• Title/Summary/Keyword: Rehabilitation Order

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Effects of Korean Computer-Based Cognitive Rehabilitation Program on the Memory in Healthy Elderly

  • Lee, Jung Sook;Kim, Sung Won
    • Journal of International Academy of Physical Therapy Research
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.1591-1595
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    • 2018
  • The number of healthy older adults is rapidly increasing recently owing to the increase of the elderly population. Therefore, programs for improving the cognitive functions of these healthy seniors are actively being expanded. This study aimed to prevent the decline of cognitive function due to aging by applying a program enhancing cognitive functions to healthy older adults. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of Korean computer-based cognitive rehabilitation program (CoTras), which is commonly used in cognitive therapy for the aging, on the memory of the elderly. The subjects had scored at least 24 points in MMSE-K. CoTras was applied once a week (30 minutes) for one month. Electronic pegboard programs were used as an evaluation tool: order memory (difficulty=low) and location memory (difficulty=medium). The order and location memories were compared before and after the intervention. The Wilcoxon signed rank-sum test was used for the study at the significance level of ${\alpha}=.05$. The results showed that CoTras significantly improved order memory and location memory. Therefore, CoTras can be applied to the healthy elderly for improving that memory improvement training has a positive impact on healthy older adults result in the development of memory enhancement programs can be expanded in the future.

A Study on the Realization of Daesoonjinri's Haewon Sangsaeng in this World and Its Practical Action (대순진리 해원상생의 현세 실현과 그 실천수행 연구)

  • Kum, Kyo-young
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.25_2
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    • pp.71-102
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, this author studied the realization of Daesoonjinri's Haewon Sangsaeng(解冤相生) in this world, for instance discussed the meaning of Daesoonjinri's Haewon Sangsaeng, a world construction with Haewon Sangsaeng, its practical action for the realization of Haewon Sangsaeng, and so forth. A description of the contents is as follows. Daesoonjinri's Haewon Sangsaeng eliminates the resentment of human destiny, and provides the grounds that we peoples can live with, going to help each other. And then the realization of Daesoonjinri's Haewon Sangsaeng in this world will require us to this society. Really Sangje(上帝) wanted to perform it in this world, and has performed it with a reorganizing in the order of heaven and the earth(天地公事). In response to the deeper sublimest will of Sangje, we humans can not help but do as follows: When Sangje has done a reorganizing in the order of heaven and the earth, we humans should participate in it. This is our response to the will of Sangje who wants to build an ideal society in this world. And in oder to participate in a reorganizing in the order of heaven and the earth, we humans should look up Sangje with Sincerity(誠), Reverence(敬), and should practice the words of Sangje with Faith(信). This kind of thing is a route that we should avoid Jeokwon Sanggeuk(積怨相克) and should perform Haewon Sangsaeng. This Haewon Sangsaeng can be achieved with no Chuck(無慼), an altruistic, no greed(無慾), an execution of asceticism(修道), and the practice of Podeok (布德)·Rehabilitation(敎化). No making of a Chuck, doing an altruistic, no greed, an execution of asceticism would not deceive others, would not murder others, would not blame the transgressions of others, would not discriminate, would not harm others. And Podeok·Rehabilitation should be performed well in practice. When performing Podeok and Rehabilitation, we should not nullify them as unjust words or undue actions, and we must be a true. Because we must make the words of Sangje inform a world wide well, and must convince the words of Sangje to peoples so that they can adhere to them with a faith. That's the way that we humans should participate in a reorganizing in the order of heaven and the earth in this current world, and the way that we should contribute to building the ideal society in the world.

New Rehabilitation Method of Prestressed Concrete Rahmen Bridge with a Hinge at Midspan (프리스트레스트 콘크리트 활절 라멘교의 신보강공법 (상진대교구교적용))

  • 이원표;하성욱;김성호
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2001.11a
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    • pp.979-984
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    • 2001
  • The Sang-Jin bridge constructed by the Free Cantilever Method in 1985 is 4-span concrete rahmen bridge with a hinge at midspan. Due to the effect of creep, shrinkage of concrete and relaxation of tendon, the Sang-Jin bridge exposed the excessive displacement at midspan with the passage of time. In order to improve the load-carrying-capacity and durability of the bridge, needs to repair and rehabilitate the structure emerged. New rehabilitation methods were applied such as external prestressing of concrete box, application of pier pre-camber and steel truss jacking. Structural analysis and several tests including static load test, dynamic load test and ambient vibration test were executed to verify the improvement. The test result showed that the displacement of the midspan was improved by 10mm and it was verified that the stiffness of the bridge was increased. Totally, the load-carrying-capacity of Sang-Jin bridge was increased at least 1.56times which was attributed to the new rehabilitation method.

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Development of the physical pressure measurement device and orthodontic chair to prevent pressure sores (욕창 예방을 위한 체압 측정 장치 및 교정용 의자 개발)

  • Kang, Dong-Won;Kim, Kyoung-Myoung;Jang, Kyung-Bae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2009.07a
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    • pp.1974_1975
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    • 2009
  • The chairbound, handicapped person often requires a cushion to distribute the supportive forces over the largest area possible in order to reduce the risk of the development of a pressure sore. Pressure sores are areas of damaged skin caused by staying in one position for too long and can cause serious infections, some of which are life-threatening. When sitting upright, the greatest proportion of body weight is centerd over the ischial tuberosities. So, it is important that comfortable seating and largest distribution of pressure to prevent pressure sores. Therefore, the objective of this study was to develop the physical pressure measurement device and orthodontic chair to prevent pressure sores.

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A Virtual Bike Simulator System for Balance Rehabilitation Training using Virtual Reality

  • Kim, Jong-Yun;Song, Chul-Gue;Kim, Nam-Gyun
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.153.1-153
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes a development of rehabilitation training system for the postural balance control. A new rehabilitation training system, designated as a virtual cycling system, was developed to improve postural balance control by combining virtual reality technology with an unfixed bicycle. In this experiment, 20 normal adults were tested to investigate the influencing parameters of postural balance control. In order to evaluate the usefulness and the training effects of the system, several parameters Including path deviation, cycling velocity, cycling time, center of pressure, and head movement were evaluated and analyzed quantitatively. Also, to improve the effect of balance training, the visual feedback information related to the subject´s weight shift was ...

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A VR Bike Simulator for Balance Rehabilitation Training

  • Kim, Jong-Yun;Song, Chul-Gue;Kim, Nam-Gyun
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2001.10a
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    • pp.181.6-181
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    • 2001
  • This paper describes a development of rehabilitation training system for the postural balance control. A new rehabilitation training system, designated as a virtual cycling system, was developed to improve postural balance control by combining virtual reality technology with an unfixed bicycle. In this experiment, 20 normal adults were tested to investigate the influencing parameters of postural balance control. In order to evaluate the usefulness and the training effects of the system, several parameters including path deviation, cycling velocity, cycling time, center of pressure, and head movement were evaluated and analyzed quantitatively. Also, to improve the effect of balance training, the visual feedback information related to the subject's weight shift was assessed to identify whether it was useful. It could be also known ...

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Comparison of Electromyographic Activities in the Neck Region According to the Screen Height and Document Holder Position (스크린 높이와 서류 고정대 위치에 따른 경부 주위 근육의 활성 정도 비교)

  • Kwon, Hyuk-Cheol;Jeong, Dong-Hoon
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.829-837
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    • 2001
  • Using Video Display Terminals(VDT) in the working environment often causes health complaints in the neck and shoulder region. This study was conducted on ten subjects, in order to investigate the change of electromyographic activities in the neck region(sternocleidomastoid muscle, upper trapezius muscle and erector muscle of cervical spine)with regards to the screen height and document holder position. A total of six different conditions of screen height and document holder position were measured during subjects performed a text-entry task for a duration of 10min. The raw EMG signal was transmuted into the root mean square(RMS). Two-way ANOVA for repeated measures was used to analyse the effects of the two factors. As a result, changing the screen height and document holder position has no effect on electromyographic activities in the neck region.

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Effects of Gamishinchubogun-tang on Regeneration of PC12 Cells (가미신추보건탕(加味伸椎步建湯)이 PC12 세포의 재생에 미치는 영향)

  • Gu, Ji-Hyang;Lee, Chi-Ho;Lee, Eun-Jung
    • Journal of Haehwa Medicine
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.37-44
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    • 2016
  • Objectives : This study was designed to investigate the effect of Gamishinchubogun-tang (JiaweiShenzhuibujian-tang; GSB) on regeneration of PC12 cells. Methods : PC12 cells have been used extensively as a model for studying the cellular and molecular effects of neuronal cells. In order to check the effect of GSB on the regeneration of PC12 cells, the morphological change of PC12 cells were observed comparatively in GSB group and control group. Results : The significant changes in neurite length of PC12 cells have been observed on GSB group. In proportion to the concentration of GSB it was observed an increase in neurite outgrowth. Conclusions : This study confirmed that GSB made a significant influence on regeneration of PC12 cells.

Study of MMPI on Obese Patients (비만환자의 MMPI에 대한 고찰)

  • Yang Jae-Sun;Kwon Young-Dal;Lee Sang-Gyu
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1411-1418
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    • 2005
  • Obesity is not classed in general psychiatry disease. But, psychoneurotic factor has been known to be a risk factor of obesity. In order to evaluate and understand the psychoneurotic state on obese patient, this study used Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory(MMPI). Total patients were classified into 3 or 5 clusters. MMPI scores were compared according to education, BMI and Sasang Constitution. Multiple regression analysis were used for psychological factor on obese patients by age, height, weight, education, percent body fat, fat distribution, BMI. Based on this study, it was no significantly difference by education level, BMI, sasang(四象) constitution except L profile according to BMI. These result is different from our general recognition of the psychoneurotic state on obese patient. Therefore, the bigger sample study is needed.

Effect of the Exercise Load on the Locomotor-Respiratory Coupling (운동부하가 움직임-호흡 결합에 미치는 영향)

  • Namkung, Young;Park, Eun-Young;Park, Ho-Joon
    • Physical Therapy Korea
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.56-62
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    • 1998
  • The nature of entrainment between the locomotor and the respiratory rhythm was investigated while normal human subjects were walked or running on a treadmill. The purpose of this study was to analyze the incidence and type of coordination between the locomotor and the respiratory rhythm during running at different work load. The experiments were carried out on 12 untrained volunteers exercising at 3 work loads (2 METs, 3 METs, 4 METs in randomized order). The gait cycle was measured by electromyography (EMG) signal of gastrocnemius firing and the respiratory cycle was measured by a thermometer. We found that the ratio between the locomotor and the respiratory rhythm existed and 2:1 ratio between the locomotor-respiratory coupling was dominant at 2 METs and 3 METs.

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