• Title/Summary/Keyword: Relief work

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An Analysis of Teacher's Job Stress: Differences in Teacher-Student Relationship and Parental Involvement (잠재프로파일 분석을 통한 초등학교 교사의 직무스트레스 유형 분류 및 영향 요인 검증: 교사-아동 관계, 학부모 교육 참여 차이)

  • Choi, Hyo-Sik;Yeon, Eun Mo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.431-440
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study was to classify the latent profiles of elementary school teachers' job stress and to explore the effects of the relative variables to determine these classifications. In addition, the differences in the teacher-student relationship and parental involvement in school based on the classification were discussed. Data from 709 elementary school teachers who participated in the 11th wave of the Panel Study on Korean Children in 2018 were analyzed by Latent Profile Analysis (LPA). The findings can be summarized as follows. First, four subgroups could be defined according to the elementary school teachers' job stress: low-level job stress group, mid-level job stress group, mid-level administrative work stress group, and mid-level relationship and guidance stress group. Second, the final education and average time to work were significant determinants of the latent groups. Third, teacher-student conflict and parental involvement in school showed differences between the subgroups. Specifically, the mid-level relationship and guidance stress group reported the highest conflict level with children and the lowest parental involvement in school. These findings suggest promoting relief and preventative training programs for elementary school teachers to overcome various job stress.

Mencius Thoughts on Social Welfare (맹자사상의 사회복지적 함의)

  • Kim, Young-Min
    • The Journal of Korean Philosophical History
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    • no.57
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    • pp.91-125
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    • 2018
  • This study aims at attempting to make a new interpretation of Mencius from the point of social welfare. The thoughts of social welfare, found from Mencius, are temporal and humanistic and near to those in nowadays. Social welfare began under the name of philanthropic work, relief work, charitable work or social work from the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century on. Welfare means the whole social activities such as satisfying the fundamental desires of the social members, ensuring the conditions of their lives, and ultimately achieving social integration and stability. It means the conditions of their lives and wellbeing. Wellbeing means the minimal physical desires and psychological stability. The realization of the economic system through concept of steady livelihood and steady mind, tax system and well-field system, proposed by Mencius, can be ensured by the whole social activities such as ensuring the stable lives of the social members, enriching and satisfying their happiness and ultimately achieving social integration and stability. The thoughts of Mencius include people-as-root idea, which regards people as most important and tries to solve the instability and inequality that are the structural vulnerabilities in modern capitalist society. His concept of Way of the king means promoting people's sense of happiness through education of morality, based upon the people-as-root idea and filial and fraternal responsibilities. The main ideas of social welfare include living like a human being, ensuring minimal physical and psychological stabilities through social welfare system and welfare policy, enriching human dignity and freedom and enhancing the quality of lives. The thoughts of Mencius include all the above ideas. In particular, he desired to establish ethically and morally stable society by economically implementing the well-field system in Zhou dynasty, based upon politically benevolent governance of the politicians. That society was the people-as-root society, the realization of which was the ideal society Mencius desired to establish, and the goal of his thoughts on social welfare. This study, among the thoughts of Mencius, investigated his ideas on social welfare and the practical ethics for applying them to real society. In addition, to understand his ideas on social welfare, not only the social and economic backgrounds and conditions but also the political ideas at that time were also investigated. This will provide the opportunity to make more in-depth research of the elements of social welfare intrinsically contained in his thoughts.

A Study on the Utilization Level of Traditional Medicine by Residents - On the basis of Use of Folk Medical Techniques - (주민(住民)의 전통의술(傳統醫術) 이용도(利用度) 조사연구(調査硏究) - 민속요법(民俗療法) 이용(利用)을 중심(中心) 으로 -)

  • Kim, Jin-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.3-18
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    • 1988
  • The general objective of this research is to study behavioral pattern of health care utilization and to measure the level of utilization of the traditional medicine. The specific objective is to study utilization pattern and content of folk medicine which is the indegenous medical technology recognized part of traditional medicine. This research was under taken to generate valid information that will provide basis data for formulating general direction for health education activities and for designing service package for general population. A social survey method was employed to obtain required information for the research activities, The survey field team consisted of 20 surveyors who all participated is an intensive 2 day training course. A total of 3091 households were visited and interviewed by the field team during the period 7 September to 6 October 1987. The major findings obtained from the information collected by the field survey are as follows ; 1) General characteristics of the study households 2562 households out of 3091 households visited were selected for final data process, 80.2 of the selected households were nuclear families ; 17.4%, extended families ; others 2.4%. Only 4.3 percent of the study population in the urban households indicated "no schooling" whereas 14.2% of the rural household members falls within this category. Study population in the urban areas are more protected against diseases by the national medical insurance system than those in rural areas. In their self appraisal of living standard, those who responded with low group are 39.6% and 50.3% respectively by urban and rural households. 2) Morbidity status Period prevalence rate for all diseases during the preceding 15 days before the date of the household interview v as 243,0 per 1,000 study population. For cases with the illness duration of within 15 days, the initial points of medical entry were diversied ; 56.9%, drug stores ; 30.9%, clinics and hospitals ; 4.6% folk medicine ; 1.7% clinics of Korean oriental medicine. Among the chronic case; with illness duration of over 90 days, 34.6% of these people utilized clinics and hospitals of modern medicine ; 31.6%, drug stores ; 18.6% clinics of Korean oriental medicine ; 6.8% folk medical techniques. Noticeable is the almost ten fold increase from the mere 0.9% in the utilization of Korean oriental medicine, whereas in the utilization of folk medicine, it is short of two-fold increase. 3) Folk medicine and its utilization Households that use folk medicine for relief and care of signs and symptoms commonly encountered in daily life, number 1969 households, which accounts for 76.9% of all the study households. This rather high level use of folk medicine is not different from rural to urban areas. The order of frequency of utilizing folk medicine among the study people are : the highest 14.3% for the relief of indigestion ; 8.6% for burns ; 5.1% for common cold ; 4.7% for hiccough ; and 4.2% for hordeolum. A present various procedures of folk medicine is being used to relieve all kinds of symptoms. 192 symptoms are identified at present. The most frequently used procedures of folk medicine appear to be based either on principles of the Korean oriental medicine or of scientific knowledge. Based on these survey findings, proposals for utilizing folk medicine are as follows First, this survey's findings will be feed back to both on the job training and on the spot guidance of community health practitioners, public health nurses and other peripheral work force in the health field, who are in daily contacts with community. This feed back will assure that the health personnel carry out their health education and information activities that are based on the utilization pattern of folk medicine as found in the survey result. Second, studies will be soon implemented that are designed to measure the efficiency and potency of these procedures and to improve these procedures of folk medicine were most frequently used by the community. Third, studies will continue to systematize medicinal plants and skills of Korean oriental medicine that are easily available at minimal cost in daily life for the prevention of diseases and management of emergency cases.

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  • Kim, Woo-Chan;Lee, Chong-Heon;Kim, Kyung-Wook;Kim, Chang-Jin
    • Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.89-109
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    • 1999
  • Vascular spasm which has been reported to occur in 25% of clinical cases continues to be a problem in microvascular surgery; When prolonged and not corrected, it can lead to low flow, thrombosis, and replant or free flap failure. Ischemia, intimal damage, acidosis and hypovolemia have been implicated as contributors to the vascular spasm. Although much work has been done on the etiology and prevention of vasospasm, a spasmolytic agent capable of firmly protecting against or reversing vasospasm has not been found. Therefore vascular freezing was introduced as a new safe method that immediately and permanently relieves the vasospasm and can be applied to microsurgical transfers. Cryosurgery can be defined as the deliberate destruction of diseased tissue or relief the vascular spasm in microvascular surgery by freezing in a controlled manner. 96 Sprague Dawley rats each weighing within 250g were used and divided into 2 group, experimental 1 and 2 group. In the experimental 1 group, right epigastric vessels (artery and vein) were freezed with a cryoprobe using $N_2O$ gas for 1 min. In the experimental 2 group, after freezing for 1 min, thawing for 30 secs and repeat freezing for 30 secs. Left side was chosen as control group in both group. We sacrified the experimental animals by 1 day, 3 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks & 5 months and observed the sequential change that occur during regeneration of epigastric vessels using a histologic, histomorphometric, immunohistochemical and SEM study after the vascular freezing. The results were as follows1. In epigastric arteries, internal diameters had statistically significant enlargement in 1 day, 3 days of Exp-1 group and 1 day, 3 days, 1 week & 2 weeks of Exp-2 group. Wall thickness had statistically significant thinning in 2 weeks of Exp-2 group. 2. In epigastric veins, internal diameters had enlargement of statistical significance in 1 day of Exp-1 and Exp-2 group. 3. The positive PCNA reactions in smooth muscle appeared in 1 week and increased until 2 weeks, decreased in 4 weeks. There was no statistical significance between Exp-1 and Exp-2 group. 4. The positive ${\alpha}$-SMA reaction in smooth muscles showed weak responses until 1 week and slowly increased in 2 weeks and showed almost control level in 4 weeks. 5. The positive S-100 reactions in the perivascular nerve bundles showed markedly decrease in 1 day, 3 days and increased after 1 week and showed almost control level in 4 weeks. Exp-1 group had stronger response than Exp-2 group. 6. In SEM, we observed defoliation of endothelial cell and flattening of vessel wall. Exp-2 group is more destroyed and healing was slower than Exp-1 group. To sum up, relief of vasospasm (vasodilatation) by freezing with cryoprobe was originated from the damage of smooth muscle layer and perivascular nerve bundle and the enlargement of internal diameter in vessels was similar to expeimental groups, but Exp-2 group had slower healing course and therefore vessel freezing in microsurgery can be clinically used, but repeat freezing time needs to be studied further.

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The Study on the Effects of Hospice Care on the Pain Management of the Terminal Cancer Patients (호스피스간호가 말기암환자의 통증에 미치는 효과에 관한 연구)

  • Yoon, Mae-Ok
    • Journal of Hospice and Palliative Care
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.34-44
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    • 2003
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to elucidate the effects of hospice care on pain management of the terminal cancer patients. Method : The subjects of the study were 37 terminal cancer patients hospitalized in the general hospital in JeonJu with the hospice care nit. The data were collected using the questionaire with interviews from July to Nov. in 2000. The severity and interference of pain were examined with the self reported survey based on the Korean version of Brief Pain Inventory (BPI-K). The data were analyzed with the mean, SDs, paired t-test. The hospice care to provide for three weeks. Results : 1) The mean scores of the worst pain for the last 24-hours measured with the pain severity of BPI-K were pre-intervention (6.35) and post (4.76). The pain interference of BPI-K in pre-intervention was enjoy (8.22), work (7.46), walk (7.08) and activity (7.08), while post was of enjoy (6.62), work (6.43), walk (6.11) and activity (5.78), respectively. 2) In pain severity, significant difference was found between the pre-intervention and post in all of followings. - worst pain for last 24 hours (t=4.085, P=.000) - least pain for last 24 hours (t=4.020, P=.000) - average pain for last 24 hours (t=4.254, P=.000) - pain right now (t=4.017, P=.000) 3) In pain interference, significant difference was found between the pre- intervention and the post in all of followings. - activity (t=3.137, P=.003) - mood (t=6.713, P=.000) - walk (t=2.027, P=.050) - work (t=2.132, P=.040) - relate (t=4.143, P=.000) - sleep (t=4.071, P=.000) - enjoy (t=3.881, P=.000) Conclusion : The terminal cancer patients who were offered hospice care had significantly lower hospice care pain and pain interference than those without hospice care. According to these results, hospice care can be regarded as an effective modality in relief of pain in the terminal ill-patients.

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A Study on the Patterns of Alternative Therapy Experienced by the Aged (노인이 경험한 대체요법의 양상에 관한 연구 1)

  • 이강이;김순이
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.336-345
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    • 1999
  • This study looks at the various alternative therapy methods used in day to day life by elderly, over 60 years of age. The elderly have come to know and practice these methods for the following reasons it is good for the health ; it is the method used in the of fen days when there wesn't modern medicine ; it has been passed down from generations ; it can be done at home without having the need to go to the hospital ; acupuncture or poulticing can be used ; it can be done at home, which was an important factor in rural areas where hospitals are few and far between ; and 〔herbal〕 medicine could be prepared at home at no cost ; it derives from experience ; it is impossible to ignore tradition passed down through the generations. Diet control and plants (herbs) are methods most often used. as they are easy to find and can be readily used in critical situations. Other methods include oriental medicine practices of moxibustion with moxa cone, negative therapy, hand and finger acupunture, finger press method. ordinary acupunture, manual healing methods of massage. diaphoretic therapy and meditation to reach a state of calm, and qigong dirigation. The reasons for its use are as follows ; it has been used before ; it is effective ; there is some improvement after the treatment ; it is not harmful to the body ; medicine cannot be obtained and it is the only thing available ; it is not good for an old person to go to the hospital everyday. the symptoms are not serious enough to go to a hospital : and acupuncture is for these things. The means that the elderly have come to practice these methods are : it has been used since the past ; it has been told by the elders ; they have been told by friends ; it was part of their knowledge ; and they have come to know by watching their mother. Further, to regain vitality lost through old age, the elderly have relied on hot soup. a hearty meal. brewed honey water, pumpkin, or ginseng. Humans, by instinct. would rub or massage the areas that caused pain. These actions, combined with a breathing technique have been recognized in Tong-Eui-Bo-Gam(the essential of eastern medicine), the complete work of early modern medicine, are a useful means to revive chi(기). This knowledge is thought to have greatly affected our heathy lifestyle. Furthermore, though the demand for medical services would increase with age, the elderly have not always been able to tend to their needs at the hospital for reasons economic or other. Hence, these alternative therapy methods seem to have been practiced as a temporary means of relief. The excellence of our traditional therapeutic custom has not received full recognition due to the argument relating to its scientific merits. As a result, it has become vital to prove their effectiveness through scientific and other experimental means. The potency of moxibustion with moxa cone and hand and finger acupunture have been proven scientifically. but diet and herbal methods appear to be practiced as a result of customs passed down from generations. In addition, it is submitted that the effectiveness of the traditional methods of disease control and our heathy lifestyle that are easily found in the nursing field must be verified.

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A Study on Practical Analyzing and Improving Disaster Management Organization of Korean Government (재난관리조직의 실태분석과 발전방안)

  • 권오한;남상화;이춘하
    • Fire Science and Engineering
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.127-138
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    • 2001
  • I. introduction. A government goal at the present is established to make a welfare nation and to keep people's safe living, but it is criticised that when a large-scale disaster happens, the authority concerned could not deal with it, causing many people injured and material damage. Moreover, in these days, cities have many risk factors. extremely large and intelligent building, industrial facilities and underground equipment have many risk themselves along with scientific progress. The cope with disaster effectively, government must have efficient organization, skillful personnel, tool, facilities and so on. To reduce the damages, what's the most effective government organization\ulcorner II. Government organization for managing disaster In a few decades, a large-sized accidents broke out in korea, for example, collapse of Sampoong department store, break of Sungso bridge, explosion of Daegu city gas, gas explosion accident at Ahyon-dong etc. but government has not any adequate disaster response organization. Especially, after collapse of Sampoong department store broke out, Disaster Management Act is enacted to solve the past problem. According to Disaster management Act, disaster is limited in manmaid disaster. Therefore, in this thesis, disaster management is inspected theoretically, organization of disaster management for pattern of disaster, and role, duty of government organization, emergency relief organization system and actual conditions are analyzed. there are some problems. there are trials and errors. the government has changed the disaster management organization by the disaster management law. the organization consists of central and local government. but both of government do not work together harmoniously. in thesis, I would like to introduce the advanced nations disaster management organization, and study our central, local government organization. III. Conclusion Change and development of the government disaster management organization is the goal of this thesis. we have to increase public service in response and manage disaster. protecting civilian's life from the disaster is very important responsibility of government. there would be better way of government disaster management organization.

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From Hiroshima to Fukushima: Nuclear and Artist Response in Japan (히로시마에서 후쿠시마까지, 핵과 미술가의 대응)

  • Choi, Tae Man
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.13
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    • pp.35-71
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this essay is to examine the responses of artists on nuclear experiences through an analysis of the nuclear images represented in contemporary Japanese art. Japan has previously as twice experienced nuclear disaster in 20th century. The first atomic bombs were dropped in 1945 as well as the 5th Fukuryumaru, Japanese pelagic fishing boat, exposed by hydrogen bomb test operated by the US in 1954 nearby Bikini atoll. Due to Tsunami taken place by the great earthquake that caused the meltdown of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in March 2010, Japan is being experienced a nuclear disaster again. Despite practical experiences, comtemporary Japanese art has avoided the subject of nuclear disasters since the end of the Asia-Pacific War for a variety of reasons. Firstly, GHQ prohibited to record or depict the terrible effect of atomic bomb until 1946. Secondly, Japanese government has tried to sweep the affair under the carpet quite a while a fact of nuclear damage to their people. Because Japan has produced numerous war record paintings during the Second World War, in the aftermath of the defeated war, most of Japanese artists thought that dealing with politics, economics, and social subject was irrelevant to art as well as style of amateur in order to erase their melancholic memory on it. In addition, silence that was intended to inhibit victims of nuclear disasters from being provoked psychologically has continued the oblivion on nuclear disasters. For these reasons, to speak on nuclear bombs has been a kind of taboo in Japan. However, shortly after the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, the artist couple Iri and Toshi Maruki visited to ruin site as a volunteer for Victim Relief. They portrayed the horrible scenes of the legacy of nuclear bomb since 1950 based on their observation. Under the condition of rapid economical growth in 1960s and 1970s, Japanese subculture such as comics, TV animations, plastic model, and games produced a variety of post apocalyptic images recalling the war between the USA and Japanese militarism, and battle simulation based on nuclear energy. While having grown up watching subculture emerged as Japan Neo-Pop in 1990s, New generation appreciate atomic images such as mushroom cloud which symbolizes atomic bomb of Hiroshima. Takashi Murakami and other Neo-Pop artists appropriate mushroom cloud image in their work. Murakami curated three exhibitions including and persists in superflat and infantilism as an evidence in order to analyze contemporary Japanese society. However, his concept, which is based on atomic bomb radiation exposure experience only claimed on damage and sacrifice, does not reflect Japan as the harmer. Japan has been constructing nuclear power plants since 1954 in the same year when the 5th Fukuryumaru has exposed until the meltdown of Fukushima Nuclear Plant although took place of nuclear radiation exposures of Three Mile and Chernobyl. Due to the exploding of Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, Japan reconsiders the danger of nuclear disaster. In conclusion, the purpose of this paper may be found that the sense of victim which flowed in contemporary art is able to inquire into the response of artist on the subject of nuclear as well as the relationship between society, politics, culture, and modern history of Japan and international political situation.

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Impact of Changes in Medical Aid Status on Health Care Utilization

  • Kim, Woorim;Nam, Chung Mo;Lee, Sang Gyu;Park, Sohee;Kim, Tae Hyun;Park, Eun-Cheol
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.513-522
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    • 2019
  • Background: South Korea operates a Medical Aid (MA) program targeting selected low-income individuals to ensure medical service delivery to the disadvantaged while enhancing self-sufficiency of work-capable beneficiaries. However, as reasons behind welfare exits are diverse and do not always infer poverty relief or the provision of appropriate levels of health care services, this study aimed to investigate the association between changes in MA status and health care utilization. Methods: This study used the 2006 to 2015 National Health Insurance claims data. The impact of changes in annual MA status on health care utilization (yearly number of outpatient visits, inpatient visits, length of stay, and emergency department [ED] visits) was investigated using the generalized estimating equation model. Results: In 117,943 adult subjects aged 20 to 64, compared to the 'MA to MA' group, the 'MA to MA exit' group showed general decreases in utilization (outpatient visits: β=-3.93, p<0.0001; hospital admissions: relative risk [RR], 0.87; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.83-0.91; length of stay: β=-3.64, p<0.0001; ED visits: RR, 0.83; 95% CI, 0.77-0.90). Similar patterns were found in the 'MA exit to MA exit' group (outpatient visits: β=-5.72, p<0.0001; admissions: RR, 0.91; 95% CI, 0.87-0.94; length of stay: β=-5.87; p<0.0001; ED visits: RR, 0.81; 95% CI, 0.75-0.88). Likewise, in 74,747 older adult subjects aged 65 or above, the 'MA to MA exit' group showed reduced levels of utilization (outpatient visits: β=-1.51; p=0.0020), as well as the 'MA exit to MA exit' group (admissions: RR, 0.92; 95% CI, 0.89-0.95; length of stay: β, -5.45; p<0.0001; ED visits: RR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.83-0.97). Conclusion: MA exit was associated with general decreases in health care utilization. Utilization patterns of individuals with experiences of receiving MA benefits should be monitored to promote the ideal use of health care services while preventing potential financial barriers present in accessing medical care.

Quality Analysis of Three-Dimensional Geo-spatial Information Using Digital Photogrammetry (수치사진측량 기법을 이용한 3차원 공간정보의 품질 분석)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jik;Ru, Ji-Ho;Kim, Sang-Youn
    • Journal of Korean Society for Geospatial Information Science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2010
  • Three-dimensional geo-spatial information is important for the efficient use and management of the country and the three-dimensional expression and analysis of urban projects, such as urban plans devised by local governments and urban management. Thanks to the revitalization of the geo-spatial information service industry, it is now being variously used not only in public but also private areas. For the creation of high-guiltily three-dimensional geo-spatial information, emphasis should be placed on not only the quality of the source image and three-dimensional geo-spatial model but also the level of visualization, such as level of detail and texturing. However, in the case of existing three-dimensional geo-spatial information, its establishment process is complicated and its data are not updated frequently enough, as it uses ready-created digital maps. In addition, as it uses Ortho Images, the images exist Relief displacement. As a result, the visibility is low and the three-dimensional models of artificial features are simplified to reach LoD between 2 and 3, making the images look less realistic. Therefore, this paper, analyzed the quality of three-dimensional geo-spatial information created using the three-dimensional modeling technique were applied using Digital photogrammetry technique, using digital aerial photo images by an existing large-format digital camera and multi-looking camera. The analysis of the accuracy of visualization information of three-dimensional models showed that the source image alone, without other visualization information, secured the accuracy of 84% or more and that the establishment of three-dimensional spatial information carried out simultaneously with filming made it easier to gain the latest data. The analysis of the location accuracy of true Ortho images used in the work process showed that the location accuracy was better than the allowable horizontal position accuracy of 1:1,000 digital maps.