• 제목/요약/키워드: Rules for the naval ships

검색결과 40건 처리시간 0.026초

함정 안전성 향상을 위한 품질관리체계 개선 방안 연구 (A Study for Improving Quality Management System of Naval Ships to Enhance Safety)

  • 황기철;김종하
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제59권6호
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    • pp.432-438
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    • 2022
  • This study focuses on improving quality management system of naval ships to enhance safety. Recently, there were problems caused by the lack of quality management system when building Korea naval ships. Foreign naval ships are designed and built through certification by professional organizations in the commercial sector to reduce budget and enhance ship safety. Merchant ships are designed, built, operated and maintained by the organizations in accordance with the Ship Safety Act. When naval ships are exported, the ordering country requires the certification from the international classification to ensure the safety and reliability of ships. Through this study, as a method of improving the quality management system of naval ships, design verification, equipment certification and construction survey using expertise of the organizations are proposed when designing and building the naval ships.

Damage scenarios and an onboard support system for damaged ships

  • Choi, Jin;Lee, Dongkon;Kang, Hee Jin;Kim, Soo-Young;Shin, Sung-Chul
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • 제6권2호
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    • pp.236-244
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    • 2014
  • Although a safety assessment of damaged ships, which considers environmental conditions such as waves and wind, is important in both the design and operation phases of ships, in Korea, rules or guidelines to conduct such assessments are not yet developed. However, NATO and European maritime societies have developed guidelines for a safety assessment. Therefore, it is required to develop rules or guidelines for safety assessments such as the Naval Ship Code (NSC) of NATO. Before the safety assessment of a damaged ship can be performed, the available damage scenarios must be developed and the safety assessment criteria must be established. In this paper, the parameters related to damage by accidents are identified and categorized when developing damage scenarios. The need for damage safety assessment criteria is discussed, and an example is presented. In addition, a concept and specifications for the DB-based supporting system, which is used in the operation phases, are proposed.


  • Lee Kwi Joo;Joa Soon Won;Sarath E.S.;Park Na Ra
    • 한국해양공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국해양공학회 2004년도 학술대회지
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    • pp.85-89
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    • 2004
  • The paper presents a summary of the multidisciplinary/optimization method for the preliminary design of container feeder vessel. The current scenario in the ship building industry highly focuses on container ship design and construction proving the inherent demand in maritime industry. The design accomplishes the outer circle of the design spiral giving stress in areas of Hull Form Design, Resistance & Propulsion. Empirical relations, model test results, data from built ships, class rules and latest market demands stood as the criteria for the design. Optimization of the design as per the owners requirement. class rules, and the trade route selected are the major challenges met with. Strength. reliability, structural safety and stability have been incorporated in compromising standards.

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통합공통구조규칙 기반 중형 살물선의 중량 절감에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Weight Reduction of Mid-sized Bulk Carrier based on the Harmonized Common Structural Rules)

  • 나승수;송하철;정솔;박민철;전형근
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제53권4호
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    • pp.336-342
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    • 2016
  • H-CSR(Harmonized Common Structural Rules) integrating CSR-BC(Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers) and CSR-OT(Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers) came into effect in July of 2015, so that bulk carrier and double hull oil tanker should comply with this rules. So far, several studies for trend analysis of requirements of structure scantling based on H-CSR have been carried out briskly. However, those studies are rare to apply H-CSR in actual structural design of ships, especially bulk carriers. In this study, an automated system for compartment arrangement is used to search the design case that minimizes still water bending moment(S.W.B.M) in 38k bulk carrier designed by Far East Ship Design & Engineering Co. Ltd. Also, various structural design cases are considered by changing arrangement of structural members to reduce ship weight. The SeaTrust-Hullscan software developed by Korean Register is used to perform structural design of ships based on mother ship and proper design cases are selected by user. The DSA(Direct Strength Analysis) is performed to evaluate structural safety for the yielding and buckling analysis by using MSC Nastran software. The effect of weight reduction is verified by comparison of ship weight between mother ship and the selected design cases.

추진축설계(推進軸設計)에 관(關)한 각선급협회규칙(各船級協會規則)의 비교연구(比較硏究) (A Comparative Study of the Rules of Ship Classification Societies on the Propeller Shaft Design.)

  • 김극천;이재욱
    • 대한조선학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 1967
  • Since the screw propellers were adopted as ship propulsion devices, the replacement of propeller shaft due to damage was mostly of fatigue failure due to the alternative stresses [1],[2]. To prevent such a failure, hence, it is suggested that careful attention should be paid to account of the alternative stresses on the design stage of the propeller shafts. In connection with this fact the Ship Classification Societies' Rules are regarded simply as guidance for preliminary determination of the shaft diameter. In this paper, limiting the topic to the small and medium-sized motor ships, an evaluation of the Rules formulae to a theoretical based on Soderberg's correlation [5] between the factor of safety and the resultant stresses obtained by application of the maximum shear theory is done. For this purpose eleven (11) ships built recently in Korea were taken as a species(refer to table 2. in text). In the end the following conclusions are made: (1) In general the Rules formulae give considerably larger size of the propeller shaft diameter than that derived from theoretical calculation, that is, about 7% more in AB and BV Rules, and about 20% more in LR and KR-NK Rules. (2) LR Rule gives the largest size of all, and AB Rule is mostly closed value to the theoretical. (3) The formular of the AB Rule is considered to be of the simplest in utilization and of the reasonable.

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선급 강선규칙의 설계 파랑하중 산식 개발(I) (On The Development of Design Wave Loads in Classification Rules(I))

  • 송재영;전영기;하태범
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제30권4호
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    • pp.112-126
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    • 1993
  • 본 논문에서는 선급규칙중 파랑하중 부분의 개정과 관련하여 선체종강도의 국제선급연합 통일규칙(IACS UR)을 검증하기 위하여 단기파랑하에서 비선형 파랑하중 해석을 수행하였고, 선체구조의 직접강도해석시에 사용하여야 할 지침으로 IACS WAVE DATA에 대한 검증을 수행하였다. 컨테이너선등과 같은 대형개구를 가진 선박의 응력을 구하기 위하여 수평전단력, 수평굽힘모멘트 및 비틂모멘트 산식을 일관성 있게 구하여 새로이 제시하였다. 또한 선체 외관에 작용하는 유체동압력을 선박의 길이 및 깊이방향에 대한 분포 산식으로 제시하였고 이를 타 선급 규칙과 비교, 검토하였다. 이상의 제시된 산식들은 각 선종, 크기 별로 17척 선박의 실선계산을 통하여 결정되었다. 이 산식들은 앞으로 선체구조부재 Scantling 산식이 결정되면 실선에 대한 적용계산을 통하여 검증될 것이다.

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선수 플레어 구조손상 해석 (Damage Analysis of Bow-Flare Structure)

  • 김용직;신기석;신찬호;강점문;김만수;김성찬;오수관;임채환;김대헌
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2003
  • In rough seas, bow-flare regions of the sea-going ships are subject to high impact pressures due to the bow-flare slamming and panting. And many ships suffer structural damages in that region, even though they were built under the bow structure strengthening rules of the ship classes. So, a new design method for bow-flare structure is highly required. In this paper, bow-flare damage analysis is performed for 17 ships (total number of damage/non-damage data is 782). Based on this analysis, a new design standard and method for bow-flare structure (shell plate, frame and web frame) is proposed. 80.4% of the present damage/non-damage data were well-explained by this new design standard.

선수 플레어 충격압력 추정과 구조설계에의 응용 - 콘테이너선과 자동차 운반선 - (Prediction of Bow Flare Impact Pressure and Its Application to Ship Structure Design - Container Ship and PCC -)

  • 김용직;신기석;신찬호;강점문;김만수;김성찬;오수관;임채환;김대헌
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.29-36
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    • 2003
  • In rough seas, bow-flare regions of the fine ships (container ship and PCC) are subject to high impact pressures due to the bow-flare slamming. And many ships suffer structural damages in that region, even though they were built under the bow structure strengthening rules of the ship classes. So, a new design method for bow-flare structure is highly required. In this paper, a new prediction method of the bow-flare impact pressure (in terms of equivalent static pressure) acting on the fine ships' bow is presented. This method is based on the 11 fine ships' damage analysis and the mechanisms of water entry impact and breaking wave impact. Calculation results of the bow-flare impact pressure and the shell plate thickness are shown and discussed. Through the example calculations, it was found that the present method is useful for the structure design of the fine ships' bow.

선수 플레어 충격압력 추정과 구조설계에의 응용 - 탱커와 산적화물선 - (Prediction of Bow Flare Impact Pressure and Its Application to Ship Structure Design - Tanker and Bulk Carrier -)

  • 김용직;신기석;신찬호;강점문;김만수;김성찬;오수관;임채환;김대헌
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제40권3호
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2003
  • In rough seas, bow-flare regions of the full ships (tanker and bulk carrier) are subiect to high impact pressures due to the on-coming breaking waves. And many ships suffer structural damages in that region, even though they were built under the bow structure strengthening rules of the ship classes. So, a new design method for bow-flare structure is highly required. In this paper, a new prediction method of the bow-flare impact pressure (in terms of equivalent static pressure) acting on the full ships' bow is presented. This method is based on the 6 full ships' damage analysis and the breaking wave impact mechanism. Calculation results of the bow-flare impact pressure and the shell plate thickness are shown and discussed. Through the example calculations, it was found that the present method is useful for the structure design of the full ships' bow.

선수부 선저 슬래밍 충격에 대비한 설계압력의 산출 (Computation of Design Pressure against the Bow Bottom Slamming Impact)

  • 김용직;이승철;하영록;홍사영
    • 대한조선학회논문집
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    • 제55권3호
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    • pp.187-195
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    • 2018
  • Ship's bottom slamming has been studied by many researchers for a very long time. But still some ships suffer structure damages caused by the bottom slamming impacts. This paper presents a practical computation method of the design impact pressure due to ship's bow bottom slamming. Large heave and pitch motions of a rigid hull ship are simulated by the nonlinear strip method in time domain and the relative colliding velocity between the bow bottom and the water surface is calculated using the simulated ship motions. The bottom slamming impact pressure is calculated as a product of the relative colliding velocity squared and the bottom slamming pressure coefficient that is obtained by modification of the SNAME pressure coefficients based on Ochi's slamming experiments. Not only the bottom slamming pressures but also the required bottom plate thicknesses are calculated and compared with those of the classification society rules. The comparisons show good agreements and it is confirmed that the present method is practically very useful for the bottom structure design against ship's bow bottom slamming impacts.