• Title/Summary/Keyword: Robustness test

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Sliding-DFT based multi-channel phase measurement FPGA system (Sliding-DFT를 이용한 다채널 위상 측정 FPGA 시스템)

  • Eo, Jin-Woo;Chang, Tae-Gyu
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.8 no.1 s.14
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    • pp.128-135
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes a phase measurement algorithm which is based on the recursive implementation of sliding-DFT. The algorithm is designed to have a robust behavior against the erroneous factors of frequency drift, additive noise, and twiddle factor approximation. The size of phase error caused by the finite wordlength implementation of DFT twiddle factors is shown significantly lower than that of magnitude error. The drastic reduction of the phase error is achieved by the exploitation of the quadruplet symmetry characteristics of the approximated twiddle factors in the complex plane. Four channel power-line phase measurement system is also designed and implemented based on the time-multiplexed sharing architecture of the proposed algorithm. The operation of the developed system is also verified by the experiment performed under the test environment implemented with the multi-channel function generator and the on-line interfaced host processor system. The proposed algorithm's features of phase measurement accuracy and its robustness against the finite wordlength effects can provide a significant impact especially for the ASIC or microprocessor based embedded system applications where the enhanced processing speed and implementation simplicity are crucial design considerations.

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The Structural Path Model of Adolescents′ Internet Addiction and Expected Self-Control (청소년의 인터넷 중독현상과 자기통제기대의 구조적 경로모형에 관한 연구)

  • 박재성
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2004
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the roles of expected self-control and expected self-control results in explaining adolescents' Internet addiction. In the study model, expectations of self-control and self-control results directly determine Internet addiction and Internet use time meditates the impacts of expectations of self-control and self-control results on Internet addiction. The study subjects are 1,080 middle and high school students in Busan. Stratified cluster sampling is applied by school type and school year. The response rate is 96%(l,037cases). This study develops the scales of expected self-control and expected self-control results. The scales of Internet addiction are devised by using the concept of functional dependency such as salience, withdrawal symptoms, mood modification, tolerance, relapse, and conflict. For verifying the study model, path analysis and multiple regression models are applied for identifying path significants and evaluating confounding effects of control variables, respectively. Moreover, multi partial F-test is performed for selecting the best regression model. Expected self-control is a significant determinant of Internet addiction and Internet use time that also significantly explains Internet addiction. The total effect of expected self-control towards Internet addiction is -.95. The total effect is comprised with the direct effect (-.71) and the indirect effect(-.24). In this result, the direct effect refers a curative effect since expected self-control directly reduces the level of Internet addiction, and the indirect effect refers a preventive effect because self-control can reduce time of Internet use that is a direct determinant of Internet addiction. In the test of the confounding effects of control variables, there are no confounding effects in the models of multiple regression. It implies a robustness of the study model as regards control variables. In conclusion, improving adolescents' expected self-control can control Internet addiction level. This finding implies that a health promotion program for improving expected self-control can be a cost effective method compared to other approaches.

Steering Control and Geomagnetism Cancellation for an Autonomous Vehicle using MR Sensors

  • Kim, Hong-Reol;Son, Seok-Jun;Kim, Tae-Gon;Kim, Jeong-Heui;Lim, Young-Cheol;Kim, Eui-Sun;Chang, Young-Hak
    • Journal of Sensor Science and Technology
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    • v.10 no.5
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    • pp.329-336
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes the steering control and geomagnetism cancellation for an autonomous vehicle using an MR sensor. The magneto-resistive (MR) sensor obtains the vector summation of the magnetic fields from embedded magnets and the Earth. The vehicle is controlled by the magnetic fields from embedded magnets. So, geomagnetism is the disturbance in the steering control system. In this paper, we propose a new method of the sensor arrangement in order to remove the geomagnetism and vehicle body interference. The proposed method uses two MR sensors located in a level plane and the steering controller has been developed. The controller has three input variables ($dB_x$, $dB_y$, $dB_z$) using the measured magnetic field difference, and an output variable (the steering angle). A simulation program was developed to acquire the data to teach the neural network, in order to test the ability of a neural network to learn the steering control process. Also, the computer simulation of the vehicle (including vehicle dynamics and steering) was used to verify the steering performance of the vehicle controller using the neural network. From the simulation and field test, good result was obtained and we confirmed the robustness of the neural network controller in a real autonomous vehicle.

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A Study on UAV Flight Control System HILS Test Environment (무인항공기 비행제어 HILS 시험환경 연구)

  • Byun, Jinku;Hur, Gi-Bong;Lee, KwangHyun;Suk, Jinyoung
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.316-323
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    • 2016
  • A UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) flies along pre-programed navigation points(in-flight, take-off, or landing) automatically without pilot input. Even though UAVs fly differently from general piloted aircraft as the pilot controls the aircraft from a ground station through means of a data-link system. Occasionally, the data-link connection can be lost for any number of reasons, in which case, the FLCC(Flight control Computer) must automatically switch to autopilot to continue flying. Hence, the FLCC is a flight-critical component that must be throughly tested and validated. This paper discusses the development of a HILS(Hardware in the Loop Simulation) test environment designed to simulate real flight conditions to verify the FLCC satisfies flying quality requirements and maintains robustness despite any potential malfunctions or emergency situations.

A Study of Security Certification and Accreditation for DNP3 linkage section in EMS/SCADA (EMS/SCADA의 DNP3 연계구간 보안성 평가·인증 기술 연구)

  • Kim, Jongwan;Shon, Taeshik
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.703-713
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    • 2015
  • The linking system between the control system and the field devices in the existing EMS/SCADA, in order to increase the reliability of the data, and access control through the separation of external network. Currently, There is a tendency that the need for connection to an external network that takes into account the economic aspect, systematic management and efficiency of operations is increasing. Such is evolved linkage section, is to have more security vulnerabilities than in the past, Eventually communication EMS/SCADA linkage section requires special management method. In this paper, taking into account the domestic environment, were presented the security Certification and Accreditation technology that was applied to serial DNP3 and TCP/IP based DNP3 that are mainly used in EMS/SCADA linkage section. Presented to security of Certification and Accreditation technology, divided into Resource Robustness Test and Malicious Packet Test for evaluate the safety. Each of the security requirements and evaluation method in proposed technology, is an attempt to present the differentiation of the existing Certification and Accreditation technology.

Overall damage identification of flag-shaped hysteresis systems under seismic excitation

  • Zhou, Cong;Chase, J. Geoffrey;Rodgers, Geoffrey W.;Xu, Chao;Tomlinson, Hamish
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.163-181
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    • 2015
  • This research investigates the structural health monitoring of nonlinear structures after a major seismic event. It considers the identification of flag-shaped or pinched hysteresis behavior in response to structures as a more general case of a normal hysteresis curve without pinching. The method is based on the overall least squares methods and the log likelihood ratio test. In particular, the structural response is divided into different loading and unloading sub-half cycles. The overall least squares analysis is first implemented to obtain the minimum residual mean square estimates of structural parameters for each sub-half cycle with the number of segments assumed. The log likelihood ratio test is used to assess the likelihood of these nonlinear segments being true representations in the presence of noise and model error. The resulting regression coefficients for identified segmented regression models are finally used to obtain stiffness, yielding deformation and energy dissipation parameters. The performance of the method is illustrated using a single degree of freedom system and a suite of 20 earthquake records. RMS noise of 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% is added to the response data to assess the robustness of the identification routine. The proposed method is computationally efficient and accurate in identifying the damage parameters within 10% average of the known values even with 20% added noise. The method requires no user input and could thus be automated and performed in real-time for each sub-half cycle, with results available effectively immediately after an event as well as during an event, if required.

Study on the White Noise effect Against Adversarial Attack for Deep Learning Model for Image Recognition (영상 인식을 위한 딥러닝 모델의 적대적 공격에 대한 백색 잡음 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Youngseok;Kim, Jongweon
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.27-35
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    • 2022
  • In this paper we propose white noise adding method to prevent missclassification of deep learning system by adversarial attacks. The proposed method is that adding white noise to input image that is benign or adversarial example. The experimental results are showing that the proposed method is robustness to 3 adversarial attacks such as FGSM attack, BIN attack and CW attack. The recognition accuracies of Resnet model with 18, 34, 50 and 101 layers are enhanced when white noise is added to test data set while it does not affect to classification of benign test dataset. The proposed model is applicable to defense to adversarial attacks and replace to time- consuming and high expensive defense method against adversarial attacks such as adversarial training method and deep learning replacing method.

Flexible Durability of Ultra-Thin FPCB (초박형 FPCB의 유연 내구성 연구)

  • Jung, Hoon-Sun;Eun, Kyoungtae;Lee, Eun-Kyung;Jung, Ki-Young;Choi, Sung-Hoon;Choa, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Microelectronics and Packaging Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.69-76
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we developed an ultra-thin flexible printed circuit board(FPCB) using the sputtered flexible copper clad laminate. In order to enhance the adhesion between copper and polyimide substrate, a NiMoNb addition layer was applied. The mechanical durability and flexibility of the ultra-thin FPCB were characterized by stretching, twisting, bending fatigue test, and peel test. The stretching test reveals that the ultra-thin FPCB can be stretched up to 7% without failure. The twisting test shows that the ultra-thin FPCB can withstand an angle of up to $120^{\circ}$. In addition, the bending fatigue test shows that the FPCB can withstand 10,000 bending cycles. Numerical analysis of the stress and strain during stretching indicates the strain and the maximum von Mises stress of the ultra-thin FPCB are comparable to those of the conventional FPCB. Even though the ultra-thin FPCB shows slightly lower durability than the conventional FPCB, the ultra-thin FPCB has enough durability and robustness to apply in industry.

Variable Sampling Window Flip-Flops for High-Speed Low-Power VLSI (고속 저전력 VLSI를 위한 가변 샘플링 윈도우 플립-플롭의 설계)

  • Shin Sang-Dae;Kong Bai-Sun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SD
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    • v.42 no.8 s.338
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    • pp.35-42
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes novel flip-flops with improved robustness and reduced power consumption. Variable sampling window flip-flop (VSWFF) adjusts the width of the sampling window according to input data, providing robust data latching as well as shorter hold time. The flip-flop also reduces power consumption for higher input switching activities as compared to the conventional low-power flip-flop. Clock swing-reduced variable sampling window flip-flop (CSR-VSWFF) reduces clock power consumption by allowing the use of a small swing clock. Unlike conventional reduced clock swing flip-flops, it requires no additional voltage higher than the supply voltage, eliminating design overhead related to the generation and distribution of this voltage. Simulation results indicate that the proposed flip-flops provide uniform latency for narrower sampling window and improved power-delay product as compared to conventional flip-flops. To evaluate the performance of the proposed flip-flops, test structures were designed and implemented in a $0.3\mu m$ CMOS process technology. Experimental result indicates that VSWFF yields power reduction for the maximum input switching activity, and a synchronous counter designed with CSR-VSWFF improves performance in terms of power consumption with no use of extra voltage higher than the supply voltage.

BS-PLC(Both Side-Packet Loss Concealment) for CELP Coder (CELP 부호화기를 위한 양방향 패킷 손실 은닉 알고리즘)

  • Lee In-Sung;Hwang Jeong-Joon;Jeong Gyu-Hyeok
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea TC
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    • v.42 no.12
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    • pp.127-134
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    • 2005
  • Lost packet robustness is an most important quality measure for voice over IP networks(VoIP). Recovery of the lost packet from the received information is crucial to realize this robustness. So, this paper proposes the lost packet recovery method from the received information for real-time communication for CELP coder. The proposed BS-PLC (Both Side Packet Loss Concealment) based WSOLA(Waveform Shift OverLab Add) allow the lost packet to be recovered from both the 'previous' and 'next' good packet as the LP parameter and the excitation signal are respectively recovered. The burst of packet loss is modeled by Gilbert model. The proposed scheme is applied to G.729 most used in VoIP and is evaluated through the SNR(signal to noise) and the MOS(Mean Opinion Score) test. As a simulation result, The proposed scheme provide 0.3 higher in Mean Opinion Score and 2 dB higher in terms of SNR than an error concealment procedure in the decoder of G.729 at $20\%$ average packet loss rate.