• 제목/요약/키워드: Real worn

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Ultrasonic Evaluation of Worn Surface (초음파를 이용한 마멸표면 평가)

  • 안효석;김두인
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 1999.11a
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    • pp.233-239
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    • 1999
  • The feasibility of an ultrasonic technique using a pulse-echo method of normal-incident compressional waves was evaluated for its sensitivity to the worn surface and near surface damage due to wear. Worn surfaces were generated at various oscillation frequency under a given load and amplitude and these surface were in situ monitored using a ultrasonic wave detection system. Analysis of the ultrasonic waves received from the worn surface revealed a close relationship between the surface and near-surface damage and the maximum echo-amplitude of the compressional waves. The ultrasonic technique was successful in assessing the level of severity of the worn surface in real time during the wear process. It is also shown that the wear depth can be easily measured by the calculation of change of the specimen thickness based on the wave speed measured for the specimen medium.

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Ultrasonic Evaluation of Worn Surface (초음파를 이용한 마멸표면 평가)

  • 안효석;김두인
    • Tribology and Lubricants
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.351-356
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    • 2000
  • The feasibility of an ultrasonic technique using a pulse-echo method of normal-incident compressional waves was evaluated for its sensitivity to the worn surface and near surface damage due to wear. Worn surfaces were generated at various oscillation frequency under a given load and amplitude and these surface were in situ monitored using a ultrasonic wave detection system. Analysis of the ultrasonic waves received from the worn surface revealed a close relationship between the surface and near-surface damage and the maximum echo-amplitude of the compressional waves. The ultrasonic technique was successful in assessing the level of severity of the worn surface in real time during the wear process. It is also shown that the wear depth can be easily measured by the calculation of change of the specimen thickness based on the wave speed measured for the specimen medium.

A Study on the Evaluation Parameter of Sliding/Impact Wear in a High Temperature and Pressure Water Condition (고온고압 미끄럼/충격조건에서 마멸평가 변수 연구)

  • Lee Young-Ho;Song Ju-Sun;Kim Hyung-Kyu;Jung Youn-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers Conference
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    • 2004.11a
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    • pp.37-40
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    • 2004
  • The impact/sliding wear tests have been performed in high temperature high pressure water in order to evaluate the effect of spring shape on the wear behavior of a spring supported tube for nuclear fuel fretting study. The results indicate that the tube wear volume and the size of the wear scar are closely related to each spring shape. From the analysis of the wear scar, it is possible to extract the real worn area (Aw) from the size of the wear scar (At). In addition, we found that the wear volume has a linear relation with the real worm area rather than the size of wear scar and this was only determined by each spring shape in the high temperature and pressure water condition. From the above results, it is possible to evaluate the wear resistant spring using the correlation between the variation of the real worn area and the wear behavior at each spring.

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Exploring Variables Affecting the Clothing Pressure of Compression Garment -A Comparison of Actual Garments and Virtual Garments- (밀착의복 의복압에 영향을 미치는 변인 탐색 -실제착의와 가상착의 비교-)

  • Nam Yim Kim;Hyojeong Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.1080-1095
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    • 2023
  • Three-dimensional virtual fitting has become a trending practice in the fashion industry because of its productivity benefits, allowing garments to be virtually worn by avatar models without physical production. This study analyzed the variables influencing clothing pressure in both real and virtual fittings to expand the potential utility of pressure data derived from the latter. For this purpose, six sets of compression garments were created by combining two types of tricot fabrics and three types of reduced-pattern tops, with the clothing for real and virtual fittings having identical dimensions. Focus was directed to analyzing the correlation among clothing pressure, surface area deformation, and the mechanical properties of the fabrics. In real fittings, clothing pressure was influenced by multiple factors, including garment design, pattern reduction ratio, body shape, and fabric properties, consistent with existing knowledge. In virtual fittings, however, only the digital mechanical characteristics of the fabrics significantly influenced clothing pressure. The findings suggest that a more reliable implementation of clothing pressure in virtual fitting programs necessitates an approach that considers the complex structural information of garments.

The Characteristics of Fashion Design as a Playing through a Doll (인형 놀이에 나타난 패션 디자인의 특성)

  • Lee, Ji-Hyun;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.57 no.2 s.111
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    • pp.86-99
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    • 2007
  • In this study, the concept of play as an entertainment is redefined and applicable method of fashion design as a play are suggested by analyzing the feature of doll's costume design based on the play pattern. In literary study, the role of playing doll Is described and has been examined by the analysis of scholars' opinions. In positive study, the pattern and costume design of sample costume dolls are analyzed using 624 samples of the representative images collected from the literatures and real figures, and they are classified as collection dolls or fashion dolls in order to analyze the feature of fashion design in playing dolls. As a result of the analysis of doll's costumes based on its use, the costumers are divided into a real world costume which is similar to what human wear in daily life and a virtual costume which is used in the movie or play and the costumes only worn by the dolls. The examination of the type of costume worn by dolls, dress is principally dominant costume in collection doll, whereas in fashion doll, dress is still mainly worn but shirt blouse & pants, shirt blouse k skirt, jacket, coat, bathing suit. etc. are shown dispersedly as well. In the costume silhouette of dolls, collection doll uses mostly A line silhouette meanwhile fit and flare is mostly used in the fashion doll but other silhouettes are also relatively shown a lot. In the means of the color of the costume worn by dolls, collection doll is more similar to those in actual fashion design. On the contrary, the color of the costume that fashion doll is put on is more free and more various because the trendy rotors such as green, yellow, purple, etc are used.

Implementation of an alarm system with AI image processing to detect whether a helmet is worn or not and a fall accident (헬멧 착용 여부 및 쓰러짐 사고 감지를 위한 AI 영상처리와 알람 시스템의 구현)

  • Yong-Hwa Jo;Hyuek-Jae Lee
    • Journal of the Institute of Convergence Signal Processing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.150-159
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    • 2022
  • This paper presents an implementation of detecting whether a helmet is worn and there is a fall accident through individual image analysis in real-time from extracting the image objects of several workers active in the industrial field. In order to detect image objects of workers, YOLO, a deep learning-based computer vision model, was used, and for whether a helmet is worn or not, the extracted images with 5,000 different helmet learning data images were applied. For whether a fall accident occurred, the position of the head was checked using the Pose real-time body tracking algorithm of Mediapipe, and the movement speed was calculated to determine whether the person fell. In addition, to give reliability to the result of a falling accident, a method to infer the posture of an object by obtaining the size of YOLO's bounding box was proposed and implemented. Finally, Telegram API Bot and Firebase DB server were implemented for notification service to administrators.

A Machine Learning Approach to Detect the Dog's Behavior using Wearable Sensors

  • Aich, Satyabrata;Chakraborty, Sabyasachi;Joo, Moon-il;Sim, Jong Seong;Kim, Hee-Cheol
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2019.05a
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    • pp.281-282
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    • 2019
  • In recent years welfare of animals is the biggest challenge because animals, especially dogs are widely recognized as pet as well as they are using as service animals. So, for the wellbeing of the dog it is necessary to perform objective assessment to track their behavior in everyday life. In this paper, we have proposed an automatic behavior assessment system for dogs based on a neck worn and tail worn accelerometer and gyroscope platform, and data analysis techniques that recognize typical dog activities. We evaluate the system based on the analysis of 8 behavior traits in 3 dogs, incorporating 2 breeds of various sizes. Our proposed framework able to reproduce the manual assessment that is based on the video recording which is treated as gold standard that exhibits the real-life use case of automated dog behavior analysis.

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The Aesthetic Consciousness Latent in the Korean People's White Clothes Customs (한국인의 백의풍속(白衣風俗)에 내재된 미의식)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyoung;Kim, Young-In
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Costume
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    • v.56 no.7 s.107
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2006
  • This study purposed to examine Korean people's white clothes custom historically and to explain the aesthetic consciousness latent in the custom. Korean people preferred white clothes, even up to foreigners called them White-clad folk. Not only as in old historical literatures, but also in Soo-suh, Shin-Dang-suh including Sam-Kuk-Ji in China, white clothes were a real symbol to Korean people, ranging chronically far back to the age of ancient tribal countries, Sam-Kuk Period through Koryo Dynasty and even to modern age near the end of Chosun Dynasty, wearing with pleasure regardless of age, sex or social position. Even King himself in Koryo Dynasty is said to have worn white clothes when he was out of official hours. During the Koryo and Chosun Dynasty, white clothes were sometimes prohibited for various reasons including conflicts with the theories of yin-yang and the five elements but such regulations were not effective. To Korean people, white clothes were ordinary people's everyday dress as well as noble people's plain suits, saints' uniforms with religious meanings, ceremonial costumes, funeral garments, etc. The various uses show that white clothes have been worn by many people. The unique custom that a People have worn white clothes consistently for such a long time may contain very deep symbolic meanings representing the people's sentiments and spirits. The present study understood that the meanings come from religious sacredness, magical wish for brightness, the pursuit of purity originating from the people's national traits, assimilation with nature and the will to attain whole ascetic personality. Aesthetic attitudes based on aesthetic values summed up as sacredness, brightness, purity, assimilation with nature, asceticism, etc. are the aesthetic consciousness pursued by Koreans through their white clothes. For Koreans, white color is the origin of their color sense coming from primitive religions such as worshipping the sun and the heaven. In this way, Korean people's preference for white clothes began with primitive religions, was mixed with various social, cultural and religious influences and finally was settled as their durable spirit, symbol and beauty.

A study on the name of Dan-Ryong in China (중국 단령명칭에 관한 연구)

  • Moon Koang-Hi
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.87-96
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    • 1987
  • Dan-Ryong is the traditional clothing that was worn the entire of oriental nations, and it was spreaded from Sun-Bi tribe to China about A.D. 4C. The first, the name of Dan-Ryong was translated with 25-Sa and Ancient-History Book. Among the name of Dan-Ryong, the follows were different between the name and shape. Jang-Bok was the colored Dan-Ryong, So-Bok was the unfigured black Dan-Ryong and removed Hyung-Bae, Ea-Mun-Pho was the Dan-Ryong of embroidered figure poetry, and Ja-Sam was the real short and tight Dan-Ryong. The second, some problems were given by translated Dan-Ryong's name. The results of the problems were as follows; 1. Dan-Ryong was oriented from Won-Wi. 2. At Su-Dynasty, there was going to the persuit of Han-Dynasty Courtesy, but they liked useful custom. Therefore Dan-Ryong was worn in daily life among the population. 3. At Dang-Dynasty, Ho-Bok was devided with three meanings. The first was Go-Sub, the second was Dan-Ryong of Buk-Jo about A.D. 3$\~$5 C and the last meaning was the clothing of Uighur, Turkey, Persia and etc. about A.D. 7 C. 4. The name of neck-line shape was started at Song and the majority arised about A.D. 12 C. and Dan-Ryong was only arised at Myong-Dynasty. 5. Gok-Ryong, except Song-Sa and Sam-Je-He-Bo, was different from Dan-Ryong and it was shape of neck-line inside of Jik-Ryong.

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Worn Wheel/Rail Contact Simulation and Cultivated Shear Stresses

  • Noori, Ziaedin;Shahravi, Majid;Rezvani, Mohammad Ali
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.93-98
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    • 2013
  • Railway system is today the most efficient way for transportation in many cases in several forms of application. Yet, wear phenomenon, profile evolution, fatigue, fracture, derailment are the major worries (financial and safety) in this system which force significant direct and indirect maintenance costs. To improve the cyclic maintenance procedures and the safety issues, it can be very satisfactory to be informed of the state of wheel/rail interaction with mileage. In present paper, an investigation of the behavior of the shear stresses by logged distance is approached, by implementing the field measurement procedure, in order to determine the real conduct of the most important cause of defects in wheel/rail contact, shear stress. The results coming from a simulation procedure indicate that the amounts of shear stresses are still in high-magnitudes when the wheel and rail are completely worn; even though in simulation based on the laboratory measurements of profile evolutions, the stresses become significantly reduced by logged distance.