• Title/Summary/Keyword: Religious beliefs

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Information Politics of Ukraine in the Field of Freedom of Conscience in a Pandemic

  • Mykola, Palinchak;Dobrodum, Olga;Khrypko, Svitlana;Gold, Olga;Ostashchuk, Ivan;Vlasenko, Inna;Lobanchuk, Olena
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.11
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    • pp.222-228
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    • 2022
  • In today's era of digital technologies, the problem of religious communication in the cyberspace is being actualized, since the globality and accessibility of the WWW makes it one of the most effective and promising channels for transmitting various kinds of messages, including those of a religious nature. Today, religious organizations and movements pay the closest attention to the virtual media space, not only using it to attract new followers, but also for religious PR, image-making and branding, informing the world about themselves through news from the life of the organization and its followers. An equally important form of electronic communication in the online sphere is currently the interaction of various religious movements and religious cultures in general, or the dialogue of confessions in particular. Research in the digital space makes it possible to identify important trends in religious spheres based on the analysis of the flow of information on the Internet, to demonstrate the specifics of individual media outlets and the consequences of their activities for interreligious dialogue, to study the role of the Internet in changing religious beliefs, the possibility of changing religious identity, retrospective development of religious enlightenment at the turn of the century, to determine the vectors of possible interreligious interaction and discuss the role of digital technologies in the work of religious structures, to state the need to continue an active dialogue between representatives of religious movements, to hold expert seminars on interreligious dialogue on a regular basis, and to record the risks generated by the digital space. Thus, the coronavirus pandemic served as a background and context, a litmus test and a catalyst for accelerating and intensifying interreligious, interfaith dialogue and dialogue between religious organizations and society.

중세 이후의 서양 논리사

  • 이승온;이석종
    • Journal for History of Mathematics
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.64-71
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    • 1997
  • This paper is a sequel to [5]. We investigate a relation between the history of modern western logic and religion. The period from the seventeenth century to the present day is dominated by science; traditional religious beliefs remain important, but are felt to need justification, and are modified wherever science seems to make this imperative.

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Online Religious Culture in Korea: Focusing on Religious Activities and Special Cases of Religious Expression (한국의 온라인 종교문화에 대한 시론적 연구 - 온라인 종교활동과 종교적 표현상의 특이 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Shim Hyoung-june;Lee Won-sub;Oh Joon-hyeok;Lee You-na
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.45
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    • pp.187-226
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    • 2023
  • In contemporary society, digital media has become an integral part of daily life that shapes how people interact with the world around them. This phenomenon has also influenced religious activities and practices. Studies on digital religion and religious practices among digital natives in the Western world have indicated that traditional religious practices are on the decline. Instead, more accessible and flexible forms of religious activities and beliefs are emerging. Given this context, it is important to investigate whether similar trends are occurring in Korea. This study aims to explore the religious activities and expressions of Korean individuals in the online environment. Specifically, the study focuses on four main areas: ①the online religious activities of established religions such as Protestantism, Buddhism, and Catholicism; ②the online religious activities related to divination belief systems such as the Four Pillars of Destiny (四柱 saju) and Tarot; ③online holy sites and wish comments or chats; and ④popular religious neologisms such as jileumshin (지름神 a god with the power to justify consumption) and gatsaeng (갓[God]生 one's best life). Through this review, it can be ascertained that religious ideas and practices are restricted by the attributes of digital media. This implies that the emergence of simplistic forms of religious ideas and activities is associated with the features of digital media and the consumption of digital content.

Change and Continuity in Traditional Timugon Rice Cultivation Beliefs and Practices

  • On, Low Kok;Pugh-Kitingan, Jacqueline;Ibrahim, Ismail
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.91-122
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    • 2017
  • Before the start of the North Borneo Company administration in North Borneo (now Sabah, Malaysia) in 1882, the Timugon Murut of today's interior Tenom District lived in longhouses, and practiced head-hunting during wars with other Murutic ethnic groups. Their economy revolved around swidden agriculture of hill rice, sago, and cassava. Wet rice cultivation and water buffaloes were introduced just before 1885. Wet rice was planted on the alluvial plains around the Pegalan and Padas Rivers, while dry rice was planted on hillside swiddens that had been cleared by slash-and-burn methods. Today, wet rice cultivation and cash-cropping on the plains are the main Timugon socioeconomic activities, while some families also plant dry rice on the hills as a back-up. The Timugon believe that the physical world is surrounded by the spiritual world, and everything was made by the creator Aki Kapuuno'. The focus of this field research paper is on the beliefs and ritual practices of the Timugon connected to their traditional rice agriculture. This study found that for generations, the Timugon believed that since animals were created by Aki Kapuuno' for the wellbeing of humans, various types of animals and birds convey omens to guide people. Thus, the older Timugon rice cultivation is strongly influenced by good and bad omens and taboos, and also involves symbolic practices and ritual offerings to guardian spirits of the rice. After the 1930s and especially since the 1960s, most Timugon became Roman Catholic Christians. Hence, this paper also examines changes in the traditional Timugon rice cultivation related beliefs and practices due to religious conversion and other factors.

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The Role of Moral Deficiency in Moral Consumption Behavior - The Implicit and Explicit Approaches: An Empirical Study from Indonesia

  • SYAHRIVAR, Jhanghiz;GENOVEVA, Genoveva;WIDYANTO, Hanif Adinugroho;WEI, Yuling;CHAIRY, Chairy
    • The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business
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    • v.8 no.11
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    • pp.307-316
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    • 2021
  • This research aims to investigate the relationship between moral deficiency and moral consumption. Consumers' moral values cannot be separated from their consumption activities. In other words, consumers' spending preferences may be an expression of their beliefs about what is right and wrong. A less explored concept within moral consumption behavior theory is 'moral deficiency'. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first research effort to integrate green purchasing and religious purchasing under the banner of moral consumption behavior. There are two studies: Study 1 aimed to measure the moral deficiency of participants through moral scenarios (implicit) and then test its relationship with the green purchase and religious purchase, two proxies of moral consumption. A total of 121 universities were chosen via the nonprobability sampling method. To improve the results of the prior study, Study 2 aimed to measure the moral deficiency of participants through moral deficiency self-report (explicit) and then test its effects on green purchase and religious purchase. A total of 208 participants from the general public were recruited via the nonprobability sampling method. The findings of the two studies suggest that participants with high moral deficiency showed more intention to engage in moral consumption behavior.

A Study on the Religious-Ethical Meaning of 'Reorganizing the order of Heaven and Earth' in the Scripture of Daesoonjinrihoe ('천지공사'의 종교윤리적 의미에 대한 연구)

  • Ryu, Sung-min
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.23
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    • pp.1-36
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study is to research the religious-ethical meaning of the scripture (Jeongyung, 典經) of Daesoonjinrihoe, one of religious orders in Korea. It is 'the reorganizing in the order of heaven and earth' (ROHE, 天地公事)that the believers of Daesoonjinrihoe regard as the essence and basis of their religious belief in Jeongyung, and so I focus on it in this paper. And I have applied the method of religious ethics that recognize the relation religion and morality for understanding religious-ethical meaning of moral principles and norms. In the process of this study I have selected a lot of moral principles, norms and activities in ROHE, and sorted them with their social context of ROHE. In this research I have found some characteristics of ethical norms in the ROHE according to three divisions of ethical category such as personal, social and natural ethics. The understanding of mind is an important point of personal ethic in the ROHE. The mind is understood as the subject and object of personal ethical attitude and volition. So one could have ethical attitude by oneself with mind as subject, and reflect and correct on his ethical faults with the mind as ethical object. The distinctiveness of social ethic in the ROHE is special concerns to the weak at that time such as sick person, illegitimate children, shamans, farmhands and etc. This is a logical consequence of the ethical altruism of the ethic of mutual beneficence(相生) and the dignity of human(人尊) in ROHE. And the ethics of mutual beneficence is applied to natural ethic of ROHE. Since natural world including all sort of plants and animals is intimately related to the human worlds, so it is a desirable attitude for to accommodate to the changes of nature. Even if these characteristics of ethics in ROHE are justified by the religious beliefs, the norms from them are available in our religious pluralistic societies, since they have common ethical values of other religious ethics. It is my concluding remark that religious orders or denominations have to offer a lot of moral norms suitable to religious pluralistic situation. Because it is needed for our society to conquer various sort and kind conflicts among religions, and to act harmoniously together for public peace.

A Study on the Ceremonial Costumes in New Aboriginal Religious Groups in Korea (한국 개창 신흥종교 의례복식에 관한 연구)

  • 김현경;임상임
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.123-139
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    • 2003
  • This study examines the characteristics of 45 sects of seven new aboriginal religious groups in Korea including Jeungsan sect, Tangun sect, Soowoon sect, Won Buddhism, Bongnam sect, Gahksedo sect, Shamanism sect through field study and various documents. The purpose of the study is to elucidate how their religious ideas are reflected in their ceremonial costumes and what characteritics and underlying meanings these costumes have, and I reached the following conclusions 1. The new religious groups in Korea modified or mixed the designs or names of existing outfits to convey their ideas or beliefs in their costumes. 2. The costumes of new religious groups turned out to have certain characteristics in common: they all reflected the times, Korean tradition, ancestor worship. 3. I looked at the symbolicity, names, and types of the outfit, and their color scheme to establish their structural characteristics, and it turned out that they an symbolized the creeds and ideas of each religion. The names of the costumes such as Way-Robe, Law-Robe, and Ceremony-Robe, for instance, had to do with Buddhism Taoism, and Confucianism. The most common type of costume consisted of traditional hanbok top, pant, robe, and some type of headpiece for men, and hanbok top and, skirt for women, and if women were to wear a robe, it usually meant the sect believed in sexual equality. There was also a tendency to simplify or minimize the dress code, which seems to indicate that the sect was trying to adapt itself to, the times. The most common type of the outer garment for men was a robe with narrow sleeves, straight lapel, and no slits, and a robe with wide sleeves, straight lapel, and slits for women. The color scheme of the costumes included blue, white, yellow, red, and black, reflecting the influence of the Yin-Yang and Five Elements idea and traditional preference for white of Koreans. 4. These religious costumes were worn at various ceremonies, ritual, and various anniversary services for the master and other dignitaries of the sect to render greater piety to those gatherings, to distinguish the sect from other religious groups, to clarify the meaning of the ceremony, and to heighten the devout feelings of the participants. Thus, the structure (the symbolicity, names, and types of the outfit, and their color scheme) and religious background of the costumes of the new aboriginal religious groups in Korea turned out to have inherited and mixed various element of traditional Korean outfit and those of existing religions to symbolize their religious ideas. Many religions in and fall, and each has its own dress codes, and I hope this study provides a framework and data for other researchers and leaders of new religious groups that will emerge in the future.

Daesoonjinrihoe from both Superficial Religious Perspectives and Deep Religious Perspectives : Focused on Religious Experience (표층과 심층의 시각에서 바라본 대순진리회 - 종교적 경험의 관점에서 -)

  • Lee, Eun-hui
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.27
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    • pp.245-282
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    • 2016
  • Currently, the whole world is being swept away by spiritual movements seeking divinity in oneself. Yet there are terror attacks, religious disputes and other conflicts continuously taking place on larger and larger scales as well as expanding further and further throughout the world. Interreligious harmony seems like a distant ideal. What is the ultimate cause of religious conflicts? Is interreligious communication truly that difficult? Even among different cultures, said cultures' varieties of ritual expressions, and various religious doctrines, there are points of general common to be appreciated if a deep perspective is adopted. When we find the common ground and understand each other's difference, it will be easier to communicate since everyone will be learning from each other. What could serve as common ground for different religions? Many scholars speak about the state of 'oneness' that is claimed by mysticism throughout a large array of religions. This state of oneness is typically not achieved overnight, but it serves as a prospective state which is pluralistically inclusive. This "religion of enlightenment" emphasizes the process of reaching comprehensive interreligious agreement would be characterized by a deep religious perspective. If superficial religious perspectives focuses only on faith to attain blessings and engage in blind belief, then, by contrast, deep religious perspectives emphasize inner divinity, the true self, orthe higher self. The words, 'superficial religious perspective' and 'deep religious perspective' were defined for personal convenience by O Gang-nam, a scholar of comparative religion. Consequently, this classification is a relative binary concept lacking hard and fast rules with regards to distinctions. But the concept of superficial religious perspectives and deep religious perspectives has its advantage in allowing clearer and easier discussion about religions because it could embrace all aspects of religious life and the development of various religious sentiment. In this way, the terms surface religious perspectives and deep religious perspectives will be used in limited framework. I both borrow this concept and reconsider it by referring to other scholars' methods of classification. From that point, I explore and these views in relation to religious experience. How does religiosity develop, maturity of religious faith take place, deep awareness of truth reveal itself, or an attitude of open-mindedness arise? After these states are realized, is interreligious agreement possible? Most religious studies scholars point out 'religious experience.' They say people could develop their faith from superficial religious beliefs into a more mature and deeper faith through religious experience while continuously aspiring towards enlightenment and practicing their religion in daily life. This study will try to examine aspects of superficial religious perspectives and deep religious perspectives represented in each religion and also explore criticism of each religion. With this view of superficial religious perspectives and deep religious perspectives, some cases documenting the religious experience of Daesoonjinrihoe disciples will be analyzed to see how their religiosity develops from superficial religious perspectives into deep religious perspectives through certain religious experiences. The characteristics of those experiences will also be investigated.

The Examination of Pre-service and In-service Elementary School Teachers학 Perceptions about Science - Technology -Society(STS). (교대생과 초등교사의 과학-기술-사회(STS)에 대한 인식도 조사)

  • 김맹희;권치순
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.29-39
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    • 1999
  • The purpose of this investigation was to examine and compare pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers' beliefs about Science-Technology-and Society (STS), particularly beliefs about the nature of science and technology, their interaction within society, and the epistemology of science. Large percentage of pre-service and in-service elementary school teachers were understood to perceive as follows : 1. they regarded the science as 〃Knowledge scheme aiming content'and technology as 'skill for solution of actual problems'. 2. they revealed themselves to perceive tat science/ technology influence our lives through new terms and ideas, that science/ technology is affected by governmental policies and that all the people concerned including scientist and technologist should participate in the course of decision making. 3. they perceived that scientist perform their studies by characteristic abilities and that the studies are affected by their religious viewpoint. Moreover, they were understood to perceive that scientific knowledge are constructed through social interaction. 4. they perceived that scientist discover and develop scientific laws by scientific methods such as verification and certification, and that those scientific laws could be changed later.

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Religious Syncretism in Yakutia: A Case of the Building 'Archie Jiete' (야쿠트의 종교혼합 현상에 대한 고찰: '아르치 지에테'(Archie Jiete)의 건립을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Tschung-Sun
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.25
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    • pp.131-158
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    • 2011
  • In the Sakha(Yakutia) Republic, culture and politics continue to be interwined. Shamanism recently has come out of hiding after Soviet repression, and into fashion. Images of the shaman are changing in villages, where traditional healers have maintained their practices in difficult conditions, and in cities, where a resurgence of spirit belief and healing has led to the revitalization of their nationalism. Shamans and folk healers manipulate their own images, and in turn are changed by the upheavals of politicized cultural revitalization. In this complex and interactive context, folklore about traditional shamans has become especially rich and accessible. I argue here that religion has become an idiom through which competing definitions of homeland and national pride are being shaped. Until September 2002, Yakutsk had never had a 'temple' devoted to the practice of traditional shamanic beliefs. Indeed the whole concept that a building 'Archie Jiete' could contain or represent the beliefs, values and rituals of the Sakha people was new, and highly controversial.