• Title/Summary/Keyword: Reward Value

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Action Selection by Voting with Loaming Capability for a Behavior-based Control Approach (행동기반 제어방식을 위한 득점과 학습을 통한 행동선택기법)

  • Jeong, S.M.;Oh, S.R.;Yoon, D.Y.;You, B.J.;Chung, C.C.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2002.11c
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    • pp.163-168
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    • 2002
  • The voting algorithm for action selection performs self-improvement by Reinforcement learning algorithm in the dynamic environment. The proposed voting algorithm improves the navigation of the robot by adapting the eligibility of the behaviors and determining the Command Set Generator (CGS). The Navigator that using a proposed voting algorithm corresponds to the CGS for giving the weight values and taking the reward values. It is necessary to decide which Command Set control the mobile robot at given time and to select among the candidate actions. The Command Set was learnt online by means as Q-learning. Action Selector compares Q-values of Navigator with Heterogeneous behaviors. Finally, real-world experimentation was carried out. Results show the good performance for the selection on command set as well as the convergence of Q-value.

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Nursing Competency And Indicator Development By Emergency Nurse's Clinical Ladder (응급실 간호사의 임상 등급(clinical ladder)에 따른 간호역량 및 행동지표 개발)

  • Youk, Shin-Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.481-494
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: This study was to develop nursing competencies, sub-competencies and behavior indicators according to the clinical ladder of emergency nurses. Method: index of content validation was used by 21 clinical experts. Results: This study had three phases to develop nursing competencies, sub-competencies and behavior indicators. In first phase: 12 nursing competencies and 33 sub-competencies were developed through the literature review on nursing competency and emergency nurses' job description. The content of 12 competencies and 33 sub-competencies were reviewed by 3 nursing professors. The 12 competencies and 33 sub-competencies were followed: clinical judgement and measures(6 sub-competencies), processing ability of ward works(2 sub-competencies), flexibility(2 sub-competencies), resources management(2 sub-competencies), confidence(3 sub-competencies), cooperation(2 sub-competencies), professional development power(2 sub-competencies), patient service orientation(3 sub-competencies), inclination toward ethical value(5 sub-competencies), influence power(2 sub-competencies), developing others(2 sub-competencies), self control(2 sub-competencies). In second phase, 132 behavior indicators were developed according to nurse clinical ladder: novice, advanced novice, competent, proficient. In Third phase, content validity was examined on 132 behavior indicators by 21 clinical experts. 126 among 132 indicators had over 70% agreement among experts and 6 indicators under 70% were revised. Conclusion: nursing competencies, sub competencies and behavior indicators can be used nurses' clinical performance as well as establishing proper directions for professional growth related to reward system.

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Inter-Organizational Power Type and SCM User Satisfaction (조직 간 파워 유형과 SCM 사용자만족)

  • Chang, Hwal-Sik;Park, Kwang-Oh;Jung, Dae-Hyun
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.1-23
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    • 2014
  • Companies are required to have adequate understanding and awareness of a partner company within the supply chain, together with the understanding of the imbalance consequent on power types. Therefore, this study intends to look into the power types and make clear their influence on confidence & commitment and causal relationship that is linked to SCM user satisfaction. The concrete research results are as follows. First, the result showed that none of the behavioral coercive, high-handed reward, and relative legitimacy in terms of Mediated power had a significant influence on confidence and commitment. Like this, the result explains that there is a limit to forcibleness power in forming a continuous, long-term relationship. Second, business expertise, professional information and value reference in terms of Non-Mediated power were all found to have a significant influence on confidence and commitment. This could be judged as having an intention of aggressively accepting a partner company's expertise, information strength and imitable culture, etc. Third, both confidence and commitment was found to have a significant influence on SCM user satisfaction.

Development of a Clinical Ladder System for Operating Room Nurses (수술실 간호사의 경력개발시스템 개발)

  • Kim, Hee-Young;Jang, Keum-Seong
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.301-314
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: This study was a methodological research conducted to develop a clinical ladder system for operating nurses. Methods: Participants were 20 OR nurses, working in C Hospital, who had a mean tenure of 6 years and 10 months. Data collection consisted of 4 focus group interviews during May and June 2009. The content analysis method of Kim and Lee (1986) was used to analyze the data. Two clinical expert groups consisting of 16 nurses verified the content validity of the preliminary system from September 16 to 26, 2009 using Kim's tool (1999). Results: The final clinical ladder system consisted of goals, core values, and 4 domains of practice related to core values, which were defined as professional value, perioperative nursing practice, education/research, and collaboration/leadership. Eleven nursing competencies and 44 behavior indicators were included in accordance with the 4-step ladder. The 4 operation systems for the clinical ladder system were the promotion system, continuous learning system, reward system, and support system. Conclusion: The results indicate that nursing managers need to pay more attention to developing a clinical ladder system for nurses.

Reinforce Learning Based Cooperative Sensing for Cognitive Radio Networks (인지 무선 시스템에서 강화학습 기반 협력 센싱 기법)

  • Kim, Do-Yun;Choi, Young-June;Roh, Bong-Soo;Choi, Jeung-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.13 no.5
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    • pp.1043-1050
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a reinforce learning based on cooperative sensing scheme to select optimal secondary users(SUs) to enhance the detection performance of spectrum sensing in Cognitive radio(CR) networks. The SU with high accuracy is identified based on the similarity between the global sensing result obtained through cooperative sensing and the local sensing result of the SU. A fusion center(FC) uses similarity of SUs as reward value for Q-learning to determine SUs which participate in cooperative sensing with accurate sensing results. The experimental results show that the proposed method improves the detection performance compared to conventional cooperative sensing schemes.

Performance Evaluation of Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Control of Smart TMD (스마트 TMD 제어를 위한 강화학습 알고리즘 성능 검토)

  • Kang, Joo-Won;Kim, Hyun-Su
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2021
  • A smart tuned mass damper (TMD) is widely studied for seismic response reduction of various structures. Control algorithm is the most important factor for control performance of a smart TMD. This study used a Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) among reinforcement learning techniques to develop a control algorithm for a smart TMD. A magnetorheological (MR) damper was used to make the smart TMD. A single mass model with the smart TMD was employed to make a reinforcement learning environment. Time history analysis simulations of the example structure subject to artificial seismic load were performed in the reinforcement learning process. Critic of policy network and actor of value network for DDPG agent were constructed. The action of DDPG agent was selected as the command voltage sent to the MR damper. Reward for the DDPG action was calculated by using displacement and velocity responses of the main mass. Groundhook control algorithm was used as a comparative control algorithm. After 10,000 episode training of the DDPG agent model with proper hyper-parameters, the semi-active control algorithm for control of seismic responses of the example structure with the smart TMD was developed. The simulation results presented that the developed DDPG model can provide effective control algorithms for smart TMD for reduction of seismic responses.

Methodology To Prevent Local Optima And Improve Optimization Performance For Time-Cost Optimization Of Reinforcement-Learning Based Construction Schedule Simulation

  • Jeseop Rhie;Minseo Jang;Do Hyoung Shin;Hyungseo Han;Seungwoo Lee
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.769-774
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    • 2024
  • The availability of PMT(Project Management Tool) in the market has been increasing rapidly in recent years and Significant advancements have been made for project managers to use for planning, monitoring, and control. Recently, studies applying the Reinforcement-Learning Based Construction Schedule Simulation algorithm for construction project process planning/management are increasing. When reinforcement learning is applied, the agent recognizes the current state and learns to select the action that maximizes the reward among selectable actions. However, if the action of global optimal points is not selected in simulation selection, the local optimal resource may receive continuous compensation (+), which may result in failure to reach the global optimal point. In addition, there is a limitation that the optimization time can be long as numerous iterations are required to reach the global optimal point. Therefore, this study presented a method to improve optimization performance by increasing the probability that a resource with high productivity and low unit cost is selected, preventing local optimization, and reducing the number of iterations required to reach the global optimal point. In the performance evaluation process, we demonstrated that this method leads to closer approximation to the optimal value with fewer iterations.

The Convergence Study of Employment Experiences to External Hospital of Expected Graduates of Nursing College with an Affiliated Hospital (본교병원이 있는 일개 간호대학 졸업예정자의 외부병원 취업경험에 관한 융합연구)

  • Kim, Mi-Ran;Huh, Bo-Yun;Oh, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.423-431
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    • 2018
  • The Purpose of the study was to explore the experience and meaning of employment in the outside hospital of graduates of nursing college with an affiliated hospital. The participants were five senior nursing students, data were collected by three times of Focus group interviews from July, 2017, and analyzed using content analysis. Five Themes and thirteen sub-themes were identified. Implications of the employment experience were 'selection criteria for various employment hospitals according to personal value and experience', 'recognition and reward for hard work', 'influence of hospital name value', 'opportunity to develop own potential', and 'fear coming from employment in non-affiliated hospital'. The results of this study are significant in that it provides basic information that can be taken into account in the employment guidance of nursing college students and the turnover rate of new nurses.

Disintegration and Reconstruction of the Family/Kinship Structure Among the Rural Families of Korea (가족/친족 구조의 해체와 재구성 II : 농촌지역 실태조사를 중심으로)

  • 옥선화;김주희;박혜인;신화용;한경혜;고선주
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.38 no.10
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    • pp.157-180
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    • 2000
  • This study focused on the disintegration and reconstruction of the family/kinship structure among the rural families of Korea. For this study, detailed data about the value related to the family/kinship, the family relationship, The attitude of divorce and remarriage, the social network, and the family/kin rites are gathered A total 593 subjects completed structured questionnaires. Major conclusion of the study are as follows : First, most of the rural respondents are found to support familism and boy preference slightly, and not to agree the reward of child value. So, their attitudes toward traditional values are changing slowly than urban residents. Second, the rural respondents shared the common perceptions that spousal and parent-child relationships has been changed toward the direction that the positions of wives and children are respected and the their influences are increased in the past 10 years. In addition, generational differences in the perceptions of relationship change and appropriate roles of wives and husbands are discovered. However, sex differences previously revealed in Seoul study were not found in the case of rural respondents. Third, generally, there are both remaining and changing aspects of conservative attitude toward divorce and remarriage, the level of change is different according to age and sex. And the difference by age is stronger than by sex. Fourth, the social networks of the respondents is characterized by two distinct trends, namely, strong parent-adult child ties and the close relationships between neighbors. fifthly, in the family/kin rites, traditional aspects coexist with changing aspects under the influence of industrialization and westernization. But the aspects of attitudes toward rites, it is showed the non-traditional tendency. Respondents who support westernization and socialization of family rites are young, highly eamed, and Christian.

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New Media-Informatization Policy and Problems of Developmentalism in Korea (뉴미디어-정보화 정책과 개발주의 패러다임의 문제)

  • Kim, Pyung-Ho
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.36
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    • pp.231-253
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    • 2006
  • Based on the development of IT(information technology), the explosive diffusion and growth of the new media and services in Korea has attracted keen international attention. The construction of IT infrastructure driven by the proactive social informatization policy of the government has also been spectacular. Korea has persistently pursued strong 'new media-informatization policy' with three main objectives in mind: 1)Industrial-economic value creation; 2)socio-cultural value creation; and 3)building of the knowledge society-knowledge state. But its consequence is rather paradoxical. While its performance is excellent in terms of quantity growth of industry and technology, quality development of society, culture and knowledge creation is lagging far behind. This paradoxical outcome originates, not from any simple policy error, but from a structural problem inherent in new media-informatization policy in Korea which has long been captured by developmentalism. In order for Korea to harvest the reward of strong new media-informatization infrastructure, it needs to institute a policy structure based on a knowledge IT strategy such as research and development of core and patent technologies, design and production of quality contents, networking knowledge bases of society, etc.

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