011.06a
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    • pp.37-39
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    • 2011
  • IHO has been developing S-100 and S-101 based on international standards. According to development It is expected to have a effect on the system which can be used to display information of ENC. In this study, S-100 standard completed is reviewed and S-101 in the second phase is analyzed. In conclusion, we organized the trends of S-100 and S-101 standard and the ripple effect into the system used ENC.

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