• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road attribute data

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A Study on the Establishment of Database for the Efficient Management of Unexecuted Urban Planning Facilities (미집행 도시계획시설의 효율적 관리를 위한 DB구축 방안에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Kwang-Yeol;KIM, Shin-Hey;BAEK, Tae-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to conduct an analysis for classification of unexecuted urban planning facilities using the Geographic Information System(GIS) to prepare measures for systematic and efficient management of unexecuted urban planning facilities and to find ways to establish national territory information for continuous management and operation by database of spatial data of classified unexecuted urban planning facilities. For this purpose, the present state of urban management plan, thematic map, cadastral map, satellite image of Korea Land Information System(KLIS) were collected from Miryang City, and qualitative analysis of the execution and non-execution of urban planning facilities was conducted by combining the layer of urban planning facilities, satellite images, and continuous cadastral layers of cadastral maps with classified and processed owner attribute information. According to the analysis, the unexecuted facilities were derived as unexecuted facilities, as most of the private land, without any current status roads or facilities created in satellite imagery. In addition, although the current status road was opened, the facilities that included some private land were derived as facilities that were recognized and executed by the local government as the de facto controlling entity through public transportation. The derived unexecuted urban planning facilities were divided into layers of shape data and the unexecuted property data were organized to quickly and accurately identify the status of non-executed and statistical information. In this study, we proposed an analysis plan that introduced GIS technology for scientific and rational analysis of unexecuted urban planning facilities and the establishment of reliable spatial data, and proposed a plan to establish a database for connection with existing systems and use of information.

Object-oriented Information Extraction and Application in High-resolution Remote Sensing Image

  • WEI Wenxia;Ma Ainai;Chen Xunwan
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2004.10a
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    • pp.125-127
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    • 2004
  • High-resolution satellite images offer abundance information of the earth surface for remote sensing applications. The information includes geometry, texture and attribute characteristic. The pixel-based image classification can't satisfy high-resolution satellite image's classification precision and produce large data redundancy. Object-oriented information extraction not only depends on spectrum character, but also use geometry and structure information. It can provide an accessible and truly revolutionary approach. Using Beijing Spot 5 high-resolution image and object-oriented classification with the eCognition software, we accomplish the cultures' precise classification. The test areas have five culture types including water, vegetation, road, building and bare lands. We use nearest neighbor classification and appraise the overall classification accuracy. The average of five species reaches 0.90. All of maximum is 1. The standard deviation is less than 0.11. The overall accuracy can reach $95.47\%.$ This method offers a new technology for high-resolution satellite images' available applications in remote sensing culture classification.

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Establishing Automated Mapping/Facilities Management System Using PC-CAD (PC용 CAD를 이용한 단지기반시설 정보화)

  • 이규석;안승만;탁형렬
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.141-148
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    • 1997
  • Continuous development of Personal Computer(PC) combined with the decrease of price and the expansion of operating system in PC like Windows 95, and Windows N/T makes it possible for the user to consider PC-bas-ed Automated Happing/Facilities Management (AM/FM) system. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to establish a PC-based data automation system of pipe infrastructures-water, sewer, and drainage-and road in Korea Land Corporation. In order to achieve this goal, relevant literature survey was done first. Secondly, the study site was determined by discussion with Korea Land Institute. Thirdly, PC-based CAD software for AM/FM in the world market were surveyed, and AutoCAD Map was selected because KLC had been using hundreds of AutoCAD copies already. After that user needs assessment was done to visit on-site office, local branch office, and the corresponding city office for the system design and database design. After the graphic data were digitized and the attribute data were entered into the batabase, the data automation system was established, and tested for application. Finally, the guidelines and problems for PC-based data automation in AM/FM was discussed.

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A Study on Bikway Design Index for Digital Data Survey (자전거도로의 인프라 데이터 구축을 위한 설계지표 연구)

  • Jeon, Woo Hoon;Yang, Inchul
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.12
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    • pp.301-310
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of paper is to find index for building digital database of bike infrastructure statistics by analyzing the existing design standards and manuals. The design standards and guides of both central and local governments which designates the design elements of bikeway were investigated to find the primary index, and then the attribute data of bikeway were grouped into four categories including transportation, geometry, pavement, safety and utility facility, and were analyzed to find the secondary index. A FGI(Focus Group Interview) was conducted with experts in the arena of transportation to collect the opinions on the selected index. It is found that the final twenty four design elements were selected and additional six elements were added. The proposed twenty four index of bikeway design elements are considered to be included when building the digital bikeway register database.

Construction of the Facilities Management System by Video Structuring (동영상자료 구조화에 의한 시설물관리시스템 구축)

  • Yoo, Hwan-Hee;Choi, Kyoung-Ho;Koo, Heung-Dae
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.12 no.4 s.31
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    • pp.69-74
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    • 2004
  • By the expanding of infrastructure caused by urbanization, new technologies are required to manage various kinds of facilities. GIS has been appraised as valuable technology for facilities management since the 1990s. Therefore, the long and mid term GIS construction plan has been established by the national government and the local government. Some facilities management systems have been built and developed for suppling user-friendly functions. From this point of view, the information system based on the video sequences is considered a more effective way to improve the defects of conventional GIS using the digital map or the image as the base map. Using the video sequences as a base map, the availability of the system ill be increased because the real world information can be furnished to the users. In this study, through the connection between the GIS data, the digital map and the attribute data, and the video sequences taken from the airship using the video geo-referencing and the object tracking, we developed the facilities management system as a prototype which can effectively manage the road utilities. We also presented potentialities of the suggested system for facility management based on the video sequences.

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Fingerprint of Carcinogenic Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) during Bonfire Night

  • Pongpiachan, Siwatt
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.3243-3254
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    • 2013
  • It is well known that increased incidences of lung, skin, and bladder cancers are associated with occupational exposure to PAHs. Animal studies show that certain PAHs also can affect the hematopoietic and immune systems and can produce reproductive, neurologic, and developmental effects. As a consequence, several studies have been attempted to investigate the fate of PAHs in atmospheric environment during the past decades. However, there is still a lack of information in regard to the atmospheric concentration of PAHs during the "Bon Fire Night". In this study, twenty-three polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and twenty-eight aliphatics were identified and quantified in the $PM_{10}$ and vapour range in Birmingham ($27^{th}$ November 2001-$19^{th}$ January 2004). The measured concentrations of total particulate and vapour (P+V) PAHs were consistently higher at the BROS in both winter and summer. Arithmetic mean total (P+V) PAH concentrations were $51.04{\pm}47.62$ ng $m^{-3}$ and $22.30{\pm}19.18$ ng $m^{-3}$ at the Bristol Road Observatory Site (BROS) and Elms Road Observatory Site (EROS) respectively. In addition arithmetic mean total (P+V) B[a]P concentrations at the BROS were $0.47{\pm}0.39$ ng $m^{-3}$ which exceeded the EPAQS air quality standard of 0.25 ng $m^{-3}$. On the other hand, the arithmetic mean total (P+V) aliphatics were $81.80{\pm}69.58$ ng $m^{-3}$ and $48.00{\pm}35.38$ ng $m^{-3}$ at the BROS and EROS in that order. The lowest average of CPI and $C_{max}$ measured at the BROS supports the idea of traffic emissions being a principle source of SVOCs in an urban atmosphere. The annual trend of PAHs was investigated by using an independent t-test and oneway independent ANOVA analysis. Generally, there is no evidence of a significant decline of heavier MW PAHs from the two data sets, with only Ac, Fl, Ph, An, 2-MePh, 1+9-MePh, Fluo and B[b+j+k]F showing a statistically significant decline (p<0.05). A further attempt for statistical analysis had been conducted by dividing the data set into three groups (i.e. 2000, 2001-2002 and 2003-2004). For lighter MW compounds a significant level of decline was observed by using one-way independent ANOVA analysis. Since the annual mean of $O_3$ measured in Birmingham City Centre from 2001 to 2004 increased significantly (p<0.05), it may be possible to attribute the annul reduction of more volatile PAHs to the enhanced level of annual average $O_3$. By contrast, the heavier MW PAHs measured at the BROS did not show any significant annual reduction, implying the difficulties of 5- and 6-ring PAHs to be subject to photochemical decomposition. The deviation of SVOCs profile measured at the EROS was visually confirmed during the "Bonfire Night" festival closest to the $6^{th}$ November 2003. In this study, the atmospheric PAH concentrations were generally elevated on this day with concentrations of Fl, Ac, B[a]A, B[b+j+k]F, Ind and B[g,h,i]P being particularly high.

Development of the Algofithm for Gaussian Mixture Models based Traffic Accident Auto-Detection in Freeway (GMM(Gaussian Mixture Model)을 적용한 영상처리기법의 연속류도로 사고 자동검지 알고리즘 개발)

  • O, Ju-Taek;Im, Jae-Geuk;Yeo, Tae-Dong
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.169-183
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    • 2010
  • Image-based traffic information collection systems have entered widespread adoption and use in many countries since these systems are not only capable of replacing existing loop-based detectors which have limitations in management and administration, but are also capable of providing and managing a wide variety of traffic related information. In addition, these systems are expanding rapidly in terms of purpose and scope of use. Currently, the utilization of image processing technology in the field of traffic accident management is limited to installing surveillance cameras on locations where traffic accidents are expected to occur and digitalizing of recorded data. Accurately recording the sequence of situations around a traffic accident in a freeway and then objectively and clearly analyzing how such accident occurred is more urgent and important than anything else in resolving a traffic accident. Therefore, in this research, existing technologies, this freeway attribute, velocity changes, volume changes, occupancy changes reflect judge the primary. Furthermore, We pointed out by many past researches while presenting and implementing an active and environmentally adaptive methodology capable of effectively reducing false detection situations which frequently occur even with the Gaussian Mixture model analytical method which has been considered the best among well-known environmental obstacle reduction methods. Therefore, in this way, the accident was the final decision. Also, environmental factors occur frequently, and with the index finger situations, effectively reducing that can actively and environmentally adaptive techniques through accident final judgment. This implementation of the evaluate performance of the experiment road of 12 incidents in simulated and the jang-hang IC's real-time accident experiment. As a result, the do well detection 93.33%, false alarm 6.7% as showed high reliability.

A Study on the Estimation of Values of Individual Services of an Arboretum using the CE Method - Focused on Gyeongnam Arboretum - (CE 기법을 적용한 수목원의 편익제공 가치 추정 연구 - 경남수목원을 대상으로 -)

  • Kang, Kee-Rae
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2013
  • This study was conducted to compare the sizes of effective values, which users recognize, according to the kinds of physical and psychological services provided by an arboretum, by estimating them in monetary values. As an analysis tool for this purpose, the CE(Choice Experiments) method, which is able to estimate effective value's size depending on each variable, was employed. For drawing up profiles for estimation of the values of individual services, 25 profiles were extracted using the orthogonal design of the SPSS statistical package, and questions of 75 pairs were created not to make each of the profiles overlapped. Then, each user was given three questions at five sets each and 3,510 data were used for the analysis. As the result, in relation to the attribute, 'The kinds of trees should be diversified 50% more than now.', firstly, users showed the biggest willingness to pay, based on the present level, and expressed intentions to pay 7,956 won, additionally. Secondly, the value of the path design that was unique than the present road design was estimated in 6,025 won, and when individual attendants guided visitors in the arboretum, they expressed intentions to pay nearly three times more expenses than when they were guided as a group. These results show that users in the Gyeongnam Arboretum recognized the highest effective values towards the collection and display of trees that are arboretum's original functions, and it was followed by the unique road design to observe a variety of dense trees well. This research could be useful in comparing or measuring particular effective values of users that central operators of arboretums want to know. Moreover, it would be suggested as an advanced research for providing basic data about value estimation of individual environmental goods not only in arboretums, but also in other fields.