• 제목/요약/키워드: Risk management factors

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Suggestion for Collaboration-Based UI/UX Development Model through Risk Analysis

  • Cho, Seong-Hwan;Kim, Seung-Hee
    • Journal of Information Processing Systems
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.1372-1390
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    • 2020
  • An attractive user interface (UI) design with a clear user experience (UX) is the key for the success of applications. Therefore software development projects require very close collaboration between SI developers and front-end service developers. However, methodologies for software development only exist with inadequate development processes or work standards for collaboration. This survey derived 13 risk factors in developing UI/UX from 113 risk factors of IT projects through a questionnaire and factor analysis and proposed a collaboration-based UI/UX development model that can eliminate or mitigate six risks with high weights and reliability. To extract risk factors with high reliability, factor and reliability were analyzed to extract 13 major risks, and based on the expert opinions and the results of correlation analysis, UI/UX development stages were classified into planning, design, and implementation. The causal relationships between risks were verified through regression analysis. This study is the first to expertly analyze major risks based on collaboration in UI/UX development and derive a theoretical basis that can be used in project risk management. These findings are expected to provide a basis for research on development methodologies for higher levels of front-end services and to construct rational collaboration systems between SI practitioners and front-end service providers.

The Basic Study on Risk and Threat Issues in Domestic Smart Factories (국내 스마트공장의 위험과 위협에 대한 기초 연구)

  • Kwon, Young-Guk;Kwon, Jae-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the trends of domestic and foreign smart industries and discusses safety and security issues. Based on the actual situation survey and interview of the smart factory, we would like to examine the perspectives on risks and threats. We will examine safety and health issues related to new harmful and risk factors that may occur in smart factories and suggest institutional development directions for future safety and health. First, a safety and health-related work environment for smart factory workers is investigated and interviews are conducted. Second, we investigate new risk factors and threats to prevent industrial accidents for workers in smart factories. The purpose of this study is to examine what are the new risk factors in the smart factory. In addition, we will try to find reasonable improvement measures by finding out the risks and threats of smart factories through case studies in advanced countries, on-site interviews and surveys.

On the Analysis of Risk Management for a Utility Construction Work in Plant Projects (플랜트 유틸리티 시공에서 리스크 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Ki-Don;Hur, Jin-Huek;Moon, Seung-Jae;Yoo, Hoseon
    • Plant Journal
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.64-70
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    • 2010
  • From 2000, the world plant market, especially plant developing business related to oil and gas, has been increasing. Domestic construction companies advance to overseas plant construction market actively, and proportioning to this, an importance of utility construction is increasing. However, the project becomes large and high-tech, and many companies experience difficulty of project management due to relatively high risk of overseas construction. In this study, we built the standard process with which domestic company can evaluate the risk of overseas plant utility construction. Primary factors for risk evaluation is derived, classification system is made out, primary factor is analyzed, and counter plan is suggested. And thorough management of risk is performed by risk management organization that manages the risks, risk control methods, reports and monitors through risk sheet and risk action log from the start of project to the end.

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A Study on Volatility Management of the Smart-beta Portfolio: Focus on Asia-Pacific Stock Market (스마트-베타 포트폴리오의 변동성관리에 관한 연구: 아시아-태평양 지역 주식시장을 중심으로)

  • Liu, Won-Suk
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.37-51
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    • 2019
  • In this paper, we investigate the performance of anomaly factors in Asia-Pacific Stock market and show the higher Sharpe ratio of the volatility managed smart beta portfolio. The smart beta portfolio combines the benefit of passive strategy and active strategy. However, the smart beta portfolios are seems to be exposed to the risk of anomaly factors from the perspective of traditional financial equilibrium model. Therefore, the smart beta strategy may generate negatively skewed returns unappealing to investors having lower risk tolerance. Our empirical investigations find that the return of the Asia-Pacific region stock market is more volatile than other regions with the lower efficiency ratio. However, the value factor and the momentum factor of Asia-Pacific region both show good performances. More interestingly, we also find that managing the volatility of the momentum factor in Asia-Pacific stock market almost doubles the efficiency ratio.

A study on operational risk management of Low Cost Carriers in Korea (국내 저비용 항공사의 경영위험 관리 연구)

  • Kwak, Bong-Hwan;Kang, Dong-Yoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.101-108
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    • 2012
  • This study, for the reinvigoration domestic LCCs (Low Cost Carriers) in Asian air market which is in developing stage now, aims to analyze the management risk through the operation cases of domestic and foreign areas and then to derive a risk management plan to reinforce the competency of domestic LCCs. As for the major potential risk factors for LCCs in Asia-pacific market, the first is the absence of growth strategy. Then, the second is the problems in airline route, the typical problem of subsidiary companies of major air lines. The third is the lack of specialists and professional manpowers. In order to cope with such risk factors, rapid growth should be controlled and competition with parent company by entering to parent company's airline route should also be avoided. At the same time, there should be a comprehensive supporting system to foster specialists and professionals in this industry.

Comparison of oral health status by metabolic syndrome risk factors in workers (일부지역 근로자의 대사증후군 위험요인별 분류와 구강건강상태 비교)

  • Ku, In-Young;Moon, Seon-Jeong;Lee, Myeong-Seon;Ka, Kyung-Hwan
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.581-588
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The aim of the study si to investigate correlation between metabolic syndrome risk factors and oral health status in workers and to propose the integrated and effective management measures. Methods : Subjects were 4,600 workers in industrial company. Data by medical checkup and oral examination were collected from July 13, 2010 to September 12, 2010. Self-reported questionnaire included general characteristics, job description, smoking, drinking, and metabolic syndrome risk factor indicators. Gingivitis, dental calculus and missing tooth tended to have more metabolic syndrome risk factors. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, chi-square test, correlation analysis, logistic regression using SPSS version 18.0. Results : Dental caries revealed 1.146 times higher than the control group. Risk group showed the following results; gingivitis was 1.317 times higher in risk group and 1.612 times in metabolic syndrome. Dental calculus was 1.532 times higher in risk group and 1.557 times in metabolic syndrome. Mssing teeth were 1.976 higher in metabolic syndrome. Conclusions : Metabolic syndrome risk factors had close correlation to poor raol health status. It is necessary to establish the effective plan for the oral health in workers.

Quantitively deducing basic method of construction schedule risk (공정리스크의 정량적 도출을 위한 기초적 방법)

  • Ryu, Han-Guk
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Building Construction Conference
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    • 2014.11a
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    • pp.90-91
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    • 2014
  • Previous research related to the construction schedule management has focused on construction schedule categorization, construction schedule management, and system development to manage construction schedule risks. Therefore this research present quantitively deducing method for managing construction schedule risk. Based on the investigation, this study suggested the probable risk factors and a practical management method, through interviews and discussions with experts. The quantified risks should be adapted for an individually specific projects and managed until the project is complete. To maintain the continuity of schedule risks, the schedule risk management procedures should be controlled during the performance of the construction project.

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The Effect of Perceive Ease of Use, Perceive Usefulness and Perceive Risk towards Behavioral Intention of GO-FOOD Customer in Indonesia

  • SIDHARTA, Arvin Dillon;HONGDIYANTO, Charly
    • The Journal of Economics, Marketing and Management
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2022
  • Purpose: Technology and innovation drive new mobile application for ojek online. Using the theory of technology acceptance model and perceived risk theory, the researcher wants to find how these factors affect user's intention to use GO-FOOD that leads to technology adoption. Research design, data and methodology: The researcher uses GO-FOOD users that located in East Java, Indonesia for the object of study. Results: The findings of the research discovered that perceive usefulness and perceive ease of use do not significantly affect user's behavioral intention while perceive risk is significantly affecting the user's behavioral intention. Conclusions: The findings suggested that GO-FOOD or similar application should focus more on reducing or eliminating user's perception of risk towards the mobile application

Extracting Risk Factors and Analyzing AHP Importance for Planning Phase of Real Estate Development Projects in Myanmar (미얀마 부동산 개발형사업 기획단계의 리스크 요인 추출 및 AHP 중요도 분석)

  • Kim, Sooyong;Chung, Jaihoon;Yang, Jinkook
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.3-11
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    • 2021
  • Myanmar is an undeveloped country with high development value among Asian countries. Therefore, various countries including the U.S. are considering entering the market. In this respect, demand for real estate development project is forecast to grow on increased inflow of foreigners and Myanmar's economic growth. However, Myanmar is a high-risk country in terms of overseas companies, including national risk. In this study, we conducted an in-depth interview with experts (law, finance, technology, and local experts) after analyzing data on Myanmar to extract risk-causing factors. Through this, 106 risk factors were extracted, and the final risk classification system was established by conducting three-time groupings using the affinity diagramming. And the relative importance of each factor was presented using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) technique. As a result, the country-related risk, the fund-related risk, and the pre-sale-related risk were highly important. The research results are expected to provide risk management standards to companies entering the Myanmar real estate development type project.

Clinical Practice Guideline for Sasang Constitutional Medicine: Prevention and Risk Fators of Sasangin Disease (사상체질병증 임상진료지침: 예방 및 위험인자)

  • Bae, Na-Young;Lee, Eui-Ju
    • Journal of Sasang Constitution and Immune Medicine
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.82-109
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    • 2015
  • Objectives This research was proposed to present Clinical Practice Guideline (CPG) for Prevention of Sasangin disease pattern of Sasang Constitutional Medicine (SCM) and diseases closely related with Sasang constitution. Each CPG was developed by the national-wide experts committee consisting of SCM professors. Methods At first, we searched the literatures related to SCM such as "Dongeuisusebowon", Textbook of SCM and Clinical Guidebook of SCM. Also we searched the articles related to the studies about risk factors for Sasangin disease pattern of both at home and abroad. Finally, we selected leading risk factors of Sasangin disease pattern and developed CPG for prevention of Sasangin disease pattern of SCM. And then, we searched the literatures related SCM such as "Dongeuisusebowon" and the articles on the correlation between disease and Sasang constitution using case-control studies, observational studies or cross sectional studies of both at home and abroad. Next, we selected diseases closely related with Sasang constitution on the basis of articles including prevalence rate and odds ratio between disease and Sasang constitution and finally developed CPG for these diseases. Results and Conclusions We categorized risk factors of Sasang disease pattern into 2 types: non-modifiable and potentially modifiable. 3 items (age, sex and genetic factors) were classified as non-modifiable risk factors of Sasang disease pattern. 6 items (original symptom, stress, diet and nutrition, physical activity, alcohol and drug misuse) were classified as less well-documented or potentially modifiable risk factors of Sasangin disease pattern. We found out Sasang constitution is more likely to develop some diseases. It was proven that Sasang constitution increase the risk of hypertension, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, stroke, nonalcoholic fatty liver and obstructive sleep apnea. And there is high probability of Sasang constitution being potential risk factor for obesity, hyperlipidemia, allergy and cancer. Also, we found out Taeeumin is independent risk factor for hypertension, diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, stroke, nonalcoholic fatty liver and obstructive sleep apnea. Therefore we recommend that Taeeumin need to prevent these disease by regular checkups and aggressive management.