• Title/Summary/Keyword: Road Digital Map

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Traffic Vulnerability Analysis of Rural Area using Road Accessibility and Functionality in Cheongju City (도로 접근성과 기능성을 이용한 통합청주시 농촌지역의 교통 취약성 분석)

  • Jeon, Jeongbae;Oh, Hyunkyo;Park, Jinseon;Yoon, Seongsoo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Rural Planning
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2015
  • This study carried out evaluation of vulnerability in accessability and functionality using road network that was extracted from Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) and digital map. It was built in order to figure out accessability that locational data which include community center, public facilities, medical facilities and highway IC. The method for grasping functionality are Digital Elevation Model(DEM) and land slide hazard map provided by Korea Forest Service. The evaluation criteria for figure out accessability was set to related comparison of average time in urban area. Functionality value was calculated by the possibility of backing the vehicle possibility of snowfall and landslides. At last, this research computed weighting value through Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), calculated a vulnerable score. As the result, the accessability of rural village came out that would spend more time by 1.4 to 3.2 times in comparison with urban area. Even though, vulnerability of the road by a snowfall was estimated that more than 50% satisfies the first class, however, it show up that the road were still vulnerable due snowing because over the 14% of the road being evaluated the fifth class. The functionality has been satisfied most of the road, however, It was vulnerable around Lake Daechung and Piban-ryung, Yumti-jae, Suriti-jae where on the way Boeun. Also, the fifth class road are about 35 km away from the city hall on distance, take an hour to an hour and a half. The fourth class road are about 25 km away from the city hall on distance, take 25 min to an hour. The other class of the road take in 30 min from the city hall or aren't affected of weather and have been analyzed that a density of road is high. In A result that compare between distribution and a housing density came out different the southern and the eastern area, so this result could be suggested quantitative data for possibility of development.

Construction of Roads for Vehicle Simulator Using GIS Map (GIS 데이터를 이용한 차량 시뮬레이터용 도로 구축에 관한 연구)

  • 임형은;성원석;황원걸;주승원
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Precision Engineering
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.88-94
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    • 2004
  • Recently, vehicle simulators are widely used to evaluate driver's responses and driver assistance systems. It needs much effort to construct the virtual driving environment for a vehicle simulator. In this study, it is described how to make effectively the roads and the driving environment for a vehicle simulator. The GIS (Geographic Information System) is used to construct the roads and the environment effectively. Because the GIS is the integrated system of geographical data, it contains useful data to make virtual driving environment. First, the outline and centerline of roads is abstracted from the GIS. From the road outline, the road width is calculated. Using the centerline, the grid model of roads is constructed. The final graphic model of roads is constructed by mapping road image to the grid model according to the number of lanes and the kind of surface. Data of buildings from the GIS are abstracted. Each shape and height of buildings is determined according to kind of buildings, the final graphic model of buildings is constructed. Then, the graphic model of roadside tree is also constructed. Finally, the driving environment for driving simulator is constructed by converting the three graphic models with the graphic format of Direct-X and by joining the three graphic models.

A Study on the Map-Matching Algorithm for Car Navigation System (차량항법장치에서의 지도매칭 알고리즘에 관한 연구)

  • Im, Young-Hwan;Park, Gwang-Chul;Yun, Kee-Bang;Kim, Ki-Doo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.68-78
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    • 2000
  • This paper suggests a new map-matching algorithm for matching traveling trace of vehicle, which is measured by GPS receiver, to the road of a digital map This eventually brings the Improvement of positioning accuracy of the vehicle with GPS receiver After representing the travelling vehicle's motion by state equations using Singer's model, the proposed map-matching algorithm places the position of a vehicle right on the road and also improves the positioning accuracy of the vehicle using a Kalman filter In the crossroad, since it is difficult to determine precisely a current travelling road, we take linear regression to the estimated values from Kalman filtering This gives the direction angle of turning vehicle, then we can determine the correct route direction after comparing with each route-direction angle at the intersection.

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New Map-Matching Algorithm Using Virtual Track for Pedestrian Dead Reckoning

  • Shin, Seung-Hyuck;Park, Chan-Gook;Choi, Sang-On
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.891-900
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, a map-matching (MM) algorithm which combines an estimated position with digital road data is proposed. The presented algorithm using a virtual track is appropriate for a MEMS-based pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) system, which can be used in mobile devices. Most of the previous MM algorithms are for car navigation systems and GPS-based navigation system, so existing MM algorithms are not appropriate for the pure DR-based pedestrian navigation system. The biggest problem of previous MM algorithms is that they cannot determine the correct road segment (link) due to the DR characteristics. In DR-based navigation system, the current position is propagated from the previous estimated position. This means that the MM result can be placed on a wrong link when MM algorithm fails to decide the correct link at once. It is a critical problem. Previous algorithms never overcome this problem because they did not consider pure DR characteristics. The MM algorithm using the virtual track is proposed to overcome this problem with improved accuracy. Performance of the proposed MM algorithm was verified by experiments.

Automatic Extraction of Road Network using GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Algorithm) for Transportation Geographic Analysis

  • Lee, Ki-won;Yu, Young-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.775-779
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    • 2002
  • Currently, high-resolution satellite imagery such as KOMPSAT and IKONOS has been tentatively utilized to various types of urban engineering problems such as transportation planning, site planning, and utility management. This approach aims at software development and followed applications of remotely sensed imagery to transportation geographic analysis. At first, GDPA (Gradient Direction Profile Algorithm) and main modules in it are overviewed, and newly implemented results under MS visual programming environment are presented with main user interface, input imagery processing, and internal processing steps. Using this software, road network are automatically generated. Furthermore, this road network is used to transportation geographic analysis such as gamma index and road pattern estimation. While, this result, being produced to do-facto format of ESRI-shapefile, is used to several types of road layers to urban/transportation planning problems. In this study, road network using KOMPSAT EOC imagery and IKONOS imagery are directly compared to multiple road layers with NGI digital map with geo-coordinates, as ground truth; furthermore, accuracy evaluation is also carried out through method of computation of commission and omission error at some target area. Conclusively, the results processed in this study is thought to be one of useful cases for further researches and local government application regarding transportation geographic analysis using remotely sensed data sets.

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Intelligent Hybrid Fusion Algorithm with Vision Patterns for Generation of Precise Digital Road Maps in Self-driving Vehicles

  • Jung, Juho;Park, Manbok;Cho, Kuk;Mun, Cheol;Ahn, Junho
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.3955-3971
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    • 2020
  • Due to the significant increase in the use of autonomous car technology, it is essential to integrate this technology with high-precision digital map data containing more precise and accurate roadway information, as compared to existing conventional map resources, to ensure the safety of self-driving operations. While existing map technologies may assist vehicles in identifying their locations via Global Positioning System, it is however difficult to update the environmental changes of roadways in these maps. Roadway vision algorithms can be useful for building autonomous vehicles that can avoid accidents and detect real-time location changes. We incorporate a hybrid architectural design that combines unsupervised classification of vision data with supervised joint fusion classification to achieve a better noise-resistant algorithm. We identify, via a deep learning approach, an intelligent hybrid fusion algorithm for fusing multimodal vision feature data for roadway classifications and characterize its improvement in accuracy over unsupervised identifications using image processing and supervised vision classifiers. We analyzed over 93,000 vision frame data collected from a test vehicle in real roadways. The performance indicators of the proposed hybrid fusion algorithm are successfully evaluated for the generation of roadway digital maps for autonomous vehicles, with a recall of 0.94, precision of 0.96, and accuracy of 0.92.

Recognition of Symbolic Road Marking using HOG-SP and Improved Lane Detection (HOG-SP를 이용한 방향지시기호 인식 및 향상된 차선 검출)

  • Lee, Myungwoo;Kwak, Sooyeong;Byun, Hyeran
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 2016
  • Recently, there is a need for automatic recognition of a variety of symbols on roads because of activation of information services using digital maps on the Web or mobile devices. This paper proposes a method which automatically recognizes 11 kinds of symbolic road markings on the road surface with HOG-SP(Histogram of oriented Gradients-Split Projection) descriptor and shows improvement of lane position detection with recognized symbolic road markings. With the proposed method, recognition rate of 81.99% has been proven on NAVER road view images and the experiments proves the superiority of proposed method by comparisons with other existing methods. Moreover, this paper shows 7.64% higher lane position detection rate by recognizing road surface marking beforehand than only detecting lanes' positions.

Map-Matching Algorithm for MEMS-Based Pedestrian Dead Reckoning System in the Mobile Device (모바일 장치용 MEMS 기반 보행항법시스템을 위한 맵매칭 알고리즘)

  • Shin, Seung-Hyuck;Kim, Hyun-Wook;Park, Chan-Gook;Choi, Sang-On
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.14 no.11
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    • pp.1189-1195
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    • 2008
  • We introduce a MEMS-based pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) system. A walking navigation algorithm for pedestrians is presented and map-matching algorithm for the navigation system based on dead reckoning (DR) is proposed. The PDR is equipped on the human body and provides the position information of pedestrians. And this is able to be used in ubiquitous sensor network (USN), U-hearth monitoring system, virtual reality (VR) and etc. The PDR detects a step using a novel technique and simultaneously estimates step length. Also an azimuth of the pedestrian is calculated using a fluxgate which is the one of magnetometers. Map-matching algorithm can be formulated to integrate the positioning data with the digital road network data. Map-matching algorithm not only enables the physical location to be identified from navigation system but also improves the positioning accuracy. However most of map-matching algorithms which are developed previously are for the car navigation system (CNS). Therefore they are not appropriate to implement to pedestrian navigation system based on DR system. In this paper, we propose walking navigation system and map-matching algorithm for PDR.

Development of Computer Program for the Arrangement of the Forest-road Network to Maximize the Investment Effect on the Forest-road Construction (임도개설(林道開設)에 있어서 투자효과(投資效果)를 최대(最大)로 하는 임도배치(林道配置)프로그램 개발(開發))

  • Park, Sang-Jun;Son, Doo-Sik
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.90 no.4
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    • pp.420-430
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    • 2001
  • The object of this study is to develop a computer program for the arrangement of the forest-road network maximizing the investment effect in forest-road construction with factors such as terrains, forest physiognomy, management plan, logging system, cost of forest-road construction, capacity of inputted labour, capacity of timber production and so on. The operating system developed by this study is Korean Windows 95/98 and Microsoft Visual Basic ver. 5.0. User interface was designed as systematic structure, it is presented as a kind of GUI(graphic user interface). The developed program has result of the most suitable forest-road arrangement, has suitable forest-road density calculated with cost of logging, cost of forest-road construction, diversion ratio of forest-road, cost of walking in forest. And the most suitable forest-road arrangement was designed for forest-road arrangement network which maximized investment effect through minimizing the sum of cost of logging and cost of forest-road construction. Input data were divided into map data and control data. Digital terrain model, division of forest-road layout plan, division of forest function and the existing road network are obtained from map data. on the other hand, cost of logging related terrain division, diversion ratio of forest-road and working road, cost of forest-road construction, cost of walking, cost of labor, walking speed, capacity of inputted labor, capacity of timber production and total distance of forest-road are inputted from control data. And map data was designed to be inputted by mesh method for common matrix. This program can be used to construct a new forest-road or vice forest-road which compensate already existing forest-road for the functional forestry.

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Evaluation of Road and Traffic Information Use Efficiency on Changes in LDM-based Electronic Horizon through Microscopic Simulation Model (미시적 교통 시뮬레이션을 활용한 LDM 기반 도로·교통정보 활성화 구간 변화에 따른 정보 이용 효율성 평가)

  • Kim, Hoe Kyoung;Chung, Younshik;Park, Jaehyung
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.231-238
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    • 2023
  • Since there is a limit to the physically visible horizon that sensors for autonomous driving can perceive, complementary utilization of digital map data such as a Local Dynamic Map (LDM) along the probable route of an Autonomous Vehicle (AV) is proposed for safe and efficient driving. Although the amount of digital map data may be insignificant compared to the amount of information collected from the sensors of an AV, efficient management of map data is inevitable for the efficient information processing of AVs. The objective of this study is to analyze the efficiency of information use and information processing time of AV according to the expansion of the active section of LDM-based static road and traffic information. To carry out this objective, a microscopic simulator model, VISSIM and VISSIM COM, was employed, and an area of about 9 km × 13 km was selected in the Busan Metropolitan Area, which includes heterogeneous traffic flows (i.e., uninterrupted and interrupted flows) as well as various road geometries. In addition, the LDM information used in AVs refers to the real high-definition map (HDM) built on the basis of ISO 22726-1. As a result of the analysis, as the electronic horizon area increases, while short links are intensively recognized on interrupted urban roads and the sum of link lengths increases as well, the number of recognized links is relatively small on uninterrupted traffic road but the sum of link lengths is large due to a small number of long links. Therefore, this study showed that an efficient range of electronic horizon for HDM data collection, processing, and management are set as 600 m on interrupted urban roads considering the 12 links corresponding to three downstream intersections and 700 m on uninterrupted traffic road associated with the 10 km sum of link lengths, respectively.