• Title/Summary/Keyword: Region Information

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On the Lower Level Laplacian Pyramid Image Coding Using Vector Quantization (벡터 양자화를 이용한 저층 라플라시안 피라미드 영상의 부호화에 관한 연구)

  • 김정규;정호열;최태영
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.213-224
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    • 1992
  • An encoding technique based on region splitting and vector quantization is proposed for the lower level Laplacian pyramid images. The lower level Laplacian pyramid images have lower variance than higher levels but a great influence on compression ration due to large spatial area. And so from data compression viewpoint, we subdivide them with variance thresholding into two regions such as one called : flat region” and the other “edge region”, and encode the flat region with its mean value and the edge region as vector quantization method. The edge region can be reproduced faithfully and significant improvement on compression ratio can be accomplished with a little degradation of PSNR in spite of the effect of large flat region since the codebook used is generated from the edge region only on from the entire image including the flat region. It can be verified by computer simulation results that proposed method is more efficient in compression ratio and processing time than the conventional encoding technique of vector quantization.

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A Study on Extraction of Central Objects in Color Images (칼라 영상에서의 중심 객체 추출에 관한 연구)

  • 김성영;박창민;권규복;김민환
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.5 no.6
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    • pp.616-624
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    • 2002
  • An extraction method of central objects in the color images is proposed, in this paper. A central object is defined as a comparatively consist of the central object in the image. First of all. an input image and its decreased resolution images are segmented. Segmented regions are classified as the outer or the inner region. The outer region is adjacent regions are included by a same region in the decreased resolution image. Then core object regions and core background regions are selected from the inner region and the outer region respectively. Core object regions are the representative regions for the object and are selected by using the information about the information about the region size and location. Each inner regions is classified into foreground or background regions by comparing values of a color histogram intersection of the inner region against the core object region and the core background regions. The core object region and foreground regions consist of the central object in the image.

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Region Query Reconstruction Method Using Trie-Structured Quad Tree in USN Middleware (USN 미들웨어에서 트라이 구조 쿼드 트리를 이용한 영역 질의 재구성 기법)

  • Cho, Sook-Kyoung;Jeong, Mi-Young;Jung, Hyun-Meen;Kim, Jong-Hoon
    • Journal of Korea Spatial Information System Society
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.15-28
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    • 2008
  • In ubiquitous sensor networks(USN) environment, it is essential to process region query for user-demand services. Using R-tree is a preferred technique to process region query for in-network query environment. In USN environment, USN middleware must select sensors that transfers region query with accuracy because the lifetime of sensors is that of whole sensor networks. When R-tree is used, however, it blindly passes the region query including non-existent sensors where MBR(Minimum Boundary Rectangle) of R-tree is Intersected by region of query. To solve in this problem, we propose a reconstruction of region query method which is a trie-structured Quad tree in the base station that includes sensors in region of query select with accuracy. We observed that the proposed method delays response time than R-tree, but is useful for reducing communication cost and energy consumption.

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Patch Information based Linear Interpolation for Generating Super-Resolution Images in a Single Image (단일이미지에서의 초해상도 영상 생성을 위한 패치 정보 기반의 선형 보간 연구)

  • Han, Hyun-Ho;Lee, Jong-Yong;Jung, Kye-Dong;Lee, Sang-Hun
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.45-52
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose a linear interpolation method based on patch information generated from a low - resolution image for generating a super resolution image in a single image. Using the regression model of the global space, which is a conventional super resolution generation method, results in poor quality in general because of lack of information to be referred to a specific region. In order to compensate for these results, we propose a method to extract meaningful information by dividing the region into patches in the process of super resolution image generation, analyze the constituents of the image matrix region extended for super resolution image generation, We propose a method of linear interpolation based on optimal patch information that is searched by correlating patch information based on the information gathered before the interpolation process. For the experiment, the original image was compared with the reconstructed image with PSNR and SSIM.

Hole-filling Algorithm Based on Extrapolating Spatial-Temporal Background Information for View Synthesis in Free Viewpoint Television (자유 시점 TV에서 시점 합성을 위한 시공간적 배경 정보 추정 기반 홀 채움 방식)

  • Kim, Beomsu;Nguyen, Tien-Dat;Hong, Min-cheol
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.31-44
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents a hole-filling algorithm based on extrapolating spatial-temporal background information used in view synthesis for free-viewpoint television. A new background codebook is constructed and updated in order to extract reliable temporal background information. In addition, an estimation of spatial local background values is conducted to discriminate an adaptive boundary between the background region and the foreground region as well as to update the information about the hole region. The holes then are filled by combining the spatial background information and the temporal background information. In addition, an exemplar-based inpainting technique is used to fill the rest of holes, in which a priority function using background-depth information is defined to determine the order in which the holes are filled. The experimental results demonstrated that the proposed algorithm outperformed the other comparative methods about average 0.3-0.6 dB, and that it synthesized satisfactory views regardless of video characteristics and type of hole region.

A Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Variation Pattern of Sea Surface Temperature According to the Regional Scale in the South Sea of Korea (지역 규모에 따른 한국 남부해역 표층수온의 시·공간적 변동 패턴 비교)

  • Yoon, Dong-Young;Choi, Hyun-Woo
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.182-193
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    • 2011
  • In order to compare the spatio-temporal variation pattern of sea surface temperature (SST) in Korea's Southern areas of the sea according to a regional scale, this study has selected the winter and summer seasons for 31 years (1980~2010) in a period aspect and selected three areas of the sea such as the Western areas of the sea (region B) and Eastern areas of the sea (region C) around Jeju Island in addition to overall Southern areas of the sea (region A) in regional aspect. The regression analysis was applied to find out a temporal variation pattern of SST, and the weighted mean center (WMC) of SST as well as analysis of a standard deviational ellipse (SDE) was respectively applied. As a result of regression analysis of SST, it showed a rising long-term trend for all two seasons in three regions. However, though the average SST for 31 years was all similar in three regions in the summer season, the region C appeared more highly than region B in the winter season. The spatial variation pattern of SST for two seasons showed that it is respectively different from each other in three regions. The spatial variation pattern of SST appeared as E-W direction in region A, SE-NW direction in region B and SW-NE direction in region C. In addition, the relationship between the location of the WMC of SST and the average SST showed correlation in regions A and B in the winter season, whereas it appeared that there is no correlation in region C. Accordingly, it can be known that the regional scale should be considered in case of analysis of spatio-temporal variation patterns of SST.

A Spatial Split Method for Processing of Region Monitoring Queries (영역 모니터링 질의 처리를 위한 공간 분할 기법)

  • Chung, Jaewoo;Jung, HaRim;Kim, Ung-Mo
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.67-76
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    • 2018
  • This paper addresses the problem of efficient processing of region monitoring queries. The centralized methods used for existing region monitoring query processing assumes that the mobile object periodically sends location-updates to the server and the server continues to update the query results. However, a large amount of location updates seriously degrade the system performance. Recently, some distributed methods have been proposed for region monitoring query processing. In the distributed methods, the server allocates to all objects i) a resident domain that is a subspace of the workspace, and ii) a number of nearby query regions. All moving objects send location updates to the server only when they leave the resident domain or cross the boundary of the query region. In order to allocate the resident domain to the moving object along with the nearby query region, we use a query index structure that is constructed by splitting the workspace recursively into equal halves. However, However, the above index structure causes unnecessary division, resulting in deterioration of system performance. In this paper, we propose an adaptive split method to reduce unnecessary splitting. The workspace splitting is dynamically allocated i) considering the spatial relationship between the query region and the resultant subspace, and ii) the distribution of the query region. We proposed an enhanced QR-tree with a new splitting method. Through a set of simulations, we verify the efficiency of the proposed split methods.

Parametric Analysis and Measurement Guideline of Fresnel Region Antenna Measurement Method (프레넬영역 안테나 측정법의 파리미터 분석과 측정 가이드라인 제시)

  • Oh, Soon-Soo
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.351-352
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    • 2008
  • In this paper, parametric analysis of Fresnel region antenna measurement method has been performed for the square aperture having the uniformly distributed current. The optimum number of Fresnel region field and the tolerable distance between two antennas have been guided. This parametric analysis could be fully utilized when performing Fresnel region antenna measurement method. Other types of current distribution and aperture shape will be investigated in the near future

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Color Image Segmentation Using Anisotropic Diffusion and Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (비등방형 확산과 계층적 클러스터링을 이용한 칼라 영상분할)

  • 김대희;안충현;호요성
    • Proceedings of the IEEK Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.377-380
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    • 2003
  • A new color image segmentation scheme is presented in this paper. The proposed algorithm consists of image simplification, region labeling and color clustering. The vector-valued diffusion process is performed in the perceptually uniform LUV color space. We present a discrete 3-D diffusion model for easy implementation. The statistical characteristics of each labeled region are employed to estimate the number of total clusters and agglomerative hierarchical clustering is performed with the estimated number of clusters. Since the proposed clustering algorithm counts each region as a unit, it does not generate oversegmentation along region boundaries.

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Conduction Phenomena of the Polypropylene Film (폴리프로필렌 필름의 전도현상)

  • 이준욱;김용주;김봉협
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.34 no.9
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 1985
  • The conducting currents of polypropylene film was measured a function with electric fields at temperature of 25,35,45( C). It appears that there are four regions of conducting currents, depending upon the strength of the applied electric field` ohmic region based on ionic conduction, Poole-Frenkel region, Schottky region and negative resistance region. Several information of dielectric constant and potential barrier height were obtained.

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