Information Politics of Ukraine in the Field of Freedom of Conscience in a Pandemic

  • Received : 2022.11.05
  • Published : 2022.11.30


In today's era of digital technologies, the problem of religious communication in the cyberspace is being actualized, since the globality and accessibility of the WWW makes it one of the most effective and promising channels for transmitting various kinds of messages, including those of a religious nature. Today, religious organizations and movements pay the closest attention to the virtual media space, not only using it to attract new followers, but also for religious PR, image-making and branding, informing the world about themselves through news from the life of the organization and its followers. An equally important form of electronic communication in the online sphere is currently the interaction of various religious movements and religious cultures in general, or the dialogue of confessions in particular. Research in the digital space makes it possible to identify important trends in religious spheres based on the analysis of the flow of information on the Internet, to demonstrate the specifics of individual media outlets and the consequences of their activities for interreligious dialogue, to study the role of the Internet in changing religious beliefs, the possibility of changing religious identity, retrospective development of religious enlightenment at the turn of the century, to determine the vectors of possible interreligious interaction and discuss the role of digital technologies in the work of religious structures, to state the need to continue an active dialogue between representatives of religious movements, to hold expert seminars on interreligious dialogue on a regular basis, and to record the risks generated by the digital space. Thus, the coronavirus pandemic served as a background and context, a litmus test and a catalyst for accelerating and intensifying interreligious, interfaith dialogue and dialogue between religious organizations and society.



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