• 제목/요약/키워드: Research Designs

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A Study on Multipurpose Fashion Design with the Motif of Surrealist Objects (초현실주의 오브제를 모티프로 한 다목적 패션 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Eun, Sook;Lee, Youn-Hee;Park, Jae-Ok
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.15 no.1 s.66
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    • pp.68-80
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    • 2007
  • Surrealism's method of expression and inspiration has been a continuous influence on fashion. What is important is how to identify and research a source of inspiration, and how to use this inspiration to guide the designs that can be worn on a real human body. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to show how to develop ideas and designs from Surrealist objects and how to contribute to the development of designs to the diversity in visual and functional effects along with the changes in consumer's interest. Documentary studies about Surrealism and Surrealist-inflected fashion applying the works of Surrealist and fashion images as a tool of historical research were proceeded. And the ideas for theme, the motifs for print patterns, and the concept of designs were borrowed from Surrealist objects touching on the imagery between the real and reflected, optical and artificial, and the designs were developed with several different visual and functional effects changing color, pattern, size, and length with the function of zippers in each item. It also gives the person wearing it amusement because it includes the concept of play and D.I.Y. With effective planning, it is possible to attract consumer's interest in the market.

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Study on Necktie Textile Design with Korean Traditional Motives (한국 전통문양을 응용한 넥타이 텍스타일디자인 연구)

  • Lee, Youn-Soon;Eum, Ji-Eun
    • Journal of the Korea Fashion and Costume Design Association
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.149-161
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    • 2008
  • Since the use of textile has become more extensive and applied for various products, today, the importance of utility, ornament and civilization of textile is emphasized. Textile design should be able to satisfy the designer's creativity and his/her world of art. Moreover, it should be appropriate for the industrial technology circumstances, and taste of consumers. In Korea, traditional culture has been extremely valued, allowing people to be more interested in textile designs derived from traditional cultural. Therefore, designs inspired by the spirit and sense of traditional patterns has been used to develop modern textile designs. Prior research on products, however, show that cultural motive was insufficient, therefore, in this research the purpose is to design textiles and to develop Korean neckties, an essential component of men's attire, by adapting Korean traditional patterns. In order to conduct the research, first, numerous parers on Korean traditional patterns have been studied to select fundamental data about the development of necktie textile designs. Second, Korean traditional patterns were applied while following the target and concept, and two pieces of necktie textile designs have been suggested. Patterns had been designed by hand drawing and CAD system, they have been suggested as a portfolio. As a result, this article suggests new necktie designs utilizing Korean traditional patterns and, attempts to develop particular pattern designs, which have power to accommodate globalization and to express the special qualities of Korea.

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Numerical simulation of columns with un-bonded reinforcing bars for crack control

  • Chen, G.;Fukuyama, H.;Teshigawara, M.;Etoh, H.;Kusunoki, K.;Suwada, H.
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.409-426
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    • 2007
  • Following previous work carried out in Building Research Institute in Japan, finite element analyses of conceptual column designs are performed in this paper. The effectiveness of the numerical model is evaluated by experimental tests and parametric studies are conducted to determine influential factors in conceptual column designs. First, three different column designs are analysed: bonded, un-bonded, and un-bonded with additional reinforcing bars. The load-displacement curves and cracking patterns in concrete are obtained and compared with experimental ones. The comparisons indicate that the finite element model is able to reflect the experimental results closely. Both numerical and experimental results show that, the introduction of un-bonded zones in a column end can reduce cracking strains, accordingly reduce the stiffness and strength as well; the addition of extra reinforcement in the un-bonded zones can offset the losses of the stiffness and strength. To decide the proper length of the un-bonded zones and the sufficient amount of the additional reinforcing bars, parametric studies are carried out on their influences. It has been found that the stiffness of un-bonded designs slightly decreases with increasing the length of the un-bonded zones and increases with the size of the additional reinforcing bars.

Optimal Minimum Bias Designs for Model Discrimination

  • Park, Joong-Yang
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.339-351
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    • 1998
  • Designs for discriminating between two linear regression models are studied under $\Lambda$-type optimalities maximizing the measure for the lack of fit for the designs with fixed model inadequacy. The problem of selecting an appropriate $\Lambda$-type optimalities is shown to be closely related to the estimation method. $\Lambda$-type optimalities for the least squares and minimum bias estimation methods are considered. The minimum bias designs are suggested for the designs invariant with respect to the two estimation methods. First order minimum bias designs optimal under $\Lambda$-type optimalities are then derived. Finally for the case where the lack of fit test is significant, an approach to the construction of a second order design accommodating the optimal first order minimum bias design is illustrated.

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Fashion Cultural Product Designs Using Artifacts Excavated from the Iksan Mireuksaji

  • Kim, Hye Kyung;Hong, Jeong Hwa
    • The Korean Fashion and Textile Research Journal
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.511-519
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this study is to develop fashion cultural product designs in order to promote the Iksan region by using motifs from the Mireuksaji, Iksan's most representative archeological site of Baekje culture. The fashion cultural products designs developed by applying cultural resources can be effective at enhancing our cultural identity. Adobe Illustrator CS4 and Adobe Photoshop CS4 were used to reconstruct motifs from the Sumakse tiles and the bronze horse figure in the Mireuksaji Museum. The Iksan brand slogan "Amazing Iksan" was combined with the bronze horse to emphasize the local cultural identity. The motifs from the Mireuksaji were modified and stylized to make different patterns and these patterns were repeated in various ways to be applied to necktie and scarf designs. The motifs for necktie designs were double-row chrysanthemum tiles and phoenix tiles, and the motifs for scarf designs were the double-row lotus tiles and the bronze horse artifacts. Different colorways were chosen and the value of each color was displayed in the CMYK percentages. As a result, eight necktie designs and twelve scarf designs were proposed. The motifs and patterns developed in this study can be used to introduce Iksan's distinct history as the birthplace of Baekje culture. It is also expected that the result of this study can advance the promotion of Korean traditional culture internationally.

Evaluation of different designs of 3D printed clear aligners on mandibular premolar extrusion using force/moment measurement devices and digital image correlation method

  • Jong-Chan Baik;Youn-Kyung Choi;Yonghun Cho;Yunju Baek;Sung-Hun Kim;Seong-Sik Kim;Soo-Byung Park;Ki Beom Kim;Yong-Il Kim
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.359-373
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    • 2024
  • Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of three-dimensional (3D) printed clear aligners (CA) with different designs on the extrusion of mandibular premolars using a force/moment measurement system and digital image correlation (DIC). Methods: The forces and moments applied to the mandibular canines, first and second premolars were measured using a multi-axis force/moment transducer when an extrusion of 0.5 mm was planned, assuming the mandibular first premolars were intruded by 1 mm. In addition, displacement and strain changes in the CA were analyzed using the DIC method. CA designs were categorized based on the presence of first premolar attachment and subdivided into equigingival margins, 1-mm extended margins, equi-margins with 1-mm thickness and height, and equi-margins with 1-mm reduced buccolingual width. The CA was printed directly at a thickness of 0.5 mm, and the experiments were conducted at 37℃. Results: The results showed that attachment played an important role in the extrusion of first premolars in both the force/moment measurement system and the DIC method. Intrusion was observed without attachment, even though extrusion was planned. CA designs apply greater force to the cervical region by extending the margin or reducing the buccolingual width, thereby improving extrusion efficiency. Conclusions: Force and moment changes in direct 3D printed CA are complex and difficult to predict; however, modifying aligner designs, such as extending the margin or reducing buccolingual width, and using appropriate attachments could minimize unwanted tooth movement, optimize planned treatment, and increase treatment predictability.

Classification Rule for Optimal Blocking for Nonregular Factorial Designs

  • Park, Dong-Kwon;Kim, Hyoung-Soon;Kang, Hee-Kyoung
    • Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.483-495
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    • 2007
  • In a general fractional factorial design, the n-levels of a factor are coded by the $n^{th}$ roots of the unity. Pistone and Rogantin (2007) gave a full generalization to mixed-level designs of the theory of the polynomial indicator function using this device. This article discusses the optimal blocking scheme for nonregular designs. According to hierarchical principle, the minimum aberration (MA) has been used as an important criterion for selecting blocked regular fractional factorial designs. MA criterion is mainly based on the defining contrast groups, which only exist for regular designs but not for nonregular designs. Recently, Cheng et al. (2004) adapted the generalized (G)-MA criterion discussed by Tang and Deng (1999) in studying $2^p$ optimal blocking scheme for nonregular factorial designs. The approach is based on the method of replacement by assigning $2^p$ blocks the distinct level combinations in the column with different blocks. However, when blocking level is not a power of two, we have no clue yet in any sense. As an example, suppose we experiment during 3 days for 12-run Plackett-Burman design. How can we arrange the 12-runs into the three blocks? To solve the problem, we apply G-MA criterion to nonregular mixed-level blocked scheme via the mixed-level indicator function and give an answer for the question.

Efficient Designs to Develop a Design Space in Quality by Design (설계기반 품질고도화에서 디자인 스페이스 구축을 위한 효율적인 실험계획)

  • Chung, Jong Hee;Kim, Jinyoung;Lim, Yong B.
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.523-535
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: We research on the efficient response surface methodology(RSM) design to develop a design space in Quality by Design(QbD). We propose practical designs for the successful construction of the design space in QbD by allowing different number of replicates at the box points, star points, and the center point in the rotatable central composite design(CCD). Methods: The fraction of design space(FDS) plot is used to compare designs efficiency. The FDS plot shows the fraction of the design space over which the relative standard error of predicted mean response lies below a given value. We search for practical designs whose minimal half-width of the tolerance interval per a standard deviation is less than 4.5 at 0.8 fraction of the design space. Results: The practical designs for the number of factors between two and five are listed. One of the designs in the list could be chosen depending on the experimental budget restriction. Conclusion: The designs with box points replications are more efficient than those with the star points replication. The sequential method to establish a design space is illustrated with the simulated data based on the two examples in RSM.

Augmented D-Optimal Design for Effective Response Surface Modeling and Optimization

  • Kim, Min-Soo;Hong, Kyung-Jin;Park, Dong-Hoon
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.203-210
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    • 2002
  • For effective response surface modeling during sequential approximate optimization (SAO), the normalized and the augmented D-optimality criteria are presented. The normalized D-optimality criterion uses the normalized Fisher information matrix by its diagonal terms in order to obtain a balance among the linear-order and higher-order terms. Then, it is augmented to directly include other experimental designs or the pre-sampled designs. This augmentation enables the trust region managed sequential approximate optimization to directly use the pre-sampled designs in the overlapped trust regions in constructing the new response surface models. In order to show the effectiveness of the normalized and the augmented D-optimality criteria, following two comparisons are performed. First, the information surface of the normalized D-optimal design is compared with those of the original D-optimal design. Second, a trust-region managed sequential approximate optimizer having three D-optimal designs is developed and three design problems are solved. These comparisons show that the normalized D-optimal design gives more rotatable designs than the original D-optimal design, and the augmented D-optimal design can reduce the number of analyses by 30% - 40% than the original D-optimal design.

A Study of Digital Hanbok Design: focuse on Online Games (디지털 한복 디자인 연구: 온라인게임을 중심으로)

  • Cho, Du Na
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.56 no.2
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 2018
  • Online game digital hanbok has an aesthetic value in a digital culture and is useful for developing a digital hanbok design for online games as well as other industries. This thesis analyzes its attire and design composition elements to design a 3D digital hanbok by utilizing its formative characteristics. The literature review defines them as transmutability, virtuality, fictionality, reality and playfulness based on the characteristics of digital media, late digital generation and online games. We analyzed 471 images from 50 online games. Sonmaep was used for making 3D digital hanboks. Its attire was grouped into jogori pants, jogori chima, po and armor. Its design composition elements were classified as pleat, layering mu or hemline, mu sub gyeopmagi mitbadae, vent, git dongjung and decoration elements. The results feature 8 digital hanbok designs. Reality designs are replicas of jogori daegugo for men and po for women in the period of the Three States. Virtuality designs are slightly changed shapes of yoseoncheolrik for men and white jogori yellow chima for women in the Koryo Dynasty. Fictionality designs are casual fusion armors for men and women as a hyperbolic form. Playfulness designs are doll costumes for men and jogori chima for women as a kitsch and childish style. The concept of online game digital hanbok escapes from conceptual limitations of traditional hanboks. This result can be used for designing digital hanbok contents in various industrial parts.