• Title/Summary/Keyword: Remote Training

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Development of Deep Learning Based Ensemble Land Cover Segmentation Algorithm Using Drone Aerial Images (드론 항공영상을 이용한 딥러닝 기반 앙상블 토지 피복 분할 알고리즘 개발)

  • Hae-Gwang Park;Seung-Ki Baek;Seung Hyun Jeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2024
  • In this study, a proposed ensemble learning technique aims to enhance the semantic segmentation performance of images captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). With the increasing use of UAVs in fields such as urban planning, there has been active development of techniques utilizing deep learning segmentation methods for land cover segmentation. The study suggests a method that utilizes prominent segmentation models, namely U-Net, DeepLabV3, and Fully Convolutional Network (FCN), to improve segmentation prediction performance. The proposed approach integrates training loss, validation accuracy, and class score of the three segmentation models to enhance overall prediction performance. The method was applied and evaluated on a land cover segmentation problem involving seven classes: buildings,roads, parking lots, fields, trees, empty spaces, and areas with unspecified labels, using images captured by UAVs. The performance of the ensemble model was evaluated by mean Intersection over Union (mIoU), and the results of comparing the proposed ensemble model with the three existing segmentation methods showed that mIoU performance was improved. Consequently, the study confirms that the proposed technique can enhance the performance of semantic segmentation models.

An Ecosystem Model and Content Research of the Satellite Information Utilization Business (위성정보 활용 사업의 생태계 모델과 콘텐츠 연구)

  • Seungkuk Baik ;Jinhwa Roh;Hyounjoo Shim;Xuanning Zhu
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.39 no.5_4
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    • pp.1075-1084
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    • 2023
  • Satellite-derived data is collected by observing the Earth and is used in various fields such as national defense, natural disasters, location-based services, infrastructure, environment, energy, marine, and insurance. This study aims to present the virtuous cycle structure of the satellite information data industry and the business ecosystem model of the industry. As a research method, cases were collected and categorized from the following areas: literature, online, application, and content. The results show that the ecosystem model of the satellite information data industry provides an approach to content services in public and commercial areas, and develops various algorithmic technologies to facilitate content production and services at the level of complex general-purpose technologies. Second, in terms of content typology, satellite information data can be subdivided into monitoring content, urban space monitoring content, and satellite information content. Third, the consumption value of satellite content could be subdivided into informational value, environmental, social and governance (ESG) value, educational value, and content value. In order to expand the global content market, Korea will need to focus on creating an ecosystem for the satellite information industry and discovering differentiated content. It will also need to increase the popularization and accessibility of data to the general public and promote the Korean K-Satellite Information Data Industry ecosystem through government support, policy efforts, and policies such as establishing legal systems, increasing investment, and training human resources.

Inflow Estimation into Chungju Reservoir Using RADAR Forecasted Precipitation Data and ANFIS (RADAR 강우예측자료와 ANFIS를 이용한 충주댐 유입량 예측)

  • Choi, Changwon;Yi, Jaeeung
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.8
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    • pp.857-871
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    • 2013
  • The interest in rainfall observation and forecasting using remote sensing method like RADAR (Radio Detection and Ranging) and satellite image is increased according to increased damage by rapid weather change like regional torrential rain and flash flood. In this study, the basin runoff was calculated using adaptive neuro-fuzzy technique, one of the data driven model and MAPLE (McGill Algorithm for Precipitation Nowcasting by Lagrangian Extrapolation) forecasted precipitation data as one of the input variables. The flood estimation method using neuro-fuzzy technique and RADAR forecasted precipitation data was evaluated. Six rainfall events occurred at flood season in 2010 and 2011 in Chungju Reservoir basin were used for the input data. The flood estimation results according to the rainfall data used as training, checking and testing data in the model setup process were compared. The 15 models were composed of combination of the input variables and the results according to change of clustering methods were compared and analysed. From this study was that using the relatively larger clustering radius and the biggest flood ever happened for training data showed the better flood estimation. The model using MAPLE forecasted precipitation data showed relatively better result at inflow estimation Chungju Reservoir.

Development of the Cloud Monitoring Program using Machine Learning-based Python Module from the MAAO All-sky Camera Images (기계학습 기반의 파이썬 모듈을 이용한 밀양아리랑우주천문대 전천 영상의 운량 모니터링 프로그램 개발)

  • Gu Lim;Dohyeong Kim;Donghyun Kim;Keun-Hong Park
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.45 no.2
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    • pp.111-120
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    • 2024
  • Cloud coverage is a key factor in determining whether to proceed with observations. In the past, human judgment played an important role in weather evaluation for observations. However, the development of remote and robotic observation has diminished the role of human judgment. Moreover, it is not easy to evaluate weather conditions automatically because of the diverse cloud shapes and their rapid movement. In this paper, we present the development of a cloud monitoring program by applying a machine learning-based Python module "cloudynight" on all-sky camera images obtained at Miryang Arirang Astronomical Observatory (MAAO). The machine learning model was built by training 39,996 subregions divided from 1,212 images with altitude/azimuth angles and extracting 16 feature spaces. For our training model, the F1-score from the validation samples was 0.97, indicating good performance in identifying clouds in the all-sky image. As a result, this program calculates "Cloudiness" as the ratio of the number of total subregions to the number of subregions predicted to be covered by clouds. In the robotic observation, we set a policy that allows the telescope system to halt the observation when the "Cloudiness" exceeds 0.6 during the last 30 minutes. Following this policy, we found that there were no improper halts in the telescope system due to incorrect program decisions. We expect that robotic observation with the 0.7 m telescope at MAAO can be successfully operated using the cloud monitoring program.

A Study on DTS Data Modeling for MVDC Integrated Operation (MVDC 연계 운용을 위한 DTS 데이터 모델링에 관한 연구)

  • Chae-Young Lim;Yeong-Su Park
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.855-861
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    • 2024
  • The power industry is undergoing a rapid transformation with the adoption of smart grid standards, advanced communication infrastructure, and new technologies for distributed power. MVDC (Medium Voltage Direct Current) technology plays a vital role in promoting efficient energy transmission and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, necessitating a structured architecture for stable management. This paper implements services defined in IEC 61850 and IEC 62541, defining a Virtual Manufacturing Device (VMD) to objectify the DTS (Digital Twin System). The VMD abstracts essential functions for control and monitoring, which are realized in DTS to enhance capabilities. The objectified DTS data facilitates server-client data exchange. Additionally, the proposed DTS-MS communication protocol defines transmitted data in JSON for remote access, providing node functionality for MVDC testing environments. The paper analyzes reference models for Digital Twin, proposes an Ethernet-based DTS architecture using international standards, and verifies the real-time performance improvements of the proposed system through mathematical simulations.

Characteristics of Telepresence by Multisensory Feedback and Related Neural Mechanism in Patients with Schizophrenia : A Functional MRI Study (조현병 환자에서 다감각적 되먹임에 의한 원격현존감 특성 및 관련 신경 기전 : 기능자기공명영상 연구)

  • Han, Ki-Wan;Choi, Soo-Hee;Park, Il-Ho;Lee, Hyeong-Rae;Kim, Sun-I.;Kim, Jae-Jin
    • Korean Journal of Biological Psychiatry
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.121-127
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The multimodal telepresence systems have been adopted in a variety of applications, such as telemedicine, space or underwater teleoperation and videoconference. Multimedia, one of the telepresence systems, has been used in various fields including entertainment, education and communication. The degree of subjective telepresence is defined as the probability that a person perceives to be physically in the remote place when he/she experiences a multisensory feedback from the multimedia. The current study aimed to explore the neural mechanism of telepresence related to multisensory feedback in patients with schizophrenia. Methods : Brain activity was measured using functional magnetic resonance imaging while fifteen healthy controls and fifteen patients with schizophrenia were experiencing filmed referential conversation at various distances (1 m, 5 m and 10 m). Correlations between the image contrast values and the telepresence scores were analyzed. Results : Subjective telepresence was not significantly different between the two groups. Some significant correlations of brain activities with the telepresence scores were found in the left postcentral gyrus, bilateral inferior frontal gyri, right fusiform gyrus, and left superior temporal sulcus. There were no main effects of group and distance. Conclusion : These results suggest that patients with schizophrenia experience telepresence as appropriately as healthy people do when exposed to multimedia. Therefore, patients with schizophrenia would have no difficulty in immersing themselves in multimedia which may be used in clinical training therapies.

Development of a Model of Grading System to improve the Capability of Applying Information of Teachers (교원정보활용능력 향상을 위한 급수제 모델 개발)

  • Kim, Jeong-Rang;Kim, Chul;Park, Sun-Joo;Ma, Dai-Sung
    • Journal of The Korean Association of Information Education
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.120-127
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    • 2000
  • All possible efforts have been done to adapt to the information-oriented society throughout the whole area of education. Especially, it is strongly demanded that teachers should effectively apply information communication and disposal to all the educational activities of instruction-learning, students management, school affairs, and administrative affairs. In this thesis, we chose as educational contents the information technology which is necessary in an educational site to increase the capability of applying information of teachers and developed remote training materials. In addition, we developed measurement instruments to evaluate the capability of applying information of teachers and gave grades to them. Grading System of the Capability of Applying Information of Teachers will be a standard of the capability of applying information.

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Primary Health Care and Desirable Policy Directions in Korea (1차보건의료와 바람직한 정책방향)

  • 박형종;김공현
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.95-108
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    • 1991
  • The World Health Organization and its member states, in 1978, declared that primary health care is a key to attain the goal of Health for All by the goal of Health for All by the yeas 2000. As a member state of WHO, the Republic of Korea has participated in the declaration of ALMA-ATA and committed to put national efforts for devedoping and implementing primary health care approach with the spirit and content of this Declaration. Since 1978, to translate the spirit of the Declaration into realization, Korean goverment has developed a new category of health manpower such as Community Health Practitioners serving people living in remote rural areas and Village Health Workers serving voluntarily their own village, strengthened the function of Health Centers and Health Subcenters through their reorientation and improved the infrastructure by their new construction or renovation. While primary health care is viewed as an essential health care in Korea, there are some circles who follow a narrow definition in referring to the health care at the periphey of a health system, which is erroneous. Considering the PHC is accepted as the best alternative approach to health care to solve problems that modern health systems are facing, we propose the followings as desirable health policy directions that modern health systems are facing, we propose the followings as desirable health policy directions which might translate the persopective into action at the national level after reviewing past and current PHC approach in Korea : 1. To improve the equity through the reduction of gaps between those who have access to health care and those who have not. 2. To reinforce multisectoral approach and intersectoral coordination through the re- establishment of the National Health Council or establishment of equivalent organization at the central level. 3. To stengthen community participation through lacal people's empowerment by leadership training, changing planning process from the top-down approach to bottom-up and giving the priority to human resources rater than technology, 4. To reinforce the Ministries of Health and Social Affairs through upgrading its role and function to Coordinate Ministries which involve human welfare policies, and creating a Division which is in charge of PHC in the Ministry.

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Development of Wireless Neuro-Modulation System for Stroke Recovery Using ZigBee Technology (ZigBee를 이용한 뇌졸중 치료용 무선 전기 자극기 개발)

  • Kim, G.H.;Ryu, M.H.;Shin, Y.I.;Kim, H.I.;Kim, N.G.;Yang, Y.S.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.153-161
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    • 2007
  • Stroke is the second most significant disease leading to death in Korea. The conventional therapeutic approach is mainly based on physical training, however, it usually provides the limited degree of recovery of the normal brain function. The electric stimulation therapy is a novel and candidate approach with high potential for stroke recovery. The feasibility was validated by preliminary rat experiments in which the motor function was recovered up to 80% of the normal performance level. It is thought to improve the neural plasticity of the nerve tissues around the diseased area in the stroked brain. However, there are not so much research achievements in the electric stimulation for stroke recovery as for the Parkinson's disease or Epilepsy. This study aims at the developments of a wireless variable pulse generator using ZigBee communication for future implantation into human brain. ZigBee is widely used in wireless personal area network (WPAN) and home network applications due to its low power consumption and simplicity. The developed wireless pulse generator controlled by ZigBee can generate various electric stimulations without any distortion. The electric stimulation includes monophasic and biphasic pulse with the variation of shape parameters, which can affect the level of recovery. The developed system can be used for the telerehabilitation of stroke patient by remote control of brain stimulation via ZigBee and internet. Furthermore, the ZigBee connection used in this study provides the potential neural signal transmission method for the Brain-Machine Interface (BMI).

A Bio Edutainment Contents System based on Virtual Reality (가상현실 기반의 바이오 교육 콘텐츠)

  • Lee, Jun;Park, SungJun;Kim, HyungSeok;Kim, Jee-In
    • Proceedings of the Korea Contents Association Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2009
  • An Edutainment Contents help the learners to recognize the problems effectively, grasp and classify important information needed to solve the problems and convey the contents of what they have learned. Owing not only to this game-like fun but also to the educational effect, The Edutainment contents can be usefully applied to education and training in the areas of scientific technology and industrial technology. This study proposes the Edutainment that users can apply to biotechnology by using intuitive multi-modal interfaces. In this study, a stereoscopic monitor is used to make three dimensional molecular structures, and multi-modal interface is used to efficiently control. Based on the system, this study easily solved the docking simulation function, which is one of the important experiments, by applying these game factors. For this, we suggested the level-up concept as a game factor that depends on numbers of objects and users.

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