• Title/Summary/Keyword: Real-time parameter estimation

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A Prony Method Based on Discrete Fourier Transform for Estimation- of Oscillation Mode in Power Systems (이산푸리에변환에 기초한 Prony 법과 전력계통의 진동모드 추정)

  • Nam Hae-Kon;Shim Kwan-Shik
    • The Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers A
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    • v.54 no.6
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    • pp.293-305
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    • 2005
  • This paper describes an improved Prony method in its speed, accuracy and reliability by efficiently determining the optimal sampling interval with use of DFT (discrete Fourier transformation). In the Prony method the computation time is dominated by the size of the linear prediction matrix, which is given by the number of data times the modeling order The size of the matrix in a general Prony method becomes large because of large number of data and so does the computation time. It is found that the Prony method produces satisfactory results when SNR is greater than three. The maximum sampling interval resulting minimum computation time is determined using the fact that the spectrum in DFT is inversely proportional to sampling interval. Also the process of computing the modes is made efficient by applying Hessenberg method to the companion matrix with complex shift and computing selectively only the dominant modes of interest. The proposed method is tested against the 2003 KEPCO system and found to be efficient and reliable. The proposed method may play a key role in monitoring in real time low frequency oscillations of power systems .

Quality Level Classification of ECG Measured using Non-Constraint Approach (무구속적 방법으로 측정된 심전도의 신뢰도 판별)

  • Kim, Y.J.;Heo, J.;Park, K.S.;Kim, S.
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.37 no.5
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    • pp.161-167
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    • 2016
  • Recent technological advances in sensor fabrication and bio-signal processing enabled non-constraint and non-intrusive measurement of human bio-signals. Especially, non-constraint measurement of ECG makes it available to estimate various human health parameters such as heart rate. Additionally, non-constraint ECG measurement of wheelchair user provides real-time health parameter information for emergency response. For accurate emergency response with low false alarm rate, it is necessary to discriminate quality levels of ECG measured using non-constraint approach. Health parameters acquired from low quality ECG results in inaccurate information. Thus, in this study, a machine learning based approach for three-class classification of ECG quality level is suggested. Three sensors are embedded in the back seat, chest belt, and handle of automatic wheelchair. For the two sensors embedded in back seat and chest belt, capacitively coupled electrodes were used. The accuracy of quality level classification was estimated using Monte Carlo cross validation. The proposed approach demonstrated accuracy of 94.01%, 95.57%, and 96.94% for each channel of three sensors. Furthermore, the implemented algorithm enables classification of user posture by detection of contacted electrodes. The accuracy for posture estimation was 94.57%. The proposed algorithm will contribute to non-constraint and robust estimation of health parameter of wheelchair users.

Orbit Estimation of the Satellite using GPS (GPS를 이용한 위성궤도추정)

  • Park, Soo-Hong;Lee, Jong-Nyun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 1996.04a
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    • pp.388-392
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    • 1996
  • Orbit Determination is process of obtaining values of those parameter which completely specify the motion of an orbiting body through space, based on a set of observation of the body. For the narrow land of Korea, the ground tracking system has very limited time of operation. In this connection the use of GPS for orbit determination has advantage of full autonomy on the ground station. It would be more powerful economical method for near-earth satellites. Therfore we have better to pay attention to the research of satellites of orbit determination by use of GPS. So in this research, we studied themotion of the satellites with estimation using GPS. As a result, the result of computer simulation show that good convergence and indicated effective for real operation.

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Estimation of Insulated-gate Bipolar Transistor Operating Temperature: Simulation and Experiment

  • Bahun, Ivan;Sunde, Viktor;Jakopovic, Zeljko
    • Journal of Power Electronics
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.729-736
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    • 2013
  • Knowledge of a power semiconductor's operating temperature is important in circuit design and converter control. Designing appropriate circuitry that does not affect regular circuit operation during virtual junction temperature measurement at actual operating conditions is a demanding task for engineers. The proposed method enables virtual junction temperature estimation with a dedicated modified gate driver circuit based on real-time measurement of a semiconductor's quasi-threshold voltage. A simulation was conducted before the circuit was designed to verify the concept and to determine the basic properties and potential drawbacks of the proposed method.

An Experimental Study on the Optimal Number of Cameras used for Vision Control System (비젼 제어시스템에 사용된 카메라의 최적개수에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • 장완식;김경석;김기영;안힘찬
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Machine Tool Engineers
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.94-103
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    • 2004
  • The vision system model used for this study involves the six parameters that permits a kind of adaptability in that relationship between the camera space location of manipulable visual cues and the vector of robot joint coordinates is estimated in real time. Also this vision control method requires the number of cameras to transform 2-D camera plane from 3-D physical space, and be used irrespective of location of cameras, if visual cues are displayed in the same camera plane. Thus, this study is to investigate the optimal number of cameras used for the developed vision control system according to the change of the number of cameras. This study is processed in the two ways : a) effectiveness of vision system model b) optimal number of cameras. These results show the evidence of the adaptability of the developed vision control method using the optimal number of cameras.

Comparison of Different Multiple Linear Regression Models for Real-time Flood Stage Forecasting (실시간 수위 예측을 위한 다중선형회귀 모형의 비교)

  • Choi, Seung Yong;Han, Kun Yeun;Kim, Byung Hyun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.32 no.1B
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    • pp.9-20
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    • 2012
  • Recently to overcome limitations of conceptual, hydrological and physics based models for flood stage forecasting, multiple linear regression model as one of data-driven models have been widely adopted for forecasting flood streamflow(stage). The objectives of this study are to compare performance of different multiple linear regression models according to regression coefficient estimation methods and determine most effective multiple linear regression flood stage forecasting models. To do this, the time scale was determined through the autocorrelation analysis of input data and different flood stage forecasting models developed using regression coefficient estimation methods such as LS(least square), WLS(weighted least square), SPW(stepwise) was applied to flood events in Jungrang stream. To evaluate performance of established models, fours statistical indices were used, namely; Root mean square error(RMSE), Nash Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient (NSEC), mean absolute error (MAE), adjusted coefficient of determination($R^{*2}$). The results show that the flood stage forecasting model using SPW(stepwise) parameter estimation can carry out the river flood stage prediction better in comparison with others, and the flood stage forecasting model using LS(least square) parameter estimation is also found to be slightly better than the flood stage forecasting model using WLS(weighted least square) parameter estimation.

Using Extended Kalman Filter for Real-time Decision of Parameters of Z-R Relationship (확장 칼만 필터를 활용한 Z-R 관계식의 매개변수 실시간 결정)

  • Kim, Jungho;Yoo, Chulsang
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.119-133
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    • 2014
  • The study adopted extended Kalman filter technique in an effort to predict Z-R relationship parameter as a stable value in real-time. Toward this end, a parameter estimation model was established based on extended Kalman filter in consideration of non-linearity of Z-R relationship. A state-space model was established based on a study that was conducted by Adamowski and Muir (1989). Two parameters of Z-R relationship were set as state variables of the state-space model. As a result, a stable model where a divergence of Kalman gain and state variables are not generated was established. It is noteworthy that overestimated or underestimated parameters based on a conventional method were filtered and removed. As application of inappropriate parameters might cause physically unrealistic rain rate estimation, it can be more effective in terms of quantitative precipitation estimation. As a result of estimation on radar rainfall based on parameters predicted with the extended Kalman filter, the mean field bias correction factor turned out to be around 1.0 indicating that there was a minor difference from the gauge rain rate without the mean field bias correction. In addition, it turned out that it was possible to conduct more accurate estimation on radar rainfall compared to the conventional method.

A Study on the Estimation of Object's Dimension based on the Vision System Model of Extended Kalman filtering (확장칼만 필터링의 비젼시스템 모델을 이용한 물체 치수 측정에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, W.S.;Ahn, H.C.;Kim, K.S.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Nondestructive Testing
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 2005
  • It is very important to reduce the computational processing time for the application of the vision system in real time such as inspection, the determination of object's dimension and welding etc, because the vision system model involves a lot of measurement data acquired by CCD camera. Also, a lot of computation time is required in estimating the parameters in the vision system model if the iterative batch estimation method such as Newton Raphson is used. Thus, the effective computation method such as the Extended Kalman Filtering(EKF) is required to solve the above problems. The EKF has much advantages in that it takes explicitly into account the measurement uncertainties, and is a simple and efficient recursive procedures. Thus, this study is to develop the EKF algorithm to compute the parameters in the vision system model in real time. This vision system model involves the six parameters to account for the cameras inner and outer parameters. Also the EKF is applied to estimate the object's dimension. Finally, practicality of the estimation scheme of the vision system based on the EKF is verified experimently by performing the estimation of object's dimension.

Nonlinear Observer flay Applications of Fermentation Process in Stirred Tank Bioreactor

  • Kim, Hak-Kyeong;Nguyen, Tan-Tien;Kim, Sang-Bong
    • Transactions on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 2002
  • This paper proposed a modified observer based on Busawon's high gain observer using an appropriate time depended function, which can be chosen to make each estimated state converge faster to its real value. The stability of the modified observer is proved by using Lyapunov function. The modified nonlinear observer is applied to estimate the states in stirred tank bioreactor: out-put substrate concentration, output biomass concentration and the specific growth rate of the process. The convergences of the modified observer and Busawon's observer are compared trough simulation results. As the results, the modified observer converges faster to its real value than the well-known Busawon's observer.

A study on the proceeding direction and obstacle detection by line edge extraction (직선 Edge 추출에 의한 주행방향 및 장애물 검출에 관한 연구)

  • 정준익;최성구;노도환
    • 제어로봇시스템학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1996.10b
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    • pp.97-100
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    • 1996
  • In this paper, we describe an algorithm which estimate road following direction using the vanishing point property and obstacle detection. This method of detecting the lane markers in a set of continuous lane highway images using linear approximation is presented. This algorithm is designed for accurate and robust extraction of this data as well as high processing speed. Also, this algorithm reckon distance and chase about an obstacle. It include four algorithms which are lane prediction, lane extraction, road following parameter estimation and obstacle detection algorithm. High accuracy was proven by quantitative evaluation using simulated images. Both robustness and the practicality of real time video rate processing were then confirmed through experiment using VTR real road images.

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