• Title/Summary/Keyword: Research performance-based class

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A Study on the Faculty Evaluation Model with Considering the Characteristics of Education-Based Colleges (전문대학의 특성을 고려한 교수업적평가 모델 연구)

  • Hwang, Il-Kyu;Kim, Kyeong-Sook;Kwon, O-Young;Ahn, Tae-Won;Park, Young-Tae
    • Journal of vocational education research
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.23-49
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    • 2011
  • Faculty performance evaluation system has been settled down as an uncomfortable but unavoidable system, and it is one of the most important factors to grow the college competitiveness up. In this study, we selected and surveyed faculty evaluation models of several universities and colleges in Korea, and analyzed by comparing each evaluation areas of educational achievement, college-industry collaboration, research, and service. We also identified the properties of the current faculty evaluation models of the junior colleges, and derived several problems from these models such as an imitation of four-year university model, a disorders of job evaluation with respect to the attributes of classified jobs, a large variation of individual item weights, and an insufficient reflection of major characteristics. Based on these surveys and analysis, an improved faculty evaluation model for the junior college is proposed in this study. This model proposed four basic areas-educational achievement, college-industry collaboration, research, and service by considering the importance of the college-industry collaboration in the junior college-as well as the team evaluation area. Weights of the SCI-class paper was selected as a criterion for the arrangement of objective comparison of each evaluation items. We showed the integration method of several different evaluation model with respect to the attributes of classified jobs of each faculties, and evaluation plan of variational characteristics according to the majors of individuals in this model. Finally, we introduced an area fail and rating system to operate efficiently the proposed faculty evaluation model.

Acceptance History of Korean Musical Theatre in 1960s and Cultural Imperialism (1960년대 한국의 뮤지컬 수용 역사와 문화제국주의)

  • Lee, Gye-Chang
    • (The) Research of the performance art and culture
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    • no.37
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    • pp.249-293
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    • 2018
  • The Musical Theatre was a popular art genre that originated from the western musical tradition represented by the European opera. In the twentieth century, it bloomed around Broadway in the United States. It is also one of the commercial arts which is popularly loved by the public in the field of performing arts all over the world at present. Due to the nature of this genre, the development of dramas and the expression of characters use music, not words or gestures, as the main medium. And the style of music reacts sensitively to the taste of the public, not to a particular class. When Japan colonized Korea, the empire strongly believed modernization equaled westernization and Japan was the one who could awaken Korean. The Japanese colonial music education was intended to bring cooperation and obedience to Japan by forcibly injecting Japanese ideology and culture into Joseon people. The music education of colonialism with the textbook of the "Songs for public education(보통교육 창가집)" compiled by the Japanese government was a sparkstone for the conversion of the Korean musical identity to Japanese and Western music. In addition to the capitalistic economical mechanism for establishing a South Korean government friendly with the United States during the Cold War after liberation, and the rush of American Pop culture represented by 'the show stage in 8th US Arm' and 'movies' which are to be the influence of invisible 'new cultural imperialism', our traditional music was confined to the meaning of 'Korean music', meaning 'past music'. In Korea, after the liberation, the musical was introduced by the influx of American popular culture. In accordance with the cultural policy of Park Jeong-hee regime, which aimed to spread the 'healthy culture' through the modernization of traditional arts, 'The Yegreen(예그린악단)' was founded. However, the plan to create a contemporary performing art based on Korean national arts showed the possibility of success in 1966 with the success of , but soon after, they have been destined to fall into an institution that has lost their ability to operate on their own due to the suspension of the sponsorship of the regime. Due to the cultural imperialist strategy of the influence of Japanese imperialism's colonial music education and influx of American popular culture after liberation, in the early days of Korean musicals, our traditional aesthetic style brought about the situation of the 1960 's, which did not become an independent ethnic art through the exchange and expansion with Western music. This is the background of the western licensed musicals led by the Korean musical market in the 21st century as well as the main cause of musical creation based on western music.

Development and Application of the Explicit and Reflective Learning Strategy for Enhancement of the Elementary School Students' Basic Inquiry Skills -Based on Observation and Classification- (초등학생의 과학탐구기능 향상을 위한 명시적이고 반성적인 교수.학습전략 개발 및 적용 -관찰과 분류를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Hye-Won;Min, Byeong-Mee;Son, Yeon-A
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2012
  • The research evaluated the effects of the improvements in scientific inquiry for elementary school students and focused on the development and application of the explicit and reflective learning strategy through observation and classification. The explicit and reflective learning strategy was modified and completed with the review of the experts after the development of the draft based on the theoretical approach. The students were evaluated for their academic achievements in scientific inquiry skills before and after taking the course. The results were as follows: First, the steps of the developed learning strategy (1) to motivate, (2) to explore reflectively, (3) to guide explicitly, (4) to inquire explicitly, and (5) to verify reflectively were set to reflect the verification. Second, the results of applying the developed model to the lessons based on the quantitative analysis was effective for observation and classification skills in the quest for improved performance of the whole (the sum of observation and classification, inquiry skills) and the observed features, but there was no effect on classification. Also, the lessons applied the developed teaching strategy and showed effectiveness in improving academic achievement. Particularly in analyzing the relationship between the academic achievement and exploration capabilities, in order to improve academic achievement, the importance of improving inquiry skills was found. Third, the qualitative analysis of teaching and learning strategy developed by applying the lessons of this teacher guide and small group activities through the explicit and reflective observation and classification of the student learning activities showed the significant improvement of ability of the scientific inquiry skills. In addition to the improvement in the abilities of the classification showed after the formation of the most basic observation skills of the scientific inquiry.

Post Occupancy Evaluation of the Forest Experience Centers for Children (유아숲체험장의 이용후 평가)

  • Kang, Tae-Sun;Lee, Myung-Woo;Jeong, Moon-Sun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.109-123
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    • 2017
  • Due to the positive effect of forest space for child development, the creation and operation of forest activity space of various organizations is increasing in quantity; however, the research on practical space design and management program is insufficient. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the space and management programs of the forest experience centers through the post-occupancy evaluation of teachers and preschoolers participating in forest activities. To do this, we analyzed the selected twelve sites through field survey, class observation, and interviews with forest education specialists, and then surveyed 115 forest education experts and childcare teachers for importance, performance, overall satisfaction, and space preference. In addition, we accessed overall satisfaction and space preference of twenty-nine preschoolers through interviews, photo-simulation, and questionnaires. As a result, the importance and performance of management program area was rated higher than the spatial characteristics area. In terms of group comparison, the group with active structured program rated two areas higher than the groups with free play. Preschoolers with structured programs preferred facility space, but preschoolers with free play preferred nature. Two preschooler groups rated forest activity as satisfactory. Based on the analysis results: 1) The composition of the forest activity space should ensure accessibility, safety, diversity of diversity, water space, connect to the forest road, and secure various terrains, trees, and natural materials; 2) The management program should ensure that forest activity programs have the proportional balance of structural programs and free play; also. management programs should plan for sufficient free playtime and a high share of play in the forest; and 3) Ensure the role and expertise of forestry specialists and run a program to increase the autonomy of preschoolers.

A Study on Developing a VKOSPI Forecasting Model via GARCH Class Models for Intelligent Volatility Trading Systems (지능형 변동성트레이딩시스템개발을 위한 GARCH 모형을 통한 VKOSPI 예측모형 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sun-Woong
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2010
  • Volatility plays a central role in both academic and practical applications, especially in pricing financial derivative products and trading volatility strategies. This study presents a novel mechanism based on generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) models that is able to enhance the performance of intelligent volatility trading systems by predicting Korean stock market volatility more accurately. In particular, we embedded the concept of the volatility asymmetry documented widely in the literature into our model. The newly developed Korean stock market volatility index of KOSPI 200, VKOSPI, is used as a volatility proxy. It is the price of a linear portfolio of the KOSPI 200 index options and measures the effect of the expectations of dealers and option traders on stock market volatility for 30 calendar days. The KOSPI 200 index options market started in 1997 and has become the most actively traded market in the world. Its trading volume is more than 10 million contracts a day and records the highest of all the stock index option markets. Therefore, analyzing the VKOSPI has great importance in understanding volatility inherent in option prices and can afford some trading ideas for futures and option dealers. Use of the VKOSPI as volatility proxy avoids statistical estimation problems associated with other measures of volatility since the VKOSPI is model-free expected volatility of market participants calculated directly from the transacted option prices. This study estimates the symmetric and asymmetric GARCH models for the KOSPI 200 index from January 2003 to December 2006 by the maximum likelihood procedure. Asymmetric GARCH models include GJR-GARCH model of Glosten, Jagannathan and Runke, exponential GARCH model of Nelson and power autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (ARCH) of Ding, Granger and Engle. Symmetric GARCH model indicates basic GARCH (1, 1). Tomorrow's forecasted value and change direction of stock market volatility are obtained by recursive GARCH specifications from January 2007 to December 2009 and are compared with the VKOSPI. Empirical results indicate that negative unanticipated returns increase volatility more than positive return shocks of equal magnitude decrease volatility, indicating the existence of volatility asymmetry in the Korean stock market. The point value and change direction of tomorrow VKOSPI are estimated and forecasted by GARCH models. Volatility trading system is developed using the forecasted change direction of the VKOSPI, that is, if tomorrow VKOSPI is expected to rise, a long straddle or strangle position is established. A short straddle or strangle position is taken if VKOSPI is expected to fall tomorrow. Total profit is calculated as the cumulative sum of the VKOSPI percentage change. If forecasted direction is correct, the absolute value of the VKOSPI percentage changes is added to trading profit. It is subtracted from the trading profit if forecasted direction is not correct. For the in-sample period, the power ARCH model best fits in a statistical metric, Mean Squared Prediction Error (MSPE), and the exponential GARCH model shows the highest Mean Correct Prediction (MCP). The power ARCH model best fits also for the out-of-sample period and provides the highest probability for the VKOSPI change direction tomorrow. Generally, the power ARCH model shows the best fit for the VKOSPI. All the GARCH models provide trading profits for volatility trading system and the exponential GARCH model shows the best performance, annual profit of 197.56%, during the in-sample period. The GARCH models present trading profits during the out-of-sample period except for the exponential GARCH model. During the out-of-sample period, the power ARCH model shows the largest annual trading profit of 38%. The volatility clustering and asymmetry found in this research are the reflection of volatility non-linearity. This further suggests that combining the asymmetric GARCH models and artificial neural networks can significantly enhance the performance of the suggested volatility trading system, since artificial neural networks have been shown to effectively model nonlinear relationships.

Systemic Analysis on Hygiene of Food Catering in Korea (2005-2014) (Systemic analysis 방법을 활용한 국내 학교급식 위생의 주요 영향 인자 분석 연구(2005-2014))

  • Min, Ji-Hyeon;Park, Moon-Kyung;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Lee, Jong-Kyung
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2015
  • A systemic review on the factors affecting food catering hygiene was conducted to provide information for risk management of food catering in Korea. In total 47 keywords relating to food catering and food hygiene were searched for published journals in the DBpia for the last decade (2005-2014). As a result, 1,178 published papers were searched and 142 articles were collected by the expert review. To find the major factors affecting food catering and microbial safety, an analysis based on organization and stakeholder were conducted. School catering (64 papers) was a major target rather than industry (5 pagers) or hospitals (3 papers) in the selected articles. The factors affecting school catering were "system/facility/equipment (15 papers)", "hygiene education (12 papers)", "production/delivery company (6 papers)", food materials (4 papers)" and "any combination of the above factors (9 papers)". The major problems are follow. 1) The problems of "system/facility/equipment" were improper space division/separation, lack of mass cooking utensil, lack of hygiene control equipment, difficulty in temperature and humidity control, and lack of cooperation in the HACCP team (dietitian's position), poor hygienic classroom in the case of class dining (students'), hard workload/intensity of labor, poor condition of cook's safety (cook's) and lack of parents' monitoring activity (parents'). 2) The problem of "hygiene education' were related to formal and perfunctory hygiene education, lack of HACCP education, lack of compliance of hygiene practice (cook's), lack of personal hygiene education and little effect of education (students'). 3) The problems of "production/delivery company" were related to hygiene of delivery truck and temperature control, hygiene of employee in the supplying company and control of non-accredited HACCP company. 4) The area of "food materials" cited were distrust of safety regarding to raw materials, fresh cut produces, and pre-treated food materials. 5) In addition, job stability/the salary can affect the occupational satisfaction and job commitment. And job stress can affect the performance and the hygiene practice. It is necessary for the government to allocate budget for facility and equipment, conduct field survey, improve hygiene training program and inspection, prepare certification system, improve working condition of employees, and introducing hygiene and layout consulting by experts. The results from this study can be used to prepare education programs and develop technology for improving food catering hygiene and providing information.

Installation Art In Indonesian Contemporary Art; A Quest For Medium and Social Spaces (인도네시아 현대미술에 있어서의 설치미술 - 미디엄과 사회적 공간을 위한 탐색)

  • Kusmara, A. Rikrik
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.5
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    • pp.217-229
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    • 2007
  • Many historical research and facet about modern art in Indonesia which formulating background of contemporary Indonesian Art. Indonesian art critic Sanento Yuliman states that Modern art has been rapidly developing in Indonesia since the Indonesian Independence in 1945. Modern Art is a part of the super culture of the Indonesian metropolitan and is closely related to the contact between the Indonesian and Western Cultures. Its birth was part of the nationalism project, when the Indonesian people consists of various ethnics were determined to become a new nation, the Indonesian nation, and they wished for a new culture, and therefore, a new art. The period 1960s, which was the beginning of the creation and development of the painters and the painters associations, was the first stage of the development of modern art in Indonesia. The second stage showed the important role of the higher education institutes for art. These institutes have developed since the 1950s and in the 1970s they were the main education institutes for painters and other artists. The artists awareness of the medium, forms or the organization of shapes were encouraged more intensely and these encouraged the exploring and experimental attitudes. Meanwhile, the information about the world's modern art, particularly Western Art; was widely and rapidly spread. The 1960s and 1970s were marked by the development of various abstractions and abstract art and the great number of explorations in various new media, like the experiment with collage, assemblage, mixed media. The works of the Neo Art Movement-group in the second half of the 1970s and in the 1980s shows environmental art and installations, influenced by the elements of popular art, from the commercial world and mass media, as well as the involvement of art in the social and environmental affairs. The issues about the environment, frequently launched by the intellectuals in the period of economic development starting in the 1970s, echoed among the artists, and they were widened in the social, art and cultural circles. The Indonesian economic development following the important change in the 1970s has caused a change in the life of the middle and upper class society, as has the change in various aspects of a big city, particularly Jakarta. The new genre emerged in 1975 which indicates contemporary art in Indonesia, when a group of young artists organized a movement, which was widely known as the Indonesian New Art Movement. This movement criticized international style, universalism and the long standing debate on an east-west-dichotomy. As far as the actual practice of the arts was concerned the movement criticized the domination of the art of painting and saw this as a sign of stagnation in Indonesian art development. Based on this criticism 'the movement' introduced ready-mades and installations (Jim Supangkat). Takes almost two decades that the New Art Movement activists were establishing Indonesian Installation art genre as contemporary paradigm and influenced the 1980's gene ration like, FX Harsono, Dadang Christanto, Arahmaiani, Tisna Sanjaya, Diyanto, Andarmanik, entering the 1990's decade as "rebellion period" ; reject towards established aesthetic mainstream i.e. painting, sculpture, graphic art which are insufficient to express "new language" and artistic needs especially to mediate social politic and cultural situation. Installation Art which contains open possibilities of creation become a vehicle for aesthetic establishment rejection and social politics stagnant expression in 1990s. Installation art accommodates two major field; first, the rejection of aesthetic establishment has a consequences an artists quest for medium; deconstruction models and cross disciplines into multi and intermedia i.e. performance, music, video etc. Second aspect is artists' social politic intention for changes, both conclude as characteristics of Indonesian Installation Art and establishing the freedom of expression in contemporary Indonesian Art until today.

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