• Title/Summary/Keyword: Remote Display

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A Study on the Development of AVCS(Airside Vehicle Control System) in Gimpo Airport Based on RTK-GPS (RTK-GPS 기반의 김포공항 이동지역 차량통제 시스템 개발방안 연구)

  • Sanghoon Cha;Minguan Kim;Jeongil Choi
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.85-100
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    • 2023
  • The development of Airside Vehicle Control System(AVCS) at Gimpo Airport aims to reduce ground safety accidents in movement area and improve airport operation efficiency and safety management service quality. The vehicle is controlled by a brake controller RTK-antenna and On-Board Diagonostics(OBD) module. Location data is transmitted to a nearby communication base station through a Wi-Fi router and the base station is connected to the AVCS by an optical cable to transmit location data from each vehicle. The vehicle position is precisely corrected to display information using the system. The system allows airport operators to view registered information on aircraft and vehicles and monitor their locations speeds and directions in real time. When a vehicle approaches a dangerous area alarm warnings and remote brake control are possible to prevent accidents caused by carelessness of the driver in advance.

Web-based synthetic-aperture radar data management system and land cover classification

  • Dalwon Jang;Jaewon Lee;Jong-Seol Lee
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.7
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    • pp.1858-1872
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    • 2023
  • With the advance of radar technologies, the availability of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images increases. To improve application of SAR images, a management system for SAR images is proposed in this paper. The system provides trainable land cover classification module and display of SAR images on the map. Users of the system can create their own classifier with their data, and obtain the classified results of newly captured SAR images by applying the classifier to the images. The classifier is based on convolutional neural network structure. Since there are differences among SAR images depending on capturing method and devices, a fixed classifier cannot cover all types of SAR land cover classification problems. Thus, it is adopted to create each user's classifier. In our experiments, it is shown that the module works well with two different SAR datasets. With this system, SAR data and land cover classification results are managed and easily displayed.

Design and Implementation of the JAVA Serial Communication Program to Control the Industrial Digital Indicator (산업용 디지털 지시계 제어를 위한 자바 시리얼 통신 프로그램의 설계와 구현)

  • Kim, Tai-Suk;Kim, Jong-Soo;Lee, Jung-Hwa
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.794-801
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    • 2011
  • Main machinery in the factory have various digital indicator to display its operating data for the manager. It is useful to control these datum at the remote office for factory automation in order to increase machine productivity. It is easy to use Ethernet infrastructure for remote communication. But most of all machinery in domestic factories still support RS232c or RS485 serial communication way. In this case to control machinery datum on the ethernet base, it is need to change RS232C or RS485 data to ethernet base. In this paper, in order to develop a remote progress management system through the wireless Internet, we show a design method to make easy maintenance by developing the system with both the JAVA language and RxTx Package for RS232c serial communication. For the system implementation, we added the digital indicator connect with a thermo couple to a machine which provide the real time status data of temperature. To connect machines management server program, we set up a convertor to change the RS485 data to the RS232c and also another convertor to change the RS232c data to wireless ethernet.

Development of Android Smartphone App for Corner Point Feature Extraction using Remote Sensing Image (위성영상정보 기반 코너 포인트 객체 추출 안드로이드 스마트폰 앱 개발)

  • Kang, Sang-Goo;Lee, Ki-Won
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2011
  • In the information communication technology, it is world-widely apparent that trend movement from internet web to smartphone app by users demand and developers environment. So it needs kinds of appropriate technological responses from geo-spatial domain regarding this trend. However, most cases in the smartphone app are the map service and location recognition service, and uses of geo-spatial contents are somewhat on the limited level or on the prototype developing stage. In this study, app for extraction of corner point features using geo-spatial imagery and their linkage to database system are developed. Corner extraction is based on Harris algorithm, and all processing modules in database server, application server, and client interface composing app are designed and implemented based on open source. Extracted corner points are applied LOD(Level of Details) process to optimize on display panel. Additional useful function is provided that geo-spatial imagery can be superimposed with the digital map in the same area. It is expected that this app can be utilized to automatic establishment of POI (Point of Interests) or point-based land change detection purposes.

A Study on the Efficient Human-Robot Interaction Style for a Map Building Process of a Home-service Robot (홈서비스로봇의 맵빌딩을 위한 효율적인 휴먼-로봇 상호작용방식에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Woo-Hun;Kim, Yeon-Ji;Kim, Hyun-Jin;Yang, Gyun-Hye;Park, Yong-Kuk;Bang, Seok-Won
    • Archives of design research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.60
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    • pp.155-164
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    • 2005
  • Home-service robots need to have sufficient spatial information about the surroundings for interacting with human intelligently and performing services efficiently. It is very important to investigate the efficient interaction style that supports map building task through human-robot collaboration. We first analyzed map building task with a cleaning robot and drew 4 design factors and tentative solutions, including map building procedure (task-preferred procedure/space- preferred procedure), LCD display installation (robot/robot+remote control), navigation method (push type/pull type), feedback modality(GUI/GUI+TTS). The design factors and tentative solutions were defined as independent variables and levels. This research investigated how those variables affect to the human task performance and behavior in map building tast. 8 kinds of experiment prototypes were built and usability test among 16 house wives was conducted for acquiring empirical data. As the experiment result, in terms of map building procedure, space-preferred procedure indicated better task performance than task-proffered procedure as we expected. For the LCD display installation factor, remote control with LCD display indicated higher task performance and subjective satisfaction. In robot navigation method, it was very difficult to find a significant difference between push type and pull type which contrary to our expectation. In fact, push type indicated higher subjective satisfaction. Also in feedback modality, we have acquired negative feedback an additional TTS operation guidance. It seems that robot's autonomy before achieving spatial information is rudiment condition which means users are just interacting with a mobile appliance. Thus they prefer remote-control-based interaction style in robot map building process as they used in traditional appliance control.

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The progress in NF3 destruction efficiencies of electrically heated scrubbers (전기가열방식 스크러버의 NF3 제거 효율)

  • Moon, Dong Min;Lee, Jin Bok;Lee, Jee-Yon;Kim, Dong Hyun;Lee, Suk Hyun;Lee, Myung Gyu;Kim, Jin Seog
    • Analytical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.535-543
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    • 2006
  • Being used widely in semiconductor and display manufacturing, $NF_3$ is internationally considered as one of the regulated compounds in emission. Numerous companies have been continuously trying to reduce the emissions of $NF_3$ to comply with the global environmental regulation. This work is made to report the destruction and removal efficiency (DRE) of electrically heated scrubbers and the use rate in process chambers installed in three main LCD manufacturing companies in Korea. As the measurement techniques for $NF_3$ emission, mass flow controlled helium gas was continuously supplied into the equipment by which scrubber efficiency is being measured. The partial pressures of $NF_3$ and helium were accurately measured for each sample using a mass spectrometer, as it is emitted from inlet and outlet of the scrubber system. The results show that the DRE value for electrically heated scrubbers installed before 2004 is less than 52 %, while that for the new scrubbers modified based on measurement by scrubber manufacturer has been sigificentely improved upto more than 95 %. In additon, we have confirmed the efficiency depends on such variables as the inlet gas flow rate, water content, heater temperature, and preventative management period. The use rates of $NF_3$ in process chambers were also affected by the process type. The use rate of radio frequency source chambers, built in the $1^{st}$ and $2^{nd}$ generation process lines, was determined to be less than 75 %. In addition, that of remote plasma source chambers for the $3^{rd}$ generation was measured to be aboove 95 %. Therefore, the combined application of improved scrubber and the RPSC process chamber to the semiconductor and display process can reduce $NF_3$ emmision by 99.95 %. It is optimistic that the mission for the reduction of greenhouse gas emission can be realized in these LCD manufacturing companies in Korea.

Development of an Android-based App for Total Station Surveying and Visualization using Smartphone and Google Earth (스마트폰과 Google Earth를 이용한 TS 측량 및 가시화 안드로이드 앱 개발)

  • Park, Jinwoo;Lee, Seongkyu;Suh, Yongcheol
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.253-261
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    • 2013
  • Current surveying and spatial information technology incorporates information and communication technology and is user friendly. However, it is not convenient to use in the field because a connection to a computer, such as a laptop, tablet PC, or desktop PC, is needed to obtain the survey results and the coordinates of the surveyed points. To solve this problem, we developed an app that can display surveyed data on a map and the current survey results through a connection between a total station and smartphone using a Bluetooth wireless communication device. The app allows users to perform field work simultaneously with office work in the field, because it consists of Bluetooth, closed traverse survey, current status survey, and coordinate conversion modules. The proposed app should increase user convenience and the operational capability of the total station in the field.

The Algorithm on Channel Converting and Monitoring of the Remote Controlled Transceiver (원격제어 송수신기의 채널변환 및 모니터링에 대한 알고리즘)

  • 조학현;최조천;김기문
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 1999.05a
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    • pp.266-271
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    • 1999
  • The purpose in this study has to development the system on increasing operation of old-typed transceiver for solve the question that limited allocation frequencies and continuesly icreasment of traffic. Therefore, we are desigened the remote control system that has the function for variable channels, PTT and monitoring of transmission power and frequencies. Exchange of control data is to hold in common the twist two-wire or telephone line for the voice transmission. The H/W is consist of FSK and MCS-51 processor which are up-down control of channel, n control and monitoring display by serial data transmission. According to the simplex traffic operation is designed the algorithm of serial data transmission by sequential transmission sequence and protocol. The S/W of sequential transmission sequence is designed to usefully the intergrated communications system which is able to connection between the multi-transceiver and multi-terminal by master processor.

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A Study on the Analysis of $CO_2$ Concentration Variation According to the Indoor Space Condition Changes (다양한 실내 환경에서의 $CO_2$ 농도 변화 분석 연구)

  • Ahn, Gwang-Hoon;Kwon, Jong-Won;Kim, Gyu-Sik;Kim, Hie-Sik
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.347-349
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    • 2009
  • Air quality of indoor space environment is affected by various pollutants like as particles and chemical stuffs. The indoor air pollution affects directly the human respiration organs to cause consequently unpleasant mental status. The $CO_2$ concentration level is one of the harmful components of air pollutants. Major factor to increase the $CO_2$ concentration level is the people's breath amount in indoor. The car exhaust gas diffused from the around road also has strong affect on $CO_2$ concentration. There are some other reasons to affect the $CO_2$ concentration change, such as, real-time change of the population movement, closeness to the indoor air flow inlet window and changes in road car traffic amount. A remote monitoring system to measure environmental indoor air pollution concerning on the $CO_2$ concentration was studied and installed realized set-up model. Zigbee network configuration was applied for this system and the $CO_2$ concentration data were collected through USN network. A software program was developed to assure systematic analysis and to display real-time data on web pages. For the experimental test various condition was set up, like as, window opening, stopping air condition operation and adjusting fan heater work, etc. The analysis result showed the relation of various environmental conditions to $CO_2$ concentration changes. The causes to increase $CO_2$ concentration were experimentally defined as windows closing, the stopping air condition system, fan heater operation. To keep the $CO_2$ concentration under the legally required ppm level in public access indoor space, the developed remote measurement system will be usefully applied.

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Epipolar Resampling Module for CAS500 Satellites 3D Stereo Data Processing (국토위성 3차원 데이터 생성을 위한 입체 기하 영상 생성 모듈 제작 및 테스트)

  • Oh, Jaehong;Lee, Changno
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.36 no.5_2
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    • pp.939-948
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    • 2020
  • CAS500-1 and CAS500-2 are high-resolution Earth-observing satellites being developed and scheduled to launch for land monitoring of Korea. The satellite information will be used for land usage analysis, change detection, 3D topological monitoring, and so on. Satellite image data of region of interests must be acquired in the stereo mode from different positions for 3D information generation. Accurate 3D processing and 3D display of stereo satellite data requires the epipolar image resampling process considering the pushbroom sensor and the satellite trajectory. This study developed an epipolar image resampling module for CAS-500 stereo data processing and verified its accuracy performance by testing along-track, across-track, and heterogeneous stereo data.