• 제목/요약/키워드: Risk management factors

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Development and assessment of pre-release discharge technology for response to flood on deteriorated reservoirs dealing with abnormal weather events (이상기후대비 노후저수지 홍수 대응을 위한 사전방류 기술개발 및 평가)

  • Moon, Soojin;Jeong, Changsam;Choi, Byounghan;Kim, Seungwook;Jang, Daewon
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.56 no.11
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    • pp.775-784
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    • 2023
  • With the increasing trend of extreme rainfall that exceeds the design frequency of man-made structures due to extreme weather, it is necessary to review the safety of agricultural reservoirs designed in the past. However, there are no local government-managed reservoirs (13,685) that can be discharged in an emergency, except for reservoirs over a certain size under the jurisdiction of the Korea Rural Affairs Corporation. In this case, it is important to quickly deploy a mobile siphon to the site for preliminary discharge, and this study evaluated the applicability of a mobile siphon with a diameter of 200 mm, a minimum water level difference of 6 m, 420 (m2/h), and 10,000 (m2/day), which can perform both preliminary and emergency discharge functions, to the Yugum Reservoir in Gyeongju City. The test bed, Yugum Reservoir, is a facility that was completed in 1945 and has been in use for about 78 years. According to the hydrological stability analysis, the lowest height of the current dam crest section is 27.15 (EL.m), which is 0.29m lower than the reviewed flood level of 27.44 (EL.m), indicating that there is a possibility of lunar flow through the embankment, and the headroom is insufficient by 1.72 m, so it was reviewed as not securing hydrological safety. The water level-volume curve was arbitrarily derived because it was difficult to clearly establish the water level-flow relationship curve of the reservoir since the water level-flow measurement was not carried out regularly, and based on the derived curve, the algorithm for operating small and medium-sized old reservoirs was developed to consider the pre-discharge time, the amount of spillway discharge, and to predict the reservoir lunar flow time according to the flood volume by frequency, thereby securing evacuation time in advance and reducing the risk of collapse. Based on one row of 200 mm diameter mobile siphons, the optimal pre-discharge time to secure evacuation time (about 1 hour) while maintaining 80% of the upper limit water level (about 30,000 m2) during a 30-year flood was analyzed to be 12 hours earlier. If the pre-discharge technology utilizing siphons for small and medium-sized old reservoirs and the algorithm for reservoir operation are implemented in advance in case of abnormal weather and the decision-making of managers is supported, it is possible to secure the safety of residents in the risk area of reservoir collapse, resolve the anxiety of residents through the establishment of a support system for evacuating residents, and reduce risk factors by providing risk avoidance measures in the event of a reservoir risk situation.

An analysis on the Investment Determinants for Urban Business Hotel Development (도심 비즈니스호텔 개발사업의 투자결정요인에 관한 연구)

  • Ha, Jung-huhn;Jeong, Moonoh;Lee, Sangyoub
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.107-117
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    • 2015
  • As the demand for urban business hotel has increased in the recent years due to the sharp rise in overseas tourists, the potential of business hotel development has gained in financial attention for the real estate investment. However, its concept and business domain has not been defined, and none of investment guidance for the development has not been clarified. Accordingly, this report intends to define the concept of urban business hotel in perspective of real estate investment through prior case studies and literature review, and provide the structure of determinants which control its investment decisions. Furthermore, this study develops the weight of determinants depending on the type of investment, and evaluate the two actual projects in urban area of Seoul, differed from investment type: direct and indirect, based on AHP and Fuzzy methodologies. Research finding indicate that the financial factors affecting the sales and tour business condition factors are critical determinants regardless of investment type. And it is notable that the direct investment perspective pays more attention on the finance and investment associated determinants while the indirect one more focuses on the regional and environmental ones. From the analysis of case evaluation, it is also noteworthy that the direct investors turn out to be more conservative than indirect investors due to the risk of equity capital investment.

Clinical Analysis of Death in Trauma Patients (외상으로 인한 사망 환자의 임상적 분석)

  • Kim, Whan Sik;Cho, Min Su;Bae, Keum Seok;Kang, Seong Joon;Lee, Kang Hyun;Hwang, Keum;Oh, Jin Rok;Park, Il Hwan
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.96-100
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: Trauma is the 5th most common leading cause of death in Korea, but there has been no appropriate management system for patients until now. We analyzed the main causes of death in trauma patients by comparing the characteristics of those patients with the characteristics of patients who survived. We feel this analysis should have a positive effect on the development of an appropriate trauma management system in Korea. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed trauma patients who had been admitted to the Department of General Surgery from February 2002 to February 2007. We compared several expected risk factors between the mortality and the survival group. Data on the transportation, arrival time at the emergency center, amount of transfusion, initial shock index, cause of death, and initial physical condition according to RTS (Revised trauma score), ISS (Injury severity score) and TRISS (Trauma and Injury Severity Score) were collected. Patients with ISS lower than 12 were excluded. Results: Three hundred sixty-six(366) patients with multiple injuries were included. There were 40 patients in the mortality group and 326 patients in the survival group. The mean arrival time (minutes) to emergency center was longer in the mortality group (137.6 vs 93.6 p 0.04). The total amount of transfusion (ml) was larger in the mortality group (7139 vs 2470 p 0.01). The initial shock index was higher in the mortality group (1.45 vs 1.17 p<0.01). The RTS, ISS, and TRISS were not statistically different between the groups. In the multivariate analysis, mean arrival time and initial shock index were important factors for survival. Conclusion: If the mortality rate of trauma patients is to be reduced, the arrival time at the emergency center should be minimized. Improvement of the emergency medical transfer service system is very important for achieving that.

Determination of Key Elements Using FTA/FMEA Safety Techniques for Precedent Research Stage of Defense R&D Programs (국방 선행연구단계에서 안전분석 기법 FTA/FMEA의 활용을 통한 핵심요소의 결정)

  • Choi, Se Keun;Kim, Young-Min;Lee, Jae-Chon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.50-61
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    • 2018
  • A precedent defense project study was carried out in the early stage of the project to support efficient determination of the acquisition method of the determined weapons system. A precedent study in the early stage of the project has been neglected, but lack of performance and increased costs are continuing problems. In a precedent study on a number of items within a limited time frame, expected risks during project implementation were not identified and reduced by failing to review the key review element in depth. Therefore, in this paper, we studied the application of the FTA/FMEA technique used in the system safety analysis process to identify key factors to be considered when carrying out the defense research project. The methodology for the development of the key review items was established through the improvement of the FTA/FMEA technique in order to meet specific conditions and given conditions. Based on the results of this study, we redefined core key factors in the precedent study stage, thereby eliminating unnecessary and anticipated risks that may arise in the future project management aspects of the defense project. It is anticipated that this will reduce costs and time in terms of the lifecycle of the weapon system and promote stable operation of the project through reduction of risk.

Association with oral symptom experiences by level of subjective stress recognition in the Korean adolescents (우리나라 청소년의 주관적 스트레스의 인지수준에 따른 구강증상경험과의 관련성)

  • Han, Yeo-Jung;Kim, Han-Soo;Ryu, So-Yeon
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.465-478
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    • 2017
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the level of subjective stress recognition and oral symptom experiences including toothache, gum diseases, and oral soft tissue diseases in the Korean adolescents. Methods: The subjects were 68,043 adolescents recruited using a web-based survey, National Korean Youth Risk Behavior in 2015 by the Korean Center for Disease Control. For statistical analysis, SPSS 21.0 for Windows was used. Descriptive analysis and a Chi-square test were conducted to determine the factors associated with general characteristics, health behaviors, oral health behaviors, and level of subjective stress recognition. Finally, to investigate the relationship between the level of subjective stress recognition and oral symptom experiences, logistic regression analysis was performed. Results: Toothache related subjective stress recognition level was significantly higher in the moderate group with the score of 1.59 (95% CI; 1.49-1.68), and was greater in the high group with 2.38 (95% CI; 2.24-2.53) compared to the low group. Gum disease related subjective stress recognition level was significantly higher in the moderate group with 1.41 (95% CI; 1.32-1.51), and was greater in the high group with 1.99 (95% CI; 1.86-2.13). Oral soft tissue disease related subjective stress recognition level was significantly higher in the moderate group with 1.59 (95% CI; 1.45-1.74), and was greater in the high group with 2.55 (95% CI; 2.33-2.79). Bad breath related subjective stress recognition level was significantly higher in the moderate group with 1.48 (95% CI; 1.39-1.57), and was greater in the high group with 2.10 (95% CI; 1.97-2.25). Conclusions: Higher subjective stress recognition level was found to affect the oral symptoms experienced. Therefore, the stress management plan should be prepared through the cause identification of the main stress in the adolescents. Practical and systematic education is needed for oral health management in the schools.

A convergence Study on Associated Factors on Metabolic Syndrome among Inpatients with Schizophrenia (조현병 입원환자의 대사증후군 관련요인에 대한 융복합연구)

  • Oh, Eunjin;Gang, Monnhee;Kim, Myoungsook
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.10
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    • pp.313-321
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of the study was to identify the associated factors on the metabolic syndrome among inpatients with schizophrenia. Methods: The participants were 127 inpatients with schizophrenia from G mental hospital in G city. Collected data were analized with SPSS 22.0 using descriptive statistics, ${\chi}^2$-test, t-test and logistic regression. Results: Metabolic syndrome prevalence of the participants was 46.5%. There were statistically significant differences according to physical disease (${\chi}^2=11.51$, p<.001), body mass index (${\chi}^2=13.59$, p<.001), perception of obesity (${\chi}^2=8.38$, p<.001), and taking olanzapine (${\chi}^2=6.31$, p<.05). Conclusion: Based on the study results, the nursing intervention for prevention and management of metabolic syndrome is needed to develop and provide to schizophrenia patients.

Analysis on Priority of Influence Factors for Management of Vertical-extension Remodeling Project (수직증축 리모델링공사의 효율적 관리를 위한 영향요인 분석)

  • Lee, Dong-Heon;Lim, Hyoung-chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.17 no.9
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    • pp.314-321
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    • 2016
  • After the 1980s, as the economy was growing rapidly and the real estate market was active, a large increase in population was supplied to the city. Accordingly, the national apartment housing market is located in the form of Urban Housing Culture. On the other hand, with time, the supply apartment houses became superannuated and the residential environment became poor. Therefore, the environment of old apartment houses has been changed to improve by reconstruction. Despite this, reconstruction incurred not only a lot of construction waste, but also problems of environmental degradation, noise, traffic congestion, increasing number of households, and so on. Recently, the housing law has changed, and vertical extension remodeling focused on Small/Medium Town House is underway. This has been changed in response to the demand. This is one of essential parts in the remodeling field for the future, even though it has some problems in how uses existing buildings. Therefore, this study analyzed occurrence risk factor for each type through research materials and case analysis regarding the vertical extension remodeling of apartment housing. In addition, the relative importance was determined through questionnaires and interviews from constructors, designers, and experts in the field.

The Relationship Between the Life Stress and Smartphone Addiction in Nursing College Students (간호대학생의 생활스트레스와 스마트폰 중독 관련성)

  • Kim, Jong-Im
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.391-400
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to investigate the connections between life stress and smartphone addiction of nursing college students. The subjects included nursing college students in some areas. Data were collected in November and December, 2018 from a total of 240 subjects. Collected data were subjected to frequency, percentage, t-test, ${\chi}^2$-test, and ANOVA analyses to identify differences in smartphone addiction level and stress characteristics according to general characteristics. Correlations between smartphone addiction and stress characteristics were investigated by Pearson's correlation analysis, and factors influencing smartphone addiction were examined by hierarchical multiple regression analysis. The findings showed that independent variables had explanatory powers of 14.8% and 32.7% in Models 1 and 2, respectively. The study examined differences in smartphone addiction level according to the general characteristics of the subjects and found that female college students had a higher level of smartphone addiction than their male counterparts. The smartphone addiction level was high in those who were not satisfied with college life, used a smartphone for five hours or more a day, and spent many hours on SNS. Evaluation of differences in stress characteristics according to their general characteristics revealed female college students scored higher for stress characteristics. The means of the stress characteristics were also high for those who were not satisfied with college life, used a smartphone for many hours, and had a high risk of smartphone addiction. In conclusion, female gender, hours of smartphone usage and SNS, academic stress, and value stress were important factors influencing the smartphone addiction of nursing college students. These findings indicate the need to reinforce a stress management program for nursing college students and thus provide them with multifaceted support for stress management.

Perception and Practice level of Korean Medical Doctors on Infection Control and Prevention in Korean Medicine Facilities (한방의료기관 감염관리에 대한 한의사의 인식도와 수행도)

  • Shin, HeonTae
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.27-47
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    • 2019
  • Purpose : This study was designed to identify the perception and practice level of infection control among korean medical doctors and to identify factors that may influence the performance and practice level. Methods : Data were collected using the on­line survey method. Seven hundred and eighty four Korean medical doctors(KMD) participated the survey. The study was conducted from December 2018 to January 2019. Results : The results of this study are as follows. 1. Participants who experienced infection risk by needles or sharp instruments were 596(76%). and participants who had experienced blood or body fluid contact with the mucous membrane or skin of the patient during treatment were 226(28.8%) of them. 2. The degree of perception and practice of the infectious guideline was higher in the group over 50 years, in the doctor group, in the group with more than 6 years experience in clinic and in the group who work in the hospital. (p < 0.05) 3. In the performance of the infection control management related to the Korean medical treatment, the practice level of the article 'Discard the remaining needle that used for one patient' was the lowest at 4.02, 'Identify the patient and check the validity period of sterilization of medicines or instruments' was the second lowest in 4.16. 4. Among the contents of "Prevention of Nosocomial infection and Sanitary Safety Guidelines" issued by the Korean Medical Association in 2008, the guideline "Prevention of infection by pathogens such as HIV, MRSA, SARS" were lowest article in the perception and practice level of participants. 5. Regression analysis was performed to find out the factors affecting perception and performance of the participants. The regression model showed significant difference in the regression model of the working years. (p < 0.05) 6. In order to examine the effect of the variables on the perception and practice of the infectious guideline, the mediated effect of the knowledge and education level according to the years of working, age, education degree was found to be significant only in the education degree variable. (p < 0.05) In conclusion : in order to improve the perception and practice of infectious control of Korean medicine doctors, it is necessary to include the contents of infection management as essential education during the continuing education of Korean medicine association.

Factors Affecting Length of Stay and Death in Tuberculosis Patients(2008-2017): Focus on the Korean National Hospital Discharge In-depth Injury Survey (결핵 환자의 재원기간과 사망에 영향을 미치는 요인(2008-2017): 퇴원손상자료를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Hyun-Sook;Kim, Sang-Mi
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.487-497
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to identify factors affecting length of stay(LOS) and death in tuberculosis(TB) patients by disease type, patient characteristic, admission and disease characteristic, and hospital characteristic from 2008 to 2017. Survey data was using Korean national hospital discharge in-depth survey data produced by Korea Disease Control and Prevention Agency. Study subjects were 10,634 inpatients with TB(A15, A16, A17, A18, A19, U88.0, U88.1, U84.30, U84.31) and analyzed frequency, chi-square test, Fisher's exact test, and logistic regression by using STATA 13.0. As a study result, the type of TB(extrapulmonary TB, multidrug-resistant TB, extensively drug-resistant TB), sex(woman), age(35-49, 50-64, 65-74, 75 years old or older), admission type(outpatient department), CCI(1-2 point, 3 point over), hospital location(metropolitan city) and bed size(300-499, 500-999, over 1000) were significantly influence LOS. Also, the type of TB(extrapulmonary TB, extensively drug-resistant TB), sex(woman), age(50-64, 65-74, 75 years old or older), residence(small town/rural), admission type(outpatient department), CCI(1-2 point, 3 point over), hospital location(provincial) were significantly influence death. In conclusion, the existing tuberculosis management has been patient management with rapid diagnosis and treatment following early detection. But other studies should be carried out for the system that identifies and supports high-risk groups of the long-term length of stay in hospital or high mortality rates as a result of treatment.