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The Effect of Local Condition on the Development at Dairy Farming (지역적(地域的) 입지조건(立地條件)이 낙농경영전개(酪農經營展開)에 미친 영향(影響))

  • Lee, I.H.;Chai, Y.S.
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 1974
  • This paper describes how location influences on the development of dairy farming. It compares Chuncheon, which in the mountains, Daejeon, which is a transportation center and on flat ground, and Incheon, which is the gate to Seoul and an industrial city. The results analyzed are summarized as follows : 1. Incheon, due to her vast market, influenced strongly on the development of management. But shortage of roughage for feeds is the critical problem there. 2. Owing to the side job of raising chicks, which involves 92% of dairy farmers there, Chuncheon does not make smooth utilization of vast grass pasture. 3. In Daejeon's case, running orchards concurrently is the problem. 4. There exists no gap in wages between the region. The labor supply is most affluent in Incheon and there is competition with other forms of agriculture in the mountainous area. 5. The full-time employee tends to be skillful in accordance with his career. Family labor has been skillful, but the full-time employee is very fluid and shows varieties of skill. 6. Because of the obscurity of the distribution of labor with other jobs in Chuncheon and Daejeon, many unspecialized men serve. 7. The prices of milk are different in each region. The income of dairy farmers is strongly influenced by the low purchasing price of milk plants, and this is one of the important factors hindering the development of dairy farm ing in Chuncheon.

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Supplemental Lighting by HPS and PLS Lamps Affects Growth and Yield of Cucumber during Low Radiation Period (약광기 HPS와 PLS lamp를 이용한 오이의 보광재배효과)

  • Kwon, Joon-Kook;Yu, In-Ho;Park, Kyoung-Sub;Lee, Jae-Han;Kim, Jin-Hyun;Lee, Jung-Sup;Lee, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.400-406
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    • 2018
  • In this experiment the effect of supplemental lighting on the growth and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. 'Fresh') plants during low radiation period of winter season were investigated in glasshouses using common high-pressure sodium (HPS) lamps and newly developed plasma lighting system (PLS) lamps. Plants grown without supplemental lighting were considered as a control. Supplemental lighting was provided from November 20th, 2015 to March 15th, 2016 to ensure 14-hour photoperiod (natural+supplemental light), also lamps were operated automatically when the outside sun radiation levels were less than 100Wm2. Spectral analysis showed that HPS lamp had a discrete spectrum, lacked of the radiation in the 400-550 nm wave band (blue-green light), but had a high output in the orange-red region (550-650 nm). A higher red light output resulted in an increased red to far-red (R/FR) ratio in HPS lamp. PLS had a continuous spectrum and had a peak radiation in green region (490-550 nm). HPS has 12.6% lower output in photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) but 12.6% higher output in near infra-red (NIR) spectral regions compared to PLS. Both HPS and PLS lamps emitted very low levels of ultra-violet radiation (300-400 nm). Supplemental lighting both from HPS and PLS lamps increased plant height, leaf number, internode number and dry weight of cucumber plants compared to control. Photosynthetic activity of cucumber plants grown under two supplemental lighting systems was comparable. Number of fruits per cucumber plant (fruit weight per plant) in control, PLS, and HPS plots were 21.2 (2.9 kg), 38.7 (5.5 kg), and 40.4 (5.6 kg), respectively, thereby increasing yield by 1.8-1.9 times in comparison with control. An analysis of the economic feasibility of supplemental lighting in cucumber cultivation showed that considering lamp installation and electricity costs the income from supplemental lighting increased by 37% and 62% for PLS and HPS lamps, respectively.

A Study on Argopecten irradians Aquaculture in the North East Sea Regions (해만가리비 (Argopecten irradians) 의 동해 북부에서의 양식 연구)

  • Kim, Young Dae;Lee, Chu;Kim, Gi Seung;Park, Mi Seon;Park, Young Chel;kim, Young Suk;Yoo, Hyun Il
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2016
  • NIFS conducted a feasibility study on the bay scallop Argopecten irradians aquaculture in the test site of Dongsanri, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do in June 2015. The transplantation for the test was also carried out in June. The average shell length was 5.79±0.6mm at the time, 15.83±0.8mm in July, 39.40±0.7mm in September, 55.72±5.8mm in November and 59.67±1.7mm in December. At the time of transplantation, the average shell height was 6.06±0.7mm, and it grew to 16.40±0.9mm in July, 53.16±5.2mm in November and 55.80±2.9mm in December. Total weight was 0.78±0.5g in July but increased to 24.25±4.2g in November and 26.06±4.3g in December. The daily growth rate of shell length(DGR) was 0.33 mm / day in June, 0.43 mm / day in September and 0.13 mm / day in November. DGR of weight was 0.20 g / day in June, 0.27 g / day in September, 0.06 g / day in November. The relative growth of shell length and shell height was y = 0.9132x and R2=0.9923. As a result, it was proved that bay scallop aquaculture is possible in Gangwon province, the northern part of the East Sea. This will definitely increase the income of fishermen by enabling them to culture more aquaculture species than the single large Patinopecten yessoensis in the region.

A Survey on the Soil Environments of Alpine Vegetable Housing in Honam Area (호남지역(湖南地域) 고냉채소단지(高冷菜蔬團地)의 토양환경연구(土壤環境硏究))

  • Yoo, Chul-Hyun;Cho, Guk-Hyun;Choi, Jeong-Weon;Park, Keon-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Soil Science and Fertilizer
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.246-253
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    • 1988
  • This survey was carried out to obtain the basic information for the stable high yield of income-crops. Cropping systems, soil morphological and chemical properties were investigated. The obtained results were summarized as follows: 1. In Jinan and Jangsu, cultivated area of radish was 76.5% and.65.4%, respecitively, but in Unbong Chinese Cabbage, 71.1%, by second Crop. 2. In topographycal distribution, the mountain foot slope area in Jinan, Jangsu and Unbong was 69, 77 and 85%, respectively. In the distribution of elevation, semi-Alpine region in Jinan and Unbong was 85 and 69%, respectively, but Alpine region in Jangsu was 62%, of cultivated area. 3. Ploughing depth was 0 to 10 cm in Jinan and Jangsu, and 11 to 15cm, in Unbong. Gravel content class was 4th class in Jinan and 3rd class in Jangsu and Unbong. 4. For the distribution of soil types, normal upland came to 69.2% in Unbong, sandy and skeletal upland, 46.1 % and normal and sandy upland, 39 and 38%, respectively, in Jangsu. 5. The uplands soil classified as the 5th class, with improper for adequate cropping were. 6. For the chemical properties according to topography available phosphate (0.344), Ca (0.398), K (0.485) and CEC (0.325) showed the negative significancy with the elevation. 7. Among the variations of chemical properties by continuous cropping, the soil pH (0.491) and the content of organic matter (0.434), Ca (0.705), CEC (0.512), total nitrogen (0.559) showed the high negative correlations, while the contents of available phosphate (0.671) and K (0.543) showed the high positive correlations, with the number of years of continuous cropping.

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The Estimation of Environmental Effect and Genetic Parameters on Carcass Traits in Hanwoo (한우 도체형질의 환경효과 및 유전모수 추정)

  • Sun, Du-Won;Kim, Byeong-Woo;Moon, Won-Gon;Park, Jae-Chan;Park, Cheol-Hyeon;Koo, Yang-Mo;Jeoung, Yeoung-Ho;Lee, Jae-Youn;Jang, Hyun-Gi;Jeon, Jin-Tae;Lee, Jung-Gyu
    • Journal of agriculture & life science
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.83-89
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    • 2010
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of the environmental and genetic factors on the carcass traits of Korean cattle. We have used the data of 22,954 Korean cattle slaughtered from 2005 to 2009 in Gyeongnam region and estimated the genetic parameters of 36,868 cattle including the pedigree individuals by means of EM-REML analytical method. In summary, the heritability of the carcass weight, eye muscle area, backfat thickness and marbling score was 0.39, 0.30, 0.33 and 0.62, respectively. The carcass weight and the eye muscle area showed high correlation between them with the genetic correlation of 0.86 and the phenotypic correlation of 0.72. The high heritability of marbling score is assumed to be the result of focusing the breed improvement on the quality of the meat. Through this study, it is considered that the Korean cattle in Gyeongnam region are improving, which will thus contribute to the increase of the farmer's income. Additional study on the economic trait must be carried out to obtain clearer results that will lead to further improvement of Korean cattle.

The relationship of the office given condition of the country important facility private security and job satisfaction degree (국가중요시설 경비원의 직무여건과 직무만족도의 관계)

  • Son, Ki-Ho
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.33
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    • pp.103-135
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    • 2012
  • The object is that this research searches the relationship of the office given condition actual condition of the country important facility private security guard and job satisfaction degree. In order to grasp and analyze the real state of the country important facility private security guards directly, the questionnaire, that is the general measurement tool, was utilized and the guard whom it works in the airport, the port region and general work place, that is the national important facility of Busan and Ulsan area, was aimed at. The enough survey object was illustrated to the facility and person in charge in the security company and the item was previewed and the total 400 sheets was distributed and 331 sheets (82.8%) except the doubleness subject intention and incongruent questionnaire was utilized for the analysis. The statistic processing of collected data utilized the SPSS version 15.0 the statistical package program through data coding and cleaning process and performed the frequency analysis, reliability analysis, t-test, one way analysis of variance, Pearson analysis, and regression analysis. The relationship of the office given condition actual condition of the guard about the national important facility and job satisfaction degree was classified into the interpersonal relationship, task characteristic, office environment, and complement factor and the difference of the job satisfaction degree according to the general characteristic was verified. If the conclusion obtained through the method of study described in the above looked at, for as to general tendency, the low wages and poor field environment was continued. In the general characteristic, the man was higher than the excitation about the job satisfaction level. As there was lots of the age and the scholarship was low, the age was high. And as there was lots of the career and income, the police of a petition or search and guide staff was high and the job satisfaction degree in which relatively the employee and the other job group is high so that the case of being the former student incidence can be the poorest was shown rather than the facility security agent. As the interrelation analysis result job satisfaction was high, the change of occupation pseudo was low and the organizational commitment degrees was increased. The regression analysis result job satisfaction degree was exposed to reach the meaningful effect on the change of occupation pseudo and organizational commitment. It had an effect on the change of occupation pseudo as the task characteristic and office ambient level was low. It had an effect on the organizational commitment as the extend of satisfaction about the task characteristic and interpersonal relationship, complement, and office ambient level were high. If the research result of this time is integrated, the support of the political system including the interpersonal relationship thesis between top and bottom of the organized I and substantial complement actualization is urgently needed between the office given condition improvement effort in the country important facility defense manpower field and police of a petition and special guard.

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Characteristics of Exposure to Humidifier Disinfectants and Their Association with the Presence of a Person Who Experienced Adverse Health Effects in General Households in Korea (일반 가구의 가습기살균제 노출 특성 및 건강이상 경험과의 연관성)

  • Lee, Eunsun;Cheong, Hae-Kwan;Paek, Domyung;Kim, Solhwee;Leem, Jonghan;Kim, Pangyi;Lee, Kyoung-Mu
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.285-296
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The objective of this study was to describe the characteristics of exposure to humidifier disinfectants (HDs) and their association with the presence of a person who experienced the adverse health effects in general households in Korea. Methods: During the month of December 2016, a nationwide online survey was conducted on adults over 20 years of age who had experience of using HDs. It provided information on exposure characteristics and the experience of health effects. The final survey respondents consisted of 1,555 people who provided information on themselves and their household members during the use of HD. Exposure characteristics at the household level included average days of HD use per week, average hours of HD use per day, the duration within which one bottle of HD was emptied, average input frequency of HD, amount of HD (cc) per one time used, and active ingredients of HD products (PHMG, CMIT/MIT, PGH, or others). The risk of the presence of a person who experienced adverse health effects in the household was evaluated by estimating odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) adjusted for monthly income and region using a multiple logistic regression model. Subgroup analyses were conducted for households with a child (≤7 years) and households with a newborn infant during HD use. Results: The level of exposure to HD tended to be higher for households with a child or newborn infant for several variables including average days of HD use per week (P<0.0001) and average hours of HD use per day (P<0.0001). The proportion of households in which there was at least one person who experienced adverse health effects such as rhinitis, asthma, pneumonia, atopy/skin disease, etc. was 20.6% for all households, 25.3% for households with children, and 29.9% for households with newborn infants. The presence of a person who experienced adverse health effects in the household was significantly associated with average hours of HD use per day (Ptrend<0.001), duration within which one bottle of HD was emptied (Ptrend<0.001), average input frequency of HD (Ptrend<0.001), amount of HD per one use (Ptrend=0.01), and use of HDs containing PHMG (OR=2.23, 95% CI=1.45-3.43). Similar results were observed in subgroup analyses. Conclusion: Our results suggest that level of exposure to HD tended to be higher for households with a child or newborn infant and that exposure to HD is significantly associated with the presence of a person who experienced adverse health effects in the household.

Analysis if Somatic Cell Counts of Raw Milk in Korea -Recommendation to Payment for Milk on the Basis of Quality- (체세포수(Somatic Cell Counts)를 주로한 원유질의 평가 -원유등급제도에 의한 유질향상과 산유량 증가방안-)

  • 손봉환;강구식
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.87-103
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    • 1991
  • The somatic cell counts SCC and bacteria counts were done by D milk plant, P milk plant, S milk plant and Inch'\v×n Vet. Serv. Lab from 1987 to 1990 with Coulter counter, Fossomatic 90, Bactoscan, Rolling ball viscometer and Resazurin reduction test. The results were summarized as follows 1. In the distribution of SCC of the bulk herd milk, D milk plant from Nov. 1989 to Oct. 1990 remarks 80.2% on the range below 500, 000, 14.5% ranging from 1, 000, 000 to 1, 500, 000, 1.2% ranging from 1, 500, 000 to 2, 000, 000, 0.69% ranging from 2, 000, 000 to 3, 000, 000, 0.71% on the range over 3, 000, 000. P milk plant remarks 237, 000 in the first half year and 251, 000 in the second half year in 1990 year. S milk plant remarks annual average of 335, 000 in 1987, 273, 000 in 1988 and 262, 000 in 1989. The individual record of Inch'\v×n Vet. Serv Lab. remarks 79.35% and 80.2% below 500, 000 8.30% and 7.40% from 500, 000 to 1, 000, 000, 2.37% and 3.2% from 1, 000, 000 to 1, 500, 000, 2.77% and 2.30% from 1, 500, 000 to 2, 000, 000, 1.67% and 2.00% from 2, 000, 000 to 3, 000, 000, 5.53% and 4.40% over 3, 000, 000 in 1989 and 1990, respectively. The grade distirbution of SCC is as follows: D milk plant shows 1st grade-80.20%, 2nd grade-l6.5% and 3rd grade-3.30%. And P milk plant shows all 1st grade. S milk plant shows 87.30%, 8.6% and 4.1% in 1987 and 91.90%, 6.1% and 2.0% in 1988, and 92.40%, 6.1% and l.5% in 1989 on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade respectively. 2. The distribution of bacteria P milk plant reached 15.123 in 1st half year and 21.515 in 2nd half year. Also, S milk plant reached 81.5%, 12.5%, 6.0% in 1987, and 86.20%, 9.70%, 4.1% in 1988, and 86.2%, 10.8%, 3.0% in 1989 respectively for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade. 3. The regional SCC distribution in D milk plant shows 1, 540, 000 in three regions and 714, 000 in one region. And monthly SCC distribution shows 671, 000 in December and 1, 165, 000 in June. 4. As a result of the individual SCC test, 9 times for 16 cows in “I”farm(1986-1988), and 6 times for 13 cows in“D”farm(1987-1988) No.3, 5, 9, 14 cows in“I”farm showed the high SCC beyond 1, 000, 000 over 4-5times. 5. If the SCC over 300, 000 reach 40%, the national producing quality of milk can be reduced by 87, 600M /I annually and in the sum of money, it should be about 35.5 billion Won. 6. The difference between high group and low group for SCC in D milk plant reached over 1, 000, 000. In case that the difference reaches 1, 000, 000 in the farm bulk milk at a farm breeding 20 cows which produce 20kg milk per day, it was estimate that the annual difference of producing quantity and sum of money respectively should be reached 26, 280kg in milk and 10, 643, 400 Won in income.

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A Study on the Actual Conditions of Smoking in Middle and High School Students in One Region (일 지역 중·고등학생의 흡연실태)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.149-167
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    • 1999
  • To investigate the actual conditions of smoking in middle and high school students in Chinan County, I used a sturctured questionnaire for 1,579 students attending twelve middle-high schools from December 1, 1998 to December 20, 1998. I collected and data correlated the using an SPSSPC+ 1. The smoking rate of middle-high schoo1 students in Chinan County was 17.9%, relatively high. This smoking rate was different according to the gender, grade, religion, and economic situation. In mals, high school students, non-religious, students low income family students, the smoking rate was higher. The smoking rate of high school students was almost the same as the smoking rate of adults, generally higher than that of foreign teenagers. Because the smoking rat of studinets in the third grade of middle school and in the first grade of high School was six times higher, increased education should be conducted during this time in an attempt to curb the sudden increase of the smoking rate. The smoking rate of girl students was 5.0%; this has increased mor than three times from ten years ago. Consequently, counter measures should be taken against the smoking of female students as well as juvenile smoking in general. In addition, the smoking rate of middle-high school students showed interesting differences when correnated with enviornmental factors. Students with low grades, who are not satisfied with school life, who don't have both parents, who have uncaring parents who nare too strict or too arbitary, who have smoking parents, or who have experienced smoking commonly smoked. Therefore, to lower the smoking rate we should improve the school environment, improve a student's interest in school life. And parents or siblings should lead by example and quit smoking at home. Schools should educate students more effectively concerning the harmful effects of smoking and create an accurate understanding of its dancers. From the beginning, we should teach students never ever to touch cigaretts. 2. The surve discovered that most students started out of curiosity, or solicitantion from friends or elders at middle school, and had been smoking one to five cigarettes for more than a year. They obtained cigarettes at stores and most of them have friends who smoke. As a result anti-smoking education should be conducted at elementary schools prior to middle school. More than 95% of the teenagers who smoke had friends who smote and smoked out of curiosity or the recommendation of elders. Thus, we must focus on teenagers who smoke in group, rather than individually. Fuyrthermore, the strict application of the regulation of tobacco sales as well as tobacco cooperation from retailers are needed. While students did not show any mood or academic achievement difference after beginning smoking, 58.1% of the students a health situdation that was worse. Juvenile smoking is more harmful to the juvenile than adult smoking is to the adult. This should be focused on in an anti-smoking campaign. 3. Students who smoke hada more positive attitude toward smoking than students who don't smoke. Students who smoke had a tendency to have a nuetral position and are not concerned about smoking compared to non-smoking students. The survey showed that the great number of students had a nuetral position. Because this nuetrality may increase Juvenile smoking, education that provides an exact understanding of smoking should be performed to build the correct attidude toward smoking. 4. Middle school students smoke when angry, gloomy, anxious, a lone and when they have some problems to solve, on when they feel inconveniened in other wores, they smoke to reliver stress. They also smok due to addiction. Because smoking is not a praetical method to relieve stress, a program which helps to acquire positive relief stress should be provided to help reduce smoking. 5. About 65% of students who smoke want to quit smoking because of health problem, 78% of them have tried mor than once to quit but failed due to weak will power and peer pressure from friends who smoke. Juvenile smoking is group, oriented. Thus, the program that advances less smoking will be the one that focuseds on groups. 6. As for advice to students who want to quit smoking, "persuasion" was used most commonly, followed by a "presentation on how to quit smoking". Another method were severe punishment. About 70% of the students wanted the anti-smoking guide at school. 7. Most students (73.5%) had a position that more anti-smoking education at school is needed. Obriously, then, anti-smoking education at middle-high schools should be reinfoced. Although the education which explains the harmful influence of tobacco is known as an efficient way prevent smoking; it does not influence students who already smoke. Therefore, for students who smoke, multi-dimensional approaches must be attempted that include physical training, phychokogical approache, consultation and discussion, medical chek-ups, audio-visual education technigues, and professonal instructors, in addition, because smoking students have more negative on lukewarm attitude to anti-smoking education anti-smoking education should be conducted through a communicative style by dedicated teachers who care about students. In order to increase the effectiveness of this program.

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Examining the Relationships among Attitude toward Luxury Brands, Customer Equity, and Customer Lifetime Value in a Korean Context (측시이한국위배경적사치품패태도(测试以韩国为背景的奢侈品牌态度), 고객자산화고객종신개치지간적관계(顾客资产和顾客终身价值之间的关系))

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Park, Seong-Yeon;Lee, Seung-Hee;Knight, Dee K.;Xu, Bing;Jeon, Byung-Joo;Moon, Hak-Il
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.27-34
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    • 2010
  • During the past 10 years, sales of luxury goods increased significantly to more than US$ 130 billion in 2007. In this industry, more than half of the revenue comes from Asia where the average income has risen significantly, and the demand for luxury products is forecast to grow rapidly. Purchasing luxury brands appears to be an intriguing social phenomenon that is profitable for companies in this region. As a newly developed country, Korea is one of the most attractive luxury markets in Asia. Currently, a total of 120 luxury fashion brands have entered the Korean market, primarily in luxury districts in Seoul where the competition is fierce. The purposes of this study are to: (1) identify antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands, (2) examine the effect of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer equity, (3) determine the impact of attitudes toward luxury brands on customer lifetime value, and (4) investigate the influence of customer equity on customer life time value. Previous studies have examined materialism, social need, experiential need, need for uniqueness, conformity, and fashion involvement as antecedents of attitude toward luxury brands. Richins and Dowson (1992) suggested that that materialism influences consumption behavior relative to quantity of goods purchased. Nueno and Quelch (1998) reported that the ownership of luxury brands conveys information related to the owner's social status, communicates an image of success and prestige, and is a determinant of purchase behavior. Experiential need is recognized as an important aspect of consumption, especially for new products developed to meet consumer demand. Since luxury goods, by definition are relatively scarce, ownership of these types of products may fulfill consumers' need for uniqueness. In this study, value equity, relationship equity, and brand equity are examined as drivers of customer equity. The sample (n = 114) was undergraduate and graduate students at two private women's universities in Seoul, Korea. Data collection was conducted using a self-administered questionnaire survey in March, 2009. Data analysis included descriptive statistics, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and regression analysis using SPSS 15.0 software. Data analysis resulted in a number of conclusions. First, experiential need and fashion involvement positively influence participants' attitude toward luxury brands. Second, attitude toward luxury brands positively influences brand equity, followed by value equity and relationship equity. However, there is no significant relationship between attitude toward luxury brand and customer lifetime value. Finally, relationship equity positively influences customer lifetime value. In conclusion, young consumers are an important potential consumer group that tries different brands to discover the ones most suitable for them. Luxury marketers that use effective marketing strategies to attract and engender loyalty among this potentially lucrative consumer group may increase customer equity and lifetime value.