• Title/Summary/Keyword: Repeated learning

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Predicting Prognosis in Patients with First Episode Psychosis Using Mismatch Negativity : A 1 Year Follow-up Study (초발 정신증 환자에서 Mismatch Negativity를 이용한 1년 간의 예후 예측 연구)

  • Jang, Moonyoung;Kim, Minah;Lee, Tak Hyung;Kwon, Jun Soo
    • Korean Journal of Schizophrenia Research
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2017
  • Objectives : It has been shown that early intervention is crucial for favorable outcome in patients with schizophrenia. However, development of biomarkers for predicting prognosis of psychotic disorder still requires more research. In this study, we aimed to investigate whether baseline mismatch negativity (MMN) predict prognosis in patients with first episode psychosis (FEP). Methods : Twenty-four patients with FEP and matched healthy controls (HCs) were examined with MMN at baseline, and their clinical status were re-assessed after 1 year. Repeated-measures analysis of variance was performed to compare baseline MMN between the two groups. Multiple regression analysis was used to identify factors predicting prognosis in FEP patients during the follow-up period. Results : MMN amplitudes at baseline were significantly reduced in patients with FEP compared to healthy controls. In the multiple regression analysis, baseline MMN amplitude significantly predicted later improvement of performances on digit span and delayed recall of California Verbal Learning Test. However, baseline MMN did not predicted improvement of clinical symptoms. Conclusion : These results indicate that MMN may be a possible predictor of improvement in cognitive functioning in patients with FEP. Future study with larger sample and longer follow-up period would be needed to confirm the findings of the current study.

Observation and Analysis of Green Algae Phenomenon in Soyang-ho in 2023 Using Satellite Images (위성영상을 활용한 2023년 소양호 녹조 현상 관측 및 분석)

  • Sungjae Park;Seulki Lee;Suci Ramayanti;Eunseok Park;Chang-Wook Lee
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_1
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    • pp.683-693
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    • 2023
  • In this study, we used satellite images to analyze the green algae phenomenon that first occurred in Soyang-ho, which was completed in 1973. The research data used 13 optical images over a period of about 2 months from July 2023, and the area of green algae that occurred in Soyang-ho was calculated. To calculate the exact area where green algae occurred, image classification was performed based on the support vector machine algorithm. As a result, green algae in Soyang-ho occurred around the point where the impurities that caused the green algae were introduced. It seemed to temporarily decrease due to the effects of Typhoon Khanun in August 2023, but green algae increased again due to the continued heat. Soyang-ho is one of the major water sources in the metropolitan area, suggesting that we must prepare for repeated green algae outbreaks.

The Effects of an Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Exposure Reduction Education Program on the Knowledge of Endocrine Disruptors and Behavior, Experience of Dysmenorrhea in Nursing Students (내분비계 장애물질 노출 저감화 교육 프로그램이 간호대학생의 내분비계 장애물질 지식, 행동, 월경곤란증에 미치는 효과)

  • Hyun-Ye Lee;Yeongmi Ha
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.63-72
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: The study was aimed to examine the effects of endocrine disrupting chemicals exposure reduction education program on the knowledge of endocrine disruptors and behavior, experience of dysmenorrhea in nursing students. Methods: The study design was nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest experimental design with repeated measurement. Participants included 26 female sophomore nursing students divided into an experimental group and a control group of 13 persons, respectively. The experimental group received an education program using a flipped learning aimed at reducing exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals, provided twice a week for 85-minute-session each, totaling 4 sessions (340 minutes). The control group was required to remotely watch videos twice a week for 25-minute-session each, totaling 4 sessions (100 minutes). Results: The findings showed that the knowledge of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the experimental group improved before the education, after the education, and 2 weeks after the education, with significant differences between time points (F=2.17, p=.003). The endocrine disrupting chemicals reduction behaviors in the experimental group also improved before the education, after the education, and 2 weeks after the education, with significant differences between time points (F=4.28, p<.001). Experience of dysmenorrhea showed a decreasing trend before the education, after the education, and 2 weeks after the education, but there were no significant differences between time points (F=0.58, p=.452). Conclusion: As exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals due to environmental pollution increases, it is necessary to implement education programs aimed at reducing exposure to these substances among nursing students through college-level curriculum, particularly to protect the reproductive health of female college students and enhance their wellness.

The Impact of Cognitive Load Factors and Arousal Levels of Galvanic Skin Response on Task Performance in Computer Based Learning (컴퓨터 기반 학습에서 인지부하 요인과 GSR의 각성수준이 과제수행에 미치는 영향)

  • Ryu, Jee-Heon
    • Science of Emotion and Sensibility
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.279-288
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to verify the impact of cognitive factors and GSR on the task performance. For this study 64 students participated. Multiple regression and repeated measures were applied to analyze the data. The result for the survey indicated that previous knowledge, physical efforts, and task difficulty had significant impacts on task performance. Particularly, task difficulty has a negative impact. This can be interpreted as someone who has high prior knowledge inputs higher physical efforts with low task difficulty perception will show high performance. On the other hand, the low arousal level of GSR in the evaluation stage is a prediction variable of task performance. This result shows that high prior knowledge and low arousal level of GSR produces high performance. However, the analysis of difference in GSR between learning and evaluation stages does not show significant difference. It suggests that physiological measure such as GSR is reliable index of cognitive load; however, it partially represents cognitive load. Other crucial factors should be added for comprehensive measures.

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Interaction Patterns in Dialogic Inquiry of Middle School Students in Small Groups in the Natural History Gallery (자연사관 관람에서 중학생 소집단의 대화적 탐구에서 나타나는 상호작용 유형)

  • Jung, Won-Young;Lee, Joo-Youn;Park, Eun-Ji;Kim, Chan-Jong;Lee, Sun-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.7
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    • pp.909-927
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    • 2009
  • Inquiry became an essential methodology in science education. Recently, argumentation becomes more important in inquiry, but inquiry-based teaching in school science would not provide enough opportunities for students to have voluntary and active interactions during inquiry activities. Informal science learning can be an alternative for authentic inquiry. Accordingly, this study aims to find interaction patterns in dialogic inquiry of junior high school students in small groups in the natural history gallery. Inquiry elements and interaction patterns are analyzed with 42 dialogues of 13 small groups. As a result, seven interaction patterns are identified. First, five major interaction patterns were drawn as follows; Sharing questions, asking questions and simple response, asking questions and simple explanation, asking questions-simple explanation-(collecting data)-data based explanation, and asking questions-collecting data-data based explanation. Second, pattern 2, 'asking questions and simple response', is subdivided into three categories; passive and/or evasive response, inaccurate response, and repeated patterns of asking questions-simple response. The results of the study provide different patterns of dialogic interactions in a small group inquiry in informal contexts from formal contexts, and provide foundations to understand middle school students' interactive dialogues of inquiry occurred in the natural history gallery.

Exploring Variables Related to Students' Understanding of the Convergence of Basic and Applied Science (기초과학과 응용과학의 융합에 관한 학생들의 이해와 관련된 변인 분석)

  • Ha, Min-Su;Lee, Jun-Ki
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.320-330
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    • 2012
  • Understanding the relation between basic science and applied science is important for students in understanding the importance of learning science, the relationship between scientific knowledge and human life, and for enhancing their science motivation. In this study, we evaluated the statistical validity of this hypothetical model and explored the effect of gender and students' preferred courses (e.g., humanities, science, and art) on four dependent variables. We also evaluated the differences of students' understanding across scientific domains and students' understanding concerning basic and applied scientific knowledge. Three hundred and twenty five 10th grade students participated in this survey research. Statistically, we employed bivariate correlation, partial correlation, path analysis, two-way ANOVA, and repeated measures ANOVA. Our findings illustrated that our hypothetical model was statistically valid. In addition, the significant interaction effects of gender and students' preferred courses on each dependent variable were shown. Students have different levels of understanding of the convergence of basic and applied science, the relation between scientific knowledge and human life, and the importance of learning science across scientific domains (e.g., physics, chemistry, earth science and biology).

An Item Pool System for Leveled Assessment (수준별 평가를 위한 문제은행 시스템)

  • Hong, Jong-Gee;Jun, Woo-Chun
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.298-307
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    • 2002
  • Recent advances in the Web technology have been changing our life in various aspects. These advances have brought us new paradigms of education. The Web provides teachers with many opportunities to implement wide ranges of new teaching and learning practices, which supplement the traditional classroom teaching-learning. Especially, the Web enables so-called WBI (Web-based instruction) system as a teaching aid. Now the WBI system can incorporate multimedia information with various communication and collaborative tools. In order for the WBI system to be successful, various supports are necessary. One of such supports comes from assessment. In this work, an item pool system for leveled assessment is designed and implemented. The proposed system has the following characteristics. First, the item pool is classified into three categories subject, semester, and chapter. This categorization makes lookup easier and faster. Second, any teacher can use the item pool system and enter their questions into the item pool. Third, the proposed system reflects various levels of students for each course. Thus, students can select their exams based on their progress and background. Finally, it can make difficulty of each item to be objective by repeated tests and refinements.

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University Professor's Experience and Demands of Online Teaching Method Content (대학 교수자의 온라인 교수법 콘텐츠 수강 경험 및 요구)

  • Min, Hyeree
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.744-758
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    • 2021
  • This study is aimed at identifying the possibility and effectiveness of teaching methods education for professors through the development of online teaching content and providing important implications for future online teaching content development and utilization strategies by looking at the differences in the experience and needs of professors who have taken online teaching content. A university surveyed 83 professors who took the seven teaching contents developed between 2015 and 2018, and took them from 2017 to 2019. As a result of the study, professors often took online teaching content for self-development purposes, were satisfied with the overall content, and cited the low psychological burden and resistance of education through personal learning, and the possibility of repeated learning online. The differences between importance and execution in content composition, the areas of statistically significant difference were easy-to-understand delivery, appropriate and sufficient examples, interest and motivation, facilitating interaction between learners, appropriate difficulty, reflection of current trends, appropriate presentation order and ethical composition. The importance level recognized by professors in the area was higher than execution level. In conclusion, opinions for improving online teaching content were appropriate and sufficient examples in the area of content composition, interest and motivation, and reflection of the latest trends. In the area of ease of use, there was stable playback, relay function, and location-independent.

Formation of New Approaches to the Use of Information Technology and Search For Innovative Methods of Training Specialists within the Pan-European Educational Space

  • Stratan-Artyshkova, Tetiana;Kozak, Khrystyna;Syrotina, Olena;Lisnevska, Nataliya;Sichkar, Svitlana;Pertsov, Oleksandr;Kuchai, Oleksandr
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.97-104
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    • 2022
  • European integration processes have acted as a catalyst for the emergence of a new type of educational environment, which is characterized by competent flexibility of specialists. Therefore, the article focuses on professional training of teachers in the context of European integration processes using information technology and the search for innovative methods of training specialists. One of the educational priorities in Europe is to create a new model of a teacher who has an academic education, knows innovative methods, is able to perform functions and tasks efficiently and professionally, adequately, quickly and correctly respond to changes and innovations. The tasks facing education in the European dimension are formulated. The main trends in the education of teachers in modern Europe are described: the need to deepen and expand subject training programs in pedagogical institutions of Higher Education, which will allow autonomy of activity, awareness of responsibility for independent creative decisions, create favorable conditions for the development of professionalism through the use of Information Technology and the search for innovative methods of training specialists. At the present stage, various models of teacher training are being developed based on the University and practical concept using information technology and searching for innovative methods of training specialists. On this basis, two different theories of perception of teacher education were formed: as preparation of teachers for work throughout their professional career; as preparation for the first years of professional work, which is periodically repeated in the process of continuous professional training and improvement. Among the advantages that the use of Information Technology and the search for innovative methods of training specialists to implement the learning process, it is worth mentioning the following: simultaneous use of several channels of perception of the student or student in the learning process, thanks to which the integration of information processed by different sensory organs is achieved; the ability to simulate complex real experiments; visualization of abstract information by dynamic representation of processes, etc.

Lived Experiences of High School Students for the "Naesin" Grading as a Norm-Referenced Evaluation (고등학생이 경험하는 내신제도와 상대평가에 대한 현상학적 연구)

  • Chun, Heejung;Son, Hoyang;Woo, Ju Young
    • Korean Journal of School Psychology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.401-431
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    • 2019
  • This study explored the lived experiences of high school students who experienced a norm-referenced evaluation with the Naesin system. The participants were 15 high school students who resided in the areas of Seoul, Gyeonggi, and Busan. This study adopted a phenomenological research method, which is developed by Giorgi. The study resulted in 370 meaning units, 71 summaries of meaning units, 26 sub-constituents, and 9 constituents. The results showed that participants experienced their relationships with classmates were centered around competitions and they experienced the sense of repeated frustration with their academic goals. Participants perceived that their personal values equated with their academic rankings and they anticipated academic rankings becoming their future social rankings. Low rankings with good performance, learning for exam, and unfair treatment in school made them realize that the education is not for learning but for differentiating students. Participants have found the ways to know better about reality and self-regulated their thoughts and emotions. Further, this study identified resilient aspects of the participants such as support from parents and teachers and hopeful thoughts. This study discussed the meaning of the findings and implications of the findings.