• Title/Summary/Keyword: Respiratory disorder

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Systemic White Blood Cell Count as a Biomarker Associated with Severity of Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease

  • Koo, Hyeon-Kyoung;Kang, Hyung Koo;Song, Pamela;Park, Hye Kyeong;Lee, Sung-Soon;Jung, Hoon
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.80 no.3
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    • pp.304-310
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    • 2017
  • Background: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), is a chronic inflammatory disorder. We evaluated whether white blood cell (WBC) count, is associated with the severity of COPD, independent of other inflammatory conditions, such as metabolic syndrome. Methods: The WBC counts were compared between 1227 COPD patients and 8679 non-COPD adults older than 40. The relationships between the WBC count, lung function, and symptoms score in COPD patients, were determined, using general linear regression analyses. Results: The WBC count was negatively associated with forced vital capacity (FVC, L), FVC (% predicted), forced expiry volume in one second ($FEV_1$, L), and $FEV_1$ (% predicted) in COPD patients. Additionally, the WBC count was independently associated with the quality of life measure, by EQ5D-index score. However, this relationship between WBC count, and disease severity, was not significant in current smokers, because of the confounding effect of smoking, on the WBC count. Conclusion: The WBC count is associated with current smoking status and COPD severity, and a risk factor for poor lung function, and quality of life, especially in non-currently smoking COPD patients. The WBC count can be used, as an easily measurable COPD biomarker.

Anaphylactic Shock after Intravenous Injection of Penicillin in a Patient with Maxillary Osteonecrosis: Report of a Case (상악골괴사 환자에서 페니실린 정주 후 아나필락틱 쇼크: 증례보고)

  • Oh, Ji-Hyeon;Son, Jeong-Seog;Choi, Byung-Ho;Lee, Jeong-Sub;Kim, Ji-Hun;Yoo, Jae-Ha
    • Journal of The Korean Dental Society of Anesthesiology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2014
  • Generalized anaphylaxis is a most dramatic and acutely life-threatening allergic reaction and may cause death within a few minutes. Differential diagnosis of anaphylaxis is made by clinical signs, such as, mental change, respiratory distress, hypotension, hypoglycemia, urticaria and angioedema. Especially, insulin reaction, myocardial infarction and vasovagal syncope are considered as differential diagnosis. In cases of fatal anaphylaxis, respiratory and cardiovascular disturbances predominate and are evident early in the reaction. This is a case report of the intensive care of anaphylactic shock after intravenous injection of the penicillin in a old medically compromised patient with the maxillary osteonecrosis. The anaphylactic shock symptoms, such as, unconsciousness, respiratory disorder, no pulsation on carotid artery and cardiopulmonary arrest are occurred in intravenous injection of augmentin 1.2 g after the skin test. In spite of immediate emergency cares, such as intravenous injection of epinephrine, endotracheal intubation, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and continuous intensive care, the patient is expired in 58 hours after anaphylactic shock attack.

Research on a Respiratory Disease and Demand for Oriental Medical Cold Preventing Therapy in Chung-Buk (충북 일부지역 주민들의 호흡기 질환 및 한방 감기 예방 치료 수요에 관한 실태조사)

  • Yang, Su-Young;Hwang, Ji-Ho;Byun, Jun-Seop;An, Joung-Jo;Hong, Kweon-Eey;Park, Yang-Chun
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1045-1050
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to help oriental medical prevention program policy for improvement of public health in a local community. We have researched respiratory diseases and demands for oriental medical cold preventing therapy of some residents in Chung-Buk. We have conducted individually face-to-face interviews through standardized questionnaires to 141 residents of two towns (76 in Haeng-jung, 65 in Gu-mi) under the jurisdiction of Chung-won Public Health Center. The senior aged over 65 was 53.9%, which was a little more than the average senior age. The rate which could be diagnosed as a disorder of lung function was 2.97% by Lung Function Test. The participants diagnosed as Asthma accounted for 17.9% by Symptom Based Easy Asthma Diagnosis of Easy Asthma Management(EAM). The participants who had intentions of participating in oriental medical cold preventing therapy accounted for 58.6%. And among the oriental medical cold preventing therapy the preference for acupuncture and moxibustion was 77.1 %, which was much higher than any other thing. It is thought that people still have little understanding about the oriental medical cold preventing therapy. Therefore it is considered that the Korean government should try to establish well-organized cold preventing system on the basis of Oriental Medical theory for a local community.

Effects of Salviae miltiorrhizae on Inflammatory Cells Associated with Asthma via Splenocyte, BMMC, Eosinophil (Splenocyte, BMMC, eosinophil을 통해 본 단삼(丹蔘)이 천식 관련 염증세포에 미치는 영향)

  • Jeong, Seung-Yeon;Kim, Jin-Ju;Jung, Hee-Jae;Jung, Sung-Ki
    • The Journal of Internal Korean Medicine
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.9-23
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    • 2009
  • Objectives : Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways by many cells such as mast cells, Th2 lymphocytes and eosinophile. The present study was aimed to evaluate the effects of Salviae miltiorrhizae (SM) on T cell cytokine production, mast cells. and eosinophils, Methods : We screened 13 herbs to find compounds with potential to control Th cytokine production. using concanavalin A (con A)-activated splenocyte cultures. Con A-activated $IFN-\gamma$ and IL-4 levels in supernatants of splenocyte cultures. Bone marrow derived mast cells (BMMC) were incubated with SM and then the expressions of membrane proteins of BMMC were analyzed by fluorescence activated cell sorter (FACS). BALB/c mice sensitized to ovalbumin (OVA) were challenged with aerosolized OVA for 6 weeks. During the last weeks some mice were treated with SM. Then eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALf) were counted and pathologic changes of lung tissue were observed with hematoxylin-eosin stain. Results : SM increased $IFN-\gamma$ level on splenocyte culture significantly. but had no significant effects on expressions of ICAM-1, CD62L, integrin $a_4$. c-kit, IL-3 receptors. CD11a, or IgE receptors of BMMC. SM treatment significantly inhibited eosinophil infiltrates in BALf and peribronchial lung inflammation. Conculusions : The present data suggested that SM may have an effect on Th cytokine secretion and eosinophils associated with asthma responses. Therefore SM might be of therapeutic value in treating asthma.

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A Clinical Inquiry into 200 Cases of Children Coming to the Clinic Due to the Symptom of Growth Deficiency (성장장애(成長障碍)를 주소(主訴)로 내원(來院)한 환아(患兒) 200례(例)에 대(對)한 임상적(臨床的) 관찰(觀察))

  • Na, Dong-Gyu
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.609-620
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    • 1999
  • Over the period between January 1997 and December 1998, herbal medicine was more than three times administered to the patients coming to Na dong gyu's Oriental Medical Clinic on account of the symptom of growth deficiency. According to radiological opinions about the patients providing cooperation for measuring their height and weight as well as their bone age every three months, it was found that the growth plates were not closed. A research was conducted for 200 children randomly selected of patients in prepuberty (they grew by less than 5cm a year before treatment at a age of 12years for female children and 14years for male children). As a result, the following conclusion was drawn: 1. The randomly selected subjects were made up of 116 male and 84 female children in terms of gender. The age direstribution was most 10 to 12 years in 86 children(34.00%), followed by 8-10 years(27.50%) and 12 to 14 years(19.50%). 2. Considering the distribution of sick children's parental height, the fathers of 141 children(70.50%) measured less than 170cm high, the subaverage height, while the mothers of 172 children(86%) measured less than 160cm high, the subaverage height. It was shown that sick childen's height was genetically influenced by their parents. 3. Children patients's weight at a time of birth was most 3.1-3.5kg for 85 children(44%) and less than 2.5kg which came under the range of growth dificiency for 19 children(9.5%). 4. The highest proportian of the children patients with growth dificiency(56.33%) had the symptom of digestive disorders, of which 77 children patients(18.78%) had anorexia, 16.59% of children patients had the high level of respiratory disorders. Both the digestive disorder and the respiratory disorder put together, they had the high rate of 72.92%. Therefore, this indicates that both the digestive disorder and the respiratory disorder have a great effect on children's growth dificiency. 10.74% of chilren patients were shown to have allergic disorders, which indicates that they also exert an effect on growth deficiency. Specifically, 7.07% of the children patients had the high level of obesity, which shows that an excessive uptake of nutrition may rather induce children to have growth dificiency though an appropriate amount of nutritional uptake is necessary. 5. Comparing their bone age and their chronological age, 58 children patients(29.00%) showed that they were the same at the highest percent. 79 children patients(39.50%) showed that thier bone age was lower than their chronological age. And 63 children patients(31.50%) showed that their bone age was higher than their chronological age. 6. As regards the prescription administered to children patients for treating their growth dificiency, Growth tang A related to the kidney, the congenital factor, of the causes for growth dificiency in traditional Oriental Medicine was administered to 108 children patients(54%), whereas the Growth tang B related to the spleen, the acquired factor, was administered to 92 children patients(46%). 7. 116 male children patients with growth dificiency had the average value of growth for one year before treatment, 4.39cm, while 84 female children patients had the average value of growth for one year before treatment, 4.24cm. A total of 200 children had the average value of growth for one year before treatment, 4.33cm. The annual average value of growth in growth curve surveyed by the Korea Pediatrics Society was 5.79cm. Compared to this value, the one year average value of growth for 108 male and female children patients taking Growth tang A was shown be 8.44cm, which indicates a greater growth by 4.12cm(95.37%) in comparison with the average value of growth before treatment, 4.32cm, and a greater growth by 2.65cm(45.77%) compared to 5.79cm, the average value of growth in growth curve surveyed by the Korea Pediatrics Society. Also, the average value of growth before treatment for 92 male and female children patients taking Growth tang B was shown to be 8.47cm, which indicates a greater increase by 4.15cm(96.06%) compared to 4.32cm, the average value of growth before treatment and a greater increase by 2.67cm(46.29%) in comparison with 5.79cm, the average value of growth in growth curve surveyed by the Korea Pediatrics Society. Considering the average value of growth for male and female children patients taking Growth tang A and B, it was shown to be 8.46cm, which indicates a greater increase by 4.14cm(95.81%) compared to 4.32cm, the average value of growth before treatment, and a greater increase by 2.67cm(46.11%) compared to 5.79cm, the average value of growth in growth curve surveyed by the Korea Pediatrics Society.

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  • Kim, Se-Joo;Choi, Nak-Kyoung;Song, Jung-Eun
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.123-127
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    • 2003
  • Cornelia de Lange syndrome is a dysmorphogenic disorder characterized by multiple congenital abnormalities, mental retardation, growth retardation and neurodevelopmental abnormalities. Diagnosis for the Cornelia de Lange syndrome is dependent on the clinical observation because neither definite biological marker nor definite chromosomal abnormality have been investigated. Clinical observation is important for the diagnosis, so we report a case of Corenelia de Lange syndrome with mental retardation and autistic disorder. The patient is a 6-year old girl. Her motor development and language development have been delayed. She could say no meaningful word and understood simple command partially. She showed poor eye contact and poor emotional interaction. Social interaction was impaired and she Showed stereotypic behaviors. Thus we diagnosed her as mental retardation with autistic disorder. She had vesicoureteral reflux, frequent upper respiratory infection and pneumonia. She had experienced febrile convulsions 4 times. She had short stature, confluent eyebrows, long eyelashes, and upturned nose with anteverted nostrils. She also showed low hairline and hypertrichosis in body and extremities. Her finger was short. In this case, we diagnosed Cornelia de Lange syndrome by her characteristic face, hypertrichosis and medical and behavioral problems that were frequently showed in this syndrome.

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Thymectomy in Myasthenia Gravis: 2 cases report (흉선절제에 의한 근무력증 치료 2례 보고)

  • 이길노
    • Journal of Chest Surgery
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.490-494
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    • 1980
  • Myasthenia gravis is a neuromuscular disorder manifested by fatigability and weakness of voluntary muscles. The basic defect in the myasthenia is reduction of available acetylcholine receptors at neuromuscuiar junctions by an autoimmune attack. Removal of the thymus gland now play an Important role in the management of this disease. We have two experiences of thymectomy for myasthenic patients. The 31-year-old housewife(J.H) was admitted to the Taegu Presbyterian Medical Center because of bilateral ptosis, mastication and swallowing difficulties. The presence of thymoma was strongly suggested by roentgenographic studies. A 99.8 gm thymoma was removed completely by total thymectomy. On the 2nd postoperative day respiratory failure developed. Tracheostomy was performed and ventilatory assist was given for 3 days. The patient was completely recovered with antichollestrase drug only. C.N. was 17-year-old girl who has the symptoms of bilateral ptosis and diplopia for 3 years. Tensilon test was positive and antichollnestrase was given for several months, but the patient showed no improvement. After thymectomy she was free from myasthenic symptoms with out anticholinestrase drug.

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One Case of Female Patient with Suspected Kleine-Levin Syndrome (여성 Kleine-Levin syndrome 의증 환자 1례)

  • Kim, Sang-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.34 no.1
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    • pp.179-191
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    • 2013
  • Kleine-Levin syndrome is a rare disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of hypersomnia, hyperphagia, hypersexuality and delusion and hallucination with spontaneous recovery. A 17-year-old female suddenly showed hypersomnia, severe fatigue, and compulsive hyperphagia. She was diagnosed with suspected Kleine-Levin Syndrome. The precipitating factor was an upper respiratory tract infection that the patient had undergone 2 weeks prior. Past psychiatric history included somnambulism and ADHD; her symptoms of ADHD included attention deficit, impulsiveness, hyperactivity, and irritability. This was her third episode. Her hypersomnia was longer in duration but lower in frequency compared with usual KLS. Her low LF/HF ratio in heart rate variability measurement showed high parasympathetic nerve activity. A MMPI report showed some psychological problem. The patient was diagnosed of gastric fever by pattern identification. Her hypersomnia episode improved 6 weeks after onset. This is the first reported case of suspected Kleine-Levin Syndrome in the field of Oriental Medicine in Korea.

Abnormality on Liver Function Test

  • Kang, Ki-Soo
    • Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2013
  • Children with abnormal liver function can often be seen in outpatient clinics or inpatients wards. Most of them have respiratory disease, or gastroenteritis by virus infection, accompanying fever. Occasionally, hepatitis by the viruses causing systemic infection may occur, and screening tests are required. In patients with jaundice, the tests for differential diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important. In the case of a child with hepatitis B virus infection vertically from a hepatitis B surface antigen positive mother, the importance of the recognition of immune clearance can't be overstressed, for the decision of time to begin treatment. Early diagnosis changes the fate of a child with Wilson disease. So, screening test for the disease should not be omitted. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is mainly discovered in obese children, is a new strong candidate triggering abnormal liver function. Muscular dystrophy is a representative disease mimicking liver dysfunction. Although muscular dystrophy is a progressive disorder, and early diagnosis can't change the fate of patients, it will be better to avoid parent's blame for delayed diagnosis.

Simultaneous Glossectomy with Orthognathic Surgery for Mandibular Prognathism

  • Jung, Young-Wook;On, Sung-Woon;Chung, Kyu-Rhim;Song, Seung-Il
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.36 no.5
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    • pp.214-218
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    • 2014
  • Macroglossia can create dental and skeletal instability after orthodontic treatment or orthognathic surgery for mandibular prognathism. In relevant literature, partial glossectomy is suggested for a good post-treatment prognosis. Most of the published partial glossectomy cases are two-staged surgery, because of concern about postoperative airway obstruction. As orthognathic surgical techniques and fixation method develop, however, concerns about postoperative airway obstruction have lessened. In this case, mandibular setback surgery and partial glossectomy were performed simultaneously, leading to stable recovery without any postoperative respiratory problems. After surgical technique to preserve the tongue tip, we achieved good outcomes without postoperative side effects of lingual hypoesthesia, pronunciation disorder and dyskinesia. We report this case with a literature review.