• Title/Summary/Keyword: S/B ratio

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소광비, 처핑 및 자기위상변조가 2.5Gbit/s 직접변조한 DFB-LD의 전송성능에 미치는 영향 (The effect of extinction ratio, chirp and SPM on transmission performance of directly modulated 2.5 Gbit/s transmitter)

  • 김근영;이용기
    • 한국광학회지
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    • 제12권3호
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    • pp.212-218
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    • 2001
  • 직접변조한 2.5Gbit/s 송신기에 있어서 DFB-LD에 인가되는 바이어스 전류에 따른 출력 광신호의 소광비와 처핑의 관계를 살펴보았고, 이상분산 영역 전송실험을 통행 변조된 광신호가 8-10dB의 소광비를 가질경우(바이어스 전류가 발진임계전류의 1.5배에서 1.8배) 소광비와 처핑으로 인한 총 전송 패널티가 최소가 됨을 알 수 있었다. 또한 240km 이상분산 영역 전송실험을 통해 직접변조된 광신호의 소광비와 SPM의 상관관계도 분석하였다. SPM을 고려할 경우 본 실험과 같은 구성에서 전송거리가 200km 미만인 경우는 10.2dB의 소광비에서 200km 이상인 경우는 8.4dB의 소광비에서 가장 좋은 수신감도를 얻을 수 있었다.

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초기 재령에서 잔골재율의 변화에 따른 고강도 콘크리트의 수축특성 (Shrinkage Properties of High Strength Concrete According to S/A in Early Age)

  • 박신일;전철송;임병호;이승훈;손상현;김화중
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 2001년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.1135-1140
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the shrinkage properties of high strength concrete according to the S/A ratio at early age. The main parameters are as follows : S/A ratio is 30, 35, 38, 41, 45%, W/B ratio 24.9%, SF/B ratio 8%. FA/B 15%. The size of specimen is l0$\times$10$\times$40cm and the shrinkage is measured by the embedded gage at each end of the specimens. From the test, it was found that the slump-flow of concrete was high, and also autogenous shrinkage increased and drying shrinkage decreased as S/A ratio increased.

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Development of the Delamination Evaluation Parameters (I) -The Delamination Aspect Ratio and the Delamination Shape Factors-

  • Song, Sam-Hong;Oh, Dong-Joon
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • 제18권11호
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    • pp.1932-1940
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    • 2004
  • Although the previous researches evaluated the fatigue behavior of Al/GFRP laminates using the traditional fracture mechanism, their researches were not sufficient to do it : the damage zone of Al/GFRP laminates was occurred at the delamination zone instead of the crack-metallic damages. Thus, previous researches were not applicable to the fatigue behavior of Al/GFRP laminates. The major purpose of this study was to evaluate delamination behavior using the relationship between crack length (a) and delamination width (b) in Al/GFRP laminate. The details of investigation were as follows: 1) Relationship between the crack length (a) and the delamination width (b), 2) Relationship between the delamination aspect ratio (b/a) and the delamination area rate ((A$\_$D/)/subN// (A$\_$D/)$\_$All/), 3) The effect of delamination aspect ratio (b/a) on the delamination shape factor (f$\_$s/) and the delamination growth rate (dA$\_$D// da). As results, it was known that the delamination aspect ratio (b/a) was decreased and the delamination area rate ((A$\_$D/)$\_$N// (A$\_$D/)$\_$All/) was increased as the normalized crack size (a/W) was increased. And, the delamination shape factors (f$\_$s/) of the ellipse-II(f$\_$s3/) was greater than of the ellipse-I(f$\_$s2/) but that of the triangle (f$\_$s1/) was less than of the ellipse-I(f$\_$s2/).

A Novel Two-party Scheme against Off-line Password Guessing Attacks using New Theorem of Chaotic maps

  • Zhu, Hongfeng
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • 제11권12호
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    • pp.6188-6204
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    • 2017
  • Over the years, more password-based authentication key agreement schemes using chaotic maps were susceptible to attack by off-line password guess attack. This work approaches this problem by a new method--new theorem of chaotic maps: $T_{a+b}(X)+T_{a-b}(X)=2T_a(X)T_b(X)$,(a>b). In fact, this method can be used to design two-party, three-party, even in N-party intelligently. For the sake of brevity and readability, only a two-party instance: a novel Two-party Password-Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol is proposed for resisting password guess attack in this work. Compared with the related literatures recently, our proposed scheme can be not only own high efficiency and unique functionality, but is also robust to various attacks and achieves perfect forward secrecy. For capturing improved ratio of security and efficiency intuitively, the paper firstly proposes a new parameter called security/efficiency ratio(S/E Ratio). The higher the value of the S/E Ratio, the better it is. Finally, we give the security proof and the efficiency analysis of our proposed scheme.

양돈분뇨의 열전처리에서 기질과 접종액의 비율이 메탄생산 퍼텐셜에 미치는 영향 (Effect of Substrate to Inoculum Ratio on Biochemical Methane Potential in the Thermal Pretreatment of Piggery Sludge)

  • 김승환;김호;오승용;김창현;윤영만
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제45권4호
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    • pp.532-539
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    • 2012
  • BMP 시험을 통한 최종메탄생산퍼텐셜 ($B_u$)의 측정은 바이오매스로부터 전환할 수 있는 바이오에너지 양을 추산하고 혐기소화조를 설계하는데 중요한 인자이다. 본 연구에서는 $B_u$의 측정에 있어 기질과 접종액의 비율 (S/I ratio)이 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위하여 기질의 유기물 특성이 다른 양돈 슬러리의 탈수여액 (LF), 양돈슬러지 탈수케이크의 열가수분해액 (TH), 탈수여액과 열가수분해액의 혼합액 (Mix)을 이용하여 BMP 시험을 실시하였으며, 각각의 시료의 이론적 메탄생산퍼텐셜 ($B_{th}$)과 혐기적 유기물 분해율을 구하여 비교하였다. TH 시료의 $B_u$는 S/I 비율 0.1, 0.3, 0.5에서 각각 0.27, 0.44, $0.46Nm^3\;Kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$로 나타났으며, 이론적메탄생산퍼텐셜 ($B_{th}$) 대비 최종메탄생산퍼텐셜 ($B_u$)의 비율 ($B_u/B_{th}$)로 나타낸 혐기적 유기물 분해율은 S/I 비율 0.1, 0.3, 0.5에서 각각 50.04, 82.46, 86.47%이었으며, LF 시료의 경우 S/I 비율 0.1, 0.3, 0.5에서 $B_u$은 각각 0.64, 0.53, $0.40Nm^3\;Kg^{-1}-VS_{added}$이었으며, 혐기적 유기물 분해율은 각각 152.07, 122.67, 95.71%로 나타났다. Mix 시료의 경우 최종 메탄생산 퍼텐셜과 혐기적 유기물 분해율에서 LF 시료와 유사한 경향을 보였다. 본 연구에서는 양돈슬러리의 BMP시험에서 S/I비율에 따라 상이한 최종 메탄생산 퍼텐셜이 나타나며, 낮은 S/I 비율에서 최종 메탄생산 퍼텐셜이 과대평가되었다.

PTC thermistor에서 Ti/Ba mole ratio에 따른 파괴전압 (The Breakdown voltage with Ti/Ba mole ratio on the PTC thermistor)

  • 김병수;이상희;최충석;신태현;박구범;김철수;김용혁;이덕출
    • 대한전기학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 대한전기학회 1998년도 하계학술대회 논문집 D
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    • pp.1493-1494
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    • 1998
  • We have investigated the influence of Ti/Ba mole ratio in the characteristics of the modified $BaTiO_3$ systems with Ca addition. The specimens were fabricated with variations in Ti/Ba mole ratio between 0.995 and 1.01, and sintered in the temperature range between $1325^{\circ}C$ and $1375^{\circ}C$. When Ti/Ba mole ratio was 1.005 and sintering temperature was $1350^{\circ}C$, the breakdown voltage shows 260[V /mm].

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원심주조된 내열강의 미세조직 및 기계적성질에 미치는 단조 조건의 영향 (Effect of Forging Condition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties in Centrifugal Casted Heat Resistant Steel)

  • 강창룡;이상명;조덕호;박영태;이도훈;김영철
    • 동력기계공학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.47-52
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    • 2009
  • The effect of forging start temperature, forging ratio on the microstructure and mechanical properties of B7B4 steel ware investigated. Microstructure of centrifugal casted B7B4 steel consisted of martensite and ferrite phase. The volume fraction of ferrite increased with increase of forging start temperature and decreased with increase of forging ratio. Tensile strength and hardness decreased with higher of forging start temperature, while impact value and elongation increased with higher of forging start temperature. With increase of forging ratio, tensile strength rapidly increased up to the forging ratio of 30%, and then slowly increased, but elongation was decreased. Hardness and impact value rapidly increased with increase of forging ratio.

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Effects of different Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis ratios on nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, and gas emissions of growing pigs

  • Kim, Yong Ju;Cho, Sung Bo;Song, Min Ho;Lee, Sung Il;Hong, Seok Man;Yun, Won;Lee, Ji Hwan;Oh, Han Jin;Chang, Se Yeon;An, Jae Woo;Go, Young Bin;Song, Dong Cheol;Cho, Hyun Ah;Kim, Hyeun Bum;Cho, Jin Ho
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • 제64권2호
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    • pp.291-301
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different mixing ratios of Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis in diets on nutrient digestibility, fecal microflora, and odor gas emissions of growing pigs. A total of four crossbred ([Landrace × Yorkshire] × Duroc) barrows with average body weight (BW) of 41.2 ± 0.7 kg were randomly allotted four diets over four periods in a 4 × 4 Latin square design. Treatments were as follows: Control (CON, basal diet), CON + 0.2% probiotic complex (L4S6, B. licheniformis and B. subtilis at a 4:6 ratio), CON + 0.2% probiotic complex (L5S5, B. licheniformis and B. subtilis at a 5:5 ratio), CON + 0.2% probiotic complex (L6S4, B. licheniformis and B. subtilis at a 6:4 ratio). Dietary probiotic supplementation showed higher crude protein (CP) digestibility values and lower Escherichia coli counts in fecal samples than the CON group (p < 0.05). There was no significant difference in NH3 or H2S emission until day 3. The positive effect of H2S and NH3 emissions was detected earlier with the L4S6 and L5S5 compared to the L6S4, which had a lower ratio of B. subtilis. Both the L4S6 and L5S5 probiotic complexes significantly decreased the fecal H2S and NH3 emission in days 4 and 6 (p < 0.05). On day 7, all probiotic complexes decreased (p < 0.05) H2S and NH3 emissions than the CON group. Our results agreed that the dietary supplementation of Bacillus licheniformis and Bacillus subtilis complexes in growing pigs can significantly improve CP digestibility and reduce fecal E. coli counts, NH3 and H2S emissions. Notably, the higher mixing ratio of Bacillus subtilis in probiotic supplementation is more effective in reducing the odor of manure.

흡기포트 형상에 따른 선회비 분포특성에 관한 실험적 연구 (An experimental study on the characteristics of the swirl ratio distribution with an intake port geometry)

  • 이지근;주봉철;노병준;강신재
    • 대한기계학회논문집B
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    • 제21권6호
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    • pp.725-734
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    • 1997
  • The effect of helical intake port geometry on in-cylinder swirl flow characteristics was studied. Two helical intake ports were selected to change swirl ratio, mean flow coefficient with the variation of valve lifts, valve eccentricity ratios and axial distance. The measurements were made by using an impulse swirl meter. The port B modified to increase the swirl ratio( $R_{s}$) had the tendency of the increased non-dimensional rig swirl ( $N_{r}$) distribution in comparison with that of the port A. And the $N_{r}$ distribution was remarkably improved at low valve lifts. The modification of the geometry to increase the swirl ratio ( $R_{s}$) in helical intake port resulted in the decrease of the mean flow coefficient ( $C_{f(mean)}$) regardless of valve eccentricity ratio ( $N_{y}$). And also non-dimensional rig swirl ( $N_{r}$) in the high valve lift affected the calculation of swirl ratio considerably.onsiderably.

고로슬래그미분말을 혼입한 고유동콘크리트에서 골재조합이 콘크리트 유동성상에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험 연구 (The Effect of Combined Aggregates on Fluidity of the High Fluid Concrete Containing GGBFS)

  • 김재훈;윤상천;지남용
    • 한국건축시공학회지
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    • 제3권4호
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    • pp.79-86
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of study is to offer base data for high fluid concrete mix property, as grasp effect of aggregate to reach much more effect for producing high fluid concrete. For this study, there are three types of combined aggregates, river sand + river aggregate(type A), river sand + crusted aggregate(type B), washed sea sand + crushed aggregate(type C) and take a factor, water-contents, water-binder ratio and S/a. And so, we had following conclusion, resulting application-ability of high fluid mortar by K-slump tester to use a handy consistency measuring instrument. And so, we had following conclusion, resulting application-ability of high fluid concrete by K-slump tester to use a handy consistency measuring instrument. 1) In cafe of regular water binder ratio, high fluid concrete suffered much effect of combined aggregates and water binder ratio. Range of water binder ratio by combined aggregates is w/b 0.4 downward(type A and B), w/b 0.35 downward(type C). 2) Water contents to need for producing high fluid concrete is minimum 170kg/$\textrm{m}^3$ without regard to combined aggregates. 3) The effect of S/a on high fluid concrete by combined aggregates is approximately S/a 50% (type A and B), s/a 50-55% (type C). 4) Consistency measuring of high fluid concrete by K-slump tester is possible and first indication value, high fluid concrete can be produced, is 6~10.5cm.