• Title/Summary/Keyword: Removal technique

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Decontamination of Simulated Test Piece by Dry Ice Pellet Blasting (드라이아이스 펠렛 분사에 의한 모의 시편의 제염)

  • Shin Jin-Myeong;Park Jang-Jin;Yang Myung-Seung
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.30-36
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    • 2004
  • Dry decontamination technique is required for maintaining nuclear material handling equipment contaminated with highly radioactive material in a hot cell. In order to determine the optimum blasting conditions of dry ice pellet blasting device, the basic experiments have been conducted on the simulated test specimens of four types of metals. The removal efficiency of test piece was evaluated by the XRF analysis and the change of the surface condition before and after blasting. The removal efficiency of cesium on loose contamination was 100% under blasting pressure; 3 kg/$cm^2$, blasting distance; 10 cm, blasting time: 10 sec. In case of fixed contamination, the removal efficiency of cesium was almost 96% under blasting pressure; 4kg/$cm^2$, blasting distance; 10 cm, blasting time; 30 sec.

Evaluation on Tungsten CMP Characteristic using Fixed Abrasive Pad with Alumina (알루미나 고정입자패드를 이용한 텅스텐 CMP 특성 평가)

  • 박범영;김호윤;김형재;서헌덕;정해도
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2002.10a
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    • pp.206-209
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    • 2002
  • The fixed abrasive pad(FAP) has been introduced in chemical mechanical polishing(CMP) field recently. In comparison with the general CMP which uses the slurry including abrasives, FAP takes advantage of planarity. resulting from decreasing pattern selectivity and defects such as dishing due to the reduction of abrasive concentration especially. This paper introduces the manufacturing technique of $Al_2$O$_3$-FAP using hydrophilic polymers with swelling characteristic in water and explains the self.texturing phenomenon. It also focuses on the chemical effects on tungsten film and the FAP is evaluated on the removal rate as a function of chemicals such as oxidizer, catalyst, and acid. The removal rate is achieved up to 1000A1min as about 70 percents of the general one. In the future. the research has a plan of the advanced FAP and chemicals in tungsten CMP considering micro-scratch, life-time, and within wafer non-uniformity.

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A Study on the Optimization for the Blasting Process of Glass by Taguchi Method (다구찌 기법을 이용한 유리소재의 블라스팅 가공공정의 최적화에 관한 연구)

  • Yoo, Woo-Sik;Jin, Quan-Qia;Chung, Young-Bae
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.30 no.2
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    • pp.8-14
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    • 2007
  • The powder blasting process has become an important machining technique for the cost effective fabrication of micro devices. This process is similar to sand blasting, and effectively removes hard and brittle materials. A large number of investigations on the abrasive jet machining with such output parameters as material removal rate, penetration and surface roughness have been carried out and reported by various authors. To achieve higher surface roughness, to increase material removal rate and to identify the influence of blasting parameters on the output parameters, we use the taguchi method which is one of the design methods of experiments. We can select process parameters to optimize the blasting process of glass. Experimental results indicate that the taguchi method is useful as a robust design methodology for the powder blasting process.

A Study on the Removal of Microcystis aeruginosa by Coagulants of the Ceramic-Zeolite type and Yellow loess (응집제 Ceramic-Zeolite type과 황토를 이용한 Microcystis aeruginosa 제거에 관한 연구)

  • 박홍기;정은영;이유정;정종문;최식영;홍용기
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.405-409
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    • 2002
  • For the proposal of Microcystis aeruginosa control technique by coagulants, removal effects of coagulants were carried out using isolated strain and collected water bloom of M. aeruginosa on Downstream of the Nakdong River. Both of purified and field-collected M. aeruginosa were entirely sedimented by the addition of the coagulant ceramic-zeolite type Co 100 (1.5 mg/$\ell$) within 24 hr, but Yellow loess (10 mg/$\ell$) was less effective for the removal of M. aeruginosa within 24hr. Thus it was concluded that Ceramic-Zeolite type Co 100 was the most effective coagulant.

Generalized Directional Morphological Filter Design for Noise Removal

  • Jinsung Oh;Heesoo Hwang;Changhoon Lee;Younam Kim
    • KIEE International Transaction on Systems and Control
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    • v.2D no.2
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    • pp.115-119
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    • 2002
  • In this paper we present a generalized directional morphological filtering algorithm for the removal of impulse noise, which is based on a combination of impulse noise detection and a weighted rank-order morphological filtering technique. For salt (or pepper) noise suppression, the generalized directional opening (or closing) filtering of the input signal is selectively used. The detection of impulse noise can be done by the geometrical difference of opening and closing filtering. Simulations show that this new filter has better detail feature preservation with effective noise reduction compared to other nonlinear filtering techniques.

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Chemical Mechanical Polishing Characteristics of PZT Thin Films (PZT 박막의 화학.기계적 연마 특성)

  • Seo, Yong-Jin;Lee, Woo-Sun
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers C
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    • v.55 no.12
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    • pp.549-554
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    • 2006
  • In this paper we first applied the chemical mechanical polishing (CMP) process to the planarization of ferroelectric film in order to obtain a good planarity between electrode and ferroelectric film. $Pb_{1.1}(Zr_{0.52}Ti_{0.48})O_3$ (shortly PZT) ferroelectric film was fabricated by the sol-gel method. And then, we compared the structural characteristics before and after CMP process of PZT films. Removal rate, WIWNU% and surface roughness have been found to depend on slurry abrasive types and their hardness, especially, surface roughness and planarity were strongly depends on its pH value. A maximum in the removal rate is observed in the silica slurry, in contrast with the minimum removal rate occurs at ceria slurry. We found that the surface roughness of PZT films can be significantly reduced using the CMP technique.

Simple image artifact removal technique for more accurate iris diagnosis

  • Kim, Jeong-lae;Kim, Soon Bae;Jung, Hae Ri;Lee, Woo-cheol;Jeong, Hyun-Woo
    • International journal of advanced smart convergence
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.169-173
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    • 2018
  • Iris diagnosis based on the color and texture information is one of a novel approach which can represent the current state of a certain organ inside body or the health condition of a person. In analysis of the iris images, there are critical image artifacts which can prevent of use interpretation of the iris textures on images. Here, we developed the iris diagnosis system based on a hand-held typed imaging probe which consists of a single camera sensor module with 8M pixels, two pairs of 400~700 nm LED, and a guide beam. Two original images with different light noise pattern were successively acquired in turns, and the light noise-free image was finally reconstructed and demonstrated by the proposed artifact removal approach.

A Modified Steering Kernel Filter for AWGN Removal based on Kernel Similarity

  • Cheon, Bong-Won;Kim, Nam-Ho
    • Journal of information and communication convergence engineering
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.195-203
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    • 2022
  • Noise generated during image acquisition and transmission can negatively impact the results of image processing applications, and noise removal is typically a part of image preprocessing. Denoising techniques combined with nonlocal techniques have received significant attention in recent years, owing to the development of sophisticated hardware and image processing algorithms, much attention has been paid to; however, this approach is relatively poor for edge preservation of fine image details. To address this limitation, the current study combined a steering kernel technique with adaptive masks that can adjust the size according to the noise intensity of an image. The algorithm sets the steering weight based on a similarity comparison, allowing it to respond to edge components more effectively. The proposed algorithm was compared with existing denoising algorithms using quantitative evaluation and enlarged images. The proposed algorithm exhibited good general denoising performance and better performance in edge area processing than existing non-local techniques.

Removal of broken syndesmotic screw with minimal bone defects in Korea: a case report

  • Min Gyu Kyung;Chulhee Park
    • Journal of Trauma and Injury
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.265-268
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    • 2023
  • Ankle fractures with syndesmotic injuries often require fixation, where metal screw fixation is a popular method. However, as the patient begins weight-bearing, most syndesmotic screws tend to loosen or break, and removal of such screws has been challenging for the surgeons, as the available techniques require predrilling or trephination and are associated with risks of bone damage. This study presents a case with technical tip for the removal of broken tricortical-fixed non-cannulated syndesmotic screws. It implements the generation of a small cortical window in the medial distal tibia and the use of pliers to engage the screw tip and remove through the medial side. The technique presented in the current study overcomes these limitations and facilitates minimal bone damage and reduced exposure to radiation.

Pull-in Suture Technique for the Disinsertion of the Phalangeal Tendon Distal Insertion (Pull-in 봉합술을 이용한 수지건 원위 부착부 파열의 치료)

  • Kim, Jae Won;Chung, Sung Mo
    • Archives of Plastic Surgery
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    • v.35 no.6
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    • pp.723-728
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: The disinsertion of the phalangeal tendon distal insertion has difficulties in ordinary tenorrhaphy operation for the anatomical features, and still has controversy between non-surgical and surgical management. The purpose of this study is to select treatment for the injury of the phalangeal tendon distal insertion, as we've had a good results from operation treatment with Pull-in suture technique. Methods: We reviewed the hospital records of 12 patients treated with Pull-in suture technique with disinsertion of the phalangeal extensor or flexor tendon distal insertion from June 2006 to June 2007. Eight patients were involved with the tendon disinsertion without bone fracture, and 4 patients were involved with the fracture of the phalangeal tendon distal insertion site. After removal of the K-wire in week 6, active physical exercises were commenced immediately. The mean follow-up period was 12.4 months. Results: All the patients who had tendon disinsertion with bone fracture had IIB, by Wehbe and Schneider's classification 2, and we evaluated the results comparing the same finger of the other hand according to Crawford's evaluation criteria 5. The nine excellent and three good results were obtained and there were no limitation of motor for the patient who had operation for the rupture of flexor tendon as well. There were no particular complications during the follow-up period. Conclusion: The most important thing for the disinsertion of the phalangeal tendon distal insertion is to maintain an accurate and durable reduction state keeping the tension of tendon. At this point, after removal of the K-wire, the Pull-in suture technique allows accurate realignment of the tendon-bone unit without any specific instrumentation under the more stable state. The Pull-in suture technique seems to be a strong alternative for the treatment of disinsertion of the phalangeal tendon distal insertion, with successful treatment outcome(rapid functional recovery and high patient satisfaction).