• Title/Summary/Keyword: Real-Propellant Test

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Design and Verification of a Injector-Head with Multiple Injectors Arranged in a Row (일렬형 다중 인젝터를 가진 분리형 헤드 제작 및 검증시험)

  • Yu, Isang;Choi, Jiseon;Shin, Donghae;Park, Jinsoo;Ko, Youngsung;Kim, Seonjin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2017.05a
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    • pp.1016-1020
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    • 2017
  • This study was conducted to develop a test facility that simulates the combustion instability that occurs in a real-scale liquid rocket combustor. A separate engine head with 3 injectors arranged in a row was designed/manufactured and verified through preliminary tests. The flow rate and spray pattern of the head were confirmed by the cold flow test. Next, propellant spray test and combustion test were carried out. A preliminary combustion test was carried out at 10 bar and the combustion chamber pressure was measured to be significantly lower than the target pressure. This is because it was a low pressure test, and it is expected to be resolved in the high pressure test in the future.

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Design Review of Combustion Chamber/Turbo-pump Test Facility of Liquid Rocket Engine for KSLV-II (한국형발사체 액체엔진 연소기 및 터보펌프 시험설비 배치 및 설계에 대한 검토)

  • Han, Yeoung-Min;Cho, Nam-Kyung;Chung, Young-Gahp;Kim, Seung-Han;Yu, Byung-Il;Lee, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Ji-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.04a
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    • pp.109-112
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    • 2011
  • The result of design review and arrangement of a combustion chamber test facility(CTF) and a turbo-pump real propellant test facility(TPTF) is briefly described. The development/qualification tests of combustion chamber and turbo-pump for 75ton-class liquid rocket engine will be performed in CTF and TPTF. The critical design of hydraulic-pneumatic system, control and data acquisition system, test stand cell, and auxiliary facilities in CTF and TPTF was performed.

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Development of Mechanical Face Seal in 75-tonf Turbopump for Leakage Reduction (누설 저감을 위한 75톤급 터보펌프 개량형 미케니컬 페이스실 개발)

  • Bae, JoonHwan;Kwak, Hyun-Duck;Lee, ChangHun;Choi, JongSoo
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.75-81
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we present an experimental investigation of the leakage and endurance performances of mechanical face seals in a 75-tonf turbopump for the Korea Space Launch Vehicle II first-stage engine. A mechanical face seal is used between the fuel pump and turbine to prevent mixing of the fuel and turbine gas. However, excessive leakage occurs through the carbon attached to the mechanical face seal bellows. To reduce this leakage, we redesign the mechanical face seal such that the contact area between the fuel and carbon is reduced, height of the carbon nose is reduced, and stiffness of the bellows is increased. Then, we conduct static and dynamic leakage tests and endurance tests to compare the performances of the original and modified mechanical face seals. The investigation of the leakage of the old and new mechanical face seals confirms that the leakage performance is significantly improved, by 80%, in the new design in comparison with the old design. The endurance tests demonstrate that the average wear rate of carbon in the new mechanical face seal is 0.1094 ㎛/s. The service lifetime is predicted to be 4,200 s, which is 28 times greater than the requirement. Finally, we present a new mechanical face seal in a 75-tonf turbopump, and perform a validation test in the real-propellant test facility at the NARO Space Center. Based on the test results, we can confirm that the modified mechanical face seal works well under real operating conditions.

KSLV-I 발사 시뮬레이션시스템 개념설계 및 실시간 데이터 처리 시험평가

  • Seo, Jin-Ho;Hong, Il-Hee;Lee, Young-Ho;Chung, Eui-Seung;Cho, Gwang-Rae
    • Aerospace Engineering and Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.222-231
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    • 2004
  • LCS(Launch Control System) in Space Center performs the ground and flight tests of launch vehicle. Those tests require data monitoring and control functions to the external systems such as launch vehicle, launch pad, and propellant supply system, etc. The LCS is composed of real time control system, simulation system, data server, external network, etc. The purpose of the simulation system is to simulate launch vehicle, and it is used for evaluation test of the LCS. This paper described the simulation system overview, the concept design, and the real time data processing evaluation tests of the simulator, gateway, data distribution server which are constituents of the simulation system.

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Design and Lay Out of Propulsion Test Facilities for KSLV-II (한국형발사체(KSLV-II) 추진기관 시험설비 배치 및 설계)

  • Han, Yeoung-Min;Cho, Nam-Kyung;Chung, Young-Gahp;Kim, Seung-Han;Yu, Byung-Il;Lee, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Ji-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2011.11a
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    • pp.56-61
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    • 2011
  • The deign and lay-out of a combustion chamber test facility(CTF), a turbopump real propellant test facility(TPTF), a rocket engine test facility for 3rd stage engine(SReTF), a rocket engine ground/high altitude test facility(ReTF, HAReTF) and a propulsion system test complex(PSTC) for KSLV-II is briefly described. The development/qualification tests of engine component, 3rd stage engine system and 75ton-class liquid rocket engine system will be performed in CTF, TPTF, SReTF, ReTF and HAReTF and the development test of 1st/2nd/3rd propulsion systems for KSLV-II will be performed in PSTC. These propulsion test facilities will be built in NARO space center considering construction schedule, cost, safety distance and utility factor of propulsion test facilities.

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Introduction to Construction of Propulsion Test Facilities for KSLV-II (한국형발사체 추진기관 시험설비 구축에 대한 소개)

  • Han, Yeoung-Min;Cho, Nam-Kyung;Chung, Young-Gahp;Kim, Seung-Han;Yu, Byung-Il;Lee, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Ji-Hoon;Kim, Young-Mog
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2010.11a
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    • pp.343-346
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    • 2010
  • The construction plan of a combustion chamber test facility(CTF), a turbopump real propellant test facility(TPTF), a rocket engine ground/high altitude test facility(ReTF, HAReTF) and a propulsion system test complex(PSTC) for KSLV-II is briefly described. The development/qualification tests of 75ton-class liquid rocket engine system and engine component will be performed in CTF, TPTF, ReTF and HAReTF and the development test of $1^{st}/2^{nd}/3^{rd}$ propulsion systems for KSLV-II will be performed in PSTC. These propulsion test facilities will be built in NARO space center considering construction schedule, cost, safety distance and utility factor of propulsion test facilities.

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Layout and Development Status of Propulsion Test Facilities for KSLV-II (한국형발사체 추진기관 시험설비 배치 및 구축현황)

  • Han, Yeoung-Min;Cho, Nam-Kyung;Chung, Young-Gahp;Kim, Seung-Han;Yu, Byung-Il;Lee, Kwang-Jin;Kim, Jin-Sun;Kim, Ji-Hoon
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.139-142
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    • 2012
  • The deign and development status of a combustion chamber test facility(CTF), a turbopump real propellant test facility(TPTF), a rocket engine test facility for 3rd stage engine(SReTF), a rocket engine ground/high altitude test facility(ReTF, HAReTF) and a propulsion system test complex(PSTC) for KSLV-II is briefly described. The development/qualification tests of engine component, 3rd stage engine system and 75ton-class liquid rocket engine system will be performed in CTF, TPTF, SReTF, ReTF and HAReTF and the development test of $1^{st}/2^{nd}/3^{rd}$ propulsion systems for KSLV-II will be performed in PSTC. The CTF/TPTF are under construction such as ordering the long delivery items and the detailed design of ReTF/PSTC is being prepared.

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One Dimensional Analysis on Alcohol Burner Flow for Turbopump Operation (터보펌프 구동용 알코올버너 유동 일차원 해석)

  • Kim, Seong-Lyong;Wang, Seung-Won;Han, Young-Min
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2017
  • TPTF (Turbopump Real Propellant Test Facility) at Naro Space Center has used alcohol burner system to simulate the gas flow of gas generator of liquid rocket engine. During the test at TPTF, the temperature and pressure at turbine inlet were smoothly increased while those of the gas generator of engine were constant. Present research developed a simulation code for the burner and the piping system and applied to the system. The calculation results were in good agreement with the test, and confirmed quantitatively that the non-steadiness is due to the heat transfer of the pipe. While the insulation of the pipe is ineffective, the length has a large impact on the turbine inlet condition. The present research clarified the empirically estimation of test condition, and can be applied to determination of the following test conditions.

Automotive Airbag Inflator Analysis Using Measured Properties of Modern Propellants (추진제 특성을 이용한 에어백 인플레이터 성능 제어에 대한 실험 및 해석에 대한 연구)

  • Seo, Young-Duk;Kim, Gun-Woo;Hong, Bum-Suk;Kim, Jin-Ho;Chung, Suk-Ho;Yoh, Jai-Ick
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.53-62
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    • 2010
  • An airbag is composed of housing assembly, door assembly, cushion assembly, and an inflator. The inflator is the essential part that generates gas for airbag. When an airbag is activated, it effectively absorbs the crash energy of the passenger by inflating a cushion. In this study, tank tests were performed with newly synthesized propellants with various compositions, and the results are compared with the numerical results. In the simulation of inflator, a zonal model has been adopted which consisted of four zones of flow regions: combustion chamber, filter, gas plenum, and discharge tank. Each zone was described by the conservation equations with specified constitutive relations for gas. The pressure and temperature of each zone of the inflator were calculated and analyzed and the results were compared with the tank test data. In the zone of discharge tank the pressure quickly rose, the pattern of pressure curve was very similar to the pressure curve of real test. And in zone 1 & 2 & 3 the mass of products was increased and decreased with time. In zone 4, the mass of products was increased with time like real inflator. From the similarity of pressure curve in zone 4 and closed bomb calculation the modeled results are well correlated with the experimental values.

Modeling of the Liquid Rocket Engine Transients (액체로켓엔진 천이작동 예측을 위한 동특성 모델링)

  • Ko, Tae-Ho;Jeong, Yu-Shin;Yoon, Woong-Sup
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2011
  • A program aiming at predicting dynamic characteristics of a Liquid Rocket Engine(LRE) was developed and examined to trace entire LRE operation. In the startup period, transient characteristics of the propellant flows were predicted and validated with hydraulic tests data. An arrangement of each component for the pipelines was based on an operating circuit of open cycle LRE. The flow rate ratio for the gas generator and the main chamber was determined to mimic that of real open cycle LRE. Individual component modeling at its transient was completed and was integrated into the system prediction program. Essential parameters of the component dynamic characteristics were examined in an integrated fashion.