• Title/Summary/Keyword: Region-based segmentation

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Adaptive Object-Region-Based Image Pre-Processing for a Noise Removal Algorithm

  • Ahn, Sangwoo;Park, Jongjoo;Luo, Linbo;Chong, Jongwha
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.7 no.12
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    • pp.3166-3179
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    • 2013
  • A pre-processing system for adaptive noise removal is proposed based on the principle of identifying and filtering object regions and background regions. Human perception of images depends on bright, well-focused object regions; these regions can be treated with the best filters, while simpler filters can be applied to other regions to reduce overall computational complexity. In the proposed method, bright region segmentation is performed, followed by segmentation of object and background regions. Noise in dark, background, and object regions is then removed by the median, fast bilateral, and bilateral filters, respectively. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm is much faster than and performs nearly as well as the bilateral filter (which is considered a powerful noise removal algorithm); it reduces computation time by 19.4 % while reducing PSNR by only 1.57 % relative to bilateral filtering. Thus, the proposed algorithm remarkably reduces computation while maintaining accuracy.

2D-3D Pose Estimation using Multi-view Object Co-segmentation (다시점 객체 공분할을 이용한 2D-3D 물체 자세 추정)

  • Kim, Seong-heum;Bok, Yunsu;Kweon, In So
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.33-41
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    • 2017
  • We present a region-based approach for accurate pose estimation of small mechanical components. Our algorithm consists of two key phases: Multi-view object co-segmentation and pose estimation. In the first phase, we explain an automatic method to extract binary masks of a target object captured from multiple viewpoints. For initialization, we assume the target object is bounded by the convex volume of interest defined by a few user inputs. The co-segmented target object shares the same geometric representation in space, and has distinctive color models from those of the backgrounds. In the second phase, we retrieve a 3D model instance with correct upright orientation, and estimate a relative pose of the object observed from images. Our energy function, combining region and boundary terms for the proposed measures, maximizes the overlapping regions and boundaries between the multi-view co-segmentations and projected masks of the reference model. Based on high-quality co-segmentations consistent across all different viewpoints, our final results are accurate model indices and pose parameters of the extracted object. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method using various examples.

Improvement of Building Region Correspondence between SLI and Vector Map Based on Region Splitting (영역분할에 의한 SLI와 벡터 지도 간의 건물영역 일치도 향상)

  • Lee, Jeong Ho;Ga, Chill O;Kim, Yong Il;Yu, Ki Yun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 2012
  • After the spatial discrepancy between SLI(Street-Level Imagery) and vector map is removed by their conflation, the corresponding building regions can be found based on SLI parameters. The building region correspondence, however, is not perfect even after the conflation. This paper aims to improve the correspondence of building regions by region splitting of an SLI. Regions are initialized by the seed lines, projection of building objects onto SLI scene. First, sky images are generated by filtering, segmentation, and sky region detection. Candidates for split lines are detected by edge detector, and then images are splitted into building regions by optimal split lines based on color difference and sky existence. The experiments demonstrated that the proposed region splitting method had improved the accuracy of building region correspondence from 83.3% to 89.7%. The result can be utilized effectively for enhancement of SLI services.

Real-Time Object Segmentation of Stereo Matching Image Using the Projection-based Region Merging and the Post Processing of disparity map (변이지도의 후처리 및 프로젝션 기반의 영역병합을 이용한 스테레오 매칭 영상의 실시간 객체분할)

  • Choi, Min-Soo;Shin, Dong-Jin;Han, Dong-Il
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2006.06a
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    • pp.313-314
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    • 2006
  • Obtained disparity map from the stereo camera by using the several stereo matching algorithms carries lots of noise because of various causes. In our approach, mode filtering and noise elimination technique using the histogram and projection-based region merging methods are adopted for improving the quality of disparity map and image segmentation. The proposed algorithms are implemented in VHDL and the real-time experimentation shows the accurately divided objects.

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Improving Performance of Region-Based ACM with Topological Change of Curves (곡선의 위상구조 변경을 이용한 영역 기반 ACM의 성능개선 기법 제안)

  • Hahn, Hee Il
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.10-16
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    • 2017
  • This paper proposes efficient schemes for image segmentation using the region-based active contour model. The developed methods can approach the boundaries of the desired objects by evolving the curves through minimization of the Mumford-Shah energy functionals, given arbitrary curves as initial conditions. Topological changes such as splitting or merging of curves should be handled for the methods to work properly without prior knowledge of the number of objects to be segmented. This paper introduces how to change topological structure of the curves and shows experimental results by applying the methods to the images.

Performance evaluation of vessel extraction algorithm applied to Aortic root segmentation in CT Angiography (CT Angiography 영상에서 대동맥 추출을 위한 혈관 분할 알고리즘 성능 평가)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyong;Hwang, Young-sang;Shin, Ki-Young
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.196-204
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    • 2016
  • World Health Organization reported that heart-related diseases such as coronary artery stenoses show the highest occurrence rate which may cause heart attack. Using Computed Tomography angiography images will allow radiologists to detect and have intervention by creating 3D roadmapping of the vessels. However, it is often complex and difficult do reconstruct 3D vessel which causes very large amount of time and previous researches were studied to segment vessels more accurate automatically. Therefore, in this paper, Region Competition, Geodesic Active Contour (GAC), Multi-atlas based segmentation and Active Shape Model algorithms were applied to segment aortic root from CTA images and the results were analyzed by using mean Hausdorff distance, volume to volume measure, computational time, user-interaction and coronary ostium detection rate. As a result, Extracted 3D aortic model using GAC showed the highest accuracy but also showed highest user-interaction results. Therefore, it is important to improve automatic segmentation algorithm in future

A Study for a real-time variety region(object) extraction algorithm to implement MPEG-4 based Video Phones. (MPEG-4 기반의 영상전화기 구현을 위한 실시간 변환영역(객체) 추출에 관한 알고리즘)

  • Oh, In-Gwon;Shon, Young-Woo;Namgung, Jae-Chan
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.1C
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    • pp.92-101
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    • 2004
  • This paper proposes a algorithm to extract the variety region (object) from video for the real-time encoding of MPEG-4 based. The previous object segmentation methods cannot used the videophone or videoconference required by real-time processing. It is difficult to transfer a video to real-time because it increased complexity for the operation of each pixel on the spatial segmentation and temporal segmentation method proposed by MPEG-4 Working Group. But algorithm proposed for this thesis not operates a pixel unit but operates a macro block unit. Thus this enables real-time transfer. But this algorithm cannot extract several object for a image using proposed algorithm as previous algorithm. On system constructed by encoder and decoder. A proposed algorithm inserted for encoder as pre-process.

A Proposal of Deep Learning Based Semantic Segmentation to Improve Performance of Building Information Models Classification (Semantic Segmentation 기반 딥러닝을 활용한 건축 Building Information Modeling 부재 분류성능 개선 방안)

  • Lee, Ko-Eun;Yu, Young-Su;Ha, Dae-Mok;Koo, Bon-Sang;Lee, Kwan-Hoon
    • Journal of KIBIM
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.22-33
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    • 2021
  • In order to maximize the use of BIM, all data related to individual elements in the model must be correctly assigned, and it is essential to check whether it corresponds to the IFC entity classification. However, as the BIM modeling process is performed by a large number of participants, it is difficult to achieve complete integrity. To solve this problem, studies on semantic integrity verification are being conducted to examine whether elements are correctly classified or IFC mapped in the BIM model by applying an artificial intelligence algorithm to the 2D image of each element. Existing studies had a limitation in that they could not correctly classify some elements even though the geometrical differences in the images were clear. This was found to be due to the fact that the geometrical characteristics were not properly reflected in the learning process because the range of the region to be learned in the image was not clearly defined. In this study, the CRF-RNN-based semantic segmentation was applied to increase the clarity of element region within each image, and then applied to the MVCNN algorithm to improve the classification performance. As a result of applying semantic segmentation in the MVCNN learning process to 889 data composed of a total of 8 BIM element types, the classification accuracy was found to be 0.92, which is improved by 0.06 compared to the conventional MVCNN.

Dynamic Programming-based Stereo Matching Using Image Segmentation (영상 분할을 이용한 다이내믹 프로그래밍 기반의 스테레오 정합)

  • Seo, Yong-Seok;Yoo, Ji-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.35 no.8C
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    • pp.680-688
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we present a dynamic programming(DP)-based stereo matching method using image segmentation algorithm. DP has been a classical and popular optimization method for various computer vision problems including stereo matching. However, the performance of conventional DP has not been satisfactory when it is applied to the stereo matching since the vertical correlation between scanned lines has not been properly considered. In the proposed algorithm, accurate edge information is first obtained from segmented image information then we considers the discontinuity of disparity and occlusions region based on the obtained edge information. The experimental results applied to the Middlebury stereo images demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has better performances in stereo matching than the previous DP based algorithms.

Real-Time Vehicle Detection in Traffic Scenes using Multiple Local Region Information (국부 다중 영역 정보를 이용한 교통 영상에서의 실시간 차량 검지 기법)

  • 이대호;박영태
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2000.06d
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    • pp.163-166
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    • 2000
  • Real-time traffic detection scheme based on Computer Vision is capable of efficient traffic control using automatically computed traffic information and obstacle detection in moving automobiles. Traffic information is extracted by segmenting vehicle region from road images, in traffic detection system. In this paper, we propose the advanced segmentation of vehicle from road images using multiple local region information. Because multiple local region overlapped in the same lane is processed sequentially from small, the traffic detection error can be corrected.

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