• Title/Summary/Keyword: Research and Development Activities

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A Study for Improvement of Nursing Service Administration (병원 간호행정 개선을 위한 연구)

  • 박정호
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.13-40
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    • 1972
  • Much has teed changed in the field of hospital administration in the It wake of the rapid development of sciences, techniques ana systematic hospital management. However, we still have a long way to go in organization, in the quality of hospital employees and hospital equipment and facilities, and in financial support in order to achieve proper hospital management. The above factors greatly effect the ability of hospitals to fulfill their obligation in patient care and nursing services. The purpose of this study is to determine the optimal methods of standardization and quality nursing so as to improve present nursing services through investigations and analyses of various problems concerning nursing administration. This study has been undertaken during the six month period from October 1971 to March 1972. The 41 comprehensive hospitals have been selected iron amongst the 139 in the whole country. These have been categorized according-to the specific purposes of their establishment, such as 7 university hospitals, 18 national or public hospitals, 12 religious hospitals and 4 enterprise ones. The following conclusions have been acquired thus far from information obtained through interviews with nursing directors who are in charge of the nursing administration in each hospital, and further investigations concerning the purposes of establishment, the organization, personnel arrangements, working conditions, practices of service, and budgets of the nursing service department. 1. The nursing administration along with its activities in this country has been uncritical1y adopted from that of the developed countries. It is necessary for us to re-establish a new medical and nursing system which is adequate for our social environments through continuous study and research. 2. The survey shows that the 7 university hospitals were chiefly concerned with education, medical care and research; the 18 national or public hospitals with medical care, public health and charity work; the 2 religious hospitals with medical care, charity and missionary works; and the 4 enterprise hospitals with public health, medical care and charity works. In general, the main purposes of the hospitals were those of charity organizations in the pursuit of medical care, education and public benefits. 3. The survey shows that in general hospital facilities rate 64 per cent and medical care 60 per-cent against a 100 per cent optimum basis in accordance with the medical treatment law and approved criteria for training hospitals. In these respects, university hospitals have achieved the highest standards, followed by religious ones, enterprise ones, and national or public ones in that order. 4. The ages of nursing directors range from 30 to 50. The level of education achieved by most of the directors is that of graduation from a nursing technical high school and a three year nursing junior college; a very few have graduated from college or have taken graduate courses. 5. As for the career tenure of nurses in the hospitals: one-third of the nurses, or 38 per cent, have worked less than one year; those in the category of one year to two represent 24 pet cent. This means that a total of 62 per cent of the career nurses have been practicing their profession for less than two years. Career nurses with over 5 years experience number only 16 per cent: therefore the efficiency of nursing services has been rated very low. 6. As for the standard of education of the nurses: 62 per cent of them have taken a three year course of nursing in junior colleges, and 22 per cent in nursing technical high schools. College graduate nurses come up to only 15 per cent; and those with graduate course only 0.4 per cent. This indicates that most of the nurses are front nursing technical high schools and three year nursing junior colleges. Accordingly, it is advisable that nursing services be divided according to their functions, such as professional, technical nurses and nurse's aides. 7. The survey also shows that the purpose of nursing service administration in the hospitals has been regulated in writing in 74 per cent of the hospitals and not regulated in writing in 26 per cent of the hospitals. The general purposes of nursing are as follows: patient care, assistance in medical care and education. The main purpose of these nursing services is to establish proper operational and personnel management which focus on in-service education. 8. The nursing service departments belong to the medical departments in almost 60 per cent of the hospitals. Even though the nursing service department is formally separated, about 24 per cent of the hospitals regard it as a functional unit in the medical department. Only 5 per cent of the hospitals keep the department as a separate one. To the contrary, approximately 12 per cent of the hospitals have not established a nursing service department at all but surbodinate it to the other department. In this respect, it is required that a new hospital organization be made to acknowledge the independent function of the nursing department. In 76 per cent of the hospitals they have advisory committees under the nursing department, such as a dormitory self·regulating committee, an in-service education committee and a nursing procedure and policy committee. 9. Personnel arrangement and working conditions of nurses 1) The ratio of nurses to patients is as follows: In university hospitals, 1 to 2.9 for hospitalized patients and 1 to 4.0 for out-patients; in religious hospitals, 1 to 2.3 for hospitalized patients and 1 to 5.4 for out-patients. Grouped together this indicates that one nurse covers 2.2 hospitalized patients and 4.3 out-patients on a daily basis. The current medical treatment law stipulates that one nurse should care for 2.5 hospitalized patients or 30.0 out-patients. Therefore the statistics indicate that nursing services are being peformed with an insufficient number of nurses to cover out-patients. The current law concerns the minimum number of nurses and disregards the required number of nurses for operation rooms, recovery rooms, delivery rooms, new-born baby rooms, central supply rooms and emergency rooms. Accordingly, tile medical treatment law has been requested to be amended. 2) The ratio of doctors to nurses: In university hospitals, the ratio is 1 to 1.1; in national of public hospitals, 1 to 0.8; in religious hospitals 1 to 0.5; and in private hospitals 1 to 0.7. The average ratio is 1 to 0.8; generally the ideal ratio is 3 to 1. Since the number of doctors working in hospitals has been recently increasing, the nursing services have consequently teen overloaded, sacrificing the services to the patients. 3) The ratio of nurses to clerical staff is 1 to 0.4. However, the ideal ratio is 5 to 1, that is, 1 to 0.2. This means that clerical personnel far outnumber the nursing staff. 4) The ratio of nurses to nurse's-aides; The average 2.5 to 1 indicates that most of the nursing service are delegated to nurse's-aides owing to the shortage of registered nurses. This is the main cause of the deterioration in the quality of nursing services. It is a real problem in the guest for better nursing services that certain hospitals employ a disproportionate number of nurse's-aides in order to meet financial requirements. 5) As for the working conditions, most of hospitals employ a three-shift day with 8 hours of duty each. However, certain hospitals still use two shifts a day. 6) As for the working environment, most of the hospitals lack welfare and hygienic facilities. 7) The salary basis is the highest in the private university hospitals, with enterprise hospitals next and religious hospitals and national or public ones lowest. 8) Method of employment is made through paper screening, and further that the appointment of nurses is conditional upon the favorable opinion of the nursing directors. 9) The unemployment ratio for one year in 1971 averaged 29 per cent. The reasons for unemployment indicate that the highest is because of marriage up to 40 per cent, and next is because of overseas employment. This high unemployment ratio further causes the deterioration of efficiency in nursing services and supplementary activities. The hospital authorities concerned should take this matter into a jeep consideration in order to reduce unemployment. 10) The importance of in-service education is well recognized and established. 1% has been noted that on the-job nurses. training has been most active, with nursing directors taking charge of the orientation programs of newly employed nurses. However, it is most necessary that a comprehensive study be made of instructors, contents and methods of education with a separate section for in-service education. 10. Nursing services'activities 1) Division of services and job descriptions are urgently required. 81 per rent of the hospitals keep written regulations of services in accordance with nursing service manuals. 19 per cent of the hospitals do not keep written regulations. Most of hospitals delegate to the nursing directors or certain supervisors the power of stipulating service regulations. In 21 per cent of the total hospitals they have policy committees, standardization committees and advisory committees to proceed with the stipulation of regulations. 2) Approximately 81 per cent of the hospitals have service channels in which directors, supervisors, head nurses and staff nurses perform their appropriate services according to the service plans and make up the service reports. In approximately 19 per cent of the hospitals the staff perform their nursing services without utilizing the above channels. 3) In the performance of nursing services, a ward manual is considered the most important one to be utilized in about 32 percent of hospitals. 25 per cent of hospitals indicate they use a kardex; 17 per cent use ward-rounding, and others take advantage of work sheets or coordination with other departments through conferences. 4) In about 78 per cent of hospitals they have records which indicate the status of personnel, and in 22 per cent they have not. 5) It has been advised that morale among nurses may be increased, ensuring more efficient services, by their being able to exchange opinions and views with each other. 6) The satisfactory performance of nursing services rely on the following factors to the degree indicated: approximately 32 per cent to the systematic nursing activities and services; 27 per cent to the head nurses ability for nursing diagnosis; 22 per cent to an effective supervisory system; 16 per cent to the hospital facilities and proper supply, and 3 per cent to effective in·service education. This means that nurses, supervisors, head nurses and directors play the most important roles in the performance of nursing services. 11. About 87 per cent of the hospitals do not have separate budgets for their nursing departments, and only 13 per cent of the hospitals have separate budgets. It is recommended that the planning and execution of the nursing administration be delegated to the pertinent administrators in order to bring about improved proved performances and activities in nursing services.

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Comparison of Physicochemical Properties and Analysis of sEquence Structure Relationships of Commercial Dongchongxiacao of Three Species in Korean Market

  • Nam, Sung-Hee;Yeo, Joo-Hong;Hwang, Jae-Sam;Hong, In-Pyo;Han, Sang-Mi;Cho, Yu-Young;Choi, Ji-Young;Lee, Kwang-Gill;Yoon, Cheol-Sik;Lee, Sang-Han
    • International Journal of Industrial Entomology and Biomaterials
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.29-35
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    • 2010
  • To compare the quality of manufactured goods distributed in the domestic markets, 6 isolates of Dongchongxiacao products, namely, 4 Paecilomyces tenuipes specimens (J2P, 901A, 901B, and 901C), 1 Cordyceps militaris specimen (901D), and 1 Cordyceps sinensis specimen (CI-1), were analyzed for their physicochemical properties and sequence-structure relationships. P. tenuipes (J2P), a kind of Dongchongxiacao, was successfully inoculated on silkworms by percutaneous infection of Rural Development AdminstraionNam et al., 1999); fruiting bodies were then formed on the complete surface of the pupa. Since P. tenuipes (J2P) from silkworm larva was also proved to have remarkable pharmacological activities, it has been produced in bulk and has been successfully sold to buyers in the Korean market. Additionally, imitation products such as 901A, 901B, 901C, 901D, and CI-1 were sold simultaneously, resulting in deterioration of product quality. This research focuses on establishing quality standards to discriminate between the original and imitation products circulating in the market. The products obtained for the experiments included J2P, 901A, 901B, 901C, 901D, and CI-1; proximate analysis was performed for these products. The hosts and methods of conidia inoculation for proliferation of mycelia differed among the products. P. tenuipes (J2P) was proliferated in live silkworm larvae, and dead silkworm pupae were used to produce 901A, 901B, and 901C. On the other hand, 901D was produced on hulled rice medium. Quality analysis of C. sinensis revealed that CI-1, which was imported from China, smelled bad and proved to be a counterfeit with the fruiting body glued to the insect by twigs. The results of the proximate analysis of 901A, 901B, 901C, and 901D were similar to those of J2P with respect to the moisture content. Otherwise, J2P contained higher crude protein than 901A, 901B, 901C, and 901D, but contained very low fat. C. militaris (901D) and C. sinensis (CI-1) had low crude protein content-12.79% and 9.78% respectively-as compared to that of J2P, which was 62.38%. In contrast to the crude ash content of 6.4% in J2P, the crude ash content of CI-1 was 18.51% and this specimen was found to contain many impurities. phylogenetic analysis of P. tenuipes revealed that the sequence similarity of J2P, 901B, and 901C was in the range of 92.3~92.7%. Additionally, differences in the sequences were found at the positions 65 bp, 436 bp, 441 bp, 463 bp, etc.

Development and Application of the Teacher Education Model for Using Virtual and Augmented Reality Contents in Elementary Science Class (초등 과학 수업에서 가상현실과 증강현실 콘텐츠 활용을 위한 교사 교육 모델의 개발과 적용 사례)

  • Cha, Hyun-Jung;Ga, Seok-Hyun;Yoon, Hye-Gyoung
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.43 no.3
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    • pp.415-432
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    • 2024
  • This study developed and applied the teacher education model and its principles for science classes using Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) content and analyzed preservice elementary teachers' feedback on the teacher education model and the changes in their perceptions as to the use of VR/AR content. First, existing Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) teacher education models and prior studies on the use of the VR/AR contents were reviewed to derive the teacher education model to cultivate the VR/AR-TPACK and set the key principles for each of its stages. The developed teacher education model has five stages: exploration, mapping, collaborative design, practice, and reflection. Second, to examine the appropriateness of the model's five stages and principles, we applied it within the regular course of instruction at the university of education, which was attended by 25 preservice elementary teachers. This study collected data from surveys on the perception of the usage of VR/AR contents before and after the course, as well as the group lesson plans prepared by the preservice teachers, and their feedback on the teacher education model. The feedback on the teacher education model and the survey conducted by the preservice teachers before and after the course were analyzed through open coding and categorization. As a result, most preservice teachers expressed positive opinions about the activities and experiences at each stage of the implementation of the teacher education model. Perceptions related to the usage of the VR/AR content changed in three aspects: first, the vague positive perception of the VR/AR content has changed to a positive perception based on specific educational affordance. Second, they recognized the need for preparedness by anticipating potential problems associated with the use of the VR/AR content. Third, they came to view the VR/AR contents as a useful instructional resource that the teachers could use. Based on these results, we discussed the implications for the VR/AR-TPACK teacher education model and assessed the limitations of the research.

The Political-Economic of Capitalism and its Effects on Spatial Dynamics (도시공간의 변화에 내재한 정치${\cdot}$경제적 논리의 규명-서울시 도심재개발을 대상으로-)

  • Park, Sun-Mee
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.213-226
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    • 1993
  • In Korea, the urban studies of geography have mainly dealt with such a series of research as system of urban place and internal structure of urban area. The existing studies have been carried out with ecological approach. Ecologists, now a days, regard organiation and transfor-mation of the urban space as the process of invasion, succession, and segregation. However it is more proper that cities should be considered not as fragmantary objects, as some ecologists insist, but as synthetic ones in social structure. This research, with adopting a case of the renewasl of central area in Seoul, tried to make it clear that the formation and transition of the city is a product of social structure and examined polical and economic logic which exists in variation of urban space in detail. The results of this study are as follows; Urban renewal of central area is closely related with production and reproduction in capitalist society. In urban center, as business activities had increased since 1973 due to decen-tralization of production process, the necessity of reorganizing the land use in existing central area accordingly increased. The urban renewal program of central area in Seoul was inrroduced under such situation. The urban renewal of central area reflecting the capital logic has changed the central area with six hundred year's tradition. From the urban renewal of central area, not only was the central area, which traditionally had been mixed with various fun-ctions, simplified into the unitary area of busi-ness, but also physical landscape changed. As the land lot in renewal area expanded into regular shape, buildings became larger and taller. The program tremendously raised the price of related area. Aiming at these profits caused by the raised price, a great number of capitalists participated in the program. And as the benefit ratio of the manufacture sector continuously dropped with the economic recession, the pro-gram was carried out much more vigorously. That was because the idle capital accumulated during the recession was invested in property sector and was self-proliferated. The urban renewal raised the land value of central area and drove out the people living in this area. The people moved into the whole parts of the city resulting diffused squatter settlements. And the urban changes in central area were results of the policy of municipal authorities, who supported and systematized the changes lawfully and administratively, as well as reali-zation of capital logic. Due to the renewal policies of central area in Seoul, much more renewals by the only capitalists were carried out than those by the people themselves living in that area. The integration of land ownership in the law of urban renewal shows the reason of that. Moreover, the law allows the third deve-loper to participate in the tasks and admits the land expropriation rights. The municipal autho-rities guaranteed the profitability of the tasks through finacial aid, tax benifit, and relaxation of regulations for construction. As examined above, the changes in the land use of urban space have been led not by the ecological process of development of the city itself, but by the restructuring of capitalism and the intervention of the government authorities.

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Analysis of Morphological Characteristics Among Super Sweet Corn Inbred Lines (초당옥수수 자식계통들에 대한 형태적 특성 연구)

  • Ko, Woo Ri;Choi, Hong-Jib;Sa, Kyu Jin;Cho, Jin-Woong;Lee, Ju Kyong
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    • v.60 no.2
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    • pp.190-196
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    • 2015
  • We evaluated the morphological characteristics in 100 super sweet corn inbred lines, which were developed to breeding super sweet corn variety at Gyeongsangbuk-do Agricultural Research and Extension Services, by examining six quantitative and two qualitative characteristics. On the result of evaluation of two qualitative traits, most of inbred lines showed yellow (91 inbred lines) at seed color (QL1) and weak (68 inbred lines) at seedling vigor (QL2). In the survey of six quantitative traits, the average value for each trait indicated as follows: days of tasseling (QN1, 41.0 to 55.0 days), days of silking (QN2, 44.0 to 59.0 days), anthesis-silking interval (QN3, 2.0 to 7.0 days), tillering (QN4, 0.0 to 2.0), plant height (QN5, 96.0 to 187.0 cm) and ear height (QN6, 30.0 to 86.0 cm). In PCAs (principal component analysis) for 8 morphological characteristics, seedling vigor (QL2) and tillering (QN4) greatly contributed in negative direction and the days of tasseling (QN1) and days of silking (QN2) greatly contributed in positive direction on the first principal component. While, ear height (QN6) and plant height (QN5) contributed in positive direction on the second principal component. Thus these morphological traits, which were greatly contributed in the first and second principal components, might be considered to be useful for discrimination in 100 super sweet corn inbred lines. In our study, the results of morphological variation and PCAs for 100 super sweet corn inbred lines will be helpful for super sweet corn breeding programs such activities as planning crosses for hybrid and line development.

의료인의 호스피스가정간호에 대한 지식과 태도 조사연구

  • Kim, Ok-Gyeom
    • Korean Journal of Hospice Care
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.28-48
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    • 2002
  • The advances of medical technologies have not only prolonged human life span, but also extended suffering period for the patients with incurable medical diseases. Hospice movement was developed to help these patients keep dignity and lives peaceful at the end of their life. Since many patients prefer to spend the last moment of life at home with their family, hospice home care has become very popular worldwide. The purpose of this study for a promotion and development of hospice home care in Korea, and features basic research on medical profession's knowledge and attitudes to hospice home care. This study which was used for the research questionnaires developed by the researcher that were answered by 100 physicians and 127 nurses in a general hospital. Data were collected from April 22, 2002 to May 10, 2002. The SPSS was used to make a comparative analysis of the frequency, percentile, ANOVA, and x2-test. The results of the study were as follows; 1.The medical profession showed high level of knowledge of the definition and philosophy of hospice. However, the physician group of the examinees showed insufficient knowledge of the fact that hospice care includes bereavement care, while the nurse group's response to the same question showed a significant difference(x2=10.752, p=.001). 2.For whom the hospice home care is provided, 95.6% of the respondents showed very high level of knowledge as answering that the incurable terminal illness patients and their families are the beneficiaries of hospice care. The respondents counted nurses, volunteers, pastors, physicians and social workers, consecutively, as hospice care providers. More nurse were positive toward pastors than physicians in regarding as a hospice care provider by a significant difference(x2=11.634, p=.001). 3.For when to referral hospice home care to the patients, only 34.2% answered that patients with less than 6 months of survival time are advised to receive hospice care, reflecting very low level of knowledge. 23.0% of the physicians and 48.0% of the nurses answered that hospice care should be provided when death is imminent, making a significant difference between the two groups(x2=6.413, p=.000). 4.To promote hospice activities, 87.2% pointed out that it is crucial to make general people, including those engaging in the medical field, more aware of hospice. 79.7% answered that a national hospice management should be developed, marking a significant difference between the physician group and nurse group(x2=10.485, p=.001). 5.Advantages of hospice home care are 87.2% responded that patients can have better rest at home receiving hospice home care. Economical merit was brought forward as one of the advantages also, where there was a significant difference between the physicians group and nurse group(x2=7.009, p=.008). 6.The medical professions' attitude to hospice home care are 92.8% of the physicians answered that they would advise incurable terminally ill patients to be discharged from hospital, with 44.3% of them advising the patients to receive hospice home care after leaving the hospital. From the nurses' point of view, 20.9% of the terminally ill patients are being referred to hospice home care after discharge, which makes a significant difference from the physicians' response(x2=19.121, p=.001). 7. 30.6% of physicians have referred terminally ill patients to hospice home care, 75.9% of whom were satisfied with their decision. Those physicians who have never referred their patients to hospice home care either did not know how to do it(66.7%) or were afraid of losing trust by giving the patients an impression of giving up(27.3%). 94.9% of the physicians responded that they would refer their last stage patients to a doctor who is involving palliative care. 8.Only 36.2% of nurses have suggested to physicians that refer the terminally ill patients discharged from the hospital to hospice home care. Once suggested, 95.8% of the physicians have accepted the suggestion. Nurses were reluctant to suggest hospice home care to the physicians, as 48.8% of the nurses said they did not want to. From the result of this study the following conclusion can be drawn, the medical profession's awareness of general hospice care has been increased greatly compared to the results of the previously performed studies. However, this study result also shows that their knowledge of hospice home care is not good enough yet. There is a need for high recommended that medical education institute and develop regular courses on various types of hospice care. Medical field training courses for physicians and nurses will be very helpful as well. It is also important to train hospice experts such as palliative physicians and develop a national hospice management urgently in order to improve the hospice care in Korea.

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Antioxidant and Neuroprotective Effects of Green Tea Seed Shell Ethanol Extracts (녹차씨껍질 에탄올 추출물의 항산화 활성 및 신경세포 보호 효과)

  • Sung, Nak-Yun;Song, Hayeon;Ahn, Dong-Hyun;Yoo, Yung-Choon;Byun, Eui-Baek;Jang, Beom-Su;Park, Chulhwan;Park, Won-Jong;Byun, Eui-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.45 no.7
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    • pp.958-965
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    • 2016
  • The objective of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of green tea seed shell as an industrial byproduct. Green tea seed shell extract (GTSSE) was obtained by ethanol extraction, and the yield was $1.4{\pm}0.22%$. The radical scavenging activities [1,1-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl and 2,2'-azino-bis-(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)], xanthine oxidase inhibition activity, and reducing power of GTSSE dose-dependently increased. To estimate the neuroprotective effect of GTSSE, viability was tested in HT22 mouse hippocampal cells. GTSSE treatment induced cytotoxicity at a concentration higher than $100{\mu}g/mL$ but not at a concentration lower than $50{\mu}g/mL$. Using this optimal concentration range, GTSSE treatment significantly increased cell viability in $H_2O_2$-treated HT22 cells. Further, GTSSE treatment increased superoxide dismutase activity and decreased the malonaldehyde level, a product of lipid peroxidation, in HT22 cells. Therefore, these results indicate that green tea seed shell extract may be useful for the development of antioxidant materials and have potential activity to prevent and treat neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's disease.

A Study on the Archives and Records Management in Korea - Overview and Future Direction - (한국의 기록관리 현황 및 발전방향에 관한 연구)

  • Han, Sang-Wan;Kim, Sung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.1-38
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    • 2002
  • This study examines the status quo of Korean archives and records management from the Governmental as well as professional activities for the development of the field in relation to the new legislation on records management. Among many concerns, this study primarily explores the following four perspectives: 1) the Government Archives and Records Services; 2) the Korean Association of Archives; 3) the Korean Society of Archives and Records Management; 4) the Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management. One of the primary tasks of the is to build the special depository within which the Presidential Library should be located. As a result, the position of the GARS can be elevated and directed by an official at the level of vice-minister right under a president as a governmental representative of managing the public records. In this manner, GARS can sustain its independency and take custody of public records across government agencies. made efforts in regard to the preservation of paper records, the preservation of digital resources in new media formats, facilities and equipments, education of archivists and continuing, training of practitioners, and policy-making of records preservation. For further development, academia and corporate should cooperate continuously to face with the current problems. has held three international conferences to date. The topics of conferences include respectively: 1) records management and archival education of Korea, Japan, and China; 2) knowledge management and metadata for the fulfillment of archives and information science; and 3) electronic records management and preservation with the understanding of ongoing archival research in the States, Europe, and Asia. The Society continues to play a leading role in both of theory and practice for the development of archival science in Korea. It should also suggest an educational model of archival curricula that fits into the Korean context. The Journals of Records Management & Archives Society of Korea have been published on the six major topics to date. Findings suggest that "Special Archives" on regional or topical collections are desirable because it can house subject holdings on specialty or particular figures in that region. In addition, archival education at the undergraduate level is more desirable for Korean situations where practitioners are strongly needed and professionals with master degrees go to manager positions. Departments of Library and Information Science in universities, therefore, are needed to open archival science major or track at the undergraduate level in order to meet current market demands. The qualification of professional archivists should be moderate as well.

Antioxidative and Biological Activites of Extracts of Sweetpotato Tips (고구마 끝순 추출물의 항산화 및 생리활성)

  • Lee, Joon-Seol;Park, Yang-Kyun;Ahn, Young-Sup;Kim, Hag-Sin;Chung, Mi-Nam;Jeong, Byeong-Choon;Bang, Jin-Ki
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    • v.52 no.2
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    • pp.228-238
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to increase sweetpotato utilization and to determine the vegetative value of sweetpotato tips by investigating the phenolic compounds, antioxidative effect in oil, electron donating ability, nitrite scavenging effect and ACE inhibition activities. The phenolic compounds present in sweetpotato tips are the gallic, chlorogenic, gentisic, caffeic, couramic and ferulic acid, which are 16-122 times higher compared to other vegetables such as spinach, soybean sprout, and perilla leaves. In each solvent extract, the total phenolic compounds (175.8mg/g) was composed of 55% EtOAc extraction and 39% BuOH extract, respectively. The results of induction period using the Rancimat method showed that the antioxidant activity of SP tips was higher than the tocopherol or BHT. The relative levels of each solvent extract in SP tips were as follows: EtOAc>BHT>BuOH>Tocopherol>Water>$CHCl_3$>Hexane. The peroxide value was measured every 5 days for 25 days during storage and results showed that the peroxide value, the tips, tuberous root and tocopherol were lower compared to spinach, soybean sprout and perilla leaves. Nitrite scavenging effects were excellent in sweetpotato tips, perilla leaves and soybean sprout, especially, inhibition rate of perilla leaves (72%) were superior to the others. In process of solvent extraction, activity of BuOH and water extractions were the best. ACE inhibition activity in sweetpotato tips was 1.5 times higher than in tuberous roots and $1.9{\sim}3.7$ times higher than in spinach, soybean sprout, perilla leaves.

Antioxidative and Biological Activites of Extracts of Sweetpotato Tips (고구마 끝순 추출물이 알코올 투여 흰쥐의 항산화 효소계 및 지질과산화에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Joon-Seol;Park, Yang-Kyun;Ahn, Young-Sup;Kim, Hag-Sin;Chung, Mi-Nam;Jeong, Byeong-Choon;Bang, Jin-Ki
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.411-420
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    • 2007
  • This study was conducted to increase sweetpotato utilization and to determine the vegetative value of sweetpotato tips by investigating the phenolic compounds, antioxidative effect in oil, electron donating ability, nitrite scavenging effect and ACE inhibition activities. The phenolic compounds present in sweetpotato tips are the gallic, chlorogenic, gentisic, caffeic, couramic and ferulic acid, which are 16-122 times higher compared to other vegetables such as spinach, soybean sprout, and perilla leaves. In each solvent extract, the total phenolic compounds(175.8 mg/g) was composed of 55% EtOAc extraction and 39% BuOH extract, respectively. The results of induction period using the Rancimat method showed that the antioxidant activity of SP tips was higher than the tocopherol or BHT. The relative levels of each solvent extract in SP tips were as follows: EtOAc>BHT>BuOH>Tocopherol>Water>$CHCl_3$>Hexane. The peroxide value was measured every 5 days for 25 days during storage and results showed that the peroxide value, the tips, tuberous root and tocopherol were lower compared to spinach, soybean sprout and perilla leaves. Nitrite scavenging effects were excellent in sweetpotato tips, perilla leaves and soybean sprout, especially, inhibition rate of perilla leaves(72%) were superior to the others. In process of solvent extraction, activity of BuOH and water extractions were the best. ACE inhibition activity in sweetpotato tips was 1.5 times higher than in tuberous roots and $1.9{\sim}3.7$ times higher than in spinach, soybean sprout, perilla leaves.